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AspectJ Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to AspectJ

  2. Core Concepts of AspectJ

  3. Aspects in Action

  4. Weaving Models in AspectJ

  5. Advanced AspectJ Features

AspectJ Cheatsheet

1. Introduction to AspectJ

What is AspectJ?

AspectJ is an implementation of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) for Java. AOP is a programming paradigm that allows you to modularize cross-cutting concerns, which are functionalities that span across multiple parts of your application. It is sort of like a 'Listener' but without having to create an interface for it. Some common examples of cross-cutting concerns are logging, transaction management, security, and performance monitoring.

(An AspectJ PDF cheat sheet can be found here.)

Key Terminology:

  • Cross-cutting concerns: Functionalities that affect multiple parts of a system, making them challenging to modularize with traditional object-oriented programming; aspects provide a way to encapsulate and manage these concerns separately.
  • Aspects: Modular units that encapsulate cross-cutting concerns. They define pointcuts, advice, and any additional logic related to the concern.
  • Pointcuts: Define the specific points in your code where you want to apply the aspect's behavior. They act as filters, identifying join points where the advice should be executed.
  • Advice: The code that is executed at the join points identified by the pointcuts. Advice can be executed before, after, or around the target code.
  • Join points: Well-defined points in the execution of your program, such as method calls, field accesses, or exception handling.
  • Weaving: The process of combining aspects with your target code to create the final executable program. Weaving can be done at compile time, load time, or even at runtime.

Use Cases for AspectJ:

  • Logging and tracing: Capturing logs and traces at specific points in your application to aid in debugging and monitoring.
  • Performance monitoring: Measuring the execution time of methods or other code blocks to identify performance bottlenecks. (See Automon)
  • Security enhancements: Enforcing security checks or access control at specific points in your application.
  • Transaction management: Managing transactions across multiple method calls or database operations.
  • Error handling: Centralized handling of exceptions and errors across your application
  • Caching: Improving performance by caching the results of expensive operations.

2. Core Concepts of AspectJ

Now that we've grasped the fundamentals of AspectJ, let's delve deeper into its core mechanisms: pointcuts and advice.

Pointcuts/Join Points

Pointcuts act as filters, identifying specific points (join points) in your code's execution where you want to apply the aspect's behavior (advice).

Example JoinPoints in a Java Class

Let's illustrate potential join points within a typical Java class to visualize where various pointcut designators can be applied.

Some JoinPoints
  1. Method-Related Pointcuts

    • execution: Matches the execution of methods based on their signature.
      • Example 1: execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..)) (Matches the execution of any method in any class within the com.example.service package.)
      • Example 2: execution(public String com.example.service.UserService.getUserById(int)) (Matches the execution of the getUserById method in the UserService class.)
    • call: Matches calls to methods based on their signature.
      • Example 1: call(* com.example.repository.*.*(..)) (Matches calls to any method in any class within the com.example.repository package.)
      • Example 2: call(public void com.example.service.OrderService.placeOrder(..)) (Matches calls to the placeOrder method in the OrderService class.)
    • withincode: Matches join points within the body of a specific method.
      • Example 1: withincode(* com.example.controller.UserController.*(..)) (Matches join points within the body of any method in the UserController class.)
      • Example 2: withincode(public void com.example.service.EmailService.sendEmail(String, String, String)) (Matches join points within the body of the sendEmail method in the EmailService class.)
  2. Field-Related Pointcuts

    • get: Matches reads (gets) of fields.
      • Example 1: get(* com.example.model.*.*) (Matches reads of any field in any class within the com.example.model package.)
      • Example 2: get(private String com.example.model.User.password) (Matches reads of the password field in the User class.)
    • set: Matches writes (sets) of fields.
      • Example 1: set(* com.example.model.*.*) (Matches writes to any field in any class within the com.example.model package.)
      • Example 2: set(public int com.example.model.Product.quantity) (Matches writes to the quantity field in the Product class.)
  3. Constructor-Related Pointcuts

    • initialization: Matches the execution of constructors (object initialization).
      • Example 1: initialization(*.new(..)) (Matches the execution of any constructor.)
      • Example 2: initialization(, String)) (Matches the execution of the User constructor that takes two String arguments.)
    • preinitialization: Matches join points before the execution of constructors (before object initialization).
      • Example 1: preinitialization(*.new(..)) (Matches join points before the execution of any constructor.)
      • Example 2: preinitialization( (Matches join points before the execution of any Order constructor.)
  4. Type-Related Pointcuts

    • within: Matches join points within a specific type (class, interface, or aspect).
      • Example 1: within(com.example.service.*) (Matches join points within any type in the com.example.service package.)
      • Example 2: within(com.example.dao.UserDao) (Matches join points within the UserDao class.)
    • this: Matches join points where the currently executing object is of a specific type.
      • Example 1: this(com.example.service.UserService) (Matches join points where the currently executing object is an instance of UserService.)
      • Example 2: this(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) (Matches join points where the currently executing object is an instance of HttpServletRequest.)
    • target: Matches join points where the target object of the join point is of a specific type.
      • Example 1: target(com.example.model.User) (Matches join points where the target object is an instance of User.)
      • Example 2: target(java.util.List) (Matches join points where the target object is an instance of List.)
  5. Other Pointcuts

    • args: Matches join points based on the arguments passed to a method.
      • Example 1: args(String, int) (Matches join points where the method takes a String and an int as arguments.)
      • Example 2: args(com.example.model.Product) (Matches join points where the method takes a Product object as an argument.)
    • @annotation: Matches join points annotated with a specific annotation.
      • Example 1: @annotation(com.example.annotation.Loggable) (Matches join points annotated with the Loggable annotation.)
      • Example 2: @annotation(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional) (Matches join points annotated with the Transactional annotation.)
    • handler: Matches the execution of exception handlers.
      • Example 1: handler(java.lang.Exception) (Matches the execution of exception handlers that handle Exception or its subtypes.)
      • Example 2: handler(com.example.exception.CustomException) (Matches the execution of exception handlers that handle the CustomException.)
    • staticinitialization: Matches the execution of static initializers.
      • Example 1: staticinitialization(*) (Matches the execution of any static initializer.)
      • Example 2: staticinitialization(com.example.util.Config) (Matches the execution of the static initializer in the Config class.)

Remember that these are just a few examples. AspectJ provides a rich set of pointcut designators that you can combine and customize to precisely target the join points you need.

Types of Advice

With a solid understanding of pointcuts, let's explore how to define the actions to be taken at these identified join points using advice. AspectJ provides different types of advice, each catering to specific scenarios and behavioral modifications.

  • before: This advice executes before the target code at the join point. It's useful for tasks such as:

    • Logging method entry and parameters
    • Pre-processing data or validating arguments
    • Setting up context or initializing resources
  • after: This advice executes after the target code at the join point, regardless of whether it completes normally or throws an exception. It's suitable for:

    • Logging method exit and return values
    • Cleaning up resources or releasing locks
    • Performing post-processing tasks
  • after returning: This advice executes only if the target code completes normally (without throwing an exception). It's helpful for:

    • Logging successful method execution and results
    • Transforming or modifying return values
    • Performing actions contingent upon successful execution
  • after throwing: This advice executes only if the target code throws an exception. It's ideal for:

    • Logging exceptions and error details
    • Handling or recovering from exceptions
    • Performing compensatory actions
  • around: This advice surrounds the target code, giving you full control over its execution. You can:

    • Proceed with the original execution
    • Modify the arguments or return value
    • Skip the original execution entirely
    • Handle exceptions and retry logic

Accessing Join Point Information

Within the advice body, you can use the JoinPoint interface to access valuable information about the join point, including:

  • The method being executed (signature, name, declaring type)
  • The arguments passed to the method
  • The target object on which the method is being invoked
  • The return value (if applicable)
  • The thrown exception (if applicable)
  • Other contextual details

3. Aspects in Action

Having explored pointcuts and advice in theory, let's put them into practice by crafting concrete AspectJ examples. In this section, we'll explore practical AspectJ examples showcasing how to implement common cross-cutting concerns.

Logging Aspect

A logging aspect allows you to capture valuable information about method executions, such as entry/exit points, parameter values, return values, and exceptions. Let's create a simple logging aspect:

import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;

public class LoggingAspect {

    @Before("execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))")
    public void logMethodEntry(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
        String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
        System.out.println("Entering method: " + methodName);

    @AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))", returning = "result")
    public void logMethodExit(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object result) {
        String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
        System.out.println("Exiting method: " + methodName + " with result: " + result);

    @AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))", throwing = "error")
    public void logException(JoinPoint joinPoint, Throwable error) {
        String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
        System.out.println("Exception in method: " + methodName + " - " + error.getMessage());

Performance Monitoring Aspect

A performance monitoring aspect helps you measure the execution time of methods, aiding in identifying performance bottlenecks:

import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;

public class PerformanceMonitoringAspect {

    @Around("execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))")
    public Object measureExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Object result = joinPoint.proceed();
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
        System.out.println("Method " + methodName + " executed in " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms");
        return result;

Exception Handling Aspect

An exception handling aspect provides centralized exception logging and potential retry mechanisms. Centralized exception handling can streamline error management:

import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;

public class ExceptionHandlingAspect {

    @Around("execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))")
    public Object handleExceptions(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        try {
            return joinPoint.proceed();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
            System.err.println("Exception in method " + methodName + ": " + e.getMessage());
            // You can add custom error handling, logging, or retrying logic here
            throw e;  // Re-throw the exception or handle it as needed

4. Weaving Models in AspectJ

We've seen how aspects interact with your code. Now, let's understand how AspectJ weaves these aspects into your application. Weaving is the process of combining aspects with your target code to create the final executable program. AspectJ offers three primary weaving models:

  1. Compile-time Weaving (CTW) (Also known as 'Source Code Weaving'):

    • Aspects are woven directly into your code during compilation.
  2. Post-compile Weaving (PCW) (Also known as 'Binary Weaving'):

    • Aspects are woven into existing class files or JARs after compilation.
  3. Load-time Weaving (LTW) (Also known as 'Runtime Weaving'):

    • Aspects are woven as classes are loaded into the JVM.

LTW Example (aop.xml)

Includes all classes within the com.example package and its subpackages for weaving.

        <include within="com.example..*"/>
        <aspect name="com.example.aspect.LoggingAspect"/>
        <aspect name="com.example.aspect.PerformanceMonitoringAspect"/>

Command line to run LTW for the 'com.example.Main' program

java -javaagent:path/to/aspectjweaver.jar -Dorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.configuration=aop.xml -classpath your-application.jar com.example.Main

5. Advanced AspectJ Features

AspectJ offers advanced capabilities beyond dynamic cross-cutting, allowing compile-time code modifications.

Compile-Time Errors and Warnings

  • declare error/declare warning: Trigger compiler errors/warnings based on conditions in your code, enforcing standards and preventing issues.

    • Example: Prevent direct System.out calls:
      declare error: call(* && !within(com.example.logging..*) : "Direct System.out calls are prohibited. Use a logger instead.";
  • Null Argument Checks:

    declare error: call(* *.*(.., null, ..)) : "Null arguments are not allowed.";
  • Long String Checks: (Note: This requires runtime checks, not compile-time)

    declare warning: args(String s) && if(s.length() > 1000) : "String argument is too long (over 1000 characters).";
  • Deprecated Method Calls:

    declare warning: call(@Deprecated * *(..)) : "Calling deprecated method. Consider using an alternative.";
  • Direct File I/O:

    declare error: call(**(..)) && !within(*) : "Direct file I/O is prohibited. Use the FileManager class.";

Changing Code Structure

AspectJ provides powerful features to modify the structure of your code at compile-time. Here are some key capabilities:

Extending/Enhancing Classes

  • declare parents: Dynamically modify class inheritance (implement interfaces, extend superclasses), but you need to provide the implementation.
    • Example: Add an interface:
      declare parents: com.example.domain.* implements Auditable;
    • Note: You need to provide the implementation within the aspect or in the target classes themselves.

Adding Annotations

  • declare @type, declare @method, etc.: Introduce annotations to classes (@type), methods (@method), fields (@fields), or constructors (@constructor) at compile or load time.
    • Example: Annotate service methods:
      declare @method: execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..)) : @Transactional;

Implementing Interfaces (Mixins)

  • declare mixin: "Mix in" interface implementations into existing classes.
    • Example: Add logging:
      declare parents: com.example.* implements Loggable;
      public interface Loggable {
          Logger getLogger();
      public aspect LoggingMixin {
          private Logger Logger.logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.class);
          public Logger Loggable.getLogger() {
              return logger;

Implementing Interfaces (Audit Mixins)

  • Example: Add Auditing
    public interface Auditable {
        Date getCreated();
        void setCreated(Date date);
        Date getModified();
        void setModified(Date date);
    public aspect AuditMixin {
        private Date Auditable.created;
        private Date Auditable.modified;
        public Date Auditable.getCreated() { return this.created; }
        public void Auditable.setCreated(Date date) { this.created = date; }
        public Date Auditable.getModified() { return this.modified; }
        public void Auditable.setModified(Date date) { this.modified = date; }
        pointcut auditable(): set(*) && this(Auditable);
        after(Auditable a): auditable() && this(a) {
            a.setModified(new Date());
    declare parents: com.example.domain.* implements Auditable;

Tracking Last Field Change

This aspect adds a lastFieldChange field to MyClass and updates it whenever any field within MyClass is modified:

public aspect LastChangeTracker {
    private long MyClass.lastFieldChange;

    public long MyClass.getLastFieldChange() {
        return lastFieldChange;

    pointcut fieldChange(): set(* MyClass.*);

    after() returning: fieldChange() {
        ((MyClass)thisJoinPoint.getTarget()).lastFieldChange = System.currentTimeMillis();

These advanced features allow AspectJ to make significant modifications to your codebase at compile-time, enabling powerful cross-cutting concerns and structural changes without modifying the original source code.