# Commit Message Guideline A guide to understanding the importance of commit messages and how to write them well. It may help you to learn what a commit is, why it is important to write good messages, best practices and some tips to plan and (re)write a good commit history. ## What is a "commit"? In simple terms, a commit is a _snapshot_ of your local files, written in your local repository. Contrary to what some people think, [git doesn't store only the difference between the files, it stores a full version of all files](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Appendix-C%3A-Git-Commands-Basic-Snapshotting). For files that didn't change from one commit to another, git stores just a link to the previous identical file that is already stored. The image below shows how git stores data over time, in which each "Version" is a commit:  ## Why are commit messages important? - To speed up and streamline code reviews - To help in the understanding of a change - To explain "the whys" that cannot be described only with code - To help future maintainers figure out why and how changes were made, making troubleshooting and debugging easier To maximize those outcomes, we can use some good practices and standards described in the next section. ## Good practices These are some practices collected from my experiences, internet articles, and other guides. If you have others (or disagree with some) feel free to open a Pull Request and contribute. ### Use imperative form Good: Use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend Bad: Used InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend _But why use the imperative form?_ A commit message describes what the referenced change actually **does**, its effects, not what was done. [This excellent article from Chris Beams](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) gives us a simple sentence that can be used to help us write better commit messages in imperative form: `If applied, this commit will <commit message>` Examples: Good: If applied, this commit will use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend Bad: If applied, this commit will used InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend ### Capitalize the first letter Good: Add `use` method to Credit model Bad: add `use` method to Credit model The reason that the first letter should be capitalized is to follow the grammar rule of using capital letters at the beginning of sentences. The use of this practice may vary from person to person, team to team, or even from language to language. Capitalized or not, an important point is to stick to a single standard and follow it. ### Try to communicate what the change does without having to look at the source code Good: Add `use` method to Credit model Bad: Add `use` method Good: Increase left padding between textbox and layout frame Bad: Adjust css It is useful in many scenarios (e.g. multiple commits, several changes and refactors) to help reviewers understand what the committer was thinking. ### Use the message body to explain "why", "for what", "how" and additional details Good: ```txt Fix method name of InventoryBackend child classes Classes derived from InventoryBackend were not respecting the base class interface. It worked because the cart was calling the backend implementation incorrectly. ``` Good: ```txt Serialize and deserialize credits to JSON in Cart Convert the Credit instances to dict for two main reasons: - Pickle relies on file path for classes and we do not want to break up everything if a refactor is needed - Dict and built-in types are pickleable by default ``` Good: ```txt Add `use` method to Credit Change from namedtuple to class because we need to setup a new attribute (in_use_amount) with a new value ``` The subject and the body of the messages are separated by a blank line. Additional blank lines are considered as a part of the message body. Characters like `-`, `*` and \` are elements that improve readability. ### Avoid generic messages or messages without any context Bad: ```txt Fix this Fix stuff It should work now Change stuff Adjust css ``` ### Limit the number of characters [It's recommended](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Contributing-to-a-Project#_commit_guidelines) to use a maximum of 50 characters for the subject and 72 for the body. ### Keep language consistency For project owners: Choose a language and write all commit messages using that language. Ideally, it should match the code comments, default translation locale (for localized projects), etc. For contributors: Write your commit messages using the same language as the existing commit history. Good: ```txt ababab Add `use` method to Credit model efefef Use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend bebebe Fix method name of InventoryBackend child classes ``` Good: ```txt ababab Adiciona o método `use` ao model Credit efefef Usa o InventoryBackendPool para recuperar o backend de estoque bebebe Corrige nome de método na classe InventoryBackend ``` Bad - mixes English and Portuguese: ```txt ababab Usa o InventoryBackendPool para recuperar o backend de estoque efefef Add `use` method to Credit model cdcdcd Agora vai ``` ### Template This is a template, [written originally by Tim Pope](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html), which appears in the [_Pro Git Book_](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Contributing-to-a-Project). ```txt Summarize changes in around 50 characters or less More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to about 72 characters or so. In some contexts, the first line is treated as the subject of the commit and the rest of the text as the body. The blank line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit the body entirely); various tools like `log`, `shortlog` and `rebase` can get confused if you run the two together. Explain the problem that this commit is solving. Focus on why you are making this change as opposed to how (the code explains that). Are there side effects or other unintuitive consequences of this change? Here's the place to explain them. Further paragraphs come after blank lines. - Bullet points are okay, too - Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, preceded by a single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions vary here If you use an issue tracker, put references to them at the bottom, like this: Resolves: #123 See also: #456, #789 ``` ## Credits - Author: [Romulo Oliveira](https://github.com/RomuloOliveira) - Article: [https://github.com/RomuloOliveira/commit-messages-guide/blob/master/README.md](https://github.com/RomuloOliveira/commit-messages-guide/blob/master/README.md)