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Brendan Abbott edited this page May 4, 2011 · 5 revisions

Why do I have a Public Role that I can't delete?

The Members extension comes with a single default Role, Public. This role cannot be deleted, but it can be renamed and modified to suit your installation. This Role is assumed by any Frontend member who is not authenticated. Roles allow you to set Frontend event and page permissions.

What do the Role Permissions mean?

There are a couple of options for Events permissions regarding editing, No Edit, Own Edit or All Entries.

  • No Edit Members of this role cannot edit any in Symphony
  • Edit Own The logged in member can only edit entries that are their own (determined by if the event's entry_id is the same as their member ID, or if the event's entry_id is linked to their member entry by a Select Box Link field (or any field that uses the section_associations table)
  • Edit All Members of this role can edit any entry in Symphony

Where did the Email Templates go?

Older versions or permutations of the Members extension provided Email Templates, which allowed you to use tokens to construct emails to send to members. Members no longer bundles Email Template functionality, and instead opts to integrate with extensions that already provide flexible and powerful Email Template functionality.

The Email Template Filter or Email Template Manager can be used to email information specific to the Members extension such as Member Registration, Password Reset and Activation Codes. These extensions allow Email Templates to be added as Event Filters to your events. Check the documentation for either extension to evaluate them for your situation. All bugs relating to those extensions should be reported to the respective extension, not the Members extension.

Please note that the Member's custom events can have their Email Template preferences selected on the System > Preferences page.

Can I update from my previous installation of the Frontend Membership extension?

No, previous versions of the Members extension are not upgradable officially.

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