# These owners will be the default owners for everything in
# the repo. Unless a later match takes precedence,
# @stacks-network/blockchain-team-codeowners will be requested for
# review when someone opens a pull request.
* @stacks-network/blockchain-team-codeowners

# Generic file extensions that shouldn't require much scrutiny. Anyone with write access to the repo may approve a PR
*.md @stacks-network/blockchain-team
*.yml @stacks-network/blockchain-team
*.yaml @stacks-network/blockchain-team
*.txt @stacks-network/blockchain-team
*.toml @stacks-network/blockchain-team

# Signer code
libsigner/**/*.rs @stacks-network/blockchain-team-signer
stacks-signer/**/*.rs @stacks-network/blockchain-team-signer

# CI workflows
/.github/workflows/ @stacks-network/blockchain-team-ci
/.github/actions/ @stacks-network/blockchain-team-ci