diff --git a/README_CN.md b/README_CN.md index 1f6f338fb..fb9fdd51c 100644 --- a/README_CN.md +++ b/README_CN.md @@ -1,126 +1,133 @@ + -


+ +
+ + Logo + -此 BepInEx 模组适用于逃离塔科夫, 与 [SIT.Aki-Server-Mod](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) 一同使用, 以在"离线模式"内进行联机 -
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+ ![TotalDownloads][downloads-total-shield] + ![LatestDownloads][downloads-latest-shield] ---- -

Stay In Tarkov Client

-![GitHub all releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total) ![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total) +

+ An Escape From Tarkov BepInEx module designed to be used with the SIT.Aki-Server-Mod with the ultimate goal of "Offline" Coop +
+ Explore the docs » +

-[English](README.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md) **|** [Deutsch](README_DE.md) **|** [Português-Brasil](README_PO.md) **|** [日本語](README_JA.md) **|** [한국어-Korean](README_KO.md) **|** [Français](README_FR.md) + [English](README.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md) **|** [Deutsch](README_DE.md) **|** [Português-Brasil](README_PO.md) **|** [日本語](README_JA.md) **|** [한국어-Korean](README_KO.md) **|** [Français](README_FR.md)
---- -## Stay In Tarkov 的当前状态 -* Stay In Tarkov 正在由"SIT项目组"有序开发中 -* 如您希望对本项目做出贡献, 欢迎发起"合并请求", 待项目组确认贡献有效后, 您的合并请求将会被批准并加入项目中 + +
+ Table of Contents +
  1. + About The Project +
  2. +
  3. + Getting Started +
  4. +
  5. Contact
  6. +
  7. Roadmap
  8. +
  9. Contributing
  10. +
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. +
  13. License
  14. +
+ + + + +## About The Project + +Stay In Tarkov (SIT) is a Escape From Tarkov mod designed for cooperative play. + +Stay In Tarkov is currently under development by a small team of developers. While SIT is playable, there are many bugs, synchronization and performance issues during gameplay. Escape From Tarkov and SPT-AKI updates frequently and oftentimes, your progress must be reset. + +In other words, SIT is not a perfect replacement of the live experience: always keep in mind that game breaking bugs and progression issues will occur and there are no way around it. + + + +## Getting Started + +All the information you'll need to get SIT setup can be found on our docs [here](https://stayintarkov.com/docs) + +Please make sure you have read the docs before coming to us in the Discord as they likely contain the answers you're looking for + + + +## Roadmap +Our roadmap can be found [here](https://docs.stayintarkov.com/en/plans.html) ---- + +## Contact/Support -## 关于 +The best place to get in contact with us is likely on the SIT Discord.\ +Our Discord invite link can be found at https://stayintarkov.com/discord -Stay In Tarkov 项目的诞生是因为 Battlestate Games' (BSG) 迟迟不愿推出只有 PvE 的逃离塔科夫. -本项目的目标非常单纯, 即创造一个 PvE 的逃离塔科夫. -如果 BSG 推出了"只有 PvE 的逃离塔科夫", 或本项目收到了《数字千年版权法》的侵权通知, 本项目将立即终止. + +## Contributing -## 免责声明 +* Pull requests are encouraged and deeply appreciated. Thanks to all contributors! -* 您必须拥有一份正版的逃离塔科夫才可使用本项目, 您可前往他们的官网进行购买. [https://www.escapefromtarkov.com](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com) -* 本项目绝对不是为了方便作弊者 (本项目的诞生反而是因为作弊者破坏了正版的游戏体验) -* 本项目绝对不是为了允许用户持有盗版的逃离塔科夫 (并且会阻止盗版用户使用本项目!) -* 本项目仅供学习交流使用. 我通过本项目学习如何善用 Unity 引擎及 TCP / UDP / WebSocket 基础知识, 并且从 BattleState Games 那里学到了很多东西 \o/. -* 我不隶属于 BSG 或其他声称正在进行开发的项目, 请勿在 SPTarkov 的 Reddit 子板块或他们的 Discord 群组谈起本项目. -* 本项目不隶属于 SPTarkov (或称 SPT-Aki, 即"逃离塔科夫离线版"), 但是会使用他们所制作的服务端. -* 本项目不隶属于任何第三方"逃离塔科夫离线版"项目. -* 本项目"按原样"进行提供. 无法做出"绝对能用"的保证. +* Code contributions have a strict NO GCLASSXXX policy. If your code has a GCLASS that is neccessary to it working please provide the Pull Request with the list so that they can be remapped before merging. -## 支持 -* 欢迎发起合并请求改进这个项目!感谢所有贡献者的付出! -* [SIT Discord 群](https://discord.gg/f4CN4n3nP2) 现已开放. 我们的社区群体会在这里互相帮助. + +## License -## SPT-Aki 说明 -* Stay In Tarkov 需要配合 [最新的 Aki 服务端](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server) 以进行联机. 您可以前往 [他们的官网](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) 来了解 SPT-Aki 的更多信息. -* __**注意:**__ **请勿**将 SIT 客户端模组安装到 *SPT-Aki 的客户端* —— 它应被安装到一个纯净的逃离塔科夫. 有关更多信息, 请参阅本自述文件的 [安装教程->客户端](#%E5%AE%A2%E6%88%B7%E7%AB%AF) 部分. +* 99% of the original core and single-player functionality completed by SPT-Aki teams. There are licenses pertaining to them within this source -## [中文维基](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D(Intro)-Home) -**维基均由不同的贡献者创造. 所有说明也都保存在维基目录中.** - - ### [部署教程](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/%E9%83%A8%E7%BD%B2%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B-Guides) - - ### [疑难解答](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/%E7%96%91%E9%9A%BE%E8%A7%A3%E7%AD%94-FAQs) +* Paulov's work is unlicensed. Unlicensed does not allow any unauthorized or commericial use of Paulov's work. Credit must be provided. +* SIT team's work is MIT licensed -## 安装教程 +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) is MIT licensed -### 概述 -SIT 由2个主要部分和启动器组成: -- [SIT 适用于 SPT-Aki 的服务端模组](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) -- SIT 客户端模组 (本项目), 需要安装在游戏本体内 -- 启动器: [SIT Manager](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager.Avalonia) ([SIT Manager](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager) 或 [SIT Launcher Classic](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Launcher.Classic) 均已存档) - - 您应优先使用 SIT Manager。提及经典启动器仅为向现有的经典启动器用户澄清。 +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) projects contain the MIT License (as of 1.10, Drakia's projects are no longer embedded) -建议使用以下结构命名文件夹, 这将方便你区分它们的不同部分. -``` -SIT/ -├── server/ # SPT-Aki 服务端 -├── game/ # 逃离塔科夫本体 -└── launcher/ # 启动器 "SIT Manager" 或 "SIT Classic Launcher" -``` -### 服务端 -- 请参考 SIT.Aki-Server-Mod 的 [自述文件](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod#readme) 了解如何安装服务端模组. -- 只有服主需要运行服务端, 而服主需要进行端口转发, 或者使用 Hamachi, Radmin 等软件搭建虚拟局域网进行联机. 如果您感到困惑, 请加入我们的 Discord 获取更多帮助. - - 您可能已经习惯了游玩 SPT-Aki 时连接自己运行的服务端, 但这会导致问题. 只有一个人需要运行服务端, 而其他人则需要连接到此服务端进行联机. -### 启动器 -- 请参考 [SIT.Manager 的自述文件](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager#readme) 或 [SIT.Launcher.Classic 的自述文件](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Launcher.Classic#readme) 了解如何安装启动器. + +## Acknowledgments & Thanks -### 客户端 -- **所有人**都必须安装 SIT 客户端模组. 您可以使用启动器进行快速安装, 或前往 [发行版页面](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/releases/latest) 手动下载安装. -- **如果你已有 SPT-Aki 的客户端:** **请勿**将 SIT 安装在 Aki 的客户端内. SIT 客户端模组与 SPT-Aki 不兼容, 你需要使用一份纯净的逃离塔科夫. +* [Paulov Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/paulovt) (original creator of Stay in Tarkov) +* [Mihai Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/mmihai) +* [Trippy](https://github.com/trippyone) +* [Bullet](https://github.com/devbence) +* [Dounai](https://github.com/dounai2333) +* [SPT-Aki team](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) (Credits provided on each code file used and much love to their Dev team for their support) +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) +* [Contributors](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors) and the original contributors of Paulov's SIT.Core +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) -### 实际游玩 -- **服主**: 搭建好可以正常运行的 SPT-Aki 服务端, 并已完成端口转发或连接上虚拟局域网 - - 确保已按照 SIT 服务端模组的自述文件修改了 IP 地址! -- **玩家**: 打开启动器, 输入服主所提供的 IP 地址及端口并连接. - - 任何人均可以成为"房主", 只需选择好地图, 点击"主持战局", 即可创建新战局, 其他人可以直接加入战局. -## 疑难解答 (FAQ) + +[contributors-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge -### SIT 用的是正版的"练习组队模式"的代码吗? -不是. 出于显而易见的原因, BSG 的服务器代码在客户端中是找不到的. 因此, BSG 的"练习组队模式"是直接使用了他们的服务器. 我们触碰不到代码, 因此无法使用. +[contributors-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors -### SIT 兼容哪些 SPT-Aki 的模块? -以下 Aki 模块已完成兼容. -- aki-core -- Aki.Common -- Aki.Reflection +[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -### SPT-Aki 的那些客户端模组是否可以直接使用? -这取决于模组的具体编写方式. 如果它们是直接使用代码中的 "GClass***" 或 "public" / "private" 变量那大概率是无法使用的. +[forks-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/network/members -### 为什么不直接使用 SPT-Aki 的模块? -Aki 的模块是专门为其自身而设计的, 它们所使用的反混淆技术与 Paulov 的技术之间无法兼容. +[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -## 如何编译 SIT ? -请参阅 [编译手册](COMPILE.md) +[stars-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/stargazers -## 致谢名单 -- [Paulov](https://github.com/paulov-t) (Stay in Tarkov 的原作者) -- SPT-Aki 项目组 (每一个所使用的 Aki 代码均保留了 Aki 的注释信息, 非常感谢每位开发者的支持) -- SPT-Aki 模组社群 -- DrakiaXYZ ([BigBrain](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-BigBrain) 与 [Waypoints](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-Waypoints) 模组已内置进本项目) -- SIT 项目组与所有曾经为 SIT.Core 做出过贡献的贡献者 +[downloads-total-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total?style=for-the-badge -## 许可 -- DrakiaXYZ 的项目均为 MIT 许可证 -- 几乎所有的单人游戏与其核心代码为 SPT-Aki 编写. 本项目使用与其相同的开源许可: NCSA 开源许可证 -- Paulov 所编写的代码没有许可. 但是"没有许可"并不意味着你可以随意使用它 -- SIT 项目组所编写的代码为 MIT 许可证 +[downloads-latest-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total?style=for-the-badge diff --git a/README_DE.md b/README_DE.md index 268ef0244..fb9fdd51c 100644 --- a/README_DE.md +++ b/README_DE.md @@ -1,118 +1,133 @@ + -


-Ein Escape From Tarkov BepInEx Modul für SPT-Aki mit dem Ziel einen "Offline" Coop-Modus zu emulieren. -
+ +
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-![GitHub all releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total) ![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total) +

Stay In Tarkov Client

-[English](README.md) **|** [Deutsch](README_DE.md) **|** [Português-Brasil](README_PO.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md) +

+ An Escape From Tarkov BepInEx module designed to be used with the SIT.Aki-Server-Mod with the ultimate goal of "Offline" Coop +
+ Explore the docs » +

+ [English](README.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md) **|** [Deutsch](README_DE.md) **|** [Português-Brasil](README_PO.md) **|** [日本語](README_JA.md) **|** [한국어-Korean](README_KO.md) **|** [Français](README_FR.md)
---- -## Über -Das Projekt wurde ins Leben gerufen da Battlestate Games (BSG) bisher keine reine PvE-Erfahrung mit gespeichertem Fortschritt bietet. Das Ziel ist einfach: Ein PvE Spielmodus in dem du mit Freunden spielen kannst und deine/eure Items und Fortschritt erhalten bleiben. -Sobald BSG allerdings solch einen Spielmodus anbietet wird das Projekt sofort eingestampft! + +
+ Table of Contents +
  1. + About The Project +
  2. +
  3. + Getting Started +
  4. +
  5. Contact
  6. +
  7. Roadmap
  8. +
  9. Contributing
  10. +
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. +
  13. License
  14. +
+ + + + +## About The Project + +Stay In Tarkov (SIT) is a Escape From Tarkov mod designed for cooperative play. + +Stay In Tarkov is currently under development by a small team of developers. While SIT is playable, there are many bugs, synchronization and performance issues during gameplay. Escape From Tarkov and SPT-AKI updates frequently and oftentimes, your progress must be reset. + +In other words, SIT is not a perfect replacement of the live experience: always keep in mind that game breaking bugs and progression issues will occur and there are no way around it. + + + +## Getting Started + +All the information you'll need to get SIT setup can be found on our docs [here](https://stayintarkov.com/docs) + +Please make sure you have read the docs before coming to us in the Discord as they likely contain the answers you're looking for + + + +## Roadmap +Our roadmap can be found [here](https://docs.stayintarkov.com/en/plans.html) + + +## Contact/Support + +The best place to get in contact with us is likely on the SIT Discord.\ +Our Discord invite link can be found at https://stayintarkov.com/discord + + + +## Contributing + +* Pull requests are encouraged and deeply appreciated. Thanks to all contributors! -## Haftungsausschluss +* Code contributions have a strict NO GCLASSXXX policy. If your code has a GCLASS that is neccessary to it working please provide the Pull Request with the list so that they can be remapped before merging. -* Du brauchst eine legitime Version von Escape from Tarkov. Kaufen kannst du es hier: [https://www.escapefromtarkov.com](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com). -* Das Projekt stellt keine Grundlage zum cheaten dar! (Es wurde unter anderem ins Leben gerufen da Cheater die Live-Server verpesten) -* Auch ist dies keine Grundlage zum cracken, es sind entsprechende Checks implementiert, die das verhindern. -* Das Ganze ist nur zu Lernzwecken (Es dient dem lernen von Unity, Reverse-Engineering und Netzwerktechnik) -* Das Projekt hat keine Verbindung zu BSG (Battlestate Games) oder anderen (Reddit, Discord etc.), die behaupten daran zu arbeiten. -## Support + +## License -[![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/N4N2IQ7YJ) -* Der Ko-Fi Link ist wie einen Kaffee kaufen, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. -* Es gibt keinen unveröffentlichten Code der irgendetwas hier ermöglicht, alles ist in der Repo. -* Bitte schenkt kein Geld in der Hoffnung auf Hilfe oder einer Lösung! -* Das ist ein Hobbyprojekt, des Spaßes halber. Nehmt es nicht zu ernst. -* Das Projekt geht weder gegen BSG noch die Tarkov-Community! -* Pull-Requests sind gerne gesehen! -* SIT Discord(https://discord.gg/f4CN4n3nP2) is available. The community have teamed to help each other out and create community servers. +* 99% of the original core and single-player functionality completed by SPT-Aki teams. There are licenses pertaining to them within this source -## SPT-AKI Voraussetzung -* Stay in Tarkov benötigt den neusten [AKI Server](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server) um zu funktionieren. Du kannst mehr über SPT-AKI [hier](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) erfahren. -* NICHT DEN KLIENTEN! DU BRAUCHST DEN SERVER! +* Paulov's work is unlicensed. Unlicensed does not allow any unauthorized or commericial use of Paulov's work. Credit must be provided. -## [Wiki](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki) -**Das Wiki wird von mehreren Autoren verwaltet und ist möglicherweise nicht immer ganz aktuell!** - - ### [Setup](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/Home-Deutsch) - - ### [FAQs](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/FAQs-Deutsch) +* SIT team's work is MIT licensed -## Coop +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) is MIT licensed -### Zusammenfassung -**ACHTUNG** -* Coop ist im Anfangsstadium. -* Die meisten Sachen funktionieren einigermaßen und im Grunde ist es "spielbar". Verwechsel hier aber spielbar nicht mit perfekt, erwarte Bugs, Lag, Desync und anderes! -* Alle Karten wurden getestet. Factory und Labs laufen am flüssigsten. Performance ist trotzdem abhängig von deinem CPU und der Verbindung zwischen dir und dem Server. -* Mehr Infos zum Hosten findest du [hier](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/Home-Deutsch). +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) projects contain the MIT License (as of 1.10, Drakia's projects are no longer embedded) -### Voraussetzung -Du brauchst den [SIT-Servermod](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) und musst ihn auf deinem SPT-AKI Server installieren. -### Nutzt der Coop Netzwerkcode von BSG? -Nein, alles Serverseitige ist aus diversen Gründen für Klienten nicht einseh- und deshalb nicht nutzbar. -### Code-Erklärung -- Das Projekt baut auf diversen BepInEx Harmony Patches im Zusammenspiel mit Unity-Komponenten auf. -- Features/Methoden erfordern konstanten austausch zwischen Clienten und Server (Bewegung, Rotation usw.) und nutzen angehängte Komponenten um Daten zu senden und empfangen. -- Features/Methoden die einfach replitziert werden können nutzen eine abstrakte `ModuleReplicationPatch` Klasse zum senden/empfangen. -- Sämtliche Kommunikation geschiet via JSON TCP Http und WebSockets zum ["Web Server" von SPT-Aki](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod). Der Servermod ist in Typescript und handhabt das "backend". -- Ein `CoopGameComponent` wird in die Spielweld geladen sobald ein Coop-Fähiges spielt gestartet wurde (alles ausser deinem Hideout), kümmert sich um die Serverkommunikation und gibt alles an das `PlayerReplicatedComponent` weiter. + +## Acknowledgments & Thanks -## SPT-Aki +* [Paulov Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/paulovt) (original creator of Stay in Tarkov) +* [Mihai Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/mmihai) +* [Trippy](https://github.com/trippyone) +* [Bullet](https://github.com/devbence) +* [Dounai](https://github.com/dounai2333) +* [SPT-Aki team](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) (Credits provided on each code file used and much love to their Dev team for their support) +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) +* [Contributors](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors) and the original contributors of Paulov's SIT.Core +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) -### Werden Aki-Module unterstützt? -Die folgenden Aki-Module werden unterstützt: -- aki-core -- Aki.Common -- Aki.Reflection -- 50/50 was SPT-AKI Client mods angeht. Ist abhängig davon wie gut das Modul geschrieben wurde. Wenn diese direkt GCLASSXXX Klassen nutzen werden sie wahrscheinlich nicht funktionieren. -### Warum nutzt du nicht Aki-Modul DLLs? -SPT-AKI DLL's sind speziell für deren Deobfuscationstechnik geschrieben und sind teilweise inkompatibel mit meiner eigenen Technik. -Es wurden bereits viele Features portiert aber am Ende soll das Projekt unabhängig laufen können. -## Wie kann ich das Projekt selbst kompilieren? -[Compiling Document](COMPILE.md) + +[contributors-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge -# Wie installiere ich BepInEx? -[https://docs.bepinex.dev/articles/user_guide/installation/index.html](https://docs.bepinex.dev/articles/user_guide/installation/index.html) +[contributors-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors -## In Tarkov installieren -BepInEx 5 muss erst installiert und konfiguriert werden. -Platziere die kompilierte .dll in deinen BepInEx plugin Ordner. +[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -## In Tarkov testen -- Öffne deine BepInEx config -- Ändere [Logging.Console] von Enabled to True -- Speichern -- Starte Tarkov über den SIT-Launcher oder eine Batch-Datei z.B.: -``` -start ./Clients/EmuTarkov/EscapeFromTarkov.exe -token=pmc062158106353313252 -config={"BackendUrl":"","Version":"live"} -``` -- -- Wenn du alles richtig gemacht hast sollte ein BepInEx Konsolenfenster aufgehen und anzeigen, dass das Plugin geladen/gestartet wurde. +[forks-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/network/members +[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -## Danksagung -- SPT-Aki team -- MTGA team -- SPT-Aki Modding Community -- Props (AIBushPatch, AIAwakeOrSleepPatch - Currently unused) +[stars-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/stargazers -## Lizenz +[downloads-total-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total?style=for-the-badge -- 95% des Original-Codes und die gesammte Einzelspieler-Funktionalität wurde vom SPT-AKI team geschrieben. Möglicherweise fallen Teile unter deren Lizenz. -- Nichts hier ist lizensiert, das ist ein reines Spaßprojekt. Nutz den Code wofür du willst. +[downloads-latest-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total?style=for-the-badge diff --git a/README_FR.md b/README_FR.md index 54c279829..fb9fdd51c 100644 --- a/README_FR.md +++ b/README_FR.md @@ -1,115 +1,133 @@ + -


-Un module BepInEx Escape From Tarkov conçu pour être utilisé avec le serveur SPT-Aki dans le but ultime d'une Coop "hors ligne". -
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Stay In Tarkov Client

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+ An Escape From Tarkov BepInEx module designed to be used with the SIT.Aki-Server-Mod with the ultimate goal of "Offline" Coop +
+ Explore the docs » +

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---- - -## État de Stay In Tarkov - -* SPT-Aki 3.7.1 est disponible sur leur site internet -* Stay In Tarkov has entered a state of limbo development -* Il y a des bugs que je ne peux pas résoudre ou qui nécessitent des réécritures significatives du code BSG et BSG change son code avec presque chaque patch. -* Je ne joue plus hors ligne car ce projet a été fait pour mon groupe Tarkov mais ils ont décidé de ne plus y jouer ou de ne pas jouer au Live (ils se sont lassés de Tarkov en général). -* Je vais probablement continuer à mettre à jour ce projet à chaque mise à jour de BSG et qui sait, nous pourrons peut-être obtenir un support pour Arena, sa serait sympa ! -* Les Pull Requests et les contributions seront toujours acceptées (si elles fonctionnent !). - ---- - -## à propos - -Le projet Stay in Tarkov est né de la réticence de Battlestate Games (BSG) à créer une version purement PvE de Escape from Tarkov. -L'objectif du projet est simple : créer une expérience de coopération PvE qui conserve la progression. -Si BSG décide de créer la possibilité de faire cela en direct OU si je reçois une demande de la DCMA, ce projet sera arrêté immédiatement. - -## Disclaimer - -* Vous devez acheter le jeu pour l'utiliser. Vous pouvez l'obtenir ici. [https://www.escapefromtarkov.com](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com). -* Ce projet n'est en aucun cas conçu pour les cheaters (il a été créé parce que les cheaters ont détruit l'expérience Live). -* Ce n'est en aucun cas conçu pour télécharger illégalement le jeu (Le projet comporte des blocages pour le piratage !). -* Il s'agit d'un projet purement éducatif. Je l'utilise pour apprendre Unity et les réseaux TCP/UDP/Web Socket et j'ai beaucoup appris de BattleState Games \o/. -* Je ne suis pas affilié à BSG ou à d'autres personnes (sur Reddit ou Discord) qui prétendent travailler sur un projet. Ne contactez PAS le subreddit SPTarkov ou le Discord à propos de ce projet. -* Ce projet n'est pas affilié à SPTarkov mais utilise son excellent serveur. -* Je n'offre pas de soutien. Ce projet est livré "tel quel". Il peut fonctionner pour vous ou pas. -## Support - -[![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/N4N2IQ7YJ) -* **Je n'offre pas de soutien. Tous les tutoriels écrits par moi ou par d'autres contributeurs sont de bonne foi. Si vous n'arrivez pas à le faire fonctionner, je vous suggère de revenir sur la version Live !** -* Le lien Ko-Fi me permet de m'offrir (ou d'offrir à ma femme) un café, rien d'autre ! -* Les Pull Requests sont encouragés. Merci à tous les contributeurs ! -* Ne donnez pas d'argent en espérant obtenir de l'aide ou une solution. -* Il s'agit d'un hobby, pour le plaisir. Ne le prenez pas au sérieux. -* Je sais qu'il s'agit là d'une tentative à moitié ratée, mais je vais essayer de la réparer du mieux que je peux. -* Un [Discord SIT non officiel](https://discord.gg/VengzHxNmZ) est disponible. La communauté s'est associée pour s'entraider et créer des serveurs communautaires. **Je ne fais pas partie de ce Discord**. - -## Configuration requise pour SPT-AKI -* Stay in Tarkov nécessite le [dernier serveur AKI](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server) pour fonctionner. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur SPT-Aki [ici](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/). -* N'INSTALLEZ PAS CELA SUR LE CLIENT SPT-AKI ! INSTALLEZ LE UNIQUEMENT SUR LE SERVEUR ! - -## [Wiki](https://github.com/paulov-t/SIT.Core/wiki) -**Le Wiki a été construit par différents contributeurs. Toutes les instructions sont également conservées dans les sources, dans le répertoire wiki.** - - ### [Setup Manuel](https://github.com/paulov-t/SIT.Core/wiki/Guides-English) - - ### [FAQs](https://github.com/paulov-t/SIT.Core/wiki/FAQs-English) - -## Coop - -### Résumé de la coop -**ATTENTION** -* la Coop en est aux premiers stades de développement. -* La plupart des fonctionnalités fonctionnent (à peu près) et le jeu est "jouable (à peu près) avec des bugs probables". "Jouable" et parfait sont deux choses très différentes. Attendez-vous à des lag (désynchronisation), et à des bugs. -* L'hôte et le serveur doivent disposer d'une bonne connexion stable avec une vitesse d'envoi d'au moins 5-10mbps. L'IA nécessite beaucoup de CPU et de bande passante pour fonctionner. -* Même si beaucoup de gens disent le contraire. Vous pouvez jouer avec des gens du monde entier (pas seulement en LAN). J'ai joué avec des gens qui avaient plus de 200 ping. Ils ont un lag similaire à celui du live, juste montré d'une manière différente. -* Malgré les affirmations selon lesquelles les "VPN" tels que HAMACHI/RADMIN fonctionnent. Je vous recommande vivement de ne pas les utiliser. Ils ont des connexions très lentes. Essayez toujours de trouver un moyen d'héberger direct OU de payer un serveur cheap pour héberger le serveur Aki. - -### PRÉREQUIS -Vous devez avoir le [mod SPT-Aki ](https://github.com/paulov-t/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) installé dans votre serveur pour que ce module fonctionne. Si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser le module Coop, vous devez le désactiver dans le fichier de configuration de BepInEx. - -### La Coop peut-il utiliser le code Coop de BSG ? -Le code du serveur BSG est caché du client pour des raisons évidentes. Donc l'implémentation de la Coop de BSG utilise les mêmes serveurs en ligne que le PvPvE. Nous ne pouvons pas voir le code, donc nous ne pouvons pas l'utiliser. - -### Explication du code -- Le projet utilise plusieurs méthodes de patchs BepInEx Harmony couplés à des composants Unity pour atteindre ses objectifs. -- Les fonctions/méthodes qui nécessitent une interrogation constante entre Client->Serveur->Client (Déplacer, Tourner, Regarder, etc.) utilisent des composants pour envoyer des données (le code AI exécute la commande Update/LateUpdate et la fonction à chaque tick, ce qui provoque une inondation du réseau). -- Les fonctionnalités/méthodes qui peuvent être facilement "répliquées" utilisent la classe abstraite ModuleReplicationPatch pour contourner facilement l'appel. -- Toutes les communications du serveur se font via des appels JSON TCP Http et Web Socket au ["Web Serveur " développé par SPT-Aki](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server) en utilisant un [mod typecript](https://github.com/paulov-t/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) pour gérer le travail de "backend". -- Le CoopGameComponent est attaché à l'objet GameWorld lorsqu'un jeu prêt pour la coopération est lancé (tout jeu qui n'est pas Hideout). CoopGameComponent interroge le serveur pour obtenir des informations et transmet les données au PlayerReplicatedComponent. - -## SPT-Aki - -### Les modules Aki BepInEx (modules clients) sont-ils pris en charge ? -Les modules Aki suivants sont supportés. -- aki-core -- Aki.Common -- Aki.Reflection -- Les mods SPT-AKI Client fonctionnent-ils ? Cela dépend de la qualité de l'écriture des correctifs. S'ils ciblent directement GCLASSXXX ou PUBLIC/PRIVATE, ils échoueront la plupart du temps. - -### Pourquoi n'utilisez-vous pas les DLL du module Aki ? -Les DLL SPT-Aki sont écrites spécifiquement pour leur propre technique de désobfuscation et ma propre technique ne fonctionne pas bien avec les modules Aki pour le moment. -J'ai donc porté de nombreuses fonctionnalités de SPT-Aki dans ce module. Mon objectif final est de m'appuyer sur SPT-Aki et que ce module soit uniquement axé sur les fonctionnalités SIT. - -## Comment compiler ? -[Document de Compilation](COMPILE.md) - -## Liste de remerciement -- L'Équipe d'SPT-Aki -- L'Équipe MTGA -- La Communauté de modding SPT-Aki -- DrakiaXYZ ([BigBrain](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-BigBrain)) -- Dvize ([NoBushESP](https://github.com/dvize/NoBushESP)) -- Contributeur SIT + + +
+ Table of Contents +
  1. + About The Project +
  2. +
  3. + Getting Started +
  4. +
  5. Contact
  6. +
  7. Roadmap
  8. +
  9. Contributing
  10. +
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. +
  13. License
  14. +
+ + + + +## About The Project + +Stay In Tarkov (SIT) is a Escape From Tarkov mod designed for cooperative play. + +Stay In Tarkov is currently under development by a small team of developers. While SIT is playable, there are many bugs, synchronization and performance issues during gameplay. Escape From Tarkov and SPT-AKI updates frequently and oftentimes, your progress must be reset. + +In other words, SIT is not a perfect replacement of the live experience: always keep in mind that game breaking bugs and progression issues will occur and there are no way around it. + + + +## Getting Started + +All the information you'll need to get SIT setup can be found on our docs [here](https://stayintarkov.com/docs) + +Please make sure you have read the docs before coming to us in the Discord as they likely contain the answers you're looking for + + + +## Roadmap +Our roadmap can be found [here](https://docs.stayintarkov.com/en/plans.html) + + +## Contact/Support + +The best place to get in contact with us is likely on the SIT Discord.\ +Our Discord invite link can be found at https://stayintarkov.com/discord + + + +## Contributing + +* Pull requests are encouraged and deeply appreciated. Thanks to all contributors! + +* Code contributions have a strict NO GCLASSXXX policy. If your code has a GCLASS that is neccessary to it working please provide the Pull Request with the list so that they can be remapped before merging. + + + ## License -- Les projets DrakiaXYZ contiennent la licence MIT. -- 95% du noyau original et des fonctionnalités pour le jeu en solo ont été réalisés par les équipes de SPT-Aki. Il peut y avoir des licences les concernant dans cette source. -- Aucun de mes travaux n'est sous licence. Il s'agit uniquement d'un projet pour le plaisir. Je me fiche de ce que vous en ferez. +* 99% of the original core and single-player functionality completed by SPT-Aki teams. There are licenses pertaining to them within this source + +* Paulov's work is unlicensed. Unlicensed does not allow any unauthorized or commericial use of Paulov's work. Credit must be provided. + +* SIT team's work is MIT licensed + +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) is MIT licensed + +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) projects contain the MIT License (as of 1.10, Drakia's projects are no longer embedded) + + + + +## Acknowledgments & Thanks + +* [Paulov Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/paulovt) (original creator of Stay in Tarkov) +* [Mihai Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/mmihai) +* [Trippy](https://github.com/trippyone) +* [Bullet](https://github.com/devbence) +* [Dounai](https://github.com/dounai2333) +* [SPT-Aki team](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) (Credits provided on each code file used and much love to their Dev team for their support) +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) +* [Contributors](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors) and the original contributors of Paulov's SIT.Core +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) + + + + +[contributors-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge + +[contributors-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors + +[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 + +[forks-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/network/members + +[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 + +[stars-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/stargazers + +[downloads-total-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total?style=for-the-badge + +[downloads-latest-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total?style=for-the-badge diff --git a/README_JA.md b/README_JA.md index 404c3db0f..fb9fdd51c 100644 --- a/README_JA.md +++ b/README_JA.md @@ -1,192 +1,133 @@ + -


-SPT-Akiサーバー基盤の「オフライン」協力プレイを目標としたEscape From TarkovのBepInExモジュール -
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Stay In Tarkov Client

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+ An Escape From Tarkov BepInEx module designed to be used with the SIT.Aki-Server-Mod with the ultimate goal of "Offline" Coop +
+ Explore the docs » +

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---- - -## Stay In Tarkovの進行状況 - -* Stay In Tarkovの続きは、SIT開発チームによる開発が今も続いています。 -* プルリクはいつでも開いていますので草生やしにご協力お願いします! - ---- - -## このプロジェクトについて - -ステイ・イン・タルコフ(Stay In Tarkov)プロジェクトはBattlestate Gamesが普段のPvE(プレイヤー対環境)バージョンのタルコフにすることを向かないから誕生しました。 -このプロジェクトの目標は単純です。プレイヤーと協力するPvEの経験を目指すことになります。 -もし、BSGがライブサーバーでこの機能が追加することを決めたことになったらこのプロジェクトは直ちに終了することになります。 - -## 免責条項 - -* 使用する為、このゲームを購入する必要があります。ここで購入できます。[https://www.escapefromtarkov.com](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com) -* このプロジェクトは決して不正行為(チート)の為に設計されたことじゃありません。(このプロジェクトはチートがライブサーバーの経験を破壊したので作られました) -* このプロジェクトは決してゲームを無断にダウンロードする為のことではありません。(そして、無断ダウンロードの防止もあります!) -* これはただの教育をする目的です。(Unityとルバースエンジニアリングおよびネットワーキングを習う為に使用しています) -* 私はBSGと他の人(RedditやDiscordなど)から進行すると主張するプロジェクトと少しも関われていません。 -* このプロジェクトはSPT-Akiと提携などが行われていませんが、非常に良いサーバーの利用を頂いています。 -* このプロジェクトはEFTについ、他のエミュレーターにも提携などが行われていません。 -* This project comes "as-is". It either works for you or it doesn't. - -## サポート - -[![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/N4N2IQ7YJ) -* 注意してください。このKo-Fiのリンクは私にコーヒーを買ってくれる為に使います。その以外はなにもないです! -* 私が作成したコードはすべてここにあります。 -* 助けや解決先を為にお金は払わないことにして下さい。 -* これはただ趣味で、楽で作成するプロジェクトです。軽く受け入れて下さい。 -* 私はコミュニティに騙すことはしません。これが半分失敗したこととしても私は精一杯で直していこうと思います。 -* [SIT Discord](https://discord.gg/f4CN4n3nP2) がご利用になれます!現在、コミュニティはチームを組んだり、お互いに助け合ったり、コミュニティサーバーを作成しております! -* 日本語読者の皆さん!SITでのプロジェクトの文書などはまだ英語のままで作成されております。日本語の翻訳への一歩踏み出しはいかがでしょうか? - -## SPT-AKI 要件 -* Stay in Tarkovは[AKIサーバー最新版](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server)を使用して動作できます。SPT-Akiについては[こっち](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/)で詳しく調べます。 -* このプロジェクトをSPT-AkiのClientにインストールしないようにご注意下さい!サーバーにインストールして下さい! - -## [Wiki](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/Home-Japanese) -**Wikiは様々な人によって作成されてますので壊れてしまう可能性もあります!そして全てのWikiソースはDirectoryに保管されます。** - - ### [セットアップのマニュアル](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/Guides-Japanese) - - ### [FAQs](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/FAQs-Japanese) - - -## インストール - -### 概要 -SITは2つのパーツとランチャーで構成されています。 -- [SIT SPT-Akiのサーバー MOD](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) -- SIT Client モジュール (このリポジトリ!)、インストールされた -- [SIT Manager](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager.Avalonia) ([SIT Manager](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager) および [SIT Launcher Classic](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Launcher.Classic) 両方ともアーカイブされました) - - SIT Managerの方が使い安く、MODの管理やサーバーの管理も気楽でオールインワンです。SIT Launcher Classicの方は元々のランチャーです。 - -下記のインストールの仕組みをおすすめします。この構成は見やすいでファイルへの接近も用意でしょう -``` -SIT/ -├── server/ # SPT-Aki サーバーのMOD -├── game/ # EFT Client -└── launcher/ # SIT Manager および Classic Launcher -``` - -### サーバーのインストール -- Follow the instructions in the [SIT SPT-Aki Server Mod repo](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) to install and configure the server into the `SIT/server` folder. -- Exactly *one* person needs to run the server for Coop. This person will need to port forward, or your group will have to connect via Hamachi or some other VPN solution. If you don't know how to do these things, you might see if someone in the SIT discord is willing to help. - - In vanilla SPT, you're probably used to running your own local server, and then launching your client which connects to that server under the hood. With SIT, one person will run the modded server and everyone else will connect to that server over the internet. - -### ランチャーのインストール -- Follow the instructions in the SIT Manager repo. Install into the `SIT/launcher` folder. - -### クライアントのインストール -- **Everyone** must install the SIT Client Mod. You can install it using SIT Manager, or manually if desired. -- **IF YOU USE SPT ALREADY**: Do **NOT** install the SIT Client mod onto your existing SPT install. The SIT Client Mod is currently not compatible with the SPT-Aki client, so it needs to be installed on it's own copy of Tarkov. - -#### SIT Manager Method -- Copy the contents of your live EFT installation into the currently-empty `SIT/game` folder - - If you installed tarkov to the default location, it will be under `C:\Battlestate Games\EFT`. -- Launch `SIT/launcher/SIT.Manager.exe` -- Point the manager to the target game directory - - Open `Settings` in the bottom left - - Set `Install Path` to `X:\\SIT\game`, or use the Change button and select the `SIT/game` folder - - Replace `X` and `` with the path to the folder. - - Close Settings -- Open the `Tools` menu on the left, and select `+ Install SIT` -- Select the desired SIT version (choose the latest if you don't know what you're doing) -- Click `Install` + +
- Manual install method -Note that these are the same steps the SIT Manager performs. If you don't have any reason to, you should probably just use the SIT manager- it's so much quicker and easier. (Seriously, we're not hiding anything from you here. These steps are literally just a plain-english description of [the manager code](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager/blob/master/SIT.Manager/Classes/Utils.cs#L613)) - -- Copy the contents of your live EFT installation into the currently-empty `SIT/game` folder - - If you installed tarkov to the default location, it will be under `C:\Battlestate Games\EFT`. -- Create the folowing directories in `SIT/game`: - - `SITLauncher/` - - `SITLauncher/CoreFiles/` - - `SITLauncher/Backup/Corefiles/` -- Download the desired version of the client-mod from this repo's [releases page](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/releases) to `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles` (choose the latest if you don't know what you're doing) - - Create the folder `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles/StayInTarkov-Release/` - - Extract the contents of the release archive into that folder -- Clean up your `SIT/game` directory - - Delete the following files & directories: - - `BattleEye/` \* - - `EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe` \* - - `cache/` - - `ConsistencyInfo` - - `Uninstall.exe` - - `Logs/` - - \* In case of concern, note that this is not a method that can be used to cheat in live tarkov. SPT (and SIT, by extension) don't use the BattleEye executables/files because the SPT-Aki server does not run battleeye. - Please be careful, and don't delete these files from your live directory. At best you'll brick your install & won't be able to connect to live servers. At worst you'll trigger a BattleEye detection and get your Account/IP/HWID marked for doing. -- Downgrade your copied tarkov if necessary - - If your live tarkov's version isn't the same as the SIT version you chose in step 3, you need to downgrade. - - Your live tarkov's version is the 5-part number in the bottom right of the BSG launcher. - - SIT does not maintain the tools to downgrade tarkov. You can find instructions on downgrading tarkov [here](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/doc/entry/49-a-comprehensive-step-by-step-guide-to-installing-spt-aki-properly/) - - Follow steps 7, 8, 9. Use any folder for the "DowngradePatchers" folder, and use the `SIT/game` folder for the "SPTARKOV" folder. - - If you run into issues here, SIT does not maintain the DowngradePatcher. You can contact the SPT devs about it, but understand that they won't provide support for anything else than the patcher- Do **NOT** ask them for help with other SIT topics, they *will not* help you. - - That said, if whatever issue you have is legitimate and not just a simple error, the SIT team has *probably* already noticed & reported it. The SIT Manager uses the Downgrade Patcher too. -- Install BepInEx v5.4.22 - - Download [the archive](https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases/download/v5.4.22/BepInEx_x64_5.4.22.0.zip) - - Extract the contents to `SIT/game` - - Your `SIT/game` folder should now contain a `BepInEx` folder, a `doorstop_config.ini` file, a `changelog.txt` file, and a `winhttp.dll` file. - - Make the `SIT/game/BepInEx/plugins` folder -- Install SIT Client DLLs - - Assembly-CSharp.dll - - Make a backup of your original `SIT/game/EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll` to `SIT/game/SITLauncher/Backup/CoreFiles/` - - Replace the original dll with `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles/StayInTarkov-Release/Assembly-CSharp.dll` - - Copy `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles/StayInTarkov-Release/StayInTarkov.dll` to `SIT/game/BepInEx/plugins/` -- Install Aki Client DLLs - - Download the latest SPT-AKI release from the [SPT releases page](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Stable-releases/releases) - - Extract two files `EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/Aki.Common.dll` and `EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/Aki.Reflection.dll` from the release, into `SIT/game/EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/` -And with any luck, you're done. + Table of Contents +
  1. + About The Project +
  2. +
  3. + Getting Started +
  4. +
  5. Contact
  6. +
  7. Roadmap
  8. +
  9. Contributing
  10. +
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. +
  13. License
  14. +
-### Playing -- **Server Host Only**: Have the server-host start up the modded server (port forwarded / tunneled via VPN or Hamachi to the rest of your group) - - Make sure you configured your IP address(es) per the servermod repo instructions! -- **Everyone**: Start up the SIT Manager, enter the host's IP & port, and click play! - - Anyone can start a raid lobby, just select the location/time/insurance, click Host Raid, configure the exact number of players & desired settings, and start it up. Everyone else will see the lobby pop up after you start, and will join then. (The game won't start till everyone's loaded, just like regular tarkov) -## FAQ + +## About The Project + +Stay In Tarkov (SIT) is a Escape From Tarkov mod designed for cooperative play. + +Stay In Tarkov is currently under development by a small team of developers. While SIT is playable, there are many bugs, synchronization and performance issues during gameplay. Escape From Tarkov and SPT-AKI updates frequently and oftentimes, your progress must be reset. + +In other words, SIT is not a perfect replacement of the live experience: always keep in mind that game breaking bugs and progression issues will occur and there are no way around it. + + + +## Getting Started + +All the information you'll need to get SIT setup can be found on our docs [here](https://stayintarkov.com/docs) + +Please make sure you have read the docs before coming to us in the Discord as they likely contain the answers you're looking for + + + +## Roadmap +Our roadmap can be found [here](https://docs.stayintarkov.com/en/plans.html) + + +## Contact/Support + +The best place to get in contact with us is likely on the SIT Discord.\ +Our Discord invite link can be found at https://stayintarkov.com/discord + + + +## Contributing + +* Pull requests are encouraged and deeply appreciated. Thanks to all contributors! + +* Code contributions have a strict NO GCLASSXXX policy. If your code has a GCLASS that is neccessary to it working please provide the Pull Request with the list so that they can be remapped before merging. + + + +## License + +* 99% of the original core and single-player functionality completed by SPT-Aki teams. There are licenses pertaining to them within this source + +* Paulov's work is unlicensed. Unlicensed does not allow any unauthorized or commericial use of Paulov's work. Credit must be provided. + +* SIT team's work is MIT licensed + +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) is MIT licensed + +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) projects contain the MIT License (as of 1.10, Drakia's projects are no longer embedded) + + + + +## Acknowledgments & Thanks + +* [Paulov Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/paulovt) (original creator of Stay in Tarkov) +* [Mihai Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/mmihai) +* [Trippy](https://github.com/trippyone) +* [Bullet](https://github.com/devbence) +* [Dounai](https://github.com/dounai2333) +* [SPT-Aki team](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) (Credits provided on each code file used and much love to their Dev team for their support) +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) +* [Contributors](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors) and the original contributors of Paulov's SIT.Core +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) + + -### 協力プレイはBSGのコードを使いますか? -いいえ、BSGサーバーのコードは明確な理由でクライアントから隠されてあります。 -で、BSGの協力プレイサーバーの動作形はオンラインサーバーのPvPvEと同じようにできています。 -これを見たり、使用したりは出来ません。 + +[contributors-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge -### Akiモジュール互換性 -次のAkiモジュールが互換できます。 -- aki-core -- Aki.Common -- Aki.Reflection +[contributors-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors -### SPT-AKIクライアントのMODの互換は? -半分のSPT-AKI基板のMOD。これはPatchがどのくらいよくできたことによってかわります。GCLASSXXXやPUBLIC/PRIVATEを直接ターゲットにしたらほぼ作動しません。 +[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -### なぜAkiのDLLモジュールを使いませんか? -SPT-AkiのDLLは作者によって独自の解読技術で作成され、私の技術で今はAkiモジュールによく動作しません。 -だからSPT-Akiの多くの機能をこのモジュールに移植しました。私の最終の目標はSPT-Akiに依存し、これがSITの機能だけに集中にすることです。 +[forks-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/network/members -## コンパイルする方法 -[コンパイル文書 (英語)](COMPILE.md) +[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -## 感謝リスト -- SPT-Aki team (使用されたコードファイルについての提供のクレジットと、そのサポートに対する開発チームへぼ多くの感謝) -- MTGA team -- SPT-Aki Modding コミュニティ -- DrakiaXYZ ([BigBrain](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-BigBrain) & [Waypoints](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-Waypoints) がこのプロジェクトに合流されました) -- SITチームとコントリビューター +[stars-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/stargazers -## ライセンス +[downloads-total-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total?style=for-the-badge -- DrakiaXYZのプロジェクトはMITライセンスを含んでます。 -- 99%の機能はSPT-Akiチームが完成しました。そっちのソースには関連されたライセンスがある可能性があるかもしれません。 -- 私の作業はライセンスなどはありません。ただ楽しめるためのプロジェクトであります。あなたがこれで何をしても構わないです。 +[downloads-latest-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total?style=for-the-badge diff --git a/README_KO.md b/README_KO.md index b38de63ee..fb9fdd51c 100644 --- a/README_KO.md +++ b/README_KO.md @@ -1,185 +1,133 @@ + -


-SPT-Aki 서버와 함께 사용할 수 있는 Escape From Tarkov BepInEx 모듈로, 최종 목표는 '오프라인' 협동 모드입니다. -
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Stay In Tarkov Client

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+ An Escape From Tarkov BepInEx module designed to be used with the SIT.Aki-Server-Mod with the ultimate goal of "Offline" Coop +
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---- - -## Stay In Tarkov 상태 - -* Stay In Tarkov는 SIT 팀에 의해 활발히 개발 중입니다. -* Pull Request와 기여는 항상 받아들여집니다 (작동한다면!) - ---- - -## 소개 - -Stay in Tarkov 프로젝트는 Battlestate Games(BSG)가 Escape from Tarkov의 순수 PvE 버전을 만들기를 꺼리면서 탄생했습니다. -이 프로젝트의 목표는 간단합니다. 진행 상황을 유지하면서 협동 PvE 경험을 만드는 것입니다. -만약 BSG가 공식 게임에서 이와 유사한 기능을 만들기로 결정하거나, 이 프로젝트가 DMCA 요청을 받는다면 즉시 프로젝트가 종료됩니다. - -## 면책 조항 ( 부인 설명 ) - -* 이 프로젝트를 사용하려면 게임을 구매해야 합니다. 게임은 [https://www.escapefromtarkov.com](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com)에서 구매할 수 있습니다. -* 이 프로젝트는 결코 치트를 위해 만들어진 것이 아닙니다. (이 프로젝트는 치트로 인해 라이브 경험이 파괴된 것을 해결하기 위해 만들어졌습니다) -* 이 프로젝트는 결코 불법적으로 게임을 다운로드하기 위해 만들어진 것이 아닙니다. (불법 다운로드를 시도하는 사용자를 차단하는 기능이 있습니다!) -* 이 프로젝트는 순수하게 교육적인 목적으로 만들어졌습니다. Unity 및 TCP/UDP/Web Socket Networking을 배우기 위해 사용하였으며, BattleState Games에서 많은 것을 배웠습니다 \o/. -* 나는 BSG나 다른 프로젝트를 진행 중인 Reddit 또는 Discord 사용자와 관련이 없습니다. 이 프로젝트에 대해 SPTarkov subreddit 또는 Discord에 문의하지 마십시오. -* 이 프로젝트는 SPTarkov와 공식적으로 관련이 없지만, SPTarkov의 우수한 서버를 사용합니다. -* 나는 이 프로젝트에 대한 지원을 제공하지 않습니다. 이 프로젝트는 "있는 그대로" 제공됩니다. 사용자가 직접 이 프로젝트가 작동하는지 여부를 판단해야 합니다. - -## 지원, 도움 - -[![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/N4N2IQ7YJ) -* Ko-Fi 링크는 Paulov에게 커피를 사는 것입니다. -* Pull Request는 장려됩니다. 모든 기여자에게 감사드립니다! -* 도움이나 해결책을 기대하며 돈을 건네지 마세요. -* 이것은 취미로, 재미로 하는 프로젝트입니다. 진지하게 대하지 마세요. -* Paulov: 이것은 반쯤 고장난 시도이지만 최선을 다해 고칠 것입니다. SIT 기여자: "우리는 할 수 있어요!" -* [SIT Discord](https://discord.gg/f4CN4n3nP2) 를 통해 커뮤니티에 참여하고 서로 도움을 주고 커뮤니티 서버를 만들 수 있습니다. - - -## SPT-AKI 요구 사항 -* tay in Tarkov는 협동 연결을 위해 [최신 AKI 서버](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server) 가 필요합니다. SPT-Aki에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 [여기](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/)를 참조하세요. -* __**참고:**__ SIT 클라이언트 모드는 SPT-Aki 클라이언트에 설치되어서는 **안됩니다**. -대신 별도의 Tarkov 복사본에 설치되어야 합니다. 자세한 내용은 설치>클라이언트 섹션을 참조하십시오. - -## [위키](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/blob/master/wiki/Home.md) -**위키는 다양한 기여자들에 의해 구성되었습니다. 모든 안내는 또한 위키 디렉토리 내의 소스에 유지되고 있습니다.** - - ### [설치 메뉴얼](./wiki/ko/Home-Korean.md) - - ### [FAQs - 질문 답변](./wiki/ko/FAQs-Korean.md) - -## 설치 - -### 개요 -SIT는 크게 2개의 주요 요소와 런처로 구성되어 있습니다. -- [SIT SPT-Aki Server Mod](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) ( 서버 모드 ) -- SIT 클라이언트 모듈 (이 저장소!), Tarkov의 인스턴스에 설치됩니다. -- [SIT Manager](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager.Avalonia) ([SIT Manager](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager) 또는 [SIT Launcher Classic](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Launcher.Classic) 모두 보관됨) - - SIT Manager를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 클래식 런처는 기존의 클래식 런처 사용자를 위해 명시적으로 언급되었습니다. - -SIT 설치를 위해 다음과 같은 디렉토리 구조를 생성하는 것이 권장됩니다. 이 구조는 다음 섹션에서 참조될 것입니다. -``` -SIT/ -├── server/ # SPT-Aki Server Mod -├── game/ # EFT Client -└── launcher/ # SIT Manager or Classic Launcher -``` - -### 서버 설치 -- [SIT SPT-Aki Server Mod 레포지토리](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) 의 지침에 따라 서버를 설치하고 구성하세요. 설치는 `SIT/server` 폴더에 이루어집니다. -- 협동을 위해 정확히 한 명의 사용자만 서버를 실행해야 합니다. 이 사용자는 포트 포워딩을 해야 하거나, 그룹이 Hamachi나 기타 VPN 솔루션을 통해 연결해야 합니다. 이러한 작업을 수행하는 방법을 모르는 경우 SIT 디스코드에서 도움을 받을 수 있는지 확인해 보세요. - - 기본 SPT에서는 로컬 서버를 실행한 다음 클라이언트를 시작하여 해당 서버에 연결하는 것에 익숙할 것입니다. 그러나 SIT에서는 한 명이 모딩된 서버를 실행하고 다른 모든 사람들이 인터넷을 통해 해당 서버에 연결합니다. - -### 런처 설치 -- SIT Manager 저장소의 지침을 따라 설치하세요. `SIT/launcher` 폴더에 설치합니다. - -### 클라이언트 설치 -- **모든 사용자**는 SIT 클라이언트 모드를 설치해야 합니다. 원하는 경우 SIT Manager를 사용하거나 수동으로 설치할 수 있습니다. -- **SPT를 이미 사용 중인 경우**: 기존 SPT 설치에 SIT 클라이언트 모드를 **설치하지 마세요.** 현재 SIT 클라이언트 모드는 SPT-Aki 클라이언트와 호환되지 않으므로 Tarkov의 별도 복사본에 설치해야 합니다. - -#### SIT Manager 방법 -- 실제 Escape from Tarkov(EFT) 설치 폴더의 내용을 현재 비어 있는 `SIT/game` 폴더로 복사하세요. - - 기본 위치에 Tarkov를 설치한 경우, `C:\Battlestate Games\EFT` 폴더 안에 있을 것입니다. -- `SIT/launcher/SIT.Manager.exe` 를 실행하세요. -- 매니저를 대상 게임 디렉토리로 설정하세요. - - 왼쪽 하단에 있는 `Settings` 를 엽니다. - - `Install Path` 를 `X:\\SIT\game`로 설정하거나, Change 버튼을 사용하여 `SIT/game` 폴더를 선택하세요. - - `X` 와 `` 를 해당 폴더의 경로로 대체하세요. - - Settings를 닫습니다. -- 왼쪽의 `Tools` 메뉴를 열고 `+ Install SIT` 를 선택하세요. -- 원하는 SIT 버전을 선택하세요 (잘 모르는 경우 최신 버전을 선택하세요). -- `Install` 을 클릭하세요. + +
- 수동 설치 방법 -SIT Manager가 수행하는 것과 동일한 단계입니다. 특별한 이유가 없다면 SIT Manager를 사용하는 것이 훨씬 빠르고 쉽습니다. (정말로, 여기서 무언가를 숨기는 것은 없습니다. 이 단계들은 [the manager code](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Manager/blob/master/SIT.Manager/Classes/Utils.cs#L613)의 일반적인 설명입니다.) - -- 실제 Escape from Tarkov(EFT) 설치 폴더의 내용을 현재 비어 있는 `SIT/game` 폴더로 복사하세요. - - 기본 위치에 Tarkov를 설치한 경우, `C:\Battlestate Games\EFT` 폴더 안에 있을 것입니다. -- `SIT/game` 폴더에 다음과 같은 디렉토리를 생성하세요: - - `SITLauncher/` - - `SITLauncher/CoreFiles/` - - `SITLauncher/Backup/Corefiles/` -- 이 저장소의 [릴리스 페이지](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/releases) 에서 원하는 클라이언트 모드 버전을 다운로드하여 `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles` 폴더에 저장하세요 (잘 모르는 경우 최신 버전을 선택하세요). - - `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles/StayInTarkov-Release/` 폴더를 생성하세요. - - 릴리스 아카이브의 내용을 해당 폴더에 압축 해제하세요. -- `SIT/game` 디렉토리를 정리하세요. - - 다음 파일과 디렉토리를 삭제하세요: - - `BattleEye/` \* - - `EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe` \* - - `cache/` - - `ConsistencyInfo` - - `Uninstall.exe` - - `Logs/` - - \* 우려되는 경우, 이 방법은 실제 Tarkov에서 사용하여 치팅하는 데 사용할 수 없습니다. SPT(그리고 SIT)는 SPT-Aki 서버에서 BattleEye를 실행하지 않기 때문에 BattleEye 실행 파일/파일을 사용하지 않습니다. 주의하시고, 실제 디렉토리에서 이러한 파일을 삭제하지 마십시오. 최선의 경우 설치가 망가져 실제 서버에 연결할 수 없게 될 수 있습니다. 최악의 경우 BattleEye 감지가 트리거되어 계정/IP/HWID가 표시될 수 있습니다. -- 필요한 경우 복사한 Tarkov를 다운그레이드하세요 - - 실제 Tarkov의 버전이 단계 3에서 선택한 SIT 버전과 다른 경우 다운그레이드해야 합니다. - - 실제 Tarkov의 버전은 BSG 런처 오른쪽 하단에 있는 5자리 숫자입니다. - - SIT는 Tarkov를 다운그레이드하기 위한 도구를 유지하지 않습니다. Tarkov 다운그레이드에 대한 지침은 [여기](https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/doc/entry/49-a-comprehensive-step-by-step-guide-to-installing-spt-aki-properly/)에서 찾을 수 있습니다. - - 7, 8, 9단계를 따르세요. "DowngradePatchers" 폴더에는 원하는 폴더를 사용하고, "SPTARKOV" 폴더에는 `SIT/game` 폴더를 사용하세요. - - 여기서 문제가 발생하면, SIT는 DowngradePatcher를 유지하지 않습니다. SPT 개발자에게 문의할 수 있지만, 다른 SIT 주제에 대한 지원은 제공하지 않을 것이라는 점을 이해하세요. **절대로** 다른 SIT 주제에 대한 도움을 요청하지 마세요. 그들은 도움을 제공하지 않을 것입니다. - - 그렇지만, 가지고 있는 문제가 단순한 오류가 아닌 합당한 문제라면, SIT 팀이 이미 인지하고 보고한 가능성이 매우 높습니다. SIT 매니저도 Downgrade Patcher를 사용합니다. -- BepInEx v5.4.22 설치 - - [아카이브](https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx/releases/download/v5.4.22/BepInEx_x64_5.4.22.0.zip)를 다운로드하세요. - - 를 다운로드하세요. `SIT/game` 폴더에 압축 해제하세요. - - `SIT/game` 폴더에 `BepInEx` 폴더, `doorstop_config.ini` 파일, `changelog.txt` 파일 및 `winhttp.dll` 파일이 포함되어 있어야 합니다. - - `SIT/game/BepInEx/plugins` 폴더를 생성하세요. -- SIT 클라이언트 DLL 설치 - - Assembly-CSharp.dll - - 원래의 `SIT/game/EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll` 을 `SIT/game/SITLauncher/Backup/CoreFiles/` 로 백업하세요. - - 원래의 dll을 `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles/StayInTarkov-Release/Assembly-CSharp.dll` 로 교체하세요. - - `SIT/game/SITLauncher/CoreFiles/StayInTarkov-Release/StayInTarkov.dll` 을 `SIT/game/BepInEx/plugins/` 로 복사하세요. -- Aki 클라이언트 DLL 설치 - - [SPT 릴리즈 페이지](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Stable-releases/releases) 에서 최신 SPT-AKI 릴리스를 다운로드하세요. - - 릴리스에서 `EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/Aki.Common.dll` 과 `EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/Aki.Reflection.dll` 두 개의 파일을 `SIT/game/EscapeFromTarkov_Data/Managed/` 로 압축 해제하세요. 그리고 행운을 빕니다. 설치가 완료되었을 것입니다. + Table of Contents +
  1. + About The Project +
  2. +
  3. + Getting Started +
  4. +
  5. Contact
  6. +
  7. Roadmap
  8. +
  9. Contributing
  10. +
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. +
  13. License
  14. +
-### Playing -- **서버 호스트만**: 서버 호스트가 수정된 서버를 시작하세요 (포트 포워딩 / VPN 또는 Hamachi를 통해 그룹의 나머지에게 연결됨) - - 서버모드 저장소의 지침에 따라 IP 주소를 구성했는지 확인하세요! -- **모두**: SIT 매니저를 시작하고 호스트의 IP 및 포트를 입력한 다음 재생 버튼을 클릭하세요! - - 누구나 레이드 로비를 시작할 수 있으며, 위치/시간/보험을 선택한 후 "호스트 레이드"를 클릭하여 플레이어의 수와 원하는 설정을 구성한 다음 시작하세요. 다른 모든 플레이어들은 시작 후 로비가 표시되며 그때 참여합니다. (게임은 모든 플레이어가 로드될 때까지 시작되지 않으며, 일반적인 타르코프와 같습니다.) -## FAQ -### BSG의 Coop 코드를 Coop에서 사용할 수 있나요? -아닙니다. BSG 서버 코드는 자명한 이유로 클라이언트로부터 숨겨져 있습니다. 따라서 BSG의 Coop 구현은 PvPvE와 동일한 온라인 서버를 사용합니다. 하지만 우리는 이를 볼 수 없으므로 사용할 수 없습니다. + +## About The Project + +Stay In Tarkov (SIT) is a Escape From Tarkov mod designed for cooperative play. + +Stay In Tarkov is currently under development by a small team of developers. While SIT is playable, there are many bugs, synchronization and performance issues during gameplay. Escape From Tarkov and SPT-AKI updates frequently and oftentimes, your progress must be reset. + +In other words, SIT is not a perfect replacement of the live experience: always keep in mind that game breaking bugs and progression issues will occur and there are no way around it. + + + +## Getting Started + +All the information you'll need to get SIT setup can be found on our docs [here](https://stayintarkov.com/docs) + +Please make sure you have read the docs before coming to us in the Discord as they likely contain the answers you're looking for + + + +## Roadmap +Our roadmap can be found [here](https://docs.stayintarkov.com/en/plans.html) + + +## Contact/Support + +The best place to get in contact with us is likely on the SIT Discord.\ +Our Discord invite link can be found at https://stayintarkov.com/discord + + + +## Contributing + +* Pull requests are encouraged and deeply appreciated. Thanks to all contributors! + +* Code contributions have a strict NO GCLASSXXX policy. If your code has a GCLASS that is neccessary to it working please provide the Pull Request with the list so that they can be remapped before merging. + + + +## License + +* 99% of the original core and single-player functionality completed by SPT-Aki teams. There are licenses pertaining to them within this source + +* Paulov's work is unlicensed. Unlicensed does not allow any unauthorized or commericial use of Paulov's work. Credit must be provided. + +* SIT team's work is MIT licensed + +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) is MIT licensed + +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) projects contain the MIT License (as of 1.10, Drakia's projects are no longer embedded) + + + + +## Acknowledgments & Thanks + +* [Paulov Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/paulovt) (original creator of Stay in Tarkov) +* [Mihai Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/mmihai) +* [Trippy](https://github.com/trippyone) +* [Bullet](https://github.com/devbence) +* [Dounai](https://github.com/dounai2333) +* [SPT-Aki team](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) (Credits provided on each code file used and much love to their Dev team for their support) +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) +* [Contributors](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors) and the original contributors of Paulov's SIT.Core +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) + + + + +[contributors-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge -### Aki BepInEx (클라이언트 모드) 모듈은 지원됩니까? -다음 Aki 모듈은 지원됩니다. -- aki-core -- Aki.Common -- Aki.Reflection +[contributors-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors -### SPT-AKI 클라이언트 모드는 작동합니까? -이는 패치가 얼마나 잘 작성되었는지에 따라 달라집니다. 만약 패치가 직접적으로 GCLASSXXX 또는 PUBLIC/PRIVATE를 대상으로 한다면, 작동하지 않을 가능성이 높습니다. +[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -### 왜 Aki 모듈 DLL을 사용하지 않나요? -SPT-Aki DLL은 SPT-Aki 자체의 해독 기술을 위해 특별히 작성되었으며, 현재 Paulov의 기술은 Aki 모듈과 잘 작동하지 않습니다. -따라서 SPT-Aki의 많은 기능을 이 모듈로 이식했습니다. 최종 목표는 SPT-Aki에 의존하고 이 모듈은 SIT만을 위한 기능에만 집중하는 것입니다. +[forks-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/network/members -## 컴파일하는 방법은? -[컴파일 문서](COMPILE.md)를 참조하세요. +[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -## 감사의 글 -- PT-Aki 팀 (사용된 각 코드 파일에 대한 크레딧이 제공되고, 지원을 위해 그들의 개발팀에 많은 사랑을 보냅니다) -- SPT-Aki 모딩 커뮤니티 -- DrakiaXYZ (이 프로젝트에 [BigBrain](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-BigBrain) & [Waypoints](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-Waypoints) 가 통합되어 있습니다) -- SIT 팀과 원래 기여자들 +[stars-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/stargazers -## 라이선스 +[downloads-total-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total?style=for-the-badge -- DrakiaXYZ 프로젝트는 MIT 라이선스를 포함합니다. -- SPT-Aki 팀이 작성한 원래의 코어 및 싱글 플레이어 기능은 99% 완료되었습니다. 이 소스에는 그들과 관련된 라이선스가 있습니다. -- 제가 작성한 작업에는 라이선스가 없습니다. 이것은 단순히 재미를 위한 프로젝트입니다. 사용에 대해 신경쓰지 않습니다. +[downloads-latest-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total?style=for-the-badge diff --git a/README_PO.md b/README_PO.md index 0d71f36da..fb9fdd51c 100644 --- a/README_PO.md +++ b/README_PO.md @@ -1,92 +1,133 @@ -


-Um módulo BepInEx de Escape From Tarkov projetado para ser usado com o servidor SPT-Aki com o objetivo final de "Coop Offline" -
+ + + +
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Stay In Tarkov Client

-[English](README.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md) **|** [Deutsch](README_DE.md) **|** [Português-Brasil](README_PO.md) **|** [日本語](README_JA.md) **|** [한국어-Korean](README_KO.md) **|** [Français](README_FR.md) +

+ An Escape From Tarkov BepInEx module designed to be used with the SIT.Aki-Server-Mod with the ultimate goal of "Offline" Coop +
+ Explore the docs » +

+ [English](README.md) **|** [简体中文](README_CN.md) **|** [Deutsch](README_DE.md) **|** [Português-Brasil](README_PO.md) **|** [日本語](README_JA.md) **|** [한국어-Korean](README_KO.md) **|** [Français](README_FR.md)
---- -## Estado do Stay in Tarkov -* Stay in Tarkov está em desenvolvimento ativo pelos desenvolvedores do time SIT -* Pull Requests e Contribuidores são sempre aceitos (se funcionarem!) + +
+ Table of Contents +
  1. + About The Project +
  2. +
  3. + Getting Started +
  4. +
  5. Contact
  6. +
  7. Roadmap
  8. +
  9. Contributing
  10. +
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. +
  13. License
  14. +
+ + + + +## About The Project + +Stay In Tarkov (SIT) is a Escape From Tarkov mod designed for cooperative play. + +Stay In Tarkov is currently under development by a small team of developers. While SIT is playable, there are many bugs, synchronization and performance issues during gameplay. Escape From Tarkov and SPT-AKI updates frequently and oftentimes, your progress must be reset. + +In other words, SIT is not a perfect replacement of the live experience: always keep in mind that game breaking bugs and progression issues will occur and there are no way around it. + + + +## Getting Started + +All the information you'll need to get SIT setup can be found on our docs [here](https://stayintarkov.com/docs) + +Please make sure you have read the docs before coming to us in the Discord as they likely contain the answers you're looking for + + + +## Roadmap +Our roadmap can be found [here](https://docs.stayintarkov.com/en/plans.html) + + +## Contact/Support + +The best place to get in contact with us is likely on the SIT Discord.\ +Our Discord invite link can be found at https://stayintarkov.com/discord + + + +## Contributing + +* Pull requests are encouraged and deeply appreciated. Thanks to all contributors! + +* Code contributions have a strict NO GCLASSXXX policy. If your code has a GCLASS that is neccessary to it working please provide the Pull Request with the list so that they can be remapped before merging. + + + +## License + +* 99% of the original core and single-player functionality completed by SPT-Aki teams. There are licenses pertaining to them within this source -## Sobre +* Paulov's work is unlicensed. Unlicensed does not allow any unauthorized or commericial use of Paulov's work. Credit must be provided. -O projeto Stay in Tarkov nasceu devido à relutância da Battlestate Games (BSG) em criar uma versão puramente PvE do Escape from Tarkov. -O objetivo do projeto é simples: criar uma experiência de coop PvE que mantenha a progressão. Se a BSG decidir criar a capacidade de fazer isso na versão Live, este projeto será encerrado imediatamente. +* SIT team's work is MIT licensed -## Aviso Legal +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) is MIT licensed -* Você deve comprar o jogo para usar isso. Você pode adquiri-lo aqui: [https://www.escapefromtarkov.com](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com). -* Este projeto não foi desenvolvido para ser usado como trapaça (ele foi criado porque as trapaças arruinaram a experiência ao vivo). -* Este projeto não foi desenvolvido para fazer o download ilegal do jogo (e possui bloqueios para pessoas que o fazem!). -* Este projeto é puramente para fins educacionais. Estou usando para aprender Unity e Redes TCP/UPD/Web Socket e eu aprendi bastante da BattleState Games \o/. -* Não tenho nenhuma afiliação com a BSG ou outros (no Reddit ou Discord) que afirmam estar trabalhando em um projeto similar. NÃO entre em contato com o Subreddit ou Discord do SPTarkov sobre este projeto. -* Este projeto não é afiliado ao SPTarkov (SPT-Aki), mas utiliza o seu excelente server. -* Este projeto não é afiliado a nenhum outro emulador de Tarkov. -* Este projeto vem "como está". Ou ele funciona pra você, ou não funciona. +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) projects contain the MIT License (as of 1.10, Drakia's projects are no longer embedded) -## Suporte -[![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/N4N2IQ7YJ) -* O link do Ko-Fi compra um cafézinho pro Paulov! -* Pull Requests são bem vindos! Obrigado a todos os contribuidores! -* Por favor, não entregue dinheiro esperando ajuda ou uma solução. -* Isso é um hobby, para diversão, um projeto. Por favor, não o leve a sério. -* Não engano a comunidade. Eu sei que esta é uma tentativa semi-funcional, mas vou tentar corrigir da melhor forma possível. -* O Discord da comunidade SIT(https://discord.gg/f4CN4n3nP2) está disponivel. A comunidade se uniu para ajudar uns aos outros e criar servidores da comunidade. -## Requisitos do SPT-AKI -* Stay in Tarkov funciona com o [último AKI Server](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server) para ser executado. Você pode saber mais sobre o SPT-Aki [aqui](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/). -* NÃO INSTALE ISSO NO CLIENTE DO SPT-Aki! INSTALE APENAS NO SERVIDOR! + +## Acknowledgments & Thanks -## [Wiki](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki) -**A Wiki está em construção por vários colaboradores. Ela pode estar incompleta! Todas as instruções também estão disponíveis no código-fonte, no diretório wiki.** - - ### [Manuais de Configuração](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/Guides-Portuguese) - - ### [Perguntas Frequentes](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/wiki/FAQs-Portuguese) +* [Paulov Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/paulovt) (original creator of Stay in Tarkov) +* [Mihai Ko-Fi Donations](https://ko-fi.com/mmihai) +* [Trippy](https://github.com/trippyone) +* [Bullet](https://github.com/devbence) +* [Dounai](https://github.com/dounai2333) +* [SPT-Aki team](https://www.sp-tarkov.com/) (Credits provided on each code file used and much love to their Dev team for their support) +* [DrakiaXYZ](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/) +* [Contributors](https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors) and the original contributors of Paulov's SIT.Core +* [RevenantX LiteNetLib](https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib) -## Coop -### PRÉ-REQUISITO -Você deve ter o mod [SPT-Aki](https://github.com/stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod) instalado em seu servidor para que este módulo funcione. Se você não deseja usar o módulo Coop, você deve desativá-lo no arquivo de configuração do BepInEx. -### O Coop pode usar o código da BSG? -Não. O código do servidor da BSG é oculto do cliente por razões óbvias. Portanto, a implementação da BSG do coop usa os mesmos servidores online do PvPvE. Nós não temos acesso a isso, então não podemos usar isso. + +[contributors-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge -## SPT-Aki +[contributors-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/graphs/contributors -### Os módulos Aki são suportados? -Os seguintes módulos Aki são suportados. -- aki-core -- Aki.Common -- Aki.Reflection -- Os mods clientes do SPT-AKI funcionam? Isso depende do quão bem escrito os patches são. Se eles dependem diretamente do alvo GCLASSXXX ou PUBLIC/PRIVATE então provavelmente vão falhar. +[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client.svg?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -### Por que você não usa os DLLs do Módulo Aki? -As DLLs do SPT-Aki são escritas especificamente para sua própria técnica de desofuscação, e a técnica do Paulov não está funcionando bem com os Módulos Aki neste momento. -Então, muitos recursos do SPT-Aki para este módulo foram portados. Meu objetivo final seria depender do SPT-Aki e focar exclusivamente em recursos exclusivos do SIT. +[forks-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/network/members -## Como compilar? -[Documento de Compilação](COMPILE.md) +[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client?style=for-the-badge&color=%234c1 -## Lista de Agradecimentos -- Equipe SPT-Aki (Créditos disponibilizados em cada arquivo com código usado e muito amor ao time de Dev's pelo suporte deles) -- Comunidade de Modding do SPT-Aki -- DrakiaXYZ ([Big Brain](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-BigBrain) & [Waypoints](https://github.com/DrakiaXYZ/SPT-Waypoints) estão integrados neste projeto) -- Time SIT e os contribuidores originais +[stars-url]: https://github.com/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/stargazers -## Licença +[downloads-total-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/total?style=for-the-badge -- O projeto do DrakiaXYZ contém a licença do MIT. -- 99% do núcleo original e funcionalidade single-player foi desenvolvido pelas equipes do SPT-Aki. Pode haver licenças relacionadas a eles dentro deste código-fonte. -- Nenhum do meu próprio trabalho tem licença. Este é apenas um projeto para me divertir. Não me importo com o que você faz com ele. \ No newline at end of file +[downloads-latest-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client/latest/total?style=for-the-badge