diff --git a/spec/negotiation.html b/spec/negotiation.html index 3987b4ee..180ffcc3 100644 --- a/spec/negotiation.html +++ b/spec/negotiation.html @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@

PartitionPattern ( _pattern_ )

1. Set _nextIndex_ to _endIndex_ + 1. 1. Set _beginIndex_ to ! Call(%String.prototype.indexOf%, _pattern_, « *"{"*, _nextIndex_ »). 1. If _nextIndex_ is less than _length_, then - 1. Let _literal_ be the substring of _pattern_ from position _nextIndex_, exclusive, to position _length_, exclusive. + 1. Let _literal_ be the substring of _pattern_ from position _nextIndex_, inclusive, to position _length_, exclusive. 1. Add new part record { [[Type]]: *"literal"*, [[Value]]: _literal_ } as a new element of the list _result_. 1. Return _result_.