@@ -26474,7 +26474,7 @@
1. Set _module_.[[AsyncEvaluation]] to *true*.
1. NOTE: The order in which module records have their [[AsyncEvaluation]] fields transition to *true* is significant. (See .)
1. If _module_.[[PendingAsyncDependencies]] is 0, perform ! ExecuteAsyncModule(_module_).
- 1. Otherwise, perform ? _module_.ExecuteModule().
+ 1. Otherwise, perform ? _module_.ExecuteModule().
1. Assert: _module_ occurs exactly once in _stack_.
1. Assert: _module_.[[DFSAncestorIndex]] ≤ _module_.[[DFSIndex]].
1. If _module_.[[DFSAncestorIndex]] = _module_.[[DFSIndex]], then
@@ -26519,7 +26519,7 @@
1. Return *undefined*.
1. Let _onRejected_ be ! CreateBuiltinFunction(_rejectedClosure_, 0, *""*, « »).
1. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(_capability_.[[Promise]], _onFulfilled_, _onRejected_).
- 1. Perform ! _module_.ExecuteModule(_capability_).
+ 1. Perform ! _module_.ExecuteModule(_capability_).
@@ -26579,7 +26579,7 @@
1. Else if _m_.[[HasTLA]] is *true*, then
1. Perform ! ExecuteAsyncModule(_m_).
1. Else,
- 1. Let _result_ be _m_.ExecuteModule().
+ 1. Let _result_ be _m_.ExecuteModule().
1. If _result_ is an abrupt completion, then
1. Perform ! AsyncModuleExecutionRejected(_m_, _result_.[[Value]]).
1. Else,
@@ -29352,9 +29352,9 @@ Object.assign ( _target_, ..._sources_ )
1. For each element _nextSource_ of _sources_, do
1. If _nextSource_ is neither *undefined* nor *null*, then
1. Let _from_ be ! ToObject(_nextSource_).
- 1. Let _keys_ be ? _from_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. Let _keys_ be ? _from_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
1. For each element _nextKey_ of _keys_, do
- 1. Let _desc_ be ? _from_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_nextKey_).
+ 1. Let _desc_ be ? _from_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_nextKey_).
1. If _desc_ is not *undefined* and _desc_.[[Enumerable]] is *true*, then
1. Let _propValue_ be ? Get(_from_, _nextKey_).
1. Perform ? Set(_to_, _nextKey_, _propValue_, *true*).
@@ -29394,10 +29394,10 @@
1. Let _props_ be ? ToObject(_Properties_).
- 1. Let _keys_ be ? _props_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. Let _keys_ be ? _props_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
1. Let _descriptors_ be a new empty List.
1. For each element _nextKey_ of _keys_, do
- 1. Let _propDesc_ be ? _props_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_nextKey_).
+ 1. Let _propDesc_ be ? _props_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_nextKey_).
1. If _propDesc_ is not *undefined* and _propDesc_.[[Enumerable]] is *true*, then
1. Let _descObj_ be ? Get(_props_, _nextKey_).
1. Let _desc_ be ? ToPropertyDescriptor(_descObj_).
@@ -29469,7 +29469,7 @@ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( _O_, _P_ )
1. Let _obj_ be ? ToObject(_O_).
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_P_).
- 1. Let _desc_ be ? _obj_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
+ 1. Let _desc_ be ? _obj_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
1. Return FromPropertyDescriptor(_desc_).
@@ -29479,10 +29479,10 @@ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ( _O_ )
When the `getOwnPropertyDescriptors` function is called, the following steps are taken:
1. Let _obj_ be ? ToObject(_O_).
- 1. Let _ownKeys_ be ? _obj_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. Let _ownKeys_ be ? _obj_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
1. Let _descriptors_ be ! OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%).
1. For each element _key_ of _ownKeys_, do
- 1. Let _desc_ be ? _obj_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
+ 1. Let _desc_ be ? _obj_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
1. Let _descriptor_ be ! FromPropertyDescriptor(_desc_).
1. If _descriptor_ is not *undefined*, perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_descriptors_, _key_, _descriptor_).
1. Return _descriptors_.
@@ -29515,7 +29515,7 @@
1. Let _obj_ be ? ToObject(_O_).
- 1. Let _keys_ be ? _obj_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. Let _keys_ be ? _obj_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
1. Let _nameList_ be a new empty List.
1. For each element _nextKey_ of _keys_, do
1. If Type(_nextKey_) is Symbol and _type_ is ~symbol~ or Type(_nextKey_) is String and _type_ is ~string~, then
@@ -29530,7 +29530,7 @@ Object.getPrototypeOf ( _O_ )
When the `getPrototypeOf` function is called with argument _O_, the following steps are taken:
1. Let _obj_ be ? ToObject(_O_).
- 1. Return ? _obj_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. Return ? _obj_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
@@ -29594,7 +29594,7 @@ Object.preventExtensions ( _O_ )
When the `preventExtensions` function is called, the following steps are taken:
1. If Type(_O_) is not Object, return _O_.
- 1. Let _status_ be ? _O_.[[PreventExtensions]]().
+ 1. Let _status_ be ? _O_.[[PreventExtensions]]().
1. If _status_ is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Return _O_.
@@ -29624,7 +29624,7 @@ Object.setPrototypeOf ( _O_, _proto_ )
1. Set _O_ to ? RequireObjectCoercible(_O_).
1. If Type(_proto_) is neither Object nor Null, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. If Type(_O_) is not Object, return _O_.
- 1. Let _status_ be ? _O_.[[SetPrototypeOf]](_proto_).
+ 1. Let _status_ be ? _O_.[[SetPrototypeOf]](_proto_).
1. If _status_ is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Return _O_.
@@ -29676,7 +29676,7 @@ Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf ( _V_ )
1. [id="step-isprototypeof-check-object"] If Type(_V_) is not Object, return *false*.
1. [id="step-isprototypeof-toobject"] Let _O_ be ? ToObject(*this* value).
1. Repeat,
- 1. Set _V_ to ? _V_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. Set _V_ to ? _V_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
1. If _V_ is *null*, return *false*.
1. If SameValue(_O_, _V_) is *true*, return *true*.
@@ -29691,7 +29691,7 @@ Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable ( _V_ )
1. [id="step-propertyisenumerable-topropertykey"] Let _P_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_V_).
1. [id="step-propertyisenumerable-toobject"] Let _O_ be ? ToObject(*this* value).
- 1. Let _desc_ be ? _O_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_P_).
+ 1. Let _desc_ be ? _O_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_P_).
1. If _desc_ is *undefined*, return *false*.
1. Return _desc_.[[Enumerable]].
@@ -29763,7 +29763,7 @@ get Object.prototype.__proto__
The value of the [[Get]] attribute is a built-in function that requires no arguments. It performs the following steps when called:
1. Let _O_ be ? ToObject(*this* value).
- 1. Return ? _O_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. Return ? _O_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
@@ -29774,7 +29774,7 @@ set Object.prototype.__proto__
1. Let _O_ be ? RequireObjectCoercible(*this* value).
1. If Type(_proto_) is neither Object nor Null, return *undefined*.
1. If Type(_O_) is not Object, return *undefined*.
- 1. Let _status_ be ? _O_.[[SetPrototypeOf]](_proto_).
+ 1. Let _status_ be ? _O_.[[SetPrototypeOf]](_proto_).
1. If _status_ is *false*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Return *undefined*.
@@ -29817,11 +29817,11 @@ Object.prototype.__lookupGetter__ ( _P_ )
1. Let _O_ be ? ToObject(*this* value).
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_P_).
1. Repeat,
- 1. Let _desc_ be ? _O_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
+ 1. Let _desc_ be ? _O_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
1. If _desc_ is not *undefined*, then
1. If IsAccessorDescriptor(_desc_) is *true*, return _desc_.[[Get]].
1. Return *undefined*.
- 1. Set _O_ to ? _O_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. Set _O_ to ? _O_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
1. If _O_ is *null*, return *undefined*.
@@ -29833,11 +29833,11 @@ Object.prototype.__lookupSetter__ ( _P_ )
1. Let _O_ be ? ToObject(*this* value).
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_P_).
1. Repeat,
- 1. Let _desc_ be ? _O_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
+ 1. Let _desc_ be ? _O_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
1. If _desc_ is not *undefined*, then
1. If IsAccessorDescriptor(_desc_) is *true*, return _desc_.[[Set]].
1. Return *undefined*.
- 1. Set _O_ to ? _O_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. Set _O_ to ? _O_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
1. If _O_ is *null*, return *undefined*.
@@ -34274,7 +34274,7 @@ String.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
1. Let _nextIndex_ be _position_ + _cp_.[[CodeUnitCount]].
1. Let _resultString_ be the substring of _s_ from _position_ to _nextIndex_.
1. Set _position_ to _nextIndex_.
- 1. Perform ? Yield(_resultString_).
+ 1. Perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_resultString_, *false*)).
1. Return *undefined*.
1. Return ! CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"%StringIteratorPrototype%"*, %StringIteratorPrototype%).
@@ -34311,7 +34311,7 @@ The %StringIteratorPrototype% Object
%StringIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
- 1. Return ? GeneratorResume(*this* value, ~empty~, *"%StringIteratorPrototype%"*).
+ 1. Return ? GeneratorResume(*this* value, ~empty~, *"%StringIteratorPrototype%"*).
@@ -35949,7 +35949,7 @@
- 1. Let _obj_ be ? RegExpAlloc(%RegExp%).
+ 1. Let _obj_ be ! RegExpAlloc(%RegExp%).
1. Return ? RegExpInitialize(_obj_, _P_, _F_).
@@ -36544,14 +36544,14 @@
1. Let _match_ be ? RegExpExec(_R_, _S_).
1. If _match_ is *null*, return *undefined*.
1. If _global_ is *false*, then
- 1. Perform ? Yield(_match_).
+ 1. Perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_match_, *false*)).
1. Return *undefined*.
1. Let _matchStr_ be ? ToString(? Get(_match_, *"0"*)).
1. If _matchStr_ is the empty String, then
1. Let _thisIndex_ be ℝ(? ToLength(? Get(_R_, *"lastIndex"*))).
1. Let _nextIndex_ be ! AdvanceStringIndex(_S_, _thisIndex_, _fullUnicode_).
1. Perform ? Set(_R_, *"lastIndex"*, 𝔽(_nextIndex_), *true*).
- 1. Perform ? Yield(_match_).
+ 1. Perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_match_, *false*)).
1. Return ! CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"%RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%"*, %RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%).
@@ -37694,9 +37694,9 @@
1. Return _v_.
1. [id="step-sortcompare-tostring-x"] Let _xString_ be ? ToString(_x_).
1. [id="step-sortcompare-tostring-y"] Let _yString_ be ? ToString(_y_).
- 1. Let _xSmaller_ be IsLessThan(_xString_, _yString_, *true*).
+ 1. Let _xSmaller_ be IsLessThan(_xString_, _yString_, *true*).
1. If _xSmaller_ is *true*, return *-1*𝔽.
- 1. Let _ySmaller_ be IsLessThan(_yString_, _xString_, *true*).
+ 1. Let _ySmaller_ be IsLessThan(_yString_, _xString_, *true*).
1. If _ySmaller_ is *true*, return *1*𝔽.
1. Return *+0*𝔽.
@@ -37942,14 +37942,15 @@
1. Else,
1. Let _len_ be ? LengthOfArrayLike(_array_).
1. If _index_ ≥ _len_, return *undefined*.
- 1. If _kind_ is ~key~, perform ? Yield(𝔽(_index_)).
+ 1. If _kind_ is ~key~, perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(𝔽(_index_), *false*)).
1. Else,
1. Let _elementKey_ be ! ToString(𝔽(_index_)).
1. Let _elementValue_ be ? Get(_array_, _elementKey_).
- 1. If _kind_ is ~value~, perform ? Yield(_elementValue_).
+ 1. If _kind_ is ~value~, perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_elementValue_, *false*)).
1. Else,
1. Assert: _kind_ is ~key+value~.
- 1. Perform ? Yield(! CreateArrayFromList(« 𝔽(_index_), _elementValue_ »)).
+ 1. Let _result_ be ! CreateArrayFromList(« 𝔽(_index_), _elementValue_ »).
+ 1. Perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_result_, *false*)).
1. Set _index_ to _index_ + 1.
1. Return ! CreateIteratorFromClosure(_closure_, *"%ArrayIteratorPrototype%"*, %ArrayIteratorPrototype%).
@@ -39402,7 +39403,7 @@
1. Let _constructorName_ be the String value of _O_.[[TypedArrayName]].
1. Let _elementSize_ be the Element Size value specified in for _constructorName_.
1. Let _byteLength_ be _elementSize_ × _length_.
- 1. Let _data_ be ? AllocateArrayBuffer(%ArrayBuffer%, _byteLength_).
+ 1. Let _data_ be ? AllocateArrayBuffer(%ArrayBuffer%, _byteLength_).
1. Set _O_.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] to _data_.
1. Set _O_.[[ByteLength]] to _byteLength_.
1. Set _O_.[[ByteOffset]] to 0.
@@ -39764,7 +39765,7 @@
1. Else,
1. Assert: _kind_ is ~key+value~.
1. Let _result_ be ! CreateArrayFromList(« _e_.[[Key]], _e_.[[Value]] »).
- 1. Perform ? Yield(_result_).
+ 1. Perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_result_, *false*)).
1. NOTE: The number of elements in _entries_ may have changed while execution of this abstract operation was paused by Yield.
1. Set _numEntries_ to the number of elements of _entries_.
1. Return *undefined*.
@@ -39785,7 +39786,7 @@ The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object
%MapIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
- 1. Return ? GeneratorResume(*this* value, ~empty~, *"%MapIteratorPrototype%"*).
+ 1. Return ? GeneratorResume(*this* value, ~empty~, *"%MapIteratorPrototype%"*).
@@ -40049,10 +40050,11 @@
1. Set _index_ to _index_ + 1.
1. If _e_ is not ~empty~, then
1. If _kind_ is ~key+value~, then
- 1. Perform ? Yield(! CreateArrayFromList(« _e_, _e_ »)).
+ 1. Let _result_ be ! CreateArrayFromList(« _e_, _e_ »).
+ 1. Perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_result_, *false*)).
1. Else,
1. Assert: _kind_ is ~value~.
- 1. Perform ? Yield(_e_).
+ 1. Perform ? GeneratorYield(! CreateIterResultObject(_e_, *false*)).
1. NOTE: The number of elements in _entries_ may have changed while execution of this abstract operation was paused by Yield.
1. Set _numEntries_ to the number of elements of _entries_.
1. Return *undefined*.
@@ -40073,7 +40075,7 @@ The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object
%SetIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
- 1. Return ? GeneratorResume(*this* value, ~empty~, *"%SetIteratorPrototype%"*).
+ 1. Return ? GeneratorResume(*this* value, ~empty~, *"%SetIteratorPrototype%"*).
@@ -41954,7 +41956,7 @@ JSON.parse ( _text_ [ , _reviver_ ] )
1. [id="step-json-parse-parse"] Let _script_ be ParseText(! StringToCodePoints(_scriptString_), |Script|).
1. NOTE: The early error rules defined in have special handling for the above invocation of ParseText.
1. Assert: _script_ is a Parse Node.
- 1. [id="step-json-parse-eval"] Let _completion_ be the result of evaluating _script_.
+ 1. [id="step-json-parse-eval"] Let _completion_ be the result of evaluating _script_.
1. NOTE: The PropertyDefinitionEvaluation semantics defined in have special handling for the above evaluation.
1. Let _unfiltered_ be _completion_.[[Value]].
1. [id="step-json-parse-assert-type"] Assert: _unfiltered_ is either a String, Number, Boolean, Null, or an Object that is defined by either an |ArrayLiteral| or an |ObjectLiteral|.
@@ -41997,7 +41999,7 @@
1. Let _prop_ be ! ToString(𝔽(_I_)).
1. Let _newElement_ be ? InternalizeJSONProperty(_val_, _prop_, _reviver_).
1. If _newElement_ is *undefined*, then
- 1. Perform ? _val_.[[Delete]](_prop_).
+ 1. Perform ? _val_.[[Delete]](_prop_).
1. Else,
1. Perform ? CreateDataProperty(_val_, _prop_, _newElement_).
1. Set _I_ to _I_ + 1.
@@ -42006,7 +42008,7 @@
1. For each String _P_ of _keys_, do
1. Let _newElement_ be ? InternalizeJSONProperty(_val_, _P_, _reviver_).
1. If _newElement_ is *undefined*, then
- 1. Perform ? _val_.[[Delete]](_P_).
+ 1. Perform ? _val_.[[Delete]](_P_).
1. Else,
1. Perform ? CreateDataProperty(_val_, _P_, _newElement_).
1. Return ? Call(_reviver_, _holder_, « _name_, _val_ »).
@@ -44508,7 +44510,7 @@
1. Assert: The value of _generator_.[[GeneratorState]] is *undefined*.
1. Let _genContext_ be the running execution context.
1. Set the Generator component of _genContext_ to _generator_.
- 1. Set the code evaluation state of _genContext_ such that when evaluation is resumed for that execution context the following steps will be performed:
+ 1. [fence-effects="user-code"] Set the code evaluation state of _genContext_ such that when evaluation is resumed for that execution context the following steps will be performed:
1. If _generatorBody_ is a Parse Node, then
1. Let _result_ be the result of evaluating _generatorBody_.
1. Else,
@@ -44569,7 +44571,7 @@
1. Suspend _methodContext_.
1. Set _generator_.[[GeneratorState]] to ~executing~.
1. Push _genContext_ onto the execution context stack; _genContext_ is now the running execution context.
- 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _genContext_ using NormalCompletion(_value_) as the result of the operation that suspended it. Let _result_ be the value returned by the resumed computation.
+ 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _genContext_ using NormalCompletion(_value_) as the result of the operation that suspended it. Let _result_ be the value returned by the resumed computation.
1. Assert: When we return here, _genContext_ has already been removed from the execution context stack and _methodContext_ is the currently running execution context.
1. Return Completion(_result_).
@@ -44601,7 +44603,7 @@
1. Suspend _methodContext_.
1. Set _generator_.[[GeneratorState]] to ~executing~.
1. Push _genContext_ onto the execution context stack; _genContext_ is now the running execution context.
- 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _genContext_ using _abruptCompletion_ as the result of the operation that suspended it. Let _result_ be the completion record returned by the resumed computation.
+ 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _genContext_ using _abruptCompletion_ as the result of the operation that suspended it. Let _result_ be the completion record returned by the resumed computation.
1. Assert: When we return here, _genContext_ has already been removed from the execution context stack and _methodContext_ is the currently running execution context.
1. Return Completion(_result_).
@@ -44856,7 +44858,7 @@
1. Assert: _generator_.[[AsyncGeneratorState]] is *undefined*.
1. Let _genContext_ be the running execution context.
1. Set the Generator component of _genContext_ to _generator_.
- 1. Set the code evaluation state of _genContext_ such that when evaluation is resumed for that execution context the following steps will be performed:
+ 1. [fence-effects="user-code"] Set the code evaluation state of _genContext_ such that when evaluation is resumed for that execution context the following steps will be performed:
1. If _generatorBody_ is a Parse Node, then
1. Let _result_ be the result of evaluating _generatorBody_.
1. Else,
@@ -44959,7 +44961,7 @@
1. Suspend _callerContext_.
1. Set _generator_.[[AsyncGeneratorState]] to ~executing~.
1. Push _genContext_ onto the execution context stack; _genContext_ is now the running execution context.
- 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _genContext_ using _completion_ as the result of the operation that suspended it. Let _result_ be the completion record returned by the resumed computation.
+ 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _genContext_ using _completion_ as the result of the operation that suspended it. Let _result_ be the completion record returned by the resumed computation.
1. Assert: _result_ is never an abrupt completion.
1. Assert: When we return here, _genContext_ has already been removed from the execution context stack and _callerContext_ is the currently running execution context.
@@ -45243,7 +45245,7 @@
1. Assert: _promiseCapability_ is a PromiseCapability Record.
1. Let _runningContext_ be the running execution context.
- 1. Set the code evaluation state of _asyncContext_ such that when evaluation is resumed for that execution context the following steps will be performed:
+ 1. [fence-effects="user-code"] Set the code evaluation state of _asyncContext_ such that when evaluation is resumed for that execution context the following steps will be performed:
1. Let _result_ be the result of evaluating _asyncBody_.
1. Assert: If we return here, the async function either threw an exception or performed an implicit or explicit return; all awaiting is done.
1. Remove _asyncContext_ from the execution context stack and restore the execution context that is at the top of the execution context stack as the running execution context.
@@ -45256,7 +45258,7 @@
1. Perform ! Call(_promiseCapability_.[[Reject]], *undefined*, « _result_.[[Value]] »).
1. [id="step-asyncblockstart-return-undefined"] Return.
1. Push _asyncContext_ onto the execution context stack; _asyncContext_ is now the running execution context.
- 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _asyncContext_. Let _result_ be the value returned by the resumed computation.
+ 1. Resume the suspended evaluation of _asyncContext_. Let _result_ be the value returned by the resumed computation.
1. Assert: When we return here, _asyncContext_ has already been removed from the execution context stack and _runningContext_ is the currently running execution context.
1. Assert: _result_ is a normal completion with a value of *undefined*. The possible sources of completion values are Await or, if the async function doesn't await anything, step above.
1. Return.
@@ -45312,7 +45314,7 @@ Reflect.defineProperty ( _target_, _propertyKey_, _attributes_ )
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_propertyKey_).
1. Let _desc_ be ? ToPropertyDescriptor(_attributes_).
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[DefineOwnProperty]](_key_, _desc_).
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[DefineOwnProperty]](_key_, _desc_).
@@ -45322,7 +45324,7 @@ Reflect.deleteProperty ( _target_, _propertyKey_ )
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_propertyKey_).
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[Delete]](_key_).
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[Delete]](_key_).
@@ -45334,7 +45336,7 @@ Reflect.get ( _target_, _propertyKey_ [ , _receiver_ ] )
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_propertyKey_).
1. If _receiver_ is not present, then
1. Set _receiver_ to _target_.
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[Get]](_key_, _receiver_).
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[Get]](_key_, _receiver_).
@@ -45344,7 +45346,7 @@ Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( _target_, _propertyKey_ )
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_propertyKey_).
- 1. Let _desc_ be ? _target_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
+ 1. Let _desc_ be ? _target_.[[GetOwnProperty]](_key_).
1. Return FromPropertyDescriptor(_desc_).
@@ -45354,7 +45356,7 @@ Reflect.getPrototypeOf ( _target_ )
When the `getPrototypeOf` function is called with argument _target_, the following steps are taken:
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
@@ -45364,7 +45366,7 @@ Reflect.has ( _target_, _propertyKey_ )
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_propertyKey_).
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[HasProperty]](_key_).
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[HasProperty]](_key_).
@@ -45373,7 +45375,7 @@ Reflect.isExtensible ( _target_ )
When the `isExtensible` function is called with argument _target_, the following steps are taken:
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[IsExtensible]]().
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[IsExtensible]]().
@@ -45382,7 +45384,7 @@ Reflect.ownKeys ( _target_ )
When the `ownKeys` function is called with argument _target_, the following steps are taken:
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
- 1. Let _keys_ be ? _target_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
+ 1. Let _keys_ be ? _target_.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
1. Return CreateArrayFromList(_keys_).
@@ -45392,7 +45394,7 @@ Reflect.preventExtensions ( _target_ )
When the `preventExtensions` function is called with argument _target_, the following steps are taken:
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[PreventExtensions]]().
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[PreventExtensions]]().
@@ -45404,7 +45406,7 @@ Reflect.set ( _target_, _propertyKey_, _V_ [ , _receiver_ ] )
1. Let _key_ be ? ToPropertyKey(_propertyKey_).
1. If _receiver_ is not present, then
1. Set _receiver_ to _target_.
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[Set]](_key_, _V_, _receiver_).
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[Set]](_key_, _V_, _receiver_).
@@ -45414,7 +45416,7 @@ Reflect.setPrototypeOf ( _target_, _proto_ )
1. If Type(_target_) is not Object, throw a *TypeError* exception.
1. If Type(_proto_) is not Object and _proto_ is not *null*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
- 1. Return ? _target_.[[SetPrototypeOf]](_proto_).
+ 1. Return ? _target_.[[SetPrototypeOf]](_proto_).
@@ -47381,7 +47383,7 @@ Changes to GlobalDeclarationInstantiation
1. Let _genv_ be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment.
1. Let _benv_ be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment.
1. Let _fobj_ be ! _benv_.GetBindingValue(_F_, *false*).
- 1. Perform ? _genv_.SetMutableBinding(_F_, _fobj_, *false*).
+ 1. Perform ? _genv_.SetMutableBinding(_F_, _fobj_, *false*).
1. Return NormalCompletion(~empty~).
@@ -47424,7 +47426,7 @@ Changes to EvalDeclarationInstantiation
1. Let _genv_ be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment.
1. Let _benv_ be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment.
1. Let _fobj_ be ! _benv_.GetBindingValue(_F_, *false*).
- 1. Perform ? _genv_.SetMutableBinding(_F_, _fobj_, *false*).
+ 1. Perform ? _genv_.SetMutableBinding(_F_, _fobj_, *false*).
1. Return NormalCompletion(~empty~).