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incelenecek #6

stnc opened this issue Jul 22, 2017 · 0 comments

incelenecek #6

stnc opened this issue Jul 22, 2017 · 0 comments


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stnc commented Jul 22, 2017

connectdb(); if($this->db_cache===TRUE){ $this->connectmem(); } } private function connectmem() { $this->cache=new Memcache(); $this->cache->pconnect($this->link,$this->port); } private function mem_set($key,$cache){ $key=$this->key_prefix.md5($key); $this->cache->set($key,$cache,$this->cachezlip,$this->cachetime); } private function mem_get($key){ $key=$this->key_prefix.md5($key); return $this->cache->get($key); } public function connectdb(){ if($this->db_type=='mysql'){ $this->db_conn_mysql(); }elseif($this->db_type=='mssql'){ $this->db_conn_mssql(); }elseif($this->db_type=='firebird'){ $this->db_conn_firebird(); }elseif($this->db_type=='oracle'){ $this->db_conn_oci(); } //if $this->db_type end $this->db_conn->exec('SET NAMES "utf8"'); } //function connect end; private function db_conn_mysql(){ try { $this->db_conn=new PDO('mysql:host='.$this->db_host.';dbname='.$this->db_name.'; port='.$this->db_port, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass,array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->show_err('Connection Error', $exc->getMessage()); exit(); } } // function db_conn_mysql end; private function db_conn_mssql(){ try { $this->db_conn=new PDO('dblib:host='.$this->db_host.';dbname='.$this->db_name.'; port='.$this->db_port, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass,array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->show_err('Connection Error', $exc->getMessage()); exit(); } } // function db_conn_mssql end; private function db_conn_firebird(){ try { $this->db_conn=new PDO('firebird:dbname='.$this->db_name,$this->db_user, $this->db_pass,array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->show_err('Connection Error', $exc->getMessage()); exit(); } } // function db_conn_firebird end; private function db_conn_oci(){ $tns = " (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ".$this->db_host.")(PORT = ".$this->db_port.")) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ".$this->db_serna.") ) ) "; try{ $this->db_conn=new PDO("oci:dbname=".$tns,$this->db_user,$this->db_pass,array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->show_err('Connection Error', $exc->getMessage()); exit(); } } // function db_conn_oci end; public function showtables(){ $tableList = array(); $result = $this->db_conn->query("SHOW TABLES"); while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $tableList[] = $row[0]; } $this->lastsql='SHOW TABLES'; $this->rowcount=$result->rowCount(); return $tableList; } public function showtablefields($tablename,$issql=FALSE){ $column=array(); if($issql){ $select = $this->db_conn->query($tablename); } else { $select = $this->db_conn->query("SELECT * FROM $tablename LIMIT 1"); } $total_column = $select->columnCount(); for ($counter = 0; $counter < $total_column; $counter ++) { $meta = $select->getColumnMeta($counter); $column[] = $meta['name']; } $this->lastsql='SELECT * FROM $tablename LIMIT 1'; $this->rowcount=$select->rowCount(); return $column; } public function query($sql){ $result=""; $this->lastsql=$sql; if($this->db_cache===TRUE){ if(!$this->mem_get($sql)){ try{ $query=$this->db_conn->query($sql); if($query){ foreach($query as $w){ $result[]=(object)$w; } // foreach query end; $this->mem_set($sql,$result); $this->rowcount=$query->rowCount(); }else{ $this->show_err($sql,$this->db_conn->errorInfo()); } // if query end; }catch (PDOException $e){ $this->show_err($sql,$e->getMessage()); }//try catch end; return $result; }else{ $this->is_cache=TRUE; $result=$this->mem_get($sql); $this->rowcount=$query->rowCount(); return $result; } }else{ try{ $query=$this->db_conn->query($sql); if($query){ foreach($query as $w){ $result[]=(object)$w; } // foreach query end; }else{ $this->show_err($sql,$this->db_conn->errorInfo()); } // if query end; }catch (PDOException $e){ $this->show_err($sql,$e->getMessage()); }//try catch end; $this->is_cache=FALSE; $this->rowcount=$query->rowCount(); return $result; } } // function query end; public function insert($tblname,$insert=array()){ if(is_array($insert)){ foreach($insert as $k=>$v){ $key[]=$k;$val[]=$v; } $rowname=implode(',',$key); $countkeys=count($key); $rowvalue=""; for($i=0;$countkeys>$i;$i++){ $rowvalue.='?, '; } $rowvalue=substr($rowvalue,0,-2); $sql = "INSERT INTO $tblname ($rowname) VALUES ($rowvalue)"; try{ $q = $this->db_conn->prepare($sql); if(!$q->execute($val)){ $this->show_err($sql,$this->db_conn->errorInfo()); } }catch (PDOException $e){ $this->show_err($sql,$e->getMessage()); } //try catch end; $this->lastsql=$sql; } return $this; } public function delete($tblname,$where=NULL) { if($this->countwhere){ $where=$this->where; } else { $where="WHERE $where"; } $sql="DELETE FROM $tblname ".$where; $this->db_conn->exec($sql); $this->lastsql=$sql; $this->where='where '; $this->countwhere=0; return $this; } public function update($tblname,$update=array(),$where=NULL){ $upd=''; if(is_array($update)){ foreach($update as $k=>$v){ $upd.="$k=?, ";$val[]=$v; } //foreach update end; $upd=substr($upd,0,-2); $wher=''; if($where!==NULL){ $wher="where $where"; } $sql = "UPDATE $tblname SET $upd ".($this->countwhere?$this->where:$where); try{ $q = $this->db_conn->prepare($sql); if(!$q->execute($val)){ $this->show_err($sql,$this->db_conn->errorInfo()); } }catch (PDOException $e){ $this->show_err($sql,$e->getMessage()); } //try catch end; } $this->lastsql=$sql; $this->where='where '; $this->countwhere=0; return $this; } public function where($row,$val=NULL){ if(is_array($row)){ foreach($row as $k=>$v){ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$k='$v' "; }else{ $this->where.="and $k='$v' "; }// if countwhere end; $this->countwhere++; }//foreach row end; }else{ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$row='$val' "; }else{ $this->where.="and $row='$val' "; }// if countwhere end; $this->countwhere++; }// if is_array end; return $this; } public function join($tablename,$where){ $this->join.= ' INNER JOIN '.$tablename.' ON '.$where; return $this; } public function join_left($tablename,$where){ $this->join.= ' LEFT JOIN '.$tablename.' ON '.$where; return $this; } public function join_right($tablename,$where){ $this->join.= ' RIGHT JOIN '.$tablename.' ON '.$where; return $this; } public function where_or($row,$val=NULL){ if(is_array($row)){ foreach($row as $k=>$v){ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$k='$v' "; }else{ $this->where.="or $k='$v' "; }// if countwhere end; }//foreach row end; }else{ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$row='$val' "; }else{ $this->where.="or $row='$val' "; }// if countwhere end; }// if is_array end; $this->countwhere++; return $this; } public function where_static($where){ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.=$where." "; }else{ $this->where.="and $where "; }// if countwhere end; $this->countwhere++; return $this; } public function where_in($row,$val=NULL,$clause='and'){ if(is_array($row)){ foreach($row as $k=>$v){ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$k in ($v) "; }else{ $this->where.="$clause $k in ($v) "; }// if countwhere end; }//foreach row end; }else{ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$row in ($val) "; }else{ $this->where.="$clause $row in ($val) "; }// if countwhere end; }// if is_array end; $this->countwhere++; return $this; } public function where_like($row,$val=NULL,$clause='and'){ if(is_array($row)){ foreach($row as $k=>$v){ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$k like '%$v%' "; }else{ $this->where.="$clause $k like '%$v%' "; }// if countwhere end; }//foreach row end; }else{ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$row like '%$val%' "; }else{ $this->where.="$clause $row like '%$val%' "; }// if countwhere end; }// if is_array end; $this->countwhere++; return $this; } public function where_between($row,$val1=NULL,$val2=NULL,$clause='and'){ if(!$this->countwhere){ $this->where.="$row between $val1 and $val2 "; }else{ $this->where.="$clause $row between $val1 and $val2 "; }// if countwhere end; $this->countwhere++; return $this; } public function from($from){ if($this->fromcount>0){ $this->from.=','.$from; }else{ $this->from.=$from; } $this->fromcount++; return $this; } public function select($select){ if($this->selectcount>0){ $this->select.=','.$select; }else{ $this->select.=$select; } $this->selectcount++; return $this; } public function groupby($groub){ if($this->groubcount>0){ $this->groub.=','.$groub; }else{ $this->groub.='GROUP BY '.$groub; } $this->groubcount++; return $this; } public function get($tblname=NULL){ if($tblname!==NULL){ $this->from=$tblname; } if($this->select=='') $this->select='*'; $sql='select '.$this->select.' from '.$this->from.' '.$this->join.' '.($this->countwhere?$this->where:' ').$this->orderby.$this->limit.' '.$this->groub; $this->where='where '; $this->countwhere=0; $this->groub=''; $this->join=''; $this->groubcount=0; $this->select=''; $this->selectcount=0; $this->from=''; $this->fromcount=0; $this->orderbycount=0; $this->orderby=''; $this->limit=''; return $this->query($sql); } public function get_sql($clearSql=FALSE){ if($clearSql){ $this->where='where '; $this->countwhere=0; $this->groub=''; $this->join=''; $this->groubcount=0; $this->select=''; $this->selectcount=0; $this->from=''; $this->fromcount=0; $this->orderbycount=0; } return $this->lastsql; } public function orderby($orderby,$type='asc'){ if($this->orderbycount>0){ $this->orderby.=','.$orderby.' '.$type; }else{ $this->orderby.='order by '.$orderby.' '.$type; } $this->orderbycount++; return $this; } public function limit($limit,$limit2=NULL){ if($limit2!==NULL){ $this->limit="limit ".$limit.','.$limit2; }else{ $this->limit="limit ".$limit; } return $this; } public function show_err($sql,$sqlerr){ echo '
SQL: '.$sql.'
'; echo 'SQL Error: '.$sqlerr.'
'; return FALSE; } public function rowcount() { return $this->rowcount; } public function debug() { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $sql=$this->lastsql; $colname=$this->showtablefields($sql,TRUE); $result=$this->query($sql); echo ' Last Sql: '.$sql.'

'; echo ''; echo ''; $i=1; foreach($colname as $q){ echo ''; } echo ''; foreach($result as $q){ echo ''; echo ''; foreach($colname as $w){ echo ''; } echo ''; $i++; } echo '
Row No'.$q.'
 '.$i.' '.$q->$w.'
'; } function __desctruct(){ $this->db_conn=NULL; } // function __desctruct end; }
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