Quick fixes
-- Let stub utiity classes deploy contracts (especially to simplify testing) -- Convenience constructor in stub.Payment.ofWei(...) accepting BigInt (or maybe better yet, a stub.Denominations class auto-imported?)
DB schema updates
Implement a tags table
Implement node url table / rework node finding logic
Implement logic that checks prior existence of tables ("fresh" vs "preexisting") to inform schema upgrades
Even with freshness restriction (only upgrading "fresh" tables), upgrades from very old schemas might fail if old upgrades try to impose foreign key constraints on old versions of "fresh" tables. Think about fixing this.
Maybe define in-database constraints to prevent aliases that might mimic addresses or ENS names from ever being provided. (Currently there is just a require statement in
) -
Maybe destaticify "shoebox" so we could interactively open, choose whether to migrate, pay attention to sbt setting etc on startup
- maybe provide read-only access to previous db versions when opening old repositories? but might be a bit hard to manage.
Make all sbt-ethereum EthSigners (including cached ones) hit the InteractionService, for either a credential or a confirmation, so no signatures can be silently made.
Define a Java object whose internal byte[] is private that is wrappable to an EthSigner. Try to use either SecurityManager (unlikely given sbt.TrapExit, no control over sysprops etc) or Java-9-modules (future version, when we require java 11), to ensure that the private storage is not accessible -- checked by the runtime and not susceptible to a reflectve setAccessible(...)
I think the best approach will be to use Java9 modules, only export packages com.mchange.sc.v1.sbtethereum and com.mchange.sc.v1.sbtethereum.api, seal the packages and carefully control what can be done with that API and ensure security relevant operations are visbily side-effecting, encourage (with default scripts and warning) running JVMs with --illegal-access=deny (there's not at present runtime visibility of the setting :( maybe we can arrange some kind of setup where we test access to unexported packages and ensure that unwanted accesses fail with an Exception. Ideally we test all of our own, and detect if someone is running with --add-opens
Build replace pending transaction task
Check gas prices not being properly passed along on Windows
ENS drop methods (that set eg addresses to empty strings, rather than replacing them only with valid addresses)
ENS drop / replacement should print wants replaced
Define a setting for stub generations to skip
Much better message on ethAddressSenderOverrideDrop
Factor out transaction wait-for-mining into a single construct, handle timeouts better within this.
More informative message about how to deal with timeouts.
Update default solidity version.
Ensure drop and set commands at least print what they drop or replace
Make it possible to specify an optional Chain ID in ethNodeChainIdUrlDefaultSet
Utilities -- denomination conversions, durations, etc
Make price feed more robust to scheduler failure. (Why are there sometimes scheduler failures?)
Why in Test config no tab-complete compilations?
Define setting etherscancfgApiKey, for users who prefer global-sbt-style configuration
object prepare in stubs, with functions that yield unsigned transactions
clean up solidity compiler autosetting, let compilers be specified in builds, let there be a settable user-default compiler that persists between sessions.
- Current logic in xethFindCurrentSolidityCompilerTask is not so great
let repositories suggest ABIs <--> addresses <--> aliases ???
Tool to derive linearization from AST ( see https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/56802/a-solidity-linearization-puzzle/56803?noredirect=1#comment67743_56803 )
Make all *List tasks regex sensitive using new filters in texttable lib
Prompt for alias after ethKeystoreWalletV3Create?
Wrap Poller.TimoutException as Invoker.TimeoutException, or define a cross-cutting Timeout trait (so users of Invoker or stubs don't have to work with an Exception representing an implementation detail)
- Note that we currently have defined a stub.TransactionInfo.TimeoutException
- or maybe we should just alias Poller.TimeoutException everywher that seems convenient?
stub.Sender -- synchronous versions of convenience methods?
Implement EIP-191 and EIP-712 signing.
Warn prominently when waiting for a transaction times out, rather than successfully getting receipt. (Observed problem in ensAuctionFinalize.)
The parser for ethTransactionDeploy should handle aliases / ens-names etc when ctor args are addresses
Fix bizarre string literal parsing issue when """Fortune "Some string."""" style strings are used in auto spawn
Add to hooks Invoker.Context on presubmit( EthTransaction.Signed ) and postsubmit( EthTransaction.Signed, Future
enable Scala libraries to deploy as well as interact with already-deployed contracts
- embed compilations as a resource in jar files
- add method in jsonrpc.Invoker for contract creation
fetch (accessing events bia vPC getLogs(...)) in stub utilities is async by default. Consistent with rest of design, define asyncFetch(...) and fetch(...)
ethDebugListing and ethDebugInBrowser [ Desktop.getDesktop().browse( ... ) ]
- get rid of excess lines in listings, change the suffixes to '.soldebug'
- also for stubs and testing resources
richer balances (multi-unit, fiat balances)
Excise jsonrpc.Compilation from package.scala (jsonrpc) by wrapping the map that is currently its type definition
Move stub.ScalaParameterHelper somewhere more sensible
Uncloseable wrappers for default Poller (done!), Exchanger.Factory, jsonrpc.Client.Factory
-- Also, maybe eliminate global-implicit by default status for these factories, require some ceremony to import them
built-in solcJ-based eth-netcompile
Place a time limit on compiler checks, so that a freeze doesn't prevent sbt startup!
Support for compiling and deploying solidity libraries and linking contracts that reference them
Import/Export of contract metadata between repositories
Incorporate transaction log in DB (?)
add type resriction to log / event Topic Seq, to limit length to four elements
Generate Java stubs
More consistency about when tasks use println(...) vs log.info(...)
Maybe someday put logging configuration into sbt-ethereum repository directory (where it can be easily edited). (maybe put log files there too?)
A flag in Invoker.Context (update stub.Context factories and stub factories in stub.Generator) for broadcasting rather than round-robin-ing Seq URL.Sources
documentation: glossary (hex), (ens), (wallet), (ABI), (transaction)
Should I switch from Compile to Zero as the config setting for tasks expected to be run wthout a user-specified config?
Should I define distinct sbt configs for Mainnet, Rinkeby, Ropsten, etc (so we might do "Rinkeby / ethTransactionInvoke ..." etc)?
ethTransactionMockRaw ?
Include information about overrides in transaction approver messages?