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Using Universal Binaries

Taner Sener edited this page Jan 16, 2020 · 5 revisions

Starting from v2.1.1 IOS Universal Binaries release, MobileFFmpeg releases publish iOS / tvOS universal binaries of all packages. You can import them into your project using instructions below.

1. Download an iOS universal binary package or a tvOS universal binary package from Releases page and extract it.

  • iOS universal binary packages are files ending with ios-static-universal postfix, e.g.,

  • tvOS universal binary packages are files ending with tvos-static-universal postfix, e.g.,

2. Drag & drop extracted mobile-ffmpeg-<package-name>-universal folder to your project root in Xcode

3. If mobile-ffmpeg-<package-name>-universal folder is not copied to your project directory (outside Xcode), copy it manually

4. Add $(PROJECT_DIR)/mobile-ffmpeg-<package-name>-universal/include to Build Settings -> Header Search Paths

5. Add $(PROJECT_DIR)/mobile-ffmpeg-<package-name>-universal/lib to Build Settings -> Library Search Paths

6. Import library headers without any prefix

#import <MobileFFmpeg.h>
#import <MobileFFmpegConfig.h>

7. Add all shared/static libraries under mobile-ffmpeg-<package-name>-universal/lib to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries section

8. Add libbz2, libc++, libiconv, libz, CoreMotion1, GameController2, VideoToolbox3 system libraries/frameworks to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries section.

1 - Required by full and full-gpl packages on iOS

2 - Required by full and full-gpl packages

3 - Required by v3.0 or later, except tvOS LTS releases

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