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File metadata and controls

130 lines (93 loc) · 4.13 KB

Spyse API wrapper for Go

The official wrapper for API, written in Golang, aimed to help developers build their integrations with Spyse.

Spyse is the most complete Internet assets search engine for every cybersecurity professional.

Examples of data Spyse delivers:

  • List of 300+ most popular open ports found on 3.5 Billion publicly accessible IPv4 hosts.
  • Technologies used on 300+ most popular open ports and IP addresses and domains using a particular technology.
  • Security score for each IP host and website, calculated based on the found vulnerabilities.
  • List of websites hosted on each IPv4 host.
  • DNS and WHOIS records of the domain names.
  • SSL certificates provided by the website hosts.
  • Structured content of the website homepages.
  • Abuse reports associated with IPv4 hosts.
  • Organizations and industries associated with the domain names.
  • Email addresses found during the Internet scanning, associated with a domain name.

More information about the data Spyse collects is available on the Our data page.

Spyse provides an API accessible via token-based authentication. API tokens are available only for registered users on their account page.

For more information about the API, please check the API Reference.


go get

Quick start

// Add import
import ""
// ...

// Use your API key to init the client
client, err := spyse.NewClient("XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", nil)

// Create a new service suitable for your case
svc := spyse.NewDomainService(client)

// Fetch all information about the domain
details, err := svc.Details(context.Background(), "")
// ...



Target info:

Search with params (up to 10 000 results):

Scroll search (unlimited results):

Historical records:

Bulk Search:

Note: You need to pass access_token as an argument to run any example:

go run ./examples/domain_details/main.go --access_token=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

Errors handling

To properly handle Spyse errors, assert them to spyse.ErrResponse and then check the "Code" field.

spyseError := err.(*spyse.ErrResponse)
// Error message, e.g. "wrong access token provided"
// Status code for request to API, e.g. 401
// Error text code, e.g. "unauthorized"

// Check for "limit reached" error
if spyseError.Err.Code == spyse.CodeRequestsLimitReached {
// ...

A list of error codes can be found in pkg/error.go


Run tests:

go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /examples/)

Run tests and create code coverage report:

go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /examples/) -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic

Covered API endpoints

All the available API methods are fully supported.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

Troubleshooting and contacts

For any proposals and questions, please write at: