All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Added field "{{zoteroReaderLink}}" in the template that links to the specific attachment within zotero the Zotero reader. This is different from {{file}} that opens the attachment in an external reader
- Added field "{{filePath}}" in the template that links to the specific attachment within zotero (without opening the reader).
- Added the setting to retain the original colour of the highlight. This is achieved by using a html tag instead of the markdown simbol (
). - Added placeholder {{citationInLine}} in the template which generates a citation in the format "AUTHOR (YEAR)". This can be added as an alias in the metadata of the note generated by bibnotes to add an in-text citation to that note
- Added placeholder {{citationInLineInitials}} in the template which generates a citation in the format "SURNAME, FIRST NAME INITIALS (YEAR)", such as "Collier, D., Laporte, J. and Seawright, J. (2009)"
- Added placeholder {{citationInLineFullName}} in the template which generates a citation in the format "SURNAME, FIRST NAME (YEAR)", such as "Collier, David, Jody Laporte and Jason Seawright (2009)"
- Added placeholder {{authorKeyInitials}} in the template which generates a citation in the format "SURNAME, FIRST NAME INITIALS", such as "Collier, D., Laporte, J. and Seawright, J.
- Added placeholder {{authorKeyFullName}} in the template which generates a citation in the format "SURNAME, FIRST NAME ", such as "Collier, David, Jody Laporte and Jason Seawright"
- Added placeholders for the note title: "{{authorInitials}} and {{authorFullName}}
- Added notice error when the json file is not found at the path specified in the settings.
- The plugin extracts tags added usiong the Zotero PDF Reader. "In order to extract tags added from the Zotero PDF reader, open Zotero -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Config Editor -> extensions.zotero.annotations.noteTemplates.highlight
Replace default value with:{{highlight quotes='true'}} {{citation}} {{comment}} {{if tags}} Tag: {{tags join='; '}}{{endif}}
" - Different formatting options have been added to the tags extracted from the zotero pdf reader (e.g. hash, bold, bullet point, italic, highlight)
- The tag extracted from the zotero pdf reader can be used to trigger transformations in the text (e.g. heading, todo), using the same keywords found in the first word of the text
- Added settings that allows to define the placement of the highlight, comments and tags extracted from Zotero. Placeholder include {{highlight}}, {{comment}}, {{tag}}". This setting allows you to define the order of these elements and to include an elements in between them (e.g. line break). In addition to the general placement setting, it is also possible to define specific arrangements for the highlights of a given colour. This replaces the previous settings "text dividing the highlight and the related comment" and "Text dividing the highlight and the related comment when the comment is moved before the highlight". This custom tgext now can be included in the general setting in between the {{highlight}} and {{comment}} placeholder.
- The plugin also extracts the colour of highlights made with external PDF annotations and imported by Zotero (instead of Zotfile) using the "Add Note from Annotation". The plugin converts the HEX colour of the annotation into a palette comprising of ten colours (
- Added the possibility of specifying a custom hex colour in the highlight setting and the transformation associated with this colour. Added a "{{CustomHex}}" placeholder in the template gathering all the highlight using that colour
- The backlink now directs to the specific annotation rather than the page in the pdf file (thanks to @CaoKang-David)
- It is possible to name the notes with the author (thanks to @ThomasFKJorna)
- Added {{firstNameInitials}} to the placeholders available to format the name of authors/editors. This is in addition to {{firstName}} and {{lastName}}
- Added setting to specify the text between a highlight and a comment. This allows the user to set the comment related to a highlight in a different line (using
- Fixed bugs that prevented notes added in Zotero using markdown from being formatted properly
- Fixed code to manually select the folder where the images are located
- Fixed bug in the modal updating the library. The plugin now recognizes changes also to existing notes rather than only to the metadata
- Fixed bug in the path of the images on Windows
- Fixed bug that removed the last character when updating a specific section (thanks to @xwying)
- Added line break when adding a new line to an existing note
- Corrected bug that prevented the use of
in notes
- Added placeholder for {{creator}} which includes all the named entities (e.g. author, editor, etc...)
- Added setting to activate "debugging mode". This will print the console log from the processing of an entry into a txt file that can be easily shared to debug a problem with the plugin
- Added setting to place the comments made to an highlight in front of the text of the highlight the default option
- Expanded the size of the text area to input the custom template (thanks to @MichaBrugger)
- Replaced in the setting "Replace with NA" with "Replace with custom text", and added a field to specify the text to add in the case of a missing value.
- Added support for exporting in-line references in a pandoc format ([@citationkey, p. pagenumber])
- Fixed filepath of images on Windows
- Fixed filepath of images on Linux (thanks to @MichaBrugger)
- Fixed bug related to the formatting of comments
- Fixed filepath of images on Windows
- Fixed bug that prevented export of user-notes when there was no PDF attached to the same note
- Fixed bug that preventex export of notes when $& was found in the text
- Instead of automatically exporting the extracted annotation at the end of the note, the position in the note can be defined in the template using the placeholder {{PDFNotes}}. This is a breaking change from the previous version. In order to retain the same output as in the previous versions, add "## Extracted Annotations" followed by "{{PDFNotes}}" in the custom template.
- In addition to extracting all the highlights/comments in a sequential order, it is also possible to extract groups of highlights based on the highlight colour using the following placeholder:
- {{Yellow}}
- {{Red}}
- {{Green}}
- {{Black}
- {{White}}
- {{Gray}}
- {{Cyan}}
- {{Magenta}}
- {{Orange}}
- Added capacity to export notes stored within Zotero that have been generated manually rather than exported from the pdf. The position in the text can be defined by adding to the template the placeholder {{UserNotes}}
- Added capacity to import images that are extracted from the PDF using the Zotero native pdf Reader. In the settings, you can select whether to link to the image that is stored in the Zotero main folder or copy this image inside your Obsidian vault, and the location. Comments made on an image can be placed above or below the image inside the note by changing the setting. It is also possible to extract the images in a specific location of the note adding the placeholder {{Images}} in the template.
- Added new setting to decide whether 1) updating an existing note will over-write the existing note completely ("Overwrite Entire Note"), only add non-overlapping sentences ("Save Entire Note"), or adding non-overlapping sentences in a specific section, while over-writing the rest (""Select Section"). When the "Select Section" is chosen, the plugin will ask for a string identifying the beginning and/or end of the section to be updated (rather than overwritten). If the "start" field is left empty, the existing text will be preserved from to the beginning of the note. If the "end" field is left empty, the existing text will be preserved until the end of the note. For instance, in order to over-write the metadata but maintain changes made manually to the extracted annotations, the start of the section to be preserved should be set to the unique title used in the template before the metadata (e.g. "## Extracted Annotations").
- Added suggester field in the settings to select the folder to export the note (credit to Templater plugin and Periodic Notes Plugin.)
- Added settings to control whether updating an existing slide will overwrite the changes made manually within Obsidian or preserve them (default)
- Create new setting that allows you to control whether when launching the "Update Library" modal, the plugin will only update existing notes or also create new notes that are missing from the local library
- Added settings to manually input the character dividing multiple authors, editors, tags, or collections
- Introduced the possibility of wrapping fields with multiple values (authors, editors, keywords, collections) in quotation marks (e.g. by adding "{{author}}" in the template)
- Introduced the possibility of adding a tag(#) in front of fields with multiple values (authors, editors, keywords, collections). For instance, adding #{{keywordsZotero}} in the template will result in #Keyword1, #Keyword2
- Introduced three different template fields to add to your note the keywords/tags extracted by zotero ({{keywordsZotero}}), the tags/keywords extracted from the PDF ({{keywordsPDF}}), and both sets of keywords/tags ({{keywords}} or {{keywordsAll}
- Introduced the setting to control the format of the in-line reference at the end of a highlight extracted from the PDF. Three default options are provided: "Author, year, page number", "Only page number", "Empty"
- Introduced the setting to control whether to include next to each extracted highlight, comment, and figure a link opening within the Zotero reader the page of the pdf file where this element is extracted from.
- Fixed bug where the code exporting notes did not allow for underscores and other non-alphanumeric characters in the title of the exported notes
- Fixed bug in the function creating tasks when both a comment and a highlight are present.
- Move the cursor to the search bar when launching the "Create/Update Literature Note" command
- Changes to the json file exported by Zotero are ready by Obsidian without having to restart the application