- "use strict"
-const nanomsg = require("nanomsg")
-const uuidv4 = require("uuid/v4")
-const util = require("util")
-const Mailbox = require("./mailbox.js")
-const Sock = require("./socket.js")
-const Msg = require("./msg.js")
-const _ = require("./collections.js")
-const Logger = require("./recorder.js")
- * @ignore
- */
-const sleep = ms => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
- * An endpoint is an abstraction over sockets that provides session initiation,
- * broadcasting, and linking/forwarding capabilities.
- */
-class Endpoint {
- /**
- * Construct an endpoint.
- *
- * @param {String} brokeraddr - The address of the broker device.
- * @param {Array<Int>} roles - The roles
- */
- constructor(brokeraddr, roles) {
- /**
- * @type {uuid}
- */
- this.id = uuidv4()
- /**
- * A set of roles played by this endpoint.
- * @type {Set<Int>}
- */
- this.roles = new Set(roles)
- /**
- * A mapping from roles to endpoint id's.
- * @type {Map<Int, uuid>}
- */
- this.peers = new Map()
- /**
- * @type {Mailbox}
- */
- this.mbox = new Mailbox(this)
- /**
- * @type {String}
- */
- this.brokeraddr = brokeraddr
- /**
- * The broker loopback device, provided by the nanomsg.
- * @type {nanomsg.Device}
- */
- this.broker = null
- /**
- * @type {Sock}
- */
- this.sock = null
- /**
- * @type {("init"|"ready"|"active"|"linking"|"closing")}
- */
- this.state = "init"
- /**
- * The default message handler.
- * @param {Msg} msg
- * @returns {Void}
- */
- this.handler = msg => {
- switch (this.state) {
- case "init":
- switch (msg.label) {
- case "init":
- this.mbox.put(msg)
- break
- case "ready":
- if (msg.receivers.length > 0 && !msg.receivers.includes(this.id)) return
- this.mbox.put(msg)
- break
- }
- break
- default:
- if (!this.peers.hasvalue(msg.sender)) return
- if (msg.receivers.length > 0 && !msg.receivers.includes(this.id)) return
- this.mbox.put(msg)
- }
- }
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- }
- /**
- * @typedef {Object} Endpoint.JSON
- * @property {uuid} id
- * @property {Mailbox.JSON} mbox
- * @property {Array<Int>} roles
- * @property {Array<Tuple<Int,uuid>>} peers
- * @property {String} state
- * @property {String} brokeraddr
- */
- /**
- * @return {Endpoint.JSON}
- */
- toJSON() {
- return {
- id: this.id,
- mbox: this.mbox.toJSON(),
- roles: this.roles.toJSON(),
- peers: this.peers.toJSON(),
- state: this.state,
- brokeraddr: this.brokeraddr
- }
- }
- /**
- * Coordinate the session initiation as a leader.
- *
- * @protected
- * @param {Array<Int>} fullroles - The full set of roles.
- * @return {Void}
- *
- * ##### Out-going Messages:
- * ready {@link Msg.ReadyRequest}
- * go {@link Msg.Go}
- *
- * ##### In-coming Messages:
- * init {@link Msg.Init}
- * ready {@link Msg.ReadyReply}
- */
- async _init_leader(fullroles) {
- // Init state.
- this.peers.clear()
- this.roles.forEach(role => this.peers.set(role, this.id))
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- // Gather all `init` messages.
- while (!fullroles.every(role => this.peers.get(role))) {
- const msg = await this.mbox.match(new Msg("init", null, null))
- // Skip roles that intersect with our session.
- const roles = new Set(msg.payload)
- if (roles.some(role => this.peers.haskey(role))) continue
- // Add peer.
- roles.forEach(role => this.peers.set(role, msg.sender))
- }
- // Ready state.
- this.state = "ready"
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- // Make sure everyone receives the peers map.
- const responses = new Set([this.id])
- this.broadcast(this.peers, "ready")
- while (!this.peers.every((uuid, role) => responses.has(uuid))) {
- const msg = await this.mbox.match(new Msg("ready", null, null))
- responses.add(msg.sender)
- }
- // Active state.
- this.state = "active"
- this.broadcast(null, "go")
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- }
- /**
- * Coordinate the session initiation as a follower.
- *
- * @protected
- * @param {Array<Int>} fullroles
- * @return {Void}
- *
- * ##### Out-going Messages:
- * init {@link Msg.Init}
- * ready {@link Msg.ReadyReply}
- *
- * ##### In-coming Messages:
- * ready {@link Msg.ReadyRequest}
- * go {@link Msg.Go}
- */
- async _init_follower(fullroles) {
- // Init state
- this.peers.clear()
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- // Annouce itself.
- const ping = setInterval(() => this.broadcast(this.roles, "init"), 1000)
- // Getting the `ready` message.
- const ready = await this.mbox.match(new Msg("ready", null, null))
- clearInterval(ping)
- this.state = "ready"
- this.peers = new Map(ready.payload)
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- // Reply `ready` to the leader.
- this._send(null, 0, "ready")
- // Getting `go` message.
- const leader = this.peers.get(0)
- const go = await this.mbox.match(new Msg("go", leader, null))
- this.state = "active"
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- }
- /**
- * Initiate a session.
- *
- * @param {Array<Int>} fullroles - The full set of roles.
- * @return {Void}
- */
- async init(fullroles) {
- if (this.roles.has(0)) {
- // Create a broker socket.
- const brokersock = new Sock("bus", null, {raw: true})
- brokersock.bind(this.brokeraddr)
- // Make it a loopback device.
- this.broker = nanomsg.device(brokersock.sock)
- this.broker.on("error", e => {
- console.error(e, e.stack.split("\n"))
- })
- // Connect to the broker.
- this.sock = new Sock("bus", this)
- this.sock.onmessage = this.handler
- this.sock.connect(this.brokeraddr)
- // Init.
- await this._init_leader(fullroles)
- } else {
- // Connect to the broker.
- this.sock = new Sock("bus", this)
- this.sock.onmessage = this.handler
- this.sock.connect(this.brokeraddr)
- // Init.
- await this._init_follower(fullroles)
- }
- this.mbox.clear(new Msg("init", null, null))
- }
- /**
- * Broadcast a payload to all peers.
- * @param {Object} payload - JSON serializable object.
- * @param {String} label="send"
- * @return {void}
- */
- broadcast(payload, label = "send") {
- const msg = new Msg(label, this.id, payload)
- this.sock.send(msg)
- Logger.send(this, msg)
- }
- /**
- * Send a message to a specific receiver.
- *
- * @protected
- * @param {Object} payload - JSON serializable object.
- * @param {uuid} receiver - A single receiver. This is the uuid, since during link, the
- * endpoint may send to an out-of-session party.
- * @param {String} label="send"
- * @return {Void}
- */
- _send(payload, receiver, label = "send") {
- const uuid = this.peers.get(receiver)
- const msg = new Msg(label, this.id, payload, [uuid])
- this.sock.send(msg)
- Logger.send(this, msg)
- }
- /**
- * Receive a message from a particular sender.
- *
- * @param {Int} sender - The role of the sender.
- * @return {Object} The message payload.
- *
- * ##### In-coming Messages:
- * send {@link Msg.Send}
- * link {@link Msg.LinkRequest}
- */
- async receive(sender) {
- const msg = await this.mbox.matchany([new Msg("send", this.peers.get(sender), null),
- new Msg("link", null, null)])
- Logger.recv(this, msg)
- switch (msg.label) {
- case "send":
- return msg.payload
- case "link":
- await this.onlink(msg)
- return await this.receive(sender)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Close all the sockets and mailboxes.
- *
- * Note that the device is not closed, since it can only be closed by `nanomsg.term()`.
- *
- * @return {Void}
- *
- * ##### Out-going Messages:
- * go {@link Msg.Go}
- *
- * ##### In-coming Messages:
- * close {@link Msg.Close}
- * link {@link Msg.LinkRequest}
- *
- */
- async close() {
- let responses = new Set([this.id])
- this.state = "closing"
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- // Loop until every one is ready to be closed.
- while (!this.peers.every((uuid, role) => responses.has(uuid))) {
- const msg = await this.mbox.matchany([new Msg("close", null, null),
- new Msg("link", null, null)])
- switch (msg.label) {
- case "close":
- responses.add(msg.sender)
- continue
- case "link":
- await this.onlink(msg)
- this.state = "closing"
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- continue
- }
- }
- // Close.
- this.broadcast(null, "go")
- this.sock.close()
- this.mbox.close()
- Logger.closeendpoint(this)
- }
- /**
- * Synchonoursly close the endpoint as a follower. This operation tries to sync
- * with the broker (role 0) with a close message. When the broker collects all the "close",
- * it will let all clients close.
- *
- * @param {Int} closer - The role of the closing endpoint.
- * @return {Void}
- *
- * ##### Out-going Messages:
- * close {@link Msg.Close)
- *
- * ##### In-coming Messages:
- * go {@link Msg.Close}
- * link {@link Msg.LinkRequest}
- */
- async wait(closer) {
- this.state = "closing"
- this._send(null, closer, "close")
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- // Wait for the closing signal.
- const msg = await this.mbox.matchany([new Msg("go", this.peers.get(closer), null),
- new Msg("link", null, null)])
- switch (msg.label) {
- case "go":
- this.sock.close()
- this.mbox.close()
- Logger.closeendpoint(this)
- break
- case "link":
- await this.onlink(msg)
- await this.wait(closer)
- break
- }
- }
- /**
- * Cut with Spill.
- *
- * @param {Endpoint} ep1
- * @param {Endpoint} ep2
- * @return {Endpoint}
- *
- * Given `EP1` of roles `R1` and `EP2` with roles `R2`,
- * the function will perform a cut-with-spill by:
- *
- * 1. Choose the (possibly) non-empty mailbox one as `KEEP`, and the other as `KILL`.
- * 2. Set `KEEP` role to be `R1 \intersect R2`.
- * 3. Connects the network involving `KILL` with the network involving `KEEP`.
- * 4. Updates the peers in the combined network.
- *
- * During a cut of two endpoints, we are in the following situation (case-sensitive):
- *
- * {ep1, ...} <=> EP1 <- to be cut with -> EP2 <=> {ep2, ...}
- *
- * And at most one of (`EP1`, `EP2`)'s mailbox must be empty since:
- *
- * 1. All of the `ep` and `EP` should now be blocked on receive (or similar).
- * 2. And based on the protocol, no two endpoints in the same session
- * can send at the same time.
- * 3. There must be someone that has performed all the send and
- * then is blocked at a receive (or similar).
- * 4. All others start from a receive.
- * 5. As a result, if someone from `{ep1, ...}` sends, then `EP1` has non-empty mailbox.
- * And correspondingly, `EP2` must contain the sending role, and therefore `EP2` has
- * an empty mailbox, no matter the receiving role is in `EP2` or not.
- * 6. This sending operation(s), should be considered incomplete, and should be replayed
- * after the new session is formed.
- *
- * ##### In-coming Messages:
- * link: {@link Msg.LinkReply}
- *
- * ##### Out-going Messages:
- * link: {@link Msg.LinkRequest}
- * go: {@link Msg.Go}
- *
- */
- static async link(ep1, ep2) {
- // We re-use the endpoint with non-empty mailbox
- // for easier replay of "receive", etc.
- const [kill, keep] = (await ep1.mbox.isempty()) ? [ep1, ep2] : [ep2, ep1]
- // New roles and new peers.
- const roles = Set.intersect(ep1.roles, ep2.roles)
- const peers = new Map()
- roles.forEach(role => peers.set(role, keep.id))
- ep1.peers.forEach((uuid, role) => {
- if (!ep1.roles.has(role)) peers.set(role, uuid)
- })
- ep2.peers.forEach((uuid, role) => {
- if (!ep2.roles.has(role)) peers.set(role, uuid)
- })
- // Update to new peers. The new peer map includes essentially every one except `kill`.
- keep.roles = roles
- keep.peers = peers
- keep.state = "linking"
- Logger.endpoint(keep)
- const responses = new Set([keep.id])
- const mails = keep.mbox.mails()
- // Broadcast new peers and broker addresses.
- keep.broadcast({
- brokeraddr: keep.brokeraddr,
- peers: peers,
- replyto: keep.id,
- mails: []
- }, "link")
- kill.broadcast({
- brokeraddr: keep.brokeraddr,
- peers: peers,
- replyto: keep.id,
- mails: mails
- }, "link")
- // Wait until everyone is ready.
- while (!keep.peers.every((uuid, role) => responses.has(uuid))) {
- const msg = await keep.mbox.match(new Msg("link", null, null))
- responses.add(msg.sender)
- }
- keep.state = "active"
- Logger.endpoint(keep)
- // Kill the endpoint manually.
- kill.peers = new Map()
- kill.roles = new Set()
- await kill.close()
- // Go.
- keep.broadcast(null, "go")
- return keep
- }
- /**
- * Respond to the `link` request.
- *
- * @param {Msg.LinkRequest} msg
- * @return {Void}
- *
- * Handling the `link` message. The states to be changed include:
- *
- * * `peers`: Since we linked two endpoints, the peer map changed.
- * * `brokeraddr`:
- * Before linking, there were two leaders, and as a result, two devices.
- * After linking, they will all be connected to one of the device,
- * that originally belongs to the `KEEP`'s leader.
- *
- * ##### In-coming Messages
- * link {@link Msg.LinkRequest}
- * go {@link Msg.Go}
- *
- * ##### Out-going Messages
- * link {@link Msg.LinkReply}
- *
- */
- async onlink(msg) {
- this.state = "linking"
- this.peers = new Map(msg.payload.peers)
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- // Update broker address.
- if (msg.payload.brokeraddr != this.brokeraddr) {
- this.sock.disconnect(this.brokeraddr)
- this.brokeraddr = msg.payload.brokeraddr
- this.sock.connect(msg.payload.brokeraddr)
- }
- // Put forwarded mails in the mailbox.
- msg.payload.mails.forEach(m => this.mbox.put(m))
- // Reply only back to the KEEP endpoint.
- const reply = new Msg("link", this.id, null, [msg.payload.replyto])
- this.sock.send(reply)
- Logger.send(this, reply)
- // Waiting for `go`.
- const go = await this.mbox.match(new Msg("go", null, null))
- this.state = "active"
- Logger.endpoint(this)
- }
-module.exports = Endpoint