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File metadata and controls

803 lines (680 loc) · 88.7 KB


This is the documentation of supported TDME2-GUI XML elements and their attributes. This document is WIP (It misses effects, some more descriptions and maybe even some graphical presentation and for sure examples).

1. Primitive nodes

1.1 Node base attributes

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
flow floating | integrated integrated
horizontal-align left | center | right left
vertical-align top | center | bottom top
left x position of node in %, pixel none
top y position of node in %, pixel none
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width auto
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
factor 0
background-color background color in html hex notation or color name transparent
background-image background image location none
background-image-scale9 background image scale 9 in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
background-image-scale9-left background image scale 9 in pixels for left area 0 pixel
background-image-scale9-top background image scale 9 in pixels for top area 0 pixel
background-image-scale9-right background image scale 9 in pixels for right area 0 pixel
background-image-scale9-bottom background image scale 9 in pixels for bottom area 0 pixel
background-image-effect-color-mul background image color multiplication in hex notation or color name #ffffffff
background-image-effect-color-add background image color addition in hex notation or color name #00000000
border border in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
border-left border in pixels for left area 0 pixel
border-top border in pixels for top area 0 pixel
border-right border in pixels for right area 0 pixel
border-bottom border in pixels for bottom area 0 pixel
border-color border color in html hex notation or color name for left, top, right, bottom area transparent
border-color-left border color in html hex notation or color name for left area transparent
border-color-top border color in html hex notation or color name for top area transparent
border-color-right border color in html hex notation or color name for right area transparent
border-color-bottom border color in html hex notation or color name for bottom area transparent
padding padding in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
padding-left padding in pixels for left area 0 pixel
padding-top padding in pixels for top area 0 pixel
padding-right padding in pixels for right area 0 pixel
padding-bottom padding in pixels for bottom area 0 pixel
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
tooltip optional tooltip none

1.2. <screen> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none
overflow-x hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden
overflow-y hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden
scrollable true | false false
popup true | false false
min-width minimal supported screen width, if screen width < min-width, the screen gets scaled none
min-height minimal supported screen height, if screen height < min-height, the screen gets scaled none
max-width maximal supported screen width, if screen width > max-width, the screen gets scaled none
max-height maximal supported screen height, if screen width > max-height, the screen gets scaled none
script a script can be attached to a screen, see none

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.

1.3. <element> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
disabled true | false false
focusable true | false false
ignore-events true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
options options in format: "optionName0=optionValue0,...optionNameN=optionValueN none
overflow-x hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden
overflow-y hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden
name formular name of this element
value value of this element

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.

1.4. <gradient> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
colors percentAt0%=color1,..,percentAtN%=colorN; e.g. 0%=red,50%=green,100%=blue none
rotation rotation angle 0.0f

1.5. Frame Buffer / Image / Texture / Video nodes

1.5.1. <image> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
clipping image clipping in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
clipping-left image clipping in pixels for left area 0 pixel
clipping-top image clipping in pixels for top area 0 pixel
clipping-right image clipping in pixels for right area 0 pixel
clipping-right image clipping in pixels for bottom area 0 pixel
mask image mask image location none
mask-max-value mask max value, means if mask image pixel > mask max value the fragment is discared none
scale9 image scale 9 in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
scale9-left image scale 9 in pixels for left area 0 pixel
scale9-top image scale 9 in pixels for top area 0 pixel
scale9-right image scale 9 in pixels for right area 0 pixel
scale9-bottom image scale 9 in pixels for bottom area 0 pixel
effect-color-mul image color multiplication in hex notation or color name #ffffffff
effect-color-add image color addition in hex notation or color name #00000000
horizontal-scale float factor to scale original image width with 1.0
vertical-scale float factor to scale original image width with 1.0
mirror-x mirror image on x axis false
mirror-y mirror image on y axis false
rotation rotation angle 0.0
src image location 0.0

1.5.2. <video> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
clipping video clipping in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
clipping-left video clipping in pixels for left area 0 pixel
clipping-top video clipping in pixels for top area 0 pixel
clipping-right video clipping in pixels for right area 0 pixel
clipping-right video clipping in pixels for bottom area 0 pixel
mask video mask video location none
mask-max-value mask max value, means if mask video pixel > mask max value the fragment is discared none
scale9 video scale 9 in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
scale9-left video scale 9 in pixels for left area 0 pixel
scale9-top video scale 9 in pixels for top area 0 pixel
scale9-right video scale 9 in pixels for right area 0 pixel
scale9-bottom video scale 9 in pixels for bottom area 0 pixel
effect-color-mul video color multiplication in hex notation or color name #ffffffff
effect-color-add video color addition in hex notation or color name #00000000
horizontal-scale float factor to scale original video width with 1.0
vertical-scale float factor to scale original video width with 1.0
mirror-x mirror video on x axis false
mirror-y mirror video on y axis false
src video location 0.0

1.6. <layer> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
overflow-x hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden
overflow-y hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.

1.7. <layout> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none
overflow-x hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden
overflow-y hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.

1.8. <panel> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none
overflow-x hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden
overflow-y hidden | downsize-children | scroll hidden

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.

1.9. <space> node

1.10. Table nodes

1.10.1. <table> node

This element supports <table-row> as sub elements.

1.10.2. <table-row> node

This element supports <table-cell> as sub elements.

1.10.3 <table-cell> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.

1.11. Text nodes

1.11.1. <text> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
color text rendering color in html hex notation or color name none
font TTF font location none
size TTF font size none
text text to be rendered none

1.11.2. <styled-text> node

Attribute name Attribute description Default
color text rendering default color in hex notation or color name none
font TTF font location none
size TTF font size none
preformatted preformatted, means preserve new lines and white spaces false

The <styled-text>Inner Data</styled-text> is the text that will be rendered. Also note that this element supports some sort of BBCode syntax.

Currently supported BBCode like tags are:

[size=size]Sized Text[/size]
[color=#ff0000ff|red]Colored Text[/color]
[url=]Text with Link[/url]

1.12. <template>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen that might be passed to the template XML auto generated id
src the template XML location none
... other attributes that might be passed to template XML none

2. Compound elements

2.1. <button>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
background-image location of background image none
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width auto
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
image image location none
text button text none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.2. <checkbox>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
size checked/unchecked checkbox image width and height 25 Pixel
image-checked checked checkbox image location YES
image-unchecked unchecked checkbox image location YES
text text to render related to checkbox representation itself YES
selected true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.3. Context Menu

2.3.1. <context-menu>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <context-menu-item> and others as sub elements.

2.3.2. <context-menu-item>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
image image location none
shortcut context menu shortcut none
text context menu item text none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.4. Dropdown

2.4.1. <dropdown>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width 100%
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
text initial text to display none
padding padding for dropdown options 0
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <dropdown-option> and others as sub elements.

2.4.2. <dropdown-option>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
text option text to display none
selected true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.5. <image-button>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width auto
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
src-clicked image location for clicked button state none
src-disabled image location for disabled button state none
src-normal image location for normal button state none
src-over image location for mouse over button state none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.6. <input>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width auto
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
maxlength max length input restriction 0 or no limit
text initial text none
hint text hint to show if no text was entered yet none
image location of image to display additionally none
unit unit, e.g. M(eter), S(econds), ... none
options type=float|int,min=xyz,max=xyz,step=xyz,decimals=xyz, e.g. "type=int,min=0,step=1" none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.7. Menu

2.7.1. <menu-header>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <menu-header-item> and others as sub elements.

2.7.2. <menu-header-item>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
text item text to display none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <menu-item>and others as sub elements.

2.7.3. <menu-item>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
image menu item image location none
shortcut menu item shortcut none
text menu item text none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.7.4. <menu-separator>

2.8. <moveable>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
horizontal-align left | center | right left
vertical-align top | center | bottom top
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none
left x position of node in %, pixel none
top y position of node in %, pixel none
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width auto
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.

2.9. <progress-bar>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
text-on true |false to enable/disable text rendering false
width width in %, pixel 223
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.10. <radiobutton>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
image radiobutton image location YES
text text to render related to radiobutton representation itself YES
selected true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.11. <scrollarea>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width 100%
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height 100%
background-color background color in html hex notation or color name transparent
border border in pixels for left, top, right, bottom area 0 pixel
horizontal-align left | center | right left
vertical-align top | center | bottom top
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none
padding padding for content node 0
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.12. Selectbox

2.12.1. <selectbox>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width 100%
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
options supports optional multiple selecting by "multiple" option none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <selectbox-option>, <selectbox-parent-option> and others as sub elements.

2.12.2. <selectbox-option>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
image select box option image location none
text text to render none
selected true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
parent-id Used to generate hierarchical/tree like select box options none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.12.3. <selectbox-parent-option>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
image select box option image location none
text text to render none
selected true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
parent-id Used to generate hierarchical/tree like select box options none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.13. Horizontal selector

2.13.1. <selector-horizontal>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <selector-horizontal-option> and others as sub elements.

2.13.2. <selector-horizontal-option>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
text text to render none
selected true | false false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
value value of this element, which will represent selection state none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.14. Sliders

2.14.1. <slider-horizontal>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element, ranging from 0.0 <= value <= 1.0 none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.14.2. <slider-vertical>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
name formular name of this element none
value value of this element, ranging from 0.0 <= value <= 1.0 none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.15. <styled-input>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width auto
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height auto
disabled true | false false
color text rendering default color in hex notation or color name none
font text rendering default font location none
preformatted preformatted, means preserve new lines and white spaces false
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
on-change SimpleScript expression to be executed if element forwarded a change event none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

The <styled-text>Inner Data</styled-text> is the text that will be rendered. Also note that this element supports some sort of BBCode syntax.

Currently supported BBCode like tags are:

[size=size]Sized Text[/size]
[color=#ff0000ff|red]Colored Text[/color]
[url=]Text with Link[/url]

2.16. Tabs

2.16.1. <tabs>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
width width in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed width 100%
height height in %, pixel or rest(*) or auto for computed height *
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none
ignore-events true | false false
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <tabs-header>, <tabs-content> and others as sub elements.

2.16.2. <tabs-header>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
scrollable true | false false
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <tab> and others as sub elements.

2.16.3. <tab>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
disabled true | false false
closable true | false, which enables the closing icon to appear false
image tab image location none
text tab label text none
type-color tab type color, which is also display in tab header tab transparent
on-initialize SimpleScript expression to be executed initially none
on-mouse-click SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-doubleclick SimpleScript expression to be executed if a double mouse click did happen none
on-mouse-over SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse over event did happen none
on-mouse-out SimpleScript expression to be executed if a mouse out event did happen none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

2.16.4. <tabs-content>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
ignore-events true | false false
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports <tab-content> and others as sub elements.

2.16.5. <tab-content>

Attribute name Attribute description Default
id the unique node id within screen auto generated id
show-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to show node none
hide-on comma separated list for conditions that has to be met (or connection) to hide node none
tab-id the unique tab node id within screen which is conntected to this content node none
horizontal-align left | center | right left
vertical-align top | center | bottom top
alignment none | horizontal | vertical none
tooltip optional tooltip text none
template location of template XML file to override compound element XML none

This element supports all other elements as sub elements.