The BlockObserver is a way to attach arbitrary blocks to significant events in an AOperation's lifecycle.
let observer =
BlockObserver(startHandler: { operation in
// do something on start
produceHandler: { operation, newOperation in
// do something on produce operation
}, finishHandler: { operation, errors
// do something on finishing operation
There are some helper methods that used BlockObserver which are easy to use for observing AOperation lifecycle:
Call this method on operation to observe starting of operation.
.didStart {
.add(to: queue)
Call this method on operation to observe produceing a newOperation.
. didProduce { newOperation in
.add(to: queue)
Call this method on operation to observe finished of operation.
- Note1: This method is additive. means that all your called closures will be execute.
- Note2: This method is execute in Main thread. So you can call UI functions into the closure in safety.
.didFinish { result in
.add(to: queue)
Call this method on operation to observe finishing of operation. this closure is executed just before operation moves to finished state. Use this method if you really need to your code execute before operation moves to finished, otherwise use didFinish
- Note: This method will just execute the last called function. So consider this in use of this method.
.willFinish { result, finish in
// doing something
.add(to: queue)
TimeoutObserver is a way to make an Operation automatically time out and cancel after a specified time interval.
.add(to: queue)
An AOperationObserver
that will cause the network activity indicatior to appear as long
as the AOperation
to which it is attached is executing.
.add(to: queue)
An observer that performs a very high-level reachability observing. Use this observer to react on reachablility change during the operation execution.
.didChangeReachability { operation, connection
//React to connection change