diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html
index d2e08f91be6..100128840d0 100644
--- a/spec.html
+++ b/spec.html
@@ -8688,6 +8688,8 @@
SetFunctionName ( _F_, _name_ [ , _prefix_ ] )
1. Set _F_.[[InitialName]] to _name_.
1. If _prefix_ is present, then
1. Set _name_ to the string-concatenation of _prefix_, the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE), and _name_.
+ 1. If _F_ has an [[InitialName]] internal slot, then
+ 1. Optionally, set _F_.[[InitialName]] to _name_.
1. Return ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(_F_, *"name"*, PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: _name_, [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }).
@@ -26473,7 +26475,7 @@ Function.prototype.toString ( )
When the `toString` method is called, the following steps are taken:
1. Let _func_ be the *this* value.
- 1. If _func_ is a bound function exotic object or a built-in function object, then return an implementation-defined String source code representation of _func_. The representation must have the syntax of a |NativeFunction|. Additionally, if _func_ has an [[InitialName]] internal slot and _func_.[[InitialName]] is a String, the portion of the returned String that would be matched by |PropertyName| must be the value of _func_.[[InitialName]].
+ 1. If _func_ is a bound function exotic object or a built-in function object, then return an implementation-defined String source code representation of _func_. The representation must have the syntax of a |NativeFunction|. Additionally, if _func_ has an [[InitialName]] internal slot and _func_.[[InitialName]] is a String, the portion of the returned String that would be matched by |NativeFunctionAccessor?| |PropertyName| must be the value of _func_.[[InitialName]].
1. If Type(_func_) is Object and _func_ has a [[SourceText]] internal slot and _func_.[[SourceText]] is a sequence of Unicode code points and ! HostHasSourceTextAvailable(_func_) is *true*, then
1. Return ! UTF16Encode(_func_.[[SourceText]]).
1. If Type(_func_) is Object and IsCallable(_func_) is *true*, then return an implementation-defined String source code representation of _func_. The representation must have the syntax of a |NativeFunction|.
@@ -26482,7 +26484,10 @@ Function.prototype.toString ( )
NativeFunction :
- `function` PropertyName[~Yield, ~Await]? `(` FormalParameters[~Yield, ~Await] `)` `{` `[` `native` `code` `]` `}`
+ `function` NativeFunctionAccessor? PropertyName[~Yield, ~Await]? `(` FormalParameters[~Yield, ~Await] `)` `{` `[` `native` `code` `]` `}`
+ NativeFunctionAccessor :
+ `get`
+ `set`