- T3 Framework Package
The package you have just installed includes:
-The package includes all required elements of the framework.
-By default, the T3 framework plugin is enabled, you can check it by going to: Extensions --> Pluign Manager --> find the T3 framework plugin.
To set the T3 blank template as default template, go to: Extensions --> Template Manager, then select T3 Blank template as your default template. Now, it's time for you to play around the setting of the T3 Blank template. Enjoy!
- Overview: With the JA T3 Blank Template, developing template has never could become easier. Do not let the simplicity fools you, as JAT3 does come packed with great power. You are now in full control to use multiple themes simultaneously or mix and match them as you see fit. The JA T3 Template Administration Panel will allow you the full flexibility in editing your files, upload your themes and customize your settings all in one window. Upgrade Method:
-To explore T3 in depth, please check out the following informative resources:
- Overview: T3 Blank is a blank theme for T3 Framework. With the latest improvements, features and ease of usage, you can now easily adapt it to your site. T3 is way ahead of its predecessors versions viz T3v1 and T3v2. Its more powerful, elegant, user friendly, feature rich and developed to support the latest Joomla 3.0 improvements, don't worry T3 is also available for Joomla 2.5 too. Upgrade Method: Resource: Copyright 2004 - 2013 JoomlArt.com.