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Merge 'trilinos/Trilinos:develop' (250062e) into 'tcad-charon/Trilino…
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…s:develop' (fd584c2).

* trilinos-develop:
  Phalanx: more v-o-v support
  Phalanx: improve view of view utilities
  Tpetra: ETI for import_and_extract_views
  Panzer: fix HIP compile errors
  Ifpack2, FastILU : remove commented-out code
  belos: add missing parameter to getValidParameters in BelosGmresPolySolMgr
  Revert "Panzer: Use HGRAD_*_Cn instead of HGrad_*_C2"
  Ifpack2, FastILU : fix run-time errors with CUDA + UVM
  Ifpack2, FastILU : fix compilation errors with CUDA
  Ifpack2: Move power method routines out of Intrepid2::Details into their own Intrepid2::PowerMethod namespace to help reduce code duplication across Trilinos
  muelu: Fix multiple symbol definition encountered in Cuda 11.6 RDC build.
  remove calls to Tpetra deprecated code
  • Loading branch information
Charonops Jenkins Pipeline committed Apr 23, 2022
2 parents fd584c2 + 250062e commit 3ff94a4
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Showing 42 changed files with 1,430 additions and 863 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion packages/belos/src/BelosGmresPolySolMgr.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -433,6 +433,8 @@ GmresPolySolMgr<ScalarType,MV,OP>::getValidParameters() const
"The maximum degree allowed for any GMRES polynomial.");
pl->set("Outer Solver", static_cast<const char *>(outerSolverType_default_),
"The outer solver that this polynomial is used to precondition.");
pl->set("Outer Solver Params", Teuchos::ParameterList(),
"Parameter list for the outer solver.");
pl->set("Verbosity", static_cast<int>(verbosity_default_),
"What type(s) of solver information should be outputted\n"
"to the output stream.");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,7 +466,7 @@ setParameters (const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params)
params_ = Teuchos::parameterList (*getValidParameters ());
else {
params->validateParameters (*getValidParameters ());
params->validateParameters (*getValidParameters (),0);

// Check which Gmres polynomial to use
Expand Down
40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions packages/ifpack2/src/Ifpack2_Details_Chebyshev_decl.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -656,46 +656,6 @@ class Chebyshev : public Teuchos::Describable {
const ST eigRatio,
const V& D_inv);

/// \brief Fill x with random initial guess for power method
/// \param x [out] Initial guess vector; a domain Map vector of the
/// matrix.
/// \param nonnegativeRealParts [in] Whether to force all entries of
/// x (on output) to have nonnegative real parts. Defaults to
/// false (don't force).
/// This is an implementation detail of powerMethod() below. For a
/// justification of the second parameter, see Github Issues #64 and
/// #567.
void computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod (V& x, const bool nonnegativeRealParts = false) const;

/// \brief Use the power method to estimate the maximum eigenvalue
/// of A*D_inv, given an initial guess vector x.
/// \param A [in] The Operator to use.
/// \param D_inv [in] Vector to use as implicit right scaling of A.
/// \param numIters [in] Maximum number of iterations of the power
/// method.
/// \param x [in/out] On input: Initial guess Vector for the power
/// method. Its Map must be the same as that of the domain Map of
/// A. This method may use this Vector as scratch space.
/// \return Estimate of the maximum eigenvalue of A*D_inv.
powerMethodWithInitGuess (const op_type& A, const V& D_inv, const int numIters, V& x);

/// \brief Use the power method to estimate the maximum eigenvalue
/// of A*D_inv.
/// \param A [in] The Operator to use.
/// \param D_inv [in] Vector to use as implicit right scaling of A.
/// \param numIters [in] Maximum number of iterations of the power
/// method.
/// \return Estimate of the maximum eigenvalue of A*D_inv.
powerMethod (const op_type& A, const V& D_inv, const int numIters);

/// \brief Use the cg method to estimate the maximum eigenvalue
/// of A*D_inv, given an initial guess vector x.
Expand Down
238 changes: 25 additions & 213 deletions packages/ifpack2/src/Ifpack2_Details_Chebyshev_def.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
/// This file is meant for Ifpack2 developers only, not for users.
/// It defines a new implementation of Chebyshev iteration.

#include "Ifpack2_PowerMethod.hpp"
#include "Ifpack2_Details_Chebyshev_decl.hpp"
// #include "Ifpack2_Details_ScaledDampedResidual.hpp"
#include "Ifpack2_Details_ChebyshevKernel.hpp"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,42 +185,6 @@ reciprocal_threshold (Tpetra::Vector<S,L,G,N>& V, const S& minVal)
GlobalReciprocalThreshold<Tpetra::Vector<S,L,G,N> >::compute (V, minVal);

namespace { // (anonymous)

// Functor for making sure the real parts of all entries of a vector
// are nonnegative. We use this in computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod
// below.
template<class OneDViewType,
class LocalOrdinal = typename OneDViewType::size_type>
class PositivizeVector {
static_assert (Kokkos::is_view<OneDViewType>::value,
"OneDViewType must be a 1-D Kokkos::View.");
static_assert (static_cast<int> (OneDViewType::rank) == 1,
"This functor only works with a 1-D View.");
static_assert (std::is_integral<LocalOrdinal>::value,
"The second template parameter, LocalOrdinal, "
"must be an integer type.");
PositivizeVector (const OneDViewType& x) : x_ (x) {}

operator () (const LocalOrdinal& i) const
typedef typename OneDViewType::non_const_value_type IST;
typedef Kokkos::Details::ArithTraits<IST> STS;
typedef Kokkos::Details::ArithTraits<typename STS::mag_type> STM;

if (STS::real (x_(i)) < STM::zero ()) {
x_(i) = -x_(i);

OneDViewType x_;

} // namespace (anonymous)

template<class ScalarType, const bool lapackSupportsScalarType = LapackSupportsScalar<ScalarType>::value>
struct LapackHelper{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -897,11 +862,32 @@ Chebyshev<ScalarType, MV>::compute ()
// We at least need an estimate of the max eigenvalue. This is the
// most important one if using Chebyshev as a smoother.

if (! assumeMatrixUnchanged_ ||
(! computedEigenvalueEstimates && STS::isnaninf (userLambdaMax_))) {
ST computedLambdaMax;
if ((eigenAnalysisType_ == "power method") || (eigenAnalysisType_ == "power-method"))
computedLambdaMax = powerMethod (*A_, *D_, eigMaxIters_);
if ((eigenAnalysisType_ == "power method") || (eigenAnalysisType_ == "power-method")) {
Teuchos::RCP<V> x;
if (eigVector_.is_null()) {
x = Teuchos::rcp(new V(A_->getDomainMap ()));
if (eigKeepVectors_)
eigVector_ = x;
PowerMethod::computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod (*x, false);
} else
x = eigVector_;

Teuchos::RCP<V> y;
if (eigVector2_.is_null()) {
y = rcp(new V(A_->getRangeMap ()));
if (eigKeepVectors_)
eigVector2_ = y;
} else
y = eigVector2_;

Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> stream = (debug_ ? out_ : Teuchos::null);
computedLambdaMax = PowerMethod::powerMethodWithInitGuess (*A_, *D_, eigMaxIters_, x, y,
eigRelTolerance_, eigNormalizationFreq_, stream);
computedLambdaMax = cgMethod (*A_, *D_, eigMaxIters_);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1425,180 +1411,6 @@ ifpackApplyImpl (const op_type& A,

template<class ScalarType, class MV>
typename Chebyshev<ScalarType, MV>::ST
Chebyshev<ScalarType, MV>::
powerMethodWithInitGuess (const op_type& A,
const V& D_inv,
const int numIters,
V& x)
using std::endl;
if (debug_) {
*out_ << " powerMethodWithInitGuess:" << endl;

const ST zero = static_cast<ST> (0.0);
const ST one = static_cast<ST> (1.0);
ST lambdaMax = zero;
ST lambdaMaxOld = one;
ST norm;

Teuchos::RCP<V> y;
if (eigVector2_.is_null()) {
y = rcp(new V(A.getRangeMap ()));
if (eigKeepVectors_)
eigVector2_ = y;
} else
y = eigVector2_;
norm = x.norm2 ();
(norm == zero, std::runtime_error,
"Ifpack2::Chebyshev::powerMethodWithInitGuess: The initial guess "
"has zero norm. This could be either because Tpetra::Vector::"
"randomize filled the vector with zeros (if that was used to "
"compute the initial guess), or because the norm2 method has a "
"bug. The first is not impossible, but unlikely.");

if (debug_) {
*out_ << " Original norm1(x): " << x.norm1 ()
<< ", norm2(x): " << norm << endl;

x.scale (one / norm);

if (debug_) {
*out_ << " norm1(x.scale(one/norm)): " << x.norm1 () << endl;

for (int iter = 0; iter < numIters-1; ++iter) {
if (debug_) {
*out_ << " Iteration " << iter << endl;
A.apply (x, *y);
solve (x, D_inv, *y);

if (((iter+1) % eigNormalizationFreq_ == 0) && (iter < numIters-2)) {
norm = x.norm2 ();
if (norm == zero) { // Return something reasonable.
if (debug_) {
*out_ << " norm is zero; returning zero" << endl;
*out_ << " Power method terminated after "<< iter << " iterations." << endl;
return zero;
} else {
lambdaMaxOld = lambdaMax;
lambdaMax = pow(norm, Teuchos::ScalarTraits<MT>::one() / eigNormalizationFreq_);
if (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>::magnitude(lambdaMax-lambdaMaxOld) < eigRelTolerance_ * Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>::magnitude(lambdaMax)) {
if (debug_) {
*out_ << " lambdaMax: " << lambdaMax << endl;
*out_ << " Power method terminated after "<< iter << " iterations." << endl;
return lambdaMax;
} else if (debug_) {
*out_ << " lambdaMaxOld: " << lambdaMaxOld << endl;
*out_ << " lambdaMax: " << lambdaMax << endl;
*out_ << " |lambdaMax-lambdaMaxOld|/|lambdaMax|: " << Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>::magnitude(lambdaMax-lambdaMaxOld)/Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>::magnitude(lambdaMax) << endl;
x.scale (one / norm);
if (debug_) {
*out_ << " lambdaMax: " << lambdaMax << endl;

norm = x.norm2 ();
if (norm == zero) { // Return something reasonable.
if (debug_) {
*out_ << " norm is zero; returning zero" << endl;
*out_ << " Power method terminated after "<< numIters << " iterations." << endl;
return zero;
x.scale (one / norm);
A.apply (x, *y);
solve (*y, D_inv, *y);
lambdaMax = y->dot (x);
if (debug_) {
*out_ << " lambdaMax: " << lambdaMax << endl;
*out_ << " Power method terminated after "<< numIters << " iterations." << endl;

return lambdaMax;

template<class ScalarType, class MV>
Chebyshev<ScalarType, MV>::
computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod (V& x, const bool nonnegativeRealParts) const
typedef typename MV::device_type::execution_space dev_execution_space;
typedef typename MV::local_ordinal_type LO;

x.randomize ();

if (nonnegativeRealParts) {
auto x_lcl = x.getLocalViewDevice (Tpetra::Access::ReadWrite);
auto x_lcl_1d = Kokkos::subview (x_lcl, Kokkos::ALL (), 0);

const LO lclNumRows = static_cast<LO> (x.getLocalLength ());
Kokkos::RangePolicy<dev_execution_space, LO> range (0, lclNumRows);
PositivizeVector<decltype (x_lcl_1d), LO> functor (x_lcl_1d);
Kokkos::parallel_for (range, functor);

template<class ScalarType, class MV>
typename Chebyshev<ScalarType, MV>::ST
Chebyshev<ScalarType, MV>::
powerMethod (const op_type& A, const V& D_inv, const int numIters)
using std::endl;
if (debug_) {
*out_ << "powerMethod:" << endl;

const ST zero = static_cast<ST> (0.0);
Teuchos::RCP<V> x;
if (eigVector_.is_null()) {
x = rcp(new V(A.getDomainMap ()));
if (eigKeepVectors_)
eigVector_ = x;
// For the first pass, just let the pseudorandom number generator
// fill x with whatever values it wants; don't try to make its
// entries nonnegative.
computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod (*x, false);
} else
x = eigVector_;

ST lambdaMax = powerMethodWithInitGuess (A, D_inv, numIters, *x);

// mfh 07 Jan 2015: Taking the real part here is only a concession
// to the compiler, so that this class can build with ScalarType =
// std::complex<T>. Our Chebyshev implementation only works with
// real, symmetric positive definite matrices. The right thing to
// do would be what Belos does, which is provide a partial
// specialization for ScalarType = std::complex<T> with a stub
// implementation (that builds, but whose constructor throws).
if (STS::real (lambdaMax) < STS::real (zero)) {
if (debug_) {
*out_ << "real(lambdaMax) = " << STS::real (lambdaMax) << " < 0; "
"try again with a different random initial guess" << endl;
// Max eigenvalue estimate was negative. Perhaps we got unlucky
// with the random initial guess. Try again with a different (but
// still random) initial guess. Only try again once, so that the
// run time is bounded.

// For the second pass, make all the entries of the initial guess
// vector have nonnegative real parts.
computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod (*x, true);
lambdaMax = powerMethodWithInitGuess (A, D_inv, numIters, *x);
return lambdaMax;

template<class ScalarType, class MV>
typename Chebyshev<ScalarType, MV>::ST
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1686,7 +1498,7 @@ cgMethod (const op_type& A, const V& D_inv, const int numIters)
// For the first pass, just let the pseudorandom number generator
// fill x with whatever values it wants; don't try to make its
// entries nonnegative.
computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod (*r, false);
PowerMethod::computeInitialGuessForPowerMethod (*r, false);
} else
r = eigVector_;

Expand Down

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