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@@ -78,3 +78,15 @@ As an additional incentive for proposers, the system incorporates the issuance o
The reward depends on the proof service provider and the agreement. For EOAs and Prover pools that implement the IERC1271 interface, the reward is disbursed in ETH. However, in cases where providers implement the IProver interface, the prover fee can be ETH, any other ERC20 tokens, or even NFTs, based on the negotiated terms.
To add a layer of security and commitment to the process, provers must provide a substantial amount of TKO tokens per block, effectively serving as insurance. In the unfortunate event of a failure to deliver the proof within the given time, a portion, specifically 1/4, is directed to the actual prover, while the remaining 3/4 are permanently burnt. Conversely, successful and timely proof delivery ensures the return of these tokens to the Prover.
+## Video