Favorite Channels is a web app that helps you follow up with your favorite Youtube subscriptions by categorizing channels according to your areas of interest.
- Access the home page
- Insert your youtube channel ID and click continue. Instructions on how to find it: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/3250431
- Create a folder and select channels from the "Uncategorized" channels list
- Sign up to save preferences
- A badge will indicate recently uploaded videos
- Click on the channel to access the list of recently uploaded videos
- Click on the video to watch it on Youtube
- User can categorize channels in folders
- User can check channel notifications
- User can log in/create an account
- Users can sign up and save preferences
- database and authentication were implemented with Firebase services
- Recent subscriptions will appear on the "Uncategorized" folder
- calls Youtube API to get user's subscriptions
- Unseen notifications will appear in a badge on top of the channel thumbnail
- calls Youtube API to get channels activities
- Channels are sorted in decreasing order of unseen notifications
- Language support for pt-BR and en-US
- by using i18next internalization-framework
- Either fork or clone the repository
- Open the folder in the CLI and install dependencies by using the
npm i
command - Rename .env.template file to .env.local and make sure to fill out all environment variables
- Start the webserver by using the
npm run dev
command - Go to http://localhost:3000 to get started using the web app