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File metadata and controls

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Note: Before completing this guide, make sure you have completed the general onboarding guide in the base mojaloop repository.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installing and Building
  3. Running Locally
  4. Running Inside Docker
  5. Testing
  6. Common Errors/FAQs

1. Prerequisites

If you have followed the general onboarding guide, you should already have the following cli tools installed:

  • brew (macOS), [todo: windows package manager]
  • curl, wget
  • docker + docker-compose
  • node, npm and (optionally) nvm

In addition to the above cli tools, you will need to install the following to build and run the central-ledger:

2. Installing and Building

Firstly, clone your fork of the central-ledger onto your local machine:

git clone<your_username>/central-ledger.git

Then cd into the directory and install the node modules:

cd central-ledger
npm install

If you run into problems running npm install, make sure to check out the Common Errors/FAQs below.

3. Running Locally (dependencies inside of docker)

In this method, we will run all of the core dependencies (kafka, mysql and mockserver) inside of docker containers, while running the central-ledger server on your local machine.

Alternatively, you can run the central-ledger inside of docker-compose with the rest of the dependencies to make the setup a little easier: Running Inside Docker.

3.1 Run all back-end dependencies as part of the Docker Compose

Note: You can remove the objstore from the below command if you disable MongoDB (MONGODB.DISABLED=true is disabled in the ./config/default.json or set environment var export CLEDG_MONGODB__DISABLED=true). Note: mockserver below is optional. Include it if you require its use.

# start all back-end dependencies in Docker
docker-compose up -d mysql kafka temp_curl objstore simulator mockserver ml-api-adapter

This will do the following:

  • docker pull down any dependencies defined in the docker-compose.yml file, and the services (mysql, kafka, etc) specified in the above command
  • run all of the containers together
  • ensure that all dependencies (i.e. mysql, kafka) have started for each services.

3.2 Configure the DB environment variable and run the server

Note: If you do disable Mongodb (i.e. CLEDG_MONGODB__DISABLED=true), please ensure that you comment out the following line sh /opt/wait-for/ from the following file: docker/wait-for/

# Disable the MongoDB (optional)

# set the CLEDG_DATABASE_URI* environment variable (required):
export CLEDG_DATABASE_URI=mysql://central_ledger:password@localhost:3306/central_ledger

# start the server
npm run start

Upon running npm run start, your output should look similar to:

> @mojaloop/[email protected] start /fullpath/to/ml-api-adapter
> run-p start:api

> @mojaloop/[email protected] start:api /fullpath/to/ml-api-adapter
> node src/api/index.js

  GET    /                              Metadata
  GET    /documentation
  GET    /health                        Status of adapter
  GET    /metrics                       Prometheus metrics endpoint
  GET    /swagger.json
  GET    /swaggerui/{path*}
  GET    /swaggerui/extend.js
  POST   /transfers                     Transfer API.
  GET    /transfers/{id}                Get a transfer by Id
  PUT    /transfers/{id}                Fulfil a transfer

2019-02-01T13:30:30.454Z - info: participantEndpointCache::initializeCache::start
2019-02-01T13:30:30.456Z - info: participantEndpointCache::initializeCache::Cache initialized successfully
2019-02-01T13:30:30.457Z - info: Notification::startConsumer
2019-02-01T13:30:30.458Z - info: Notification::startConsumer - starting Consumer for topicNames: [topic-notification-event]

3.3 Follow logs of the back-end dependencies

docker-compose logs -f

4. Running Inside Docker

We use docker-compose to manage and run the central-ledger along with its dependencies with one command.

4.1 Run Central-Ledger and all dependencies as part of the Docker Compose

# start all services in Docker
docker-compose up -d

This will do the following:

  • docker pull down any dependencies defined in the docker-compose.yml file
  • docker build the central-ledger image based on the Dockerfile defined in this repo
  • run all of the containers together
  • ensure that all dependencies (i.e. mysql, kafka) have started for each services.

4.2 Follow the logs

docker-compose logs -f

5. Handy Docker Compose Tips

You can run docker-compose in 'detached' mode as follows:

npm run docker:up -- -d

And then attach to the logs with:

docker-compose logs -f

When you're done, don't forget to stop your containers however:

npm run docker:stop

If you need to clean up everything in your docker environment:

# Bring stop and remove all containers and volumes
docker-compose down -v 

6. (Optional) Connecting MySQLWorkbench to MySQL inside Docker

If you installed MySQLWorkbench from the general onboarding guide, follow these instructions to get MySQLWorkbench connected to the mysql container running in docker.

Please follow the below instructions:

  1. Click the add (+) icon

  2. Enter the following details:

    • Connection Name: central_ledger@localhost
    • Username: central_ledger

    And Click "Test Connection"

  3. Enter the Password: 'password' > click "OK"

  4. If successful, you will see the following dialogue:

    • click "OK" to dismiss the dialogue
    • click "OK" once more to confirm the database connection
  5. This should now be shown on you MySQLWorkbench dashboard

    • click on the connection to open the database
  6. In the top left, click the schema tab > and expand central_ledger section

    • You should see the central_ledger database underneath
    • if you haven't yet started your server, no tables will be present, but they will be populated when you start your server

7. Testing

We use npm scripts as a common entrypoint for running the tests.

Note: Ensure that you stop all Docker services (docker-compose stop) prior to running the below commands.

# unit tests:
npm run test:unit

# check test coverage
npm run test:coverage

# integration tests
npm run test:integration

8. Testing the central-ledger API with Postman

8.1 Prerequisites:

  1. Follow the steps as described in 5.2. Verifying Mojaloop Deployment from the Deployment Guide.
  2. Clone the Postman Collection repo:
    # Clone Mojaloop Postman repo
    git clone
    # Switch to postman directory
    cd ./postman
  3. Refer to 4. Support Scripts for Docker-compose of the readme for additional prerequisites.

8.2 Pre-loading Test Data

Refer to section 4. Support Scripts for Docker-compose of the readme.

8.3 Running Example Requests

Refer to section 4. Support Scripts for Docker-compose of the readme.

9. Common Errors/FAQs

9.1 sodium v1.2.3 can't compile during npm install

Resolved by installing v2.0.3 npm install [email protected]

9.2 ./src/argon2_node.cpp:6:10: fatal error: 'tuple' file not found

Resolved by running CXX='clang++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++' npm rebuild

9.3 On macOS, npm install fails with the following error

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data", referenced from:
      _rd_kafka_transport_ssl_term in rdkafka_transport.o
  "_CRYPTO_num_locks", referenced from:
  ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 

Resolved by installing openssl brew install openssl and then running:

export CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include 
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib 
npm install

9.4 Docker-Compose Issues

9.4.1 On Linux, ML-API-Adapter is unable to retrieve the callback end-points from Central-Ledger

Shutdown all docker images, and modify the following project configuration: docker/ml-api-adapter/default.json

  "PORT": 3000,
  "HOSTNAME": "http://ml-api-adapter",
  "ENDPOINT_SOURCE_URL": "http://host.docker.internal:3001",
  "ENDPOINT_HEALTH_URL": "http://host.docker.internal:3001/health",

Replace host.docker.internal with as per the following example:

  "PORT": 3000,
  "HOSTNAME": "http://ml-api-adapter",

Note: This will ensure that ml-api-adapter can send requests to the host machine. Refer to the following issue for more information or if the above ip-address is not working for you: docker/for-linux#264.

Restart all docker images.

9.4.2 When running all services, central-ledger is unable to connect to MongoDB on startup

If you do disable Mongodb (i.e. CLEDG_MONGODB__DISABLED=true), please ensure that you comment out the following line sh /opt/wait-for/ from the following file: docker/wait-for/ Alternatively make sure that it is uncommented if you do NOT wish to disable the object store.