Enqueue is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of community and our customers. If you'd like to join them, please consider:
The transport uses Kafka streaming platform as a MQ broker.
- Installation
- Create context
- Send message to topic
- Send message to queue
- Consume message
- Serialize message
- Change offset
$ composer require enqueue/rdkafka
use Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaConnectionFactory;
// connects to localhost:9092
$connectionFactory = new RdKafkaConnectionFactory();
// same as above
$connectionFactory = new RdKafkaConnectionFactory('kafka:');
// same as above
$connectionFactory = new RdKafkaConnectionFactory([]);
// connect to Kafka broker at example.com:1000 plus custom options
$connectionFactory = new RdKafkaConnectionFactory([
'global' => [
'group.id' => uniqid('', true),
'metadata.broker.list' => 'example.com:1000',
'enable.auto.commit' => 'false',
'topic' => [
'auto.offset.reset' => 'beginning',
$context = $connectionFactory->createContext();
// if you have enqueue/enqueue library installed you can use a factory to build context from DSN
$context = (new \Enqueue\ConnectionFactoryFactory())->create('kafka:')->createContext();
/** @var \Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaContext $context */
$message = $context->createMessage('Hello world!');
$fooTopic = $context->createTopic('foo');
$context->createProducer()->send($fooTopic, $message);
/** @var \Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaContext $context */
$message = $context->createMessage('Hello world!');
$fooQueue = $context->createQueue('foo');
$context->createProducer()->send($fooQueue, $message);
/** @var \Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaContext $context */
$fooQueue = $context->createQueue('foo');
$consumer = $context->createConsumer($fooQueue);
// Enable async commit to gain better performance.
$message = $consumer->receive();
// process a message
// $consumer->reject($message);
By default the transport serializes messages to json format but you might want to use another format such as Apache Avro. For that you have to implement Serializer interface and set it to the context, producer or consumer. If a serializer set to context it will be injected to all consumers and producers created by the context.
use Enqueue\RdKafka\Serializer;
use Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaMessage;
class FooSerializer implements Serializer
public function toMessage($string) {}
public function toString(RdKafkaMessage $message) {}
/** @var \Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaContext $context */
$context->setSerializer(new FooSerializer());
By default consumers starts from the beginning of the topic and updates the offset while you are processing messages. There is an ability to change the current offset.
/** @var \Enqueue\RdKafka\RdKafkaContext $context */
$fooQueue = $context->createQueue('foo');
$consumer = $context->createConsumer($fooQueue);
$message = $consumer->receive(2000);