From 86065167f35bca65030cdb04604be29f5ad20da9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hai Zhu <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:50:50 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Support the direct passing of dictionary literals.

Support the direct passing of dictionary literals when calling functions
and fix the errors caused by nested braces.   This revises the fix that was
released in 1.3.4 and then reverted in 1.3.5. Pull request by Hai Zhu and
Jose Galvez.

Fixes: #400
Fixes: #401
Closes: #414
Pull-request-sha: c6aa6bef1926f16ff3bb9afca00cf58c1b572a39

Change-Id: If51a7d0847552191ca2a919e834ed5040e3a6666
 doc/build/unreleased/400.rst |   8 ++
 mako/            |   2 +-
 test/           | 226 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/build/unreleased/400.rst

diff --git a/doc/build/unreleased/400.rst b/doc/build/unreleased/400.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..771c70b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/build/unreleased/400.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+.. change::
+    :tags: bug, lexer
+    :tickets: 400, 401
+    Support the direct passing of dictionary literals when calling functions
+    and fix the errors caused by nested braces.   This revises the fix that was
+    released in 1.3.4 and then reverted in 1.3.5. Pull request by Hai Zhu and
+    Jose Galvez.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mako/ b/mako/
index 04686ece..ac997368 100644
--- a/mako/
+++ b/mako/
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ def _parse_attributes(self, expressions, nonexpressions):
         for key in self.attributes:
             if key in expressions:
                 expr = []
-                for x in re.compile(r"(\${.+?})", re.S).split(
+                for x in re.compile(r"(\${(?:[^$]*?{.+|.+?)})", re.S).split(
                     m = re.compile(r"^\${(.+?)}$", re.S).match(x)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 05aaa1f0..aca6eab2 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -810,20 +810,29 @@ def test_tricky_expression(self):
-    def test_dict_expression_issue_400_regression(self):
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "expr",
+        [
+            ("${foo}${bar}",),
+            ("file_${foo}_bat_${bar}.py",),
+            ("${foo}_bat_${bar}",),
+            ("${foo}${bar}.py",),
+        ],
+    )
+    def test_dict_expression_issue_400_regression(self, expr):
         """test for issue #401.
         This was the regression case for #400
-        template = '<%include file="${foo}${bar}"/>'
+        template = f'<%include file="{expr}"/>'
         nodes = Lexer(template).parse()
-                [IncludeTag("include", {"file": "${foo}${bar}"}, (1, 1), [])],
+                [IncludeTag("include", {"file": f"{expr}"}, (1, 1), [])],
@@ -838,7 +847,7 @@ def test_ampersand_issue_412(self):
             TemplateNode({}, [Text("\nproperty = <&node>;\n\n", (1, 1))]),
-    def _dont_test_dict_expression_issue_400(self):
+    def test_dict_expression_issue_400(self):
         """test for issue #400"""
         template = """
         <%def name="dtest(d)">
@@ -897,7 +906,7 @@ def _dont_test_dict_expression_issue_400(self):
-    def _dont_test_dict_expression_2_issue_400(self):
+    def test_dict_expression_2_issue_400(self):
         """test for issue #400"""
         template = """
         <%def name="thing(thing)">
@@ -1006,6 +1015,213 @@ def _dont_test_dict_expression_2_issue_400(self):
+    def test_dict_expression(self):
+        template = """
+        <%def name="dtest(d)">
+            % for k,v in d.items():
+            ${k} = ${v}
+            % endfor
+        </%def>
+        <%self:dtest d="${
+                            {
+                                'id':'4',
+                                'foo':'barr'
+                            }
+                        }" />
+        """
+        nodes = Lexer(template).parse()
+        self._compare(
+            nodes,
+            TemplateNode(
+                {},
+                [
+                    Text("\n        ", (1, 1)),
+                    DefTag(
+                        "def",
+                        {"name": "dtest(d)"},
+                        (2, 9),
+                        [
+                            Text("\n", (2, 31)),
+                            ControlLine(
+                                "for", "for k,v in d.items():", False, (3, 1)
+                            ),
+                            Text("            ", (4, 1)),
+                            Expression("k", [], (4, 13)),
+                            Text(" = ", (4, 17)),
+                            Expression("v", [], (4, 20)),
+                            Text("\n", (4, 24)),
+                            ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (5, 1)),
+                            Text("        ", (6, 1)),
+                        ],
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (6, 16)),
+                    CallNamespaceTag(
+                        "self:dtest",
+                        {
+                            "d": "${\n\
+                            {\n\
+                                'id':'4',\n\
+                                'foo':'barr'\n\
+                            }\n\
+                        }"
+                        },
+                        (7, 9),
+                        [],
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (12, 30)),
+                ],
+            ),
+        )
+    def test_dict_expression_2(self):
+        template = """
+        <%def name="thing(thing)">
+            ${type(thing)}
+        </%def>
+        <%self:thing thing="foo" />
+        <%self:thing thing="${5}" />
+        <%self:thing thing="${[1,2,3]}" />
+        <%self:thing thing="${{'id':'4'}}" />
+        <%
+            foo="this is foo"
+            g=False
+        %>
+        <%def name="bar(x, y)">
+            ${x} ${y}
+        </%def>
+        <%self:bar x="${{'id':4}}" y="x${g and '1' or '2'}y"/>
+        <%def name="dtest(d)">
+        % for k,v in d.items():
+        ${k} = ${v}
+        % endfor
+        % if 'embeded' in d and 'name' in d['embeded']:
+        ${d['embeded']['name']}
+        % endif
+        </%def>
+        <%self:dtest d="${ {
+            'x-on:click':'foo',
+            'foo':'bar',
+            'embeded':{'name':'J Doe'}
+        } }" />
+        """
+        nodes = Lexer(template).parse()
+        self._compare(
+            nodes,
+            TemplateNode(
+                {},
+                [
+                    Text("\n        ", (1, 1)),
+                    DefTag(
+                        "def",
+                        {"name": "thing(thing)"},
+                        (2, 9),
+                        [
+                            Text("\n            ", (2, 35)),
+                            Expression("type(thing)", [], (3, 13)),
+                            Text("\n        ", (3, 27)),
+                        ],
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (4, 16)),
+                    CallNamespaceTag(
+                        "self:thing", {"thing": "foo"}, (5, 9), []
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (5, 36)),
+                    CallNamespaceTag(
+                        "self:thing", {"thing": "${5}"}, (6, 9), []
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (6, 37)),
+                    CallNamespaceTag(
+                        "self:thing", {"thing": "${[1,2,3]}"}, (7, 9), []
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (7, 43)),
+                    CallNamespaceTag(
+                        "self:thing", {"thing": "${{'id':'4'}}"}, (8, 9), []
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (8, 46)),
+                    Code(
+                        '\nfoo="this is foo"\ng=False\n        \n',
+                        False,
+                        (9, 9),
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (12, 11)),
+                    DefTag(
+                        "def",
+                        {"name": "bar(x, y)"},
+                        (13, 9),
+                        [
+                            Text("\n            ", (13, 32)),
+                            Expression("x", [], (14, 13)),
+                            Text(" ", (14, 17)),
+                            Expression("y", [], (14, 18)),
+                            Text("\n        ", (14, 22)),
+                        ],
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (15, 16)),
+                    CallNamespaceTag(
+                        "self:bar",
+                        {"x": "${{'id':4}}", "y": "x${g and '1' or '2'}y"},
+                        (16, 9),
+                        [],
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (16, 63)),
+                    DefTag(
+                        "def",
+                        {"name": "dtest(d)"},
+                        (17, 9),
+                        [
+                            Text("\n", (17, 31)),
+                            ControlLine(
+                                "for", "for k,v in d.items():", False, (18, 1)
+                            ),
+                            Text("        ", (19, 1)),
+                            Expression("k", [], (19, 9)),
+                            Text(" = ", (19, 13)),
+                            Expression("v", [], (19, 16)),
+                            Text("\n", (19, 20)),
+                            ControlLine("for", "endfor", True, (20, 1)),
+                            ControlLine(
+                                "if",
+                                "if 'embeded' in d and \
+'name' in d['embeded']:",
+                                False,
+                                (21, 1),
+                            ),
+                            Text("        ", (22, 1)),
+                            Expression("d['embeded']['name']", [], (22, 9)),
+                            Text("\n", (22, 32)),
+                            ControlLine("if", "endif", True, (23, 1)),
+                            Text("        ", (24, 1)),
+                        ],
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (24, 16)),
+                    CallNamespaceTag(
+                        "self:dtest",
+                        {
+                            "d": "${ {\n\
+            'x-on:click':'foo',\n\
+            'foo':'bar',\n\
+            'embeded':{'name':'J Doe'}\n\
+        } }"
+                        },
+                        (25, 9),
+                        [],
+                    ),
+                    Text("\n        ", (29, 16)),
+                ],
+            ),
+        )
+    def test_brace_expression(self):
+        template = '<%include file="${foo}${bar}"/>'
+        nodes = Lexer(template).parse()
+        self._compare(
+            nodes,
+            TemplateNode(
+                {},
+                [IncludeTag("include", {"file": "${foo}${bar}"}, (1, 1), [])],
+            ),
+        )
     def test_tricky_code(self):
         template = """<% print('hi %>') %>"""
         nodes = Lexer(template).parse()