Much of the code in this project is generated by the OpenAPI generator. Regenerating the generated portions of the codebase can be done simply with this command (run this whenever new features / changes to the OpenAPI spec are released).
openapi-generator generate -i -g typescript-fetch --strict-spec true -o src/generated
This ensures consistency of code formatting.
npx prettier . --write
The project includes some unit tests as a sanity check, utilizing mocks and real API responses, as well as integration tests. The test suites are specified using Jest and are fairly straightforward.
npm run test
To run integration tests, you need to set the environment variable RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS=true
You'll also need an API key (with access to all services, or else some tests will fail!). You can store
one or both of these in .env
in the repo root.
Finally, you can do a dist build as you might expect:
npm run build
GitHub releases drive everything automatically except bumping the version number. Create one and if all goes well, you'll have a release up on npm shortly.