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Coding Guidelines

The coding guidelines in ezEngine are enforced through clang-tidy. You can either run clang-tidy locally or use the automated CI process that runs in every PR into ezEngine. CI will provide a git patch with all suggested changes which you can apply locally. After applying the suggested changes please make sure everything still compiles. The fixes done by clang-tidy are not garantueed to work in all cases.

Type dependent prefixes

These type dependent prefix is currently only mandatory for member variables. Function / Method parameter names and variables in Function / Method bodies can be named to the programmers liking.

  • If the variable / member is a ezInt8, ezInt16, ezInt32, ezInt64, ezAtomicInteger32, ezAtomicInteger64, ptrdiff_t or any other signed integer type the prefix is 'i': ezInt32 iMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a ezUint8, ezUInt16, ezUInt32, ezUInt64, size_t or any other unsigned integer type the prefix is 'ui': ezUInt32 uiMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a float or double the prefix is 'f': float fMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a bool or ezAtomicBool the prefix is 'b': bool bMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a handle, the prefix is 'h': ezSpatialDataHandle hMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a raw pointer, ezSharedPtr,ezUniquePtr,std::shared_ptr,std::unique_ptr or QPointer the prefix is 'p': ezUInt32* pMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a const char* the prefix is 'sz' if it represent a zero terminated string, 'p' otherwise: const char* szMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a ezEngine string (ezString, ezStringView, etc) the prefix is 's': ezString sMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a ezEngine vector (ezVec3, ezVec4, ezSimdVec4f, etc) the prefix is 'v': ezVec3 vMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a ezEngine quaternion (ezQuat, ezQuatd, ezSimdQuat) the prefix is 'q': eqQuat qMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a ezEngine matrix (ezMat3, ezMat4, ezSimdMat4f, etc) the prefix is 'm': ezMat3 mMyVar;
  • If the variable / member is a fixed size array the prefix can be choosen freely. E.g. bool m_bSomeBools[3]; or bool m_SomeBools[3];
  • In all other cases no prefix should be used.

Members of structs and Classes


If the member is public, no rules apply.

For private and protected members, the following rules apply:

  • All members must start with 'm_' (this comes before the type dependent prefix)
  • The name of the static member must be in PascalCase: m_MyMember

Static members

If the member is public, no rules apply.

For private and protected members, the following rules apply:

  • If the member is a constant, it should be marked constexpr: static constexpr ezInt32 MyConstant = 5;
  • Otherwise the member must start with 's_' (this comes before the type dependent prefix)
  • The name of the static member must be in PascalCase: s_MyMember

Method / Function Parameters

  • Parameters use the same type specific prefixes
  • If a parameter is a regular reference, it is treated as if the reference didn't exist in regards to the type specific prefixes. E.g. const bool& bValue.
  • Single character parameters are allowed without type specific prefix.
  • The following special names are also allowed without type specific prefix:
    • lhs
    • rhs
    • other
    • value
  • Non-const regular references must either start with in_, inout_ or out_. Clang-tidy will automatically insert ref_ as it can't decide the correct usage.
    • Use in_ if the referenced value is not modified inside the function (for example when casting it to another type)
    • Use inout_ if the referenced value is modified and the inital state of the object matters.
    • Use out_ if the referenced value is completely overwritten inside the function and the original value doesn't matter.
    • Look out for ref_ inserted by clang-tidy and replace it with either in_, inout_ or out_
  • Pointers can have an out_ prefix to indicate that this is a optional out parameter.