module: Blueprint title: Blueprint github_url: skip_undocumented: false output: .docs theme: fullwidth # TODO: to enable this, first rename docs whose names conflict with symbols # documentation: Documentation/**/*.md custom_categories: # - name: Getting Started # children: # - HelloWorld # - ElementHierarchy # - CustomElements # - Layout # - name: Reference # children: # - Element # - BlueprintView # - ViewDescription # - Transitions # - name: Tutorials # children: # - Setup # - Tutorial1 # - Tutorial2 - name: Creating Custom Elements children: - Element - ProxyElement - ElementContent - ViewDescription - LayoutTransition - VisibilityTransition - name: Displaying Elements children: - BlueprintView - ElementPreview - name: Common Elements children: - AccessibilityBlocker - AccessibilityContainer - AccessibilityElement - AdaptedEnvironment - EnvironmentReader - Aligned - AttributedLabel - Box - Button - Centered - Column - ConstrainedAspectRatio - ConstrainedSize - Empty - EqualStack - GeometryReader - Image - Inset - Label - Overlay - Row - Rule - ScrollView - SegmentedControl - Spacer - Tappable - TextField - TransitionContainer - name: Environment children: - Environment - EnvironmentKey custom_categories_unlisted_prefix: ''