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Magento 2 Builder tool

Project Status: Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development. Codacy Badge Maintainability

Tool to automatically build Magento2 projects and sync data from remote servers.

Local environments:

  • Set up local environment (DB, config, Server)
  • Install project's real data (Sync from Server)

CI / Build Environments:

  • Prepare DB and configurations for executing tests.
  • Build and transfer artifacts ready to be deployed on a server.


composer require "staempfli/magento2-builder-tool":"~2.0"


Magento2 Builder Playlist


magento2-builder-tool is a tool to setup local environments for your Magento2 projects by executing one command. No Docker, no Vagrant needed but it is also compatible inside those virtualised setups. Database, Apache/Nginx configuration and everything else are created automatically for each project. You can even use sync mode to get server data copied locally.

This tool is also meant for CI or Build environments to automate the step of creating the artifact.

What this tool does for you:

LOCAL Environment

1. Create Magento Database
2. Create Integration Test Database
3. Magento Install
4. Sync Data From Server
5. Update core_config_data for your environment
6. setup:upgrade
7. clean cache
8. Setup Apache/Nginx configuration

Only manual step is to edit your /etc/hosts. If you want to automate that too, see DnsMasq on MAC

CI / Build Environment

- Create DB for integration tests
- Builds and transfer artifact that can be directly deployed on a server


Config Folder

cp -r <vendor_path>/staempfli/magento2-builder-tool/config.sample/ config
  • Set the project languages and other configuration into config/ or config/mg2-builder/
  • Set the project custom core_config_data on config/mg2-builder/magento/config.yaml
  • Set the project servers settings on config/mg2-builder/server/config.yaml

NOTE: You only need to replace parameters between <> with your corresponding values. All other placehoders like ${} or {{}} will be automatically replaced during the tool execution

Create logs folder

mkdir logs
vim logs/.gitignore
# Ignore everything in this directory
# Except this file

Custom Properties

You can customise all properties according to your needs:

  • Properties added in config/mg2-builder/ and config/ have higher priority and will overwrite default ones
  • Check all properties that can be customised here:

LOCAL Environaments


  • List available targets:

    • bin/mg2-builder -l
  • Project install:

    • bin/mg2-builder install
  • Sync data from server:

    • bin/mg2-builder sync


Local settings

If you do not want to input over and over again the properties required, you can setup your default environment parameters as follows:

  1. Create folder _conf at one level higher than your project root.

  2. Add a new file inside that folder.

  3. Inside this file you can specify your environment properties as follows:

project.environment=<your_environment_type> (usually Local)
environment.server.type=<your_server_type> (apache, nginx or none)

SSH without password

To skip entering the ssh password every time, you can use ssh-copy-id to automatically set the public-private keys on the server. Simply execute:

ssh-copy-id user@server-domain

DnsMasq on MAC

On OS X you can even skip the manual step of editing the etc/hosts by using dnsmasq. You can configure it to automatically load all *.dev or *.lo urls (*.local does not work).

NOTE: When adding a new dnsmasq, you need to reload the dnsmasq daemon:

sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist

CI / Build Environments


  • Create DB and settings for integration tests:

    • bin/mg2-builder tests-setup:install
  • Create and transfer built artifact:

    • bin/mg2-builder artifact:transfer [,]

Custom scripts

If you need additional scripts to build your projects, you can add them here:

  • config/mg2-builder/xmlscripts/custom.xml

You can also define targets that will be automatically executed during the build process. This tool contains customHooks that can be listened to dispatch other targets. You can set inside config/mg2-builder/ the targets to be executed by these hooks:

vim config/mg2-builder/xmlscripts/custom.xml
before-magento-install = <your-custom-target>
after-sync = <your-custom-target>
after-tests-setup-integration = <your-custom-target>
after-util-db-clean = <your-custom-target>


In order to use sync functionalities, n98-magenrun2 must be available on the remote server. The easiest way is to add it as part as your project dependencies:

composer require "n98/magerun2":"^1.4"

If you install n98-magerun2 in your server in another way, be sure to configure the parameter sync.bin.n98-magerun2 accordingly:


Set null config values on magento version 2.2.x

  • Problem: PR #15216
  • Solution: Apply patch directly in your project using composer
"require": {
	"cweagans/composer-patches": "^1.0"
"extra": {
	"patches": {
		"magento/module-config": {
			"Make possible to set null values using config:set command": ""
	"composer-exit-on-patch-failure": true

NOTE: use version-2.2.0.patch for magento >=2.2.0 <=2.2.3 and version-2.2.4.patch for magento >=2.2.4

MySQL server has gone away

  • Problem: MySQL crashes sometime when creating, importing or updating the Magento database.

  • Solution: Add following configuration in your .my.cnf

  • How to restart mysql: Kill MySQL process, start MySQL and try again:

    1. killall -9 mysqld
    2. mysql.server start or mysql.server restart
    3. Try again: mg2-builder install


  • PHP >= 7.0.*
  • Mysql >= 5.7.*




GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)


(c) 2017 Staempfli AG