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File metadata and controls

219 lines (148 loc) · 5.45 KB


Lenses for Clojure, checked at runtime using spec. It provides get, get-in, assoc, assoc-in, update and update-in, where keys, paths and passed values are checked based on existing specs.

Since Clojure spec is still in alpha, this library should also be considered to be in alpha -- so, highly experimental, very likely to change, possibly flawed.

This library works in both Clojure and ClojureScript.

Leiningen dependency

Use this with Leiningen:

[spectacles "0.3.5"]


Setup the scene with a few specs:

(ns my-ns
  (:require [spectacles.lenses :as lens]
            [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(s/def ::filename string?)
(s/def ::dims (s/coll-of string?))
(s/def ::target-dims (s/keys :req-un [::dims]
                             :opt-un [::the-cat]))
(s/def ::the-cat (s/cat :a string? :b number?))
(s/def ::targets (s/keys :req-un [::filename ::target-dims]))

...and some test data:

(def targets {:filename "foo" :target-dims {:dims ["foo" "bar"]}})

You can then do:

> (lens/get targets ::targets :filename)


The keys are checked against the ::targets spec:

> (lens/get targets ::targets :WRONG)

ExceptionInfo Invalid key :WRONG for spec :my-ns/targets
  (valid keys: #{:target-dims :filename})

Same goes for get-in:

> (lens/get-in targets [::targets :target-dims :dims])

["foo" "bar"]

Note that the second argument of get-in is a vector whose first element is the spec of the data structure and the rest of the vector is the path into the key we are looking to retrieve. These two bits of information are passed as a single vector so that you can define and pass lenses as parameters by passing a single value.

get-in checks each key of the path against the root spec and also deeper specs that it encounters:

> (lens/get-in targets [::targets :target-dims :WRONG])

Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
 Invalid key :WRONG for spec :my-ns/target-dims
 (valid keys: #{:the-cat :dims})
 {:reason :invalid-key,
  :collection {:dims ["foo" "bar"]},
  :key :WRONG,
  :spec :my-ns/target-dims,
  :valid-keys #{:the-cat :dims},
  :path [:target-dims :WRONG],
  :root-map {:filename "foo", :target-dims {:dims ["foo" "bar"]}}}

Changing data

You can also assoc, assoc-in, update-in values into data structures, in which case the passed values are checked using spec before updating the structure:

> (lens/assoc-in targets [::targets :target-dims :dims] ["zoo" "far"])

{:filename "foo", :target-dims {:dims ["zoo" "far"]}}

> (lens/assoc-in targets [::targets :target-dims :dims] 10)

Invalid value 10 for key :dims in value {:dims ["foo" "bar"]}
  (should conform to: (clojure.spec.alpha/coll-of clojure.core/string?))

> (lens/update-in targets [::targets :target-dims :dims] conj 10)

ExceptionInfo Invalid value ["foo" "bar" 10] for key :dims in value {:dims ["foo" "bar"]}
  (should conform to: (clojure.spec.alpha/coll-of clojure.core/string?))

Lenses pointing to s/cat

You can access values of structures spec'ed using s/cat by index or by name:

> (lens/get ["foo" 10] ::the-cat 0)


> (lens/get ["foo" 10] ::the-cat :a)


> (def targets2
   {:filename "foo" :target-dims {:dims ["foo" "bar"] :the-cat ["foo" 10]}})

> (lens/update-in targets2 [::targets :target-dims :the-cat :a] str "bar")

{:filename "foo", :target-dims {:dims ["foo" "bar"], :the-cat ["foobar" 10]}}

> (lens/get-in targets2 [::targets :target-dims :the-cat 2])

Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
  Invalid key 2 for spec :spectacles.impl-test/the-cat (valid keys:
  #{0 1 :a :b})

Composing lenses

Let's add a bit more depth to the spec to explore how to compose lenses.

(s/def ::deeper3 string?)
(s/def ::deeper2 (s/keys :opt-un [::deeper3]))
(s/def ::deeper1 (s/keys :opt-un [::deeper2]))

;;redefine spec for ::target-dims
(s/def ::target-dims (s/keys :req-un [::dims]
                             :opt-un [::the-cat ::simple-map ::deeper1]))

To compose two lenses you can do:

> (lens/comp [::targets :target-dims :deeper1] [::deeper1 :deeper2 :deeper3])

[:my-fn/targets :target-dims :deeper1 :deeper2 :deeper3]

When composing, there is a check on whether the spec corresponding to the last key of the first lens matches to the target spec of the second lens. For instance, the first lens here points to the :deeper1 key (which corresponds to the :my-fn/deeper1 spec), but the second lens targets the :my-fn/deeper2 spec (as you can see in the first element of the vector):

> (lens/comp [::targets :target-dims :deeper1] [::deeper2 :deeper3])

ExceptionInfo Cannot compose: last spec of lens1 (:my-fn/deeper1)
  does not match first spec of lens2 (:my-fn/deeper2)

ClojureScript differences

The ClojureScript version of the library behaves slightly differently to the Clojure version. Specifically, none of the operations will be able to check the key predicate of map-of specs. This is because this functionality depends on running eval on the form of map-of and ClojureScript doesn't have eval.


Run Clojure unit tests with:

lein test

Run ClojureScript unit tests with (default setup uses node):

lein doo

Run self-hosted ClojureScript unit tests with:

lein tach lumo


lein tach planck


Copyright © 2017-2018 Stathis Sideris

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.