Step 1 ( optional ). Declare some class hierarchy, for which you will declare the plantuml metadata afterwards.
Step 2 ( mandatory ). In your cpp(s) add declarations of your classes, using provided macro-based API.
PUML_VIRTUAL_METHOD(+, void virtFunc() )
PUML_PURE_VIRTUAL_METHOD(+, void pureVirtFunc(const int& val1, const int& val2) )
PUML_INHERITANCE(IInterface, implements)
PUML_INHERITANCE(IInterfaceHelper, implements)
PUML_INHERITANCE(UndeclaredClass, extends)
PUML_METHOD(+, CImpl_Test())
PUML_OVERRIDE_METHOD(+, void virtFunc() )
PUML_OVERRIDE_METHOD(+, void pureVirtFunc(const int& val1, const int& val2) )
PUML_STATIC_METHOD(+, void myStaticMethod() )
PUML_COMPOSITION_DEPENDENCY(CompositionDependency, 1, 1, contains)
PUML_AGGREGATION_DEPENDENCY(AggregationDependency, 1, 1, uses)
PUML_INHERITANCE(IDependency, implements)
PUML_AGGREGATION_DEPENDENCY(ExternalDependency, 1, 1, uses)
PUML_INHERITANCE(IDependency, implements)
PUML_AGGREGATION_DEPENDENCY(ExternalDependency, 1, 1, uses)
PUML_INHERITANCE(IInterface, implements)
PUML_METHOD(+, CImpl_Helper())
PUML_OVERRIDE_METHOD(+, void virtFunc() )
PUML_OVERRIDE_METHOD(+, void pureVirtFunc(const int& val1, const int& val2) )
PUML_STATIC_METHOD(+, void myStaticMethod() )
PUML_INHERITANCE(CImpl_Helper, extends)
PUML_METHOD(+, CImpl_HelperExtended())
PUML_OVERRIDE_METHOD(+, void virtFunc() )
Some rules and tips regarding the macro definitions:
- Package is mandatory. You can not declare anything outside the package. You can try but you will get a compilcaiton error, as macro definitions are created to work only in that way. Otherwise produced C++ code won't be valid. That is my shoutout to the component architecture. Declare packages!
- You can declare the same package in different files. E.g. if you have a package with dozens of files there is no need to have a seperate cpp in order to store the whole metadata of the package there. No! Idea is to declare metadata of the specific entities in their own cpp files. Even if multiple classes are related to the same package.
- From the other side, you can't split the definition of metadata for the classes and interfaces. There should be only one definition of entity with its unique name within a package. In case of multiple definitions of an element the "last win" strategy will be applied. So you can get partial data ☺
- both class and interface do have: members, methods, inheritance and dependencies
- All parameters of the macro definitions should be placed without the quotes. Stringification will be done inside the macro definitions
- Concept does contain a primitive type check mechanism. Refer to X_CHECKED macro definitions. It's usage is optional, so, if needed, you can add to your design even non-yet-existing classes.
- It is better to specify class names with namespaces in order to avoid collisions between the entities. E.g. dependencies and inheritance lookup is using names without considering name of the packages. Thus, if you will have the package_1::class_1 and package_2::class_1, then dependency to class_1 might lead to ambiguation, when random data will be chosen.
- All internal search functionality is CASE SENSITIVE. Thus, metadata declarations should also consider this. Only Creator::findPackagesByName method does a case-insensitive search of packages.
- Be aware, that you will need a graphwiz installed in order to get plantuml class diagrams. It is better to install version 2.38 of it, as plantuml documentation states, that currently it is the most compatible release.
- There is NO support of the nested packages, interfaces or classes. Only package->class and package->interface folding.
- keywords virtual, override and "=0" should NOT be added together with the method's definition. They will be added implicitly.
- Concept supports usage of template classes. But be aware, that X_CHECKED macro definitions will not fully work with it. TClass might work, while TClass ( where T is abstract template parameter ) definitely won't.
- Concept supports declaration of singletone and abstract classes
That will finish initialization of the model.
Step 4. To obtain the full class diagram of your application, do the following thing in your source code:
auto result = DMA::PlantUML::Creator::getInstance().exportAllPackageClassDiagrams("/target_folder/", true);
// Second parameter of the "exportAllPackageClassDiagrams" method specifies whether to exclude package dependencies or not.
for(const auto& resultItem: result)
if(false == resultItem.second.bIsSuccessful)
// log failure
// log success
Without it, all macro definitions which you've used will produce nothing. Sometimes ( in release builds ) this define can be turned off by purpose in order to avoid runtime overheads.
package "test_external" #DDDDDD
class "ExternalDependency"
package "test_helper" #DDDDDD
class "AggregationDependency"
class "CImpl_Helper"
+ CImpl_Helper()
+ {static} void myStaticMethod()
+ virtual void pureVirtFunc(const int& val1, const int& val2) override
+ virtual void virtFunc() override
class "CImpl_HelperExtended"
+ CImpl_HelperExtended()
+ virtual void virtFunc() override
class "CompositionDependency"
interface "IDependency"
interface "IInterfaceHelper"
package "test_main" #DDDDDD
class "CImpl_Test"
+ CImpl_Test()
+ {static} void myStaticMethod()
+ virtual void pureVirtFunc(const int& val1, const int& val2) override
+ virtual void virtFunc() override
interface "IInterface"
+ {abstract} virtual void pureVirtFunc(const int& val1, const int& val2) = 0
+ virtual void virtFunc()
+ virtual ~IInterface()
'====================Inheritance section====================
IDependency <|-- AggregationDependency : implements
IInterface <|-- CImpl_Helper : implements
CImpl_Helper <|-- CImpl_HelperExtended : extends
IDependency <|-- CompositionDependency : implements
IInterface <|-- CImpl_Test : implements
IInterfaceHelper <|-- CImpl_Test : implements
UndeclaredClass <|-- CImpl_Test : extends
'====================Dependencies section====================
AggregationDependency "1" o-- "1" ExternalDependency : uses
CompositionDependency "1" o-- "1" ExternalDependency : uses
CImpl_Test "1" o-- "1" AggregationDependency : uses
CImpl_Test "1" -- "1" CompositionDependency : contains
For more complex examples, please, visit this project.
It's class-diagrams documentation is fully based on usage of this library: section of DLT-Message-Analyzer's generated UML class-diagrams.
Search for usage of this API within that repository, and you will get how to deal with it.