Releases: sproctor/warlock3
Releases · sproctor/warlock3
- Sign app on MacOS
- Make number of scrollback lines customizable
- Allow setting additional script directories
- Properly handles imbalanced tags from the server
- Implements more command links (still not clickable because of the Compose bug)
- Handle , but not dialog tags (so for now just hides text for dialogs)
- Greatly improved performance when handling lots of components (mainly moving between rooms)
- Added ability to change font per preset and per window
- When updating the DB, a copy is made in the .warlock3 directory
- Added an implementation of aliases
- Improved RT display
- Improved window performance and behavior
- Enabled regex highlights (they were already working, just no interface to create them) and greatly improved the highlight settings UI
- Windows in the center column are now positioned in a row
- Allow users to move windows between columns and reorder them
- Reports parse errors in console
Bug fixes
- Fixes bug with lost styles in beta04
- Properly clear windows
- Re-enabled text selection, disabled links pending
- Limit scroll back lines (defaults to 5000)
- Compass directions are now clickable
- In-game commands are now clickable
- Logs are saved to $HOME/.warlock3/logs/%character_id/YYY-MM-DD.log
- Text selection in the game window is broken
- Updated to Compose 1.2.0-alpha01-dev741
- Fixed display bug with variable settings
- Added banner with link back to dashboard on disconnect
- Fixed a bug with "contains" in scripts
- Added support for command line arguments for host/key/port to support Lich
Fixes breakage from previous release.
This release is broken, do not use.
- Fixes crash reading highlights (sqldelite JDBC driver is buggy)
- Greatly improves UI of settings screen
- Adds default macros and adds a few minor macro capabilities
- Use sqlite to store settings
- Add opening screen that allows connecting to a previously connected character
- Added character selector to preferences and the ability to modify global highlights/macros
- Added pause macro to pause scripts
- Fixed issues with JS scripts and updated to Rhino 1.7.14
- Updated JVM to version 17