A node js web application.
It requires following things to be installed:
- Node: ^8.0.
- NPM.
To run the application locally first install all the dependencies by executing
npm install
and then start the application using:
npm start
To deploy app inside a docker container
Create a network if it doesn't already exist by executing
docker network create --driver bridge nordmart-apps
Next build the image using
docker build -t web .
Finally run the image by executing
docker run -d --name web --network nordmart-apps -e PORT=4200 -e SECURE_GW_ENDPOINT="gateway:8080" -p 4200:4200 web
Helm operator needs to to be running inside the cluster. Helm operator is deployed by Stakater Global Stack, deployment guidelines are provided in this link
To create helm release of this application using the command given below:
kubectl apply -f helm-release.yaml -n