{Dimensions of X: 32x32x3,50000}
Classification on the cifar-10 dataset
1)Clone this repository.
2)Download the dataset
3)Change the hyperparamters as needed in run.sh file:
- –lr (initial learning rate for gradient descent based algorithms)
- –momentum (momentum to be used by momentum based algorithms)
- –num hidden (number of hidden layers - this does not include the 32x 32 dimensional input layer and the 10 dimensional output layer)
- –sizes (a comma separated list for the size of each hidden layer)
- –activation (the choice of activation function - valid values are tanh/sigmoid)
- –loss (possible choices are squared error[sq] or cross entropy loss[ce])
- –opt (the optimization algorithm to be used: gd, momentum, nag, adam - you will be implementing the mini-batch version of these algorithms)
- –batch size (the batch size to be used - valid values are 1 and multiples of 5)
- –anneal (if true the algorithm should halve the learning rate if at any epoch the validation loss decreases and then restart that epoch)
- –save dir (the directory in which the pickled model should be saved - by model we mean all the weights and biases of the network)
- –expt dir (the directory in which the log files will be saved - see below for a detailed description of which log files should be generated)
- –train (path to the Training dataset)
- –test (path to the Test dataset) argparse module in python for parsing these parameters
run code using below command
python train.py --lr 0.01 --momentum 0.5 --num_hidden 3 --sizes 100,100,100 --activation tanh --loss sq --opt gd --batch_size 20 --anneal true --save_dir pa1/ --expt_dir pa1/exp1/ --train dataset --test test.