Spring Boot WebSocket Chat Demo with SockJS fallback and STOMP protocol
Restful CRUD Blog API using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, Mysql, JPA
Go further into "Learn Spring Security":
This repository we will see file how to multipart file upload and download in REST API using Spring boot, JPA, MySQL, Hibernet validation .
A Java Swing application, extensible for management systems.
An example Braintree integration for Spring (Java)
A Filter for Google reCAPTCHA.
A sample redis chat demo app written in Java
A simple Tic Tac Toe (XO) game 🎮 developped using Java Swing.
Desktop application 💻 that allow you to make a live chat.
A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.
Tic Tac Toe game implementation of Java Socket Programming. This project includes Server and Client packages. After Successful build JAR files will be generated for Server and Client. Swing is used…
A plugin for MyBatis Generator to use Lombok annotations instead of getters and setters
FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes.