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This paper proposes a corresponding <tt>char8_t</tt> typedef and related library functions to enable conversions between the execution character encoding and UTF-8. These facilities are intended to improve support for UTF-8 and to retain source code compatibility across the C and C++ languages. </p> <ul> <li><a href="#introduction"> Introduction</a></li> <li><a href="#motivation"> Motivation</a></li> <li><a href="#proposal"> Proposal</a></li> <li><a href="#backward_compat"> Backward Compatibility</a></li> <li><a href="#implementation_exp"> Implementation Experience</a></li> <li><a href="#wording"> Formal Wording</a> </li> <li><a href="#acknowledgements"> Acknowledgements</a></li> <li><a href="#references"> References</a></li> </ul> <h1 id="introduction">Introduction</h1> <p>C11 introduced support for UTF-8, 16-bit, and 32-bit encoded string literals. New <tt>char16_t</tt> and <tt>char32_t</tt> typedefs were added to hold values of code units for the 16-bit and 32-bit variants, but a new type was not added for the UTF-8 variant. Instead, UTF-8 string literals were defined in terms of the <tt>char</tt> type used for the code unit type of ordinary string literals. UTF-8 is the only text encoding mandated to be supported by the C standard for which there is no distinctly named code unit type. </p> <p>Whether <tt>char</tt> is a signed or unsigned type is implementation defined and implementations that use an 8-bit signed char are at a disadvantage with respect to working with UTF-8 encoded text due to the necessity of having to rely on conversions to unsigned types in order to correctly process leading and continuation code units of multi-byte encoded code points. </p> <p>The lack of a distinct type and the use of a code unit type with a range that does not portably include the full unsigned range of UTF-8 code units presents challenges for working with UTF-8 encoded text that are not present when working with UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoded text. Enclosed is a proposal for a new <tt>char8_t</tt> typedef and related library enhancements intended to remove barriers to working with UTF-8 encoded text and to enable working with all five of the standard mandated text encodings in a consistent manner. </p> <h1 id="motivation">Motivation</h1> <p>As of November 2017, <a title="Usage of UTF-8 for websites" href="https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/en-utf8/all/all"> UTF-8 is now used by more than 90% of all websites</a> <sup><a title="Usage of UTF-8 for websites" href="#ref_w3techs"> [W3Techs]</a></sup>. While UTF-8 now dominates websites, it has not attained similar usage success as the execution character encoding of C and C++ compilers. Important compilers, such as Microsoft's Visual Studio, do not support use of UTF-8 as the execution character encoding<sup>[*]</sup>. Programs that must consume and produce text in the execution character encoding and manipulate UTF-8 text must choose one of two approaches to managing text in these distinct encodings: <ol> <li>Use <tt>char</tt> for both encodings while being careful to transcode between the encodings when necessary.</li> <li>Use <tt>char</tt> for the execution character encoding, and another type, generally <tt>unsigned char</tt>, for UTF-8.</li> </ol> </p> <p>The challenge with the first approach is ensuring that text is appropriately transcoded and is in the correct encoding when passed to other functions. Since the same type, <tt>char</tt>, is used as the code unit type for both encodings, the programmer is unable to rely on the type system to help identify mistakes. </p> <p>The challenge with the second approach is that UTF-8 string literals have type array of <tt>char</tt>. Direct comparisons with UTF-8 string literals are subject to sign mismatch (depending on the sign of <tt>char</tt>), and attempts to assign pointers to the desired code unit type directly to UTF-8 string literals results in assignment from incompatible pointer types (regardless of the sign of <tt>char</tt>). </p> <p>The following example demonstrates a potential consequence of failure to manage character encodings correctly. The <tt>mb_utf8.c</tt> example incorrectly passes UTF-8 string literals to the "ANSI" version of the Windows <tt>MessageBox()</tt> function. This function requires strings to be provided in the system encoding (Windows-1252 on the Windows 10 sytem used to produce the output below). As shown, when run, mojibake is produced. The <tt>mb_utf16.c</tt> example is a correct program intended to demonstrate that Windows supports the example Unicode characters and is able to display them correctly. This example is intended to demonstrate that, though the <tt>mb_utf8.c</tt> code is incorrect, the compiler is unable to assist in diagnosing what is wrong. </p> <p> <div class="compare"> <div class="compare_item"> <fieldset><legend>mb_utf8.c</legend> <pre><code class="c"> #include <windows.h> int main() { const char *caption = u8"\U0001F631"; // U+1F631 FACE SCREAMING IN FEAR const char *message = u8"\U0001F648" // U+1F648 SEE-NO-EVIL MONKEY u8"\U0001F649" // U+1F649 HEAR-NO-EVIL MONKEY u8"\U0001F64A"; // U+1F64A SPEAK-NO-EVIL MONKEY MessageBoxA(NULL, message, caption, MB_OK); } </code></pre></fieldset> <fieldset><legend>Compile</legend> <pre><code class="Bash"> > cl mb_utf8.c /Femb_utf8.exe user32.lib Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.13.26128 for x64 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. mb_utf8.c Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.13.26128.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /out:mb_utf8.exe mb_utf8.obj user32.lib </code></pre></fieldset> <fieldset><legend>Run</legend> <pre><code class="Bash"> > mb_utf8.exe </code></pre> <img src="data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAIIAAACFCAYAAACXBiBFAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAByJJREFU eJzt3LFTWtkCx/Evb9JmAo5/QBTNzoANOlpg6Zg3Zou4jtpud4kWG5sUmbF0xsIGKl/ubrFpwVFT CJMQy/cKHbFxLIJiinQ6Qv6C8woPiAYU8Sq4+X1mMqsXOPewfD33QJz4wuGwQX56jwD29vZaPQ9p ob6+Pv7V6klIe1AIAigEsRSCAApBLIUggEIQy6MQjth0V9gtwtGmy8pu0Zth5d54FEIXI84kkQB0 jThMRgLeDCs1ua7LyclJ3dtPTk5wXfdGYzYeQnGXFdfF3TyiuLuC625yRJ0V4Giz6n7lleLs/nJ7 ExMTrH/4UDOGk5MT1j98YGJi4kZjNh5C4CnBDuAwS+p0AMcZoQvo6h+E7VzVi1xkd6fIYL+fr6dB ppwBTlMuWbrputHUpJ7Ozk7GX778IYZyBOMvX9LZ2XmzQcPhsGnIacEUTu2XuZRJ5U4rNxU+vzv/ vvDZvPtcuG4wk0t9NtfdS652fHxs/vzrL3N8fHzh65sKh8PmUcPFBKDgumQBOjroOM1xFDlfFXY2 v1KMwNedQ4IDIzerUZpSvTIAza0EVoMhFNldyVIcnMKJBM72C6ltCkcjdHUBgQgDAZfcLhQZZKTe NcA+7rT8vXsIQHDUqf8YuReNhVD8yuFpkIFJ+24gEGEguM1OqQicHevqDpLNbhMcdaj7niEQYdKJ cBZWDv/kiPYNt1C9JwCa3x/g5QdKXd0E6aDD79mIcoXLG8N6G8hGNRZC4CnBjkN2Km8TjygcdhB8 2uznBQEiWg2aVu/dwW1iaHCPECAyMshhKoW7fXYkOOpw48+NLu8ROB9Le4TGra6uMjExUfMSUI5h dXUVx3EaHtMXDoeNflXt56ZfVZMKhSCAQhBLIQigEMRSCAIoBLEUggAKQSyFIIBCEMAYoxDkjEIQ QCGIpRAEUAhiKQQBFIJYCkEAhSCWQhBAIYilEARQCGIpBAEUglgKQQCFIJZCEEAhiKUQBFAIYikE ARRCaxwkGI5lzv/bBjwPIRPzEcsckBgeJnHg9ej3d447nUfPa/47vo6vd5/5d2N3Nr+baJt/QykT 8/GCNKZN/sf8TMLhcLMrQoaYz4ev/Gc4wQHlnxB7l4MEw8MJMonhyv1imQwxe9+zMWJkADIx1scN +dDC+eM9PsdB5T5VP72ZGL5rl2aPn2v5vJUxW7uqVTT8j3JXy+dN3hhj8nETddLnx9OOwX6fj0dN NJ63x+Pm7Mu0iUejxkmfHYtGHZM2dXh6jrRxovFL4+VN3LHH7vO55uMmStTErz3x/QmFQqa5FaEn z5LPh693DvaqforHxnHcBRIHB2wkYfrXnh8fOz1P6EuCxJdnzPe17hwHid/ZH39NjUffwzz6eHbt ie9XUyFkYi9wnTTGGN5Pg7tQXgLHeBOH5NISyb55Xtd8sr38SpL9Z1fvBbw9xxhvppP0+nz4epNM j3/h9/15GtmOeP5ce17zPr7HC1/VpaUd3PzSkDbOhaUtbRyqlvh83ETBOHXX/NafI+04Jm3HACrL ej4eNYChcu67nEfaOGCINnB5umPNXxqu0vOMPqKEej0f2ZtzZGIshN7AUpLpvMGYPNPJJTJkWEpO kzcGk58mudTAj+utnusY70yeOHM0cqq71kQIY4w7/yO5Ybe6mXXcaAhvX/e7OkeG2EKI97XX8Xuc Rxtq6l1DeVm7sIxW3+bFrtj7c6Sdqsc0dGm4g3lUnReovPNopVAoZNrmAyVpnVt8oCT/NApBAIUg lkIQQCGIpRAEUAhiKQQBFIJYCkEAhSCWQhBAIYilEARQCGIpBAEUglgKQQCFIJZCEEAhiKUQBFAI YikEAeARwPfv31s9D2kxrQgCKASxFIIACkEshSCAQhBLIQigEMR61OoJXOXJkyetnsKDMDs7y+Li 4q3GaOsQAL59+9bqKbS1zc1NT8Zp+xAAHj9+3Oop/ONpjyCAQhBLIQigEMRSCFfJzuH3+yt/ni8X qm9kzv+c8qHsnB//XLYl0/SCQqijsPwc/xSkSiVKpRKlUo7f1vprv9jZOaZIUYqP3v9EPaIQairw cQ0Wc3HOX9puZv6zyNDfG1xMIcvcFKQecASgEGorfGRtK0RP96Xj3f/mt6G/2agqYe3VEr9cCOZh Ugg3NsQvwfLXW2xtbbH2sXDVAx4EhVBLdw8h9jm4/Pr+sFIMsZhLEXr7iuUH3oJCqGmUPxbhbf9c 1X6gwPKrt7D4x6XLwCjxVIi3r5Z5yC08iL9raIXumU/keE6/3185NrSY49PM5Y0DMBonteGn/znk Ps1Q4x5tTyFcoXvmE6WZereOEi+drw2j8RKle5nV3dClQQCFIJZCEEAhiKUQBHgA7xq8+p08uVpb hzA7O9vqKfw02jqE2/6KtjROewQBFIJYCkEAhSCWQhBAIYilEARQCGIpBAHAFw6HTasnIa33f75V n9ruGcTJAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC "/> </fieldset> </div> <div class="compare_item"> <fieldset><legend>mb_utf16.c</legend> <pre><code class="c"> #include <windows.h> int main() { const wchar_t *caption = L"\U0001F631"; // U+1F631 FACE SCREAMING IN FEAR const wchar_t *message = L"\U0001F648" // U+1F648 SEE-NO-EVIL MONKEY L"\U0001F649" // U+1F649 HEAR-NO-EVIL MONKEY L"\U0001F64A"; // U+1F64A SPEAK-NO-EVIL MONKEY MessageBoxW(NULL, message, caption, MB_OK); } </code></pre></fieldset> <fieldset><legend>Compile</legend> <pre><code class="Bash"> > cl mb_utf16.c /Femb_utf16.exe user32.lib Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.13.26128 for x64 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. mb_utf16.c Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.13.26128.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. /out:mb_utf16.exe mb_utf16.obj user32.lib </code></pre></fieldset> <fieldset><legend>Run</legend> <pre><code class="Bash"> > mb_utf16.exe </code></pre> <img src="data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAHcAAACFCAYAAABhY2eYAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAB0dJREFU eJztnbFvGskXx7+c0kZZLP8BPzj7TgI32JKLoUT2yU4RX5S4vW6IXdy5uSKSJZcUaZbKv/Pviju5 OyScFFmU+ChzhSVDE6XwEHCRVEawKV29X8ECa844CyYmfryPtF6YmZ0d+7Pz3rAgHIrH4wThq2Fn Zwfn5+fX6mN/fx8fP35EKB6P09u3b0c0NOFrYW5uDt+MexDCl0PkMkbkMkbkMkbkMkbkMkbkMkbk MubOoAc0a0UUj9+j0fAKpqbw7UIKqUh4xEObLPb29vDw4UNMT09fWl+v15HP56G1Dt5pPB6nYDSo lPuNcn9XqdHwFzeo+neOfsuVqNH3WOFznJ2d0f9+/53Ozs4GqutHPB6nwGG5ViyisaCRmjpGqVRD EwDQRO20hOOpFPRCA8ViLfhVJVxgenoaaw8e4PmLF6jX653yer2O5y9eYO3Bg76zuh/B5DbLqE6l kIoA4cQColELrSAchmVFsZAIA5EUUlNVlJsDnV/w0Sv4OmKBgDm3edoArP94T1wcV4GIl2Pd6jFc KwKEAVhA47QJhCX/DotfMIChxQJBF1RWFFH3FDWEEQkn8CjVrYqkHnmPajh1o4haQ41D+AIEC8uu C/dCQRO1chnlcjv3dhrCvdhQGBB/KL4sBw9C4AWVZQHVmreMqrlAIoFEAnC9MtSqrUbC0PTm2H6L rKAEv4kRSWDeLXUWTJbvJ5plFN15JCIDn1/w6Ld4uo7gQHLDFuA2W/v3pRoAF6flGmrlU7gAaqX3 gBUGmm5rLwxMPp/vu3hqC87n8wP1OfDHbOQO1e1gbm5u8NuP4UgKjyKpzzcUxo68ccAYkcsYkcsY kcsYkcsYkcsYkcsYkcsYkcsYkcsUIhK5nBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5 jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jBG5jLm+3EoBhUIBhcoIRiOMlOHlVgpIJ0MI za5idXUVq7MhhJLp/pIrBWTTaaTTaaSz2SsvhkohjWQyhFAohGQyibRcOcMR/Ftb2xhytCIFRbZj eqpsUlCktE2dGmPIsRUB6NkUKdshY/7dNwBSqmevHeo5m3AFsVgs+Le2tqlkn+Hk13VAb+P+rGmF 5PaGX7CtgfW17/AsXQBQQQUzwDvAdgyICMZ4e2cO/7wDZlBBBQAKWSSTP2F1D7AN4c2bNyDy9sYG 9lbxUzKJdGF0FzZ3Bg/L38WAl++wvgYYs4KVFQDPT4DZFcyaArA2h79OThCL+Y5Z28YvKwbZbAUz MzMoZLMwK7/C9rWpnADbb7ah1TruzxSQTmdRQQXZZBoF3Me6Ulj/80/ETsRuYIYJy7ZSZPtipHF8 IdPYpJQXlo0h49UTGXK8MN5q335uWqHZ2KQUCN6xxovXrb1DGiAoRbYzXJiaNGKxGA0hl4gcTcpu iXE8scYxnlCbtCfA2IqU1qQA0o4hMg5ppckxrTpAkdbK66vVL7z8SsYhrVttHd3K08qWrBuUIeUa slX7j+2Q4xgyxpBxnO7CqT1zPVkACNruLp6MQ1p1F1fti6G9INNak+04ZIwhx7FJdy6Qkf3u7BlO rl8YNDnGm73GC50XhPnKlE22rUlrTdq2u3JVd2XtaE0df76Z69WSFruBGUquueRlTfvlyoUyL4T6 2yulyXbsC7O2E2qNTQq6m8uNIcf/Usk4pHEx1wv9GUpuO/99dvNm2Wfbt2ejPyIo1Vpc9T6W0ByY WCxG8s+RmRKPx+WNA86IXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaI XMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMaIXMbcAYBPnz6NexzCF0BmLmNELmNELmNELmNELmNELmNELmNE LmPu3PQJ7927d9OnvJVsbm4ik8lcq48blwsAHz58GMdpbw3FYnEk/YxFLgDcvXt3XKeeGCTnMkbk MkbkMkbkMmby5B5uwbKszra8W/VXYstaRrvocMuCtXU4lmGOgomSW91dhvUYyLkuXNeF65bw48H8 5QIPt/AYObj20s0PdERMkNwqXh0AmZKNrq4oNv6bweIfL3FR7yG2HgO5WywWmCS51Vc4OIphJtpT Hv0BPy7+gZc+uwdPnuH7CxfB7WRy5F7JIr7/tv34CEdHRzh4Vb3qgFvB5MiNziCGd6j0OvvXjF5E ppRD7OkT7N5yv5MjF0v4OQM8nd/y5dcqdp88BTI/94TgJdi5GJ4+2cVt9ju2e8vjILrxGiUsY96y OmWLmRJeb/QmYgBLNnIvLcwvA6XXG7ikxVfPRMkFWoLdjX61S7Dd7hxesl24NzKqL8MEheXJQ+Qy RuQyRuQyRuQyZiyr5VF9Rki4mhuXu7m5edOnnFhuXO51P64pBEdyLmNELmNELmNELmNELmNELmNE LmNELmNELmPuAEAymRz3OASPnZ0dnJ+fX6uP/f19hEIh/B8jZg5SOCteOQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== "/> </fieldset> </div> </div> </p> <p>Difficulty in managing multiple encodings with the same code unit type is not the only challenge posed by use of <tt>char</tt> as the UTF-8 code unit type. The following code exhibits implementation defined behavior. <blockquote><pre><code class="c"> _Bool is_utf8_multibyte_code_unit(char c) { return c >= 0x80; } </code></pre></blockquote> </p> <p>UTF-8 leading and continuation code units have values in the range 128 (0x80) to 255 (0xFF). In the common case where <tt>char</tt> is implemented as a signed 8-bit type with a two's complement representation and a range of -128 (-0x80) to 127 (0x7F), these values exceed the unsigned range of the <tt>char</tt> type. Such implementations typically encode such code units as unsigned values which are then reinterpreted as signed values when read. In the code above, integral promotion rules result in <tt>c</tt> being promoted to type <tt>int</tt> for comparison to the <tt>0x80</tt> operand. if <tt>c</tt> holds a value corresponding to a leading or continuation code unit value, then its value will be interpreted as negative and the promoted value of type <tt>int</tt> will likewise be negative. The result is that the comparison is always false for these implementations.</p> <p>To correct the code above, explicit conversions are required. For example: <blockquote><pre><code class="c"> _Bool is_utf8_multibyte_code_unit(char c) { return ((unsigned char)c) >= 0x80; } </code></pre></blockquote> </p> <p>Finally, no facilities are currently provided for transcoding between the execution character encoding and UTF-8. </p> <p>The issues described above present significant challenges to working with UTF-8 encoded text. As the use of UTF-8 continues to rise, the ability to work well with UTF-8 text will only grow more important. The changes proposed in this paper are intended to address the above issues while retaining the ability to write source code that is compatible across C and C++. </p> <p><em>[*]: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 added <tt>/utf-8</tt>, <tt>/source-charset:utf-8</tt>, and <tt>/execution-charset:utf-8</tt> options that enable use of UTF-8 as the execution character encoding, but in practice, these options are of limited use since the Windows platform SDK does not, in general, support UTF-8.</em> </p> <h1 id="proposal">Proposal</h1> <p>The proposed changes include: <ul> <li>A new typedef of <tt>unsigned char</tt> named <tt>char8_t</tt> defined in the <tt><uchar.h></tt> header.</li> <li>The type of UTF-8 string literals is changed from array of <tt>const char</tt> to array of <tt>const char8_t</tt>.</li> <li>The type of UTF-8 character literals (assuming <a title="[WG14 N2198]: Adding the u8 character prefix" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2198.pdf"> WG14 N2198</a> <sup><a title="[WG14 N2198]: Adding the u8 character prefix" href="#ref_wg14_n2198"> [WG14 N2198]</a></sup> is adopted) is changed from <tt>char</tt> to <tt>char8_t</tt>.</li> <li>New <tt>mbrtoc8</tt> and <tt>c8rtomb</tt> functions declared in <tt><uchar.h></tt> enable converting between the implementation defined execution character encoding and UTF-8.</li> <li>A new <tt>__STDC_UTF_8__</tt> macro used to indicate when <tt>u8</tt> literals are encoded in UTF-8.</li> <li>New <tt>char8_t</tt> related atomic macros and types.</li> </ul> </p> <p>The addition of the <tt>char8_t</tt> typedef is intended to support source code compatibility between C and C++ assuming the adoption of <a title="[WG21 P0482R1]: char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0482r1.html"> WG21 P0482R1</a> <sup><a title="[WG21 P0482R1]: char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)" href="#ref_wg21_p0482r1"> [WG21 P0482R1]</a></sup> by the C++ committee. Mutual adoption would enable the following code to be well-formed and portable for both languages while providing additional type safety and protection from implementation defined sign issues. <blockquote><pre><code class="c"> #include <uchar.h> void use_utf8(const char8_t *p) { if (p && p[0] >= 0x80) { /* Handle UTF-8 lead or continuation code unit... */ } } int main() { use_utf8(u8"text"); } </code></pre></blockquote> </p> <h1 id="backward_compat">Backward Compatibility</h1> <p>The changes proposed in this paper impact backward compatibility as a result of changing the type of UTF-8 string literals. There are two primary consequences: <ol> <li>Code that directly accesses the code unit values of UTF-8 string literals without an intervening cast to an unsigned type may experience silent behavioral changes for implementations with a signed 8-bit <tt>char</tt> type. In general, such accesses are likely indicative of latent defects in the code, and are defects likely fixed by the proposed changes.</li> <li>Initialization or assignment of <tt>const char</tt> pointers (including parameters) from UTF-8 string literals will now result in incompatible pointer conversions. This is an intentional change intended to allow the use of compiler diagnostics to identify cases where incorrectly encoded text is used.</li> </ol> </p> <p>These changes are a primary objective of this proposal. Implementations are encouraged to add options to disable <tt>char8_t</tt> support entirely when necessary to preserve compatibility with prior C language standards. </p> <h1 id="implementation_exp">Implementation Experience</h1> <p>The proposed changes in the corresponding C++ <a title="[WG21 P0482R1]: char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0482r1.html"> WG21 P0482R1</a> <sup><a title="[WG21 P0482R1]: char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)" href="#ref_wg21_p0482r1"> [WG21 P0482R1]</a></sup> proposal have been implemented in a fork of gcc and are available on GitHub in the <tt>char8_t</tt> branch of the following repository: <ul> <li>gcc: <a href="https://github.com/tahonermann/gcc/tree/char8_t"> https://github.com/tahonermann/gcc/tree/char8_t</a></li> </ul> </p> <p>The proposed changes in this paper are being implemented in forks of gcc and glibc, but are not yet complete. Once completed, they will be available in the <tt>char8_t</tt> branches of the following repositories: <ul> <li>gcc: <a href="https://github.com/tahonermann/gcc/tree/char8_t"> https://github.com/tahonermann/gcc/tree/char8_t</a></li> <li>glibc: <a href="https://github.com/tahonermann/glibc/tree/char8_t"> https://github.com/tahonermann/glibc/tree/char8_t</a></li> </ul> </p> <p> The new gcc <tt>-fchar8_t</tt> and <tt>-fno-char8_t</tt> compiler options support enabling and disabling the new features. No backward compatibility features are currently implemented. </p> <h1 id="wording">Formal Wording</h1> <input type="checkbox" id="hidedel">Hide deleted text</input> <p>These changes are relative to the ISO/IEC 9899:2017 committee draft as of 2018-03-17.</p> <p>Additional updates will be necessary if <a title="[WG14 N2198]: Adding the u8 character prefix" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2198.pdf"> WG14 N2198</a> <sup><a title="[WG14 N2198]: Adding the u8 character prefix" href="#ref_wg14_n2198"> [WG14 N2198]</a></sup> is adopted.</p> <p>Change in 6.4.5 (String Literals) paragraph 6: <blockquote> […] For UTF-8 string literals, the array elements have type <del><tt>char</tt></del><ins><tt>char8_t</tt></ins>, and are initialized with the characters of the multibyte character sequence, as encoded in UTF–8. […] </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in 6.7.9 (Initialization) paragraph 14: <blockquote> An array of character type may be initialized by a character string literal<del> or UTF-8 string literal</del>, optionally enclosed in braces. Successive bytes of the string literal (including the terminating null character if there is room or if the array is of unknown size) initialize the elements of the array. </blockquote> </p> <p><em>Drafting note: The changes to 6.7.9p14 affect backward compatibility by removing the ability to initialize an array of character type with a UTF-8 string literal. This is an intentional change made to align with the changes to C++ proposed in <a title="[WG21 P0482R1]: char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0482r1.html"> WG21 P0482R1</a> <sup><a title="[WG21 P0482R1]: char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)" href="#ref_wg21_p0482r1"> [WG21 P0482R1]</a></sup>. </em></p> <p>Insert a new paragraph after 6.7.9 (Initialization) paragraph 14: <blockquote class=stdins> An array with element type compatible with a qualified or unqualified version of <tt>char8_t</tt> may be initialized by a UTF-8 string literal, optionally enclosed in braces. Successive bytes of the string literal (including the terminating null character if there is room or if the array is of unknown size) initialize the elements of the array. </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in (Environment macros) paragraph 1: <blockquote> The following macro names are conditionally defined by the implementation:<br/> <br/> […]<br/> <br/> <ins><tt>__STDC_UTF_8__</tt> The integer constant 1, intended to indicate that values of type <tt>char8_t</tt> are UTF-8 encoded. If some other encoding is used, the macro shall not be defined and the actual encoding used is implementation-defined.</ins><br/> <br/> <tt>__STDC_UTF_16__</tt> The integer constant 1, intended to indicate that values of type <tt>char16_t</tt> are UTF-16 encoded. If some other encoding is used, the macro shall not be defined and the actual encoding used is implementation-defined.<br/> <br/> <tt>__STDC_UTF_32__</tt> The integer constant 1, intended to indicate that values of type <tt>char32_t</tt> are UTF-32 encoded. If some other encoding is used, the macro shall not be defined and the actual encoding used is implementation-defined.<br/> <br/> […]<br/> </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in 7.17.1 (Introduction) paragraph 3: <blockquote> The macros defined are the <em>atomic lock-free macros</em> <blockquote> ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE<br/> <ins>ATOMIC_CHAR8_T_LOCK_FREE</ins><br/> ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE<br/> ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE<br/> </blockquote> […]<br/> </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in 7.17.6 (Atomic integer types) paragraph 1: <blockquote> For each line in the following table,<sup>261)</sup> the atomic type name is declared as a type that has the same representation and alignment requirements as the corresponding direct type.<sup>262)</sup> <div style="margin-left: 1em;"> <table> <tr> <td>Atomic type name</td> <td>Direct type</td> </tr> <tr> <td>[…]</td> <td>[…]</td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt>atomic_ullong</tt></td> <td><tt>_Atomic unsigned long long</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt><ins>atomic_char8_t</ins></tt></td> <td><tt><ins>_Atomic char8_t</ins></tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt>atomic_char16_t</tt></td> <td><tt>_Atomic char16_t</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt>atomic_char32_t</tt></td> <td><tt>_Atomic char32_t</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt>atomic_wchar_t</tt></td> <td><tt>_Atomic wchar_t</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td>[…]</td> <td>[…]</td> </tr> </table> </div> </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in 7.28 (Unicode utilities <uchar.h>) paragraph 2: <blockquote> The types declared are <tt>mbstate_t</tt> (described in 7.29.1) and <tt>size_t</tt> (described in 7.19); <ins> <blockquote> <tt>char8_t</tt> </blockquote> which is an unsigned integer type used for 8-bit characters and is the same type as <tt>unsigned char</tt>; and</ins> </ins> <blockquote> <tt>char16_t</tt> </blockquote> which is an unsigned integer type used for 16-bit characters and is the same type as <tt>uint_least16_t</tt> (described in; and</ins> <blockquote> <tt>char32_t</tt> </blockquote> which is an unsigned integer type used for 32-bit characters and is the same type as <tt>uint_least32_t</tt> (described in</ins> </blockquote> </p> <p>Insert a new subclause before (The mbrtoc16 function): <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>The mbrtoc8 function</strong> </blockquote> </p> <p>Add a new paragraph 1: <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>Synopsis</strong><br/> <blockquote> <div style="margin-left: 1em;"> <tt>#include</tt> <uchar.h><br/> <tt>size_t</tt> mbrtoc8(<tt>char8_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> pc8,<br/> <tt>const</tt> <tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>size_t</tt> n,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps); </div> </blockquote> </blockquote> </p> <p>Add a new paragraph 2: <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>Description</strong><br/> If <tt>s</tt> is a null pointer, the <tt>mbrtoc8</tt> function is equivalent to the call: <blockquote> <div style="margin-left: 2em;"> mbrtoc8(NULL, "", 1, ps) </div> </blockquote> In this case, the values of the parameters <tt>pc8</tt> and <tt>n</tt> are ignored. </blockquote> </p> <p>Add a new paragraph 3: <blockquote class="stdins"> If <tt>s</tt> is not a null pointer, the <tt>mbrtoc8</tt> function inspects at most <tt>n</tt> bytes beginning with the byte pointed to by <tt>s</tt> to determine the number of bytes needed to complete the next multibyte character (including any shift sequences). If the function determines that the next multibyte character is complete and valid, it determines the values of the corresponding characters and then, if <tt>pc8</tt> is not a null pointer, stores the value of the first (or only) such character in the object pointed to by <tt>pc8</tt>. Subsequent calls will store successive characters without consuming any additional input until all the characters have been stored. If the corresponding character is the null character, the resulting state described is the initial conversion state. </blockquote> </p> <p>Add a new paragraph 4: <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>Returns</strong><br/> The <tt>mbrtoc8</tt> function returns the first of the following that applies (given the current conversion state): <table> <tr> <td>0</td> <td>if the next <tt>n</tt> or fewer bytes complete the multibyte character that corresponds to the null character (which is the value stored). </td> </tr> <tr> <td><em>between 1 and <tt>n</tt> inclusive</em></td> <td>if the next <tt>n</tt> or fewer bytes complete a valid multibyte character (which is the value stored); the value returned is the number of bytes that complete the multibyte character. </td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt>(size_t)</tt> (−3)</td> <td>if the next character resulting from a previous call has been stored (no bytes from the input have been consumed by this call). </td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt>(size_t)</tt> (−2)</td> <td>if the next <tt>n</tt> bytes contribute to an incomplete (but potentially valid) multibyte character, and all <tt>n</tt> bytes have been processed (no value is stored).<sup><em>Footnote</em>)</sup> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><tt>(size_t)</tt> (−1)</td> <td>if an encoding error occurs, in which case the next <tt>n</tt> or fewer bytes do not contribute to a complete and valid multibyte character (no value is stored); the value of the macro <tt>EILSEQ</tt> is stored in <tt>errno</tt>, and the conversion state is unspecified. </td> </tr> </table> </blockquote> </p> <p>Add a new footnote for the reference in paragraph 4 above: <blockquote class="stdins"> <sup><em>Footnote</em>)</sup>When <tt>n</tt> has at least the value of the <tt>MB_CUR_MAX</tt> macro, this case can only occur if <tt>s</tt> points at a sequence of redundant shift sequences (for implementations with state-dependent encodings). </blockquote> </p> <p>Insert another new subclause before (The mbrtoc16 function): <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>The c8rtomb function</strong> </blockquote> </p> <p>Add a new paragraph 1: <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>Synopsis</strong><br/> <blockquote> <div style="margin-left: 1em;"> <tt>#include</tt> <uchar.h><br/> <tt>size_t</tt> c8rtomb(<tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>char8_t</tt> c8,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps); </div> </blockquote> </blockquote> </p> <p>Add a new paragraph 2: <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>Description</strong><br/> If <tt>s</tt> is a null pointer, the c8rtomb function is equivalent to the call <blockquote> <div style="margin-left: 2em;"> c8rtomb(buf, '\0', ps) </div> </blockquote> where <tt>buf</tt> is an internal buffer. </blockquote> </p> <p><em>Drafting note: If <a title="[WG14 N2198]: Adding the u8 character prefix" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2198.pdf"> WG14 N2198</a> <sup><a title="[WG14 N2198]: Adding the u8 character prefix" href="#ref_wg14_n2198"> [WG14 N2198]</a></sup> is adopted, the character literal in paragraph 2 above should be changed from '\0' to u8'\0'. </em></p> <p>Add a new paragraph 3: <blockquote class="stdins"> If <tt>s</tt> is not a null pointer, the <tt>c8rtomb</tt> function determines the number of bytes needed to represent the multibyte character that corresponds to the character given or completed by <tt>c8</tt> (including any shift sequences), and stores the multibyte character representation in the array whose first element is pointed to by <tt>s</tt>, or stores nothing if <tt>c8</tt> does not represent a complete character. At most <tt>MB_CUR_MAX</tt> bytes are stored. If <tt>c8</tt> is a null character, a null byte is stored, preceded by any shift sequence needed to restore the initial shift state; the resulting state described is the initial conversion state. </blockquote> </p> <p><em>Drafting note: The wording in paragraph 3 above includes the proposed wording updates from <a title="[WG14 DR 488]: c16rtomb() on wide characters encoded as multiple char16_t" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/WG14/www/docs/summary.htm#dr_488"> WG14 DR 488</a> <sup><a title="[WG14 DR 488]: c16rtomb() on wide characters encoded as multiple char16_t" href="#ref_wg14_dr488"> [WG14 DR 488]</a></sup>. </em></p> <p>Add a new paragraph 4: <blockquote class="stdins"> <strong>Returns</strong><br/> The <tt>c8rtomb</tt> function returns the number of bytes stored in the array object (including any shift sequences). When <tt>c8</tt> is not a valid character, an encoding error occurs: the function stores the value of the macro <tt>EILSEQ</tt> in <tt>errno</tt> and returns <tt>(size_t)</tt> (−1); the conversion state is unspecified. </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in B.16 (Atomics <stdatomic.h>) <blockquote> […]<br/> <tt>ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE</tt><br/> <ins><tt>ATOMIC_CHAR8_T_LOCK_FREE</tt></ins><br/> <tt>ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE</tt><br/> <tt>ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE</tt><br/> <tt>ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE</tt><br/> […]<br/> <tt>atomic_ullong</tt><br/> <ins><tt>atomic_char8_t</tt></ins><br/> <tt>atomic_char16_t</tt><br/> <tt>atomic_char32_t</tt><br/> <tt>atomic_wchar_t</tt><br/> […]<br/> </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in B.27 (Unicode utilities <uchar.h>) <blockquote> <table> <tr> <td><tt>mbstate_t</tt></td> <td><tt>size_t</tt></td> <td><tt><ins>char8_t</ins></tt></td> <td><tt>char16_t</tt></td> <td><tt>char32_t</tt></td> </tr> </table> <blockquote> <div style="margin-left: 1em;"> <ins> <tt>size_t</tt> mbrtoc8(<tt>char8_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> pc8,<br/> <tt>const</tt> <tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>size_t</tt> n,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps);<br/> <tt>size_t</tt> c8rtomb(<tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>char8_t</tt> c8,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps);<br/> </ins> <tt>size_t</tt> mbrtoc16(<tt>char16_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> pc16,<br/> <tt>const</tt> <tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>size_t</tt> n,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps);<br/> <tt>size_t</tt> c16rtomb(<tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>char16_t</tt> c16,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps);<br/> <tt>size_t</tt> mbrtoc32(<tt>char32_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> pc32,<br/> <tt>const</tt> <tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>size_t</tt> n,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps);<br/> <tt>size_t</tt> c32rtomb(<tt>char</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> s, <tt>char32_t</tt> c32,<br/> <tt>mbstate_t</tt> * <tt>restrict</tt> ps); </div> </blockquote> </blockquote> </p> <p>Change in J.3.4 (Characters): <blockquote> […]<br/> — The encoding of any of <tt>wchar_t</tt><ins><tt>, char8_t</tt></ins>, <tt>char16_t</tt>, and <tt>char32_t</tt> where the corresponding standard encoding macro (<tt>__STDC_ISO_10646__</tt><ins>, <tt>__STDC_UTF_8__</tt></ins>, <tt>__STDC_UTF_16__</tt>, or <tt>__STDC_UTF_32__</tt>) is not defined ( </blockquote> </p> <h1 id="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</h1> <p>Thank you to Aaron Ballman for his kind assistance facilitating interaction with WG14.</p> <h1 id="references">References</h1> <table id="references"> <tr> <td id="ref_w3techs"><sup>[W3Techs]</sup></td> <td> "Usage of UTF-8 for websites", W3Techs, 2017.<br/> <a href="https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/en-utf8/all/all"> https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/en-utf8/all/all</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="ref_wg21_p0482r1"><sup>[WG21 P0482R1]</sup></td> <td> Tom Honermann, "char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings (Revision 1)", P0482R1, 2018.<br/> <a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0482r1.html"> http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0482r1.html</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="ref_wg14_n2198"><sup>[WG14 N2198]</sup></td> <td> Aaron Ballman, "Adding the u8 character prefix", N2198, 2017.<br/> <a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2198.pdf"> http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2198.pdf</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="ref_wg14_dr488"><sup>[WG14 DR 488]</sup></td> <td> "c16rtomb() on wide characters encoded as multiple char16_t", DR 488, 2016.<br/> <a href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/WG14/www/docs/summary.htm#dr_488"> http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/WG14/www/docs/summary.htm#dr_488</a></td> </tr> </table> </body>