Ethereum Security 🛡️
Smart Contract Security Verification Standard
Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts
Pre-built security properties for common Ethereum operations
zkPoEX enables white hat hackers to report live vulnerabilities in smart contracts while maintaining the confidentiality of the exploit, facilitating efficient communication and collaboration betwe…
Formally verifying consistency between Solmate and Solady using Halmos
Collection of CTFs for Fun and Interviewing Applicants
A tool for analyzing the security and parameters of a solidity smart contract
A mission to breakout every single solidity vuln I come across and categorize it
A collection of my security audits
Heuristics for smart contract auditors
Mutation Testing for Ethereum Smart Contracts
Mutation Testing for Ethereum Smart Contracts, support for Foundry
Central Repository for the Epoch 0 coursework and quizzes. Contains all the content, cross-referenced and linked.
Parallelized, coverage-guided, mutational Solidity smart contract fuzzing, powered by go-ethereum
Hunt for common bad practices in Solidity smart contracts !
Reproduce DeFi hacked incidents using Foundry.
Data and code for the IEEE S&P'22 paper SAILFISH: Vetting Smart Contract State-Inconsistency Bugs in Seconds
Benchmark Generator for Smart-Contract Fuzzers
curation of all(most) immunefi bug bounty writeups I could find(till now)
The code repository for the 2020 Usenix Security paper "EthBMC: A Bounded Model Checker for Smart Contracts"