All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #2696 - Do not require JsonSubType annotation for sealed classes
- #2898 - add needed runtime reflection hints for native image
- #2891 - Refactor trimIndent Method
- Upgrade swagger-ui to v5.18.3
- #2902 - Schema replaced by String when using @ApiResponse with RepresentationModel (Hateoas links)
- #2876 - Restentpoints with same name get mix up
- #2895 - Only filter out actuator endpoints with double asterisks.
- #2894 - respect @JsonUnwrapped & @Schema on props not fields only
- #2881 - fix defaultValue when using @PageableDefault together with one-indexed-parameters
- #2888 - Provide a better consistency for parameters and responses order.
- #2873 - Improve performance of getGenericMapResponse
- #2836 - Provide option to set allowed locales
- 2862 - Align Swagger-UI Prefix Path with Swagger-WebMvc Behavior
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.4.2
- Upgrade spring-cloud-function to 4.2.1
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.28
- #2870 - Springdoc 2.8.x + Spring Boot 3.4.1 breaks native image support
- #2869 - Exception logged when generating schema for delete method of Spring Data repository.
- #2856 - @JsonUnwrapped is ignored in new version of lib.
- #2852 - @Schema(types = "xxx") does not work for multipart param with enabled springdoc.default-support-form-data config option.
- #2851 - Refine condition, for ignoring types when using PolymorphicModelConverter
- #2849 - Provide better compatibility for projects migrating from OAS 3.0 to OAS 3.1
- #2846 - ClassCastException with spring-data-rest and openapi version 3.1 bug
- #2844 - PageableObject and SortObject are called Pageablenull and Sortnull
- #2834 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.reflect.full.KClasses when upgrade from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0
- #2790 - Moving to OpenAPI 3.1 as the default implementation for springdoc-openapi
- #2817 - Obey annotations when flattening ParameterObject fields
- #2826 - Make it possible to mark parameters with @RequestParam annotation to be sent in form instead of query.
- #2822 - Support returning null in ParameterCustomizer
- #2830 - Add support for deprecated fields.
- #2780 - Add Security Schema by AutoConfigure
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.4.1
- Upgrade spring-cloud-function to 4.2.0
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.27
- #2804 - Stable release 2.7.0 depends on Spring Cloud Milestone 4.2.0-M1
- #2828 - Required a bean of type '' that could not be found.
- #2823 - Capturing pattern in identical paths only renders the path element of one method
- #2817 - Automatically add required if a field is @notNull or @NotBlank.
- #2814 - An unresolvable circular reference with management.endpoint.gateway.enabled=true.
- #2798 - Object schema generated for Unit Kotlin type.
- #2797 - Removing operationId via customizer does not work anymore.
- #2833 - Resolve infinite recursion and add example test with OpenAPI v3.1
- #2827 - Ignoring @Parameter(required = false)
- #2777 - Add SortAsQueryParam annotation
- #2786 - No static resource swagger-ui/index.html error after migration to 2.7.0-RC1
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.4.0
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 5.18.2
- Upgrade spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server to 1.4.0
- #2649 - Add Encoding to multiple files and JSON payloads request test case
- #2653 - Trim indent apply schema description
- #2664 - Refactor Replace hardcoded schema prefix length
- #2509, #2668 - Replace swagger urls in only if url is changed
- #2727 - Display nullable request body with map type
- #2746 - add gradle import
- #2760 - Added support for RequestBody as a meta-annotation
- #2703 - Display nullable request body with map type
- #2657 - Add support for OAS v3.1 webhooks
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.4.0-RC1
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.25
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 5.18.1
- Upgrade spring-cloud-function to 4.2.0-M1
- Upgrade spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server to 1.4.0-M2
- #2752 - Swagger doesn't work after custom annotation replacing request parameters
- #2747 - Move to webjars-locator-lite, in preparation for spring-boot 3.4 GA
- #2705 - @Schema oneOf config is ignored when generate the api-docs
- #2744 - SpringDocUI doest add Javadoc into swagger from abstract class
- #2708 - Spring Boot (Webflux) - Swagger UI - redirect URI does not include Gateway Prefix
- #2725 - Serialization to openapi of is wrong for Spring Boot >2.x
- #2740 - Swagger-ui ignores property springdoc.swagger-ui.supported-submit-methods
- #2733 - Bad schema return type when created a generic wrapper class for response entity
- #2687 - Failed to load api definition after spring boot 3.4.0-M2
- #2642 - Calling Swagger UI via different context paths fails
- #2709 - Annotation @Hidden on rest controller class level doesn't work due to spring default proxying mechanism CGLIB
- #2642 - Calling Swagger UI via different context paths fails
- #2663 - Content definition in @ApiResponse remove schema generated based on the returned value
- #2646 - The operationId is unnecessarily deduplicated for a requestBody with multiple content types
- #2643 - UpperSnakeCaseStrategy is not working with spring boot and ParameterObject
- #2640 - @JsonUnwrapped is ignored when PolymorphicConverter is enabled
- #2638 - Boolean Parameter with @Schema Annotation Changes Type to string in OpenAPI Documentation
- #2659 - Fix typo in SpringSecurityLoginEndpointCustomizer method name
- #2660 - Update Response Code
- #2442, #2669 - Fix SpringDocApp193Test for Java 21 and above
- #2671 - Ensure default media type order is preserved using LinkedHashSet in mergeArrays
- #2711 - Missing descriptions on Kotlin ByteArray fields
- #2733 - Bad schema return type when created a generic wrapper class for response entity
- #2561 - NPE occurs when outputting an OpenAPI document since 2.5.0
- #2579 - Add support for leading tab characters with trim-kotlin-indent.
- #2589 - Pass HttpRequest to ServerBaseUrlCustomizer
- #2596, #2600 - consumes and produces calculation. Fixes
- #2625, #2626 - Replace Page schema with PagedModel when pageSerializationMode is set to VIA_DTO
- #2627 - Ensure compatibility with previous version of spring data
- #2576 - GroupedApi orders by displayName instead of name.
- #2584 - Dynamically define ApiGroups does not work.
- #2595 - Spring security support of @RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.3.0
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.22
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 5.17.14
- Upgrade spring-cloud-function to 4.1.2
- Upgrade spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server to 1.3.0
- #2577 - Fix missing exception response types in OpenAPI spec
- #2591 - When an entity class contains fields of Class<?> type, an infinite loop.
- #2603 - PolymorphicModelConverter only handles direct subtypes and misses indirect.
- #2606 - Spring Authorization Server Metadata Endpoint not compatible.
- #2621 - Content-type for POST endpoints with multipart/form-data does not work since v2.4.0.
- #2622 - Kotlin enums are always marked as required if used in Java controllers.
- #2601 - Multiple Superclasses Are Not Mapped To Multiple allOf If Used In Different Services.
- #2597 - Polymorphic fields on polymorphic parents don't get correct oneOf docs generated.
- #2318 - Add Info to GroupedOpenAPI properties
- #2554 - Remove duplicate words from comments
- #2418 - Improve support for externalizing strings in generated openapi
- #2535 - Add 'springdoc.trim-kotlin-indent' property to handle Kotlin multiline string indentation
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.2.4
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.21
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 5.13.0
- #2525 - Inherited Methods Not Included in Swagger Documentation with @RouterOperation in Spring Boot WebFlux Application
- #2526 - SpringDoc bean naming conflict error with GraphQL Spring boot starter
- #2540 - Fix typo in
- #2549 - Fix
- #2443 - Respect schema annotations when using spring mvc with kotlin
- #2492, #2488 - Support dynamic evaluation of description field in the RequestBody
- #2510 - Option to disable root api-docs path when using groups
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.2.3
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.20
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 5.11.8
- #2453 - Fix links
- #2454 - Fix typo in SwaggerWelcomeWebMvc
- #2507 - Fix typo in Constants
- #2472 - Update
- #2495 - Fix broken links in README and CONTRIBUTING
- #2501 - bug fix when "exported" is set to false in RestResource annotation
- #2447 - Serialization to openapi of is not done correctly
- #2449 - Extensions in subobjects of OpenAPI no longer work
- #2461 - Springdoc OpenApi Annotations @ExtensionProperty Not Evaluating Properties from application.yml
- #2469 - Pom contains invalid organizationUrl
- #2518 - Duplicate GroupConfigs in SpringDocConfigProperties
- #2506 - Springdoc breaks (Unexpected value: TRACE) when a spring-cloud-starter-gateway-mvc universal gateway is configured.
- #2519 - Request parameter parsing error after using @NotBlank from type interface field
- #2516 - Spring Data REST fails when setting version to openapi_3_1
- #2509 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in SwaggerUiConfigParameters
- #2484 - JavaDoc integration not working with SnakeCaseStrategy property naming
- #2483 - Controller advice documents ApiResponse on every operation, even if the operation does not annotate the exception to be thrown
- #2477 - buildApiResponses ignores produced ContentType in case of many @Operation
- #2340 - Add support OIDC with Spring Authorization Server
- #2345 - Support Schema added in OpenAPI Specification v3.1
- #2387 - Support get javadoc description from getter method
- #2404 - Update condition to register links schema customizer
- #2359 - Update condition to register links schema customizer
- #2348 - Enhance resource path processing
- #2438, #2315 - Support for @JsonProperty with Javadoc Change in springdoc-openapi
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.2.0
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.19
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 5.10.3
- #2366 - Fix the failed test due to hardcoded file separators
- #2370, #2371 - No empty description for polymorphic subtypes
- #2373 - SchemaProperty.array Schema is ignored in /api-docs or api-docs.yaml
- #2366 - Refactoring AbstractSwaggerResourceResolver.findWebJarResourcePath
- #2320 - javadoc for class attribute ignored when in EntityModel.
- #2347 - Not working if a property of entity contains generic parameters.
- #2399 - SpringdocRouteBuilder.onError is overriding last route defined.
- #2426 - StackOverflowError when using @ParameterObject on groovy class.
- #2189 - Add support for swagger-ui.url property
- #2200 - Support schema.requiredMode() on ParameterObject
- #2309 - Added function to preload by specifying locale
- #2332 - Group name cannot be null or empty
- #2281 - Initial Virtual thread support
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.1.2
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.15
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 5.2.0
- #2199 - Fix Schema get condition of ArraySchema.
- #2194 - Fix Swagger UI with provided spec
- #2213 - Using both generated and configured specs stoped working in 1.6.5
- #2222 - String Index Out of Bounce Exception Fix when deployed on Azure
- #2243, #2235 - Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when path is same webjar
- #2291 - Fix default-flat-param-object doesn't work when using http body
- #2310 - Change bean name of objectMapperProvider
- #2207 - swagger-initializer.js is sent endcoded in the JVM's default charset
- #2271, #2280 - Fix loop when response inherits generic class fixes
- #2312 - Spec for @ParameterObject disappears if building native-images
- #2326 - @QuerydslPredicate(root = X.class) annotation at Controller Method level not getting documented in Spring Boot 3
- #2152 - Detect directions in default sort values
- #2167 #2166 - Add request parameter for token endpoint
- #2188 - Support of {*param} path patterns
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.0.5
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.9
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.18.2
- Spring Native is now superseded by Spring Boot 3 official
- #2173 - Remove webjars-locator-core
- #2122 - Super tiny fix typo
- #2131 - Fixed a bug that javadoc of record class parameters was not recognized.
- #2140 - Javadoc record class parameters not recognized
- #2123 #2141 - fix spring authorization server response.
- #2148 - Fix properties show-oauth2-endpoints and SpringDocConfigProperties#showOauth2Endpoint properties name mismatch
- #2149 - Request parameters with default values are marked as required.
- #2155 - openApi.getServers() is null in OpenApiCustomiser when using different locales.
- #2152 - Redundant(wrong) direction appended to @PageableDefault.
- #2181 #2183 - Fixed DefaultFlatParamObject to work with annotated parameters.
- #2170 #2187 - All request parameters marked as required for Java controllers in mixed projects in 2.0.3
- #2165 - Custom Converters are not excluded if not registered for Http Message Converter.
- #2185 - Fix behaviour of required flag for schema class fields.
- #2139 - SpringDocSecurityConfiguration class not sufficiently constrained.
- #2142 - SpringDocJacksonModuleConfiguration is loaded even though there is no ObjectMapperProvider when springdoc.api-docs.enabled = false.
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.18.1
- #2123 - Fix spring authorization server response
- #2131 - Fixed a bug that javadoc of record class parameters was not recognized.
- #2114 - Exception during WebFlux tests: NoClassDefFoundError: KotlinModule$Builder
- #2006 - Support for nullable request parameters in Kotlin.
- #2054 - Add copyright and license information to Jar.
- #2021 - Required field in Schema annotation ignored in Kotlin.
- #2094 - Initial support for Spring Authorization Server.
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.0.4
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.8
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.17.1
- #2010 - findByNameContainingIgnoreCaseAndDateBefore throw NullPointerException.
- #2031 - Path variables parameters are not assigned correctly to endpoints.
- #2038 - When extends JpaRepository, using @Parameter over the method results in duplicate of the same parameter.
- #2046 - Map Fields Disappear with Groovy on Classpath.
- #2051 - Malformed api-docs JSON when StringHttpMessageConverter is not active
- #2062 - OperationCustomizer is not working with Spring Data REST.
- #2098 - When getting ExceptionHandler in the controller, use target class in case of AOP Proxy.
- #2107 - Ordering of GlobalOpenApiCustomizers different than for OpenApiCustomisers.
- #2089 - Fixed a bug that a NullPointerException is thrown when the description field of RequestBody is null and there is a javadoc description.
- #2104 - OpenAPI Extensions no longer work.
- #2008 - Error when com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule is not present in classpath
- #1965 - Prevents premature initialisation of factory-beans
- #2003 - Resolve property descriptions for arrays
- #1957 - AdditionalModelsConverter Schema params rewriting
- #1962 - override-with-generic-response shouldn't shallow copy
- #1985 - IllegalStateException: Duplicate key when two endpoints at the same URL with same header exist
- #1992 - Java enumeration and Spring Converter no longer generates enum drop-down
- #2001 - Enum Collection parameter missing type info in Spring Data Rest search method
- #1961 - ContinuationObject leaks into schema
- #1284 - Add support for Jakarta EE
- Upgrade spring-boot to v3.0.0
- #1929 - Enables no cache on not cache swagger-initializer.js
- #1922 - Check existence of superclass before accessing its name
- #1923 - Javadoc description of the @RequestPart param of multipart/form-data to the parameter description
- Upgrade spring-boot to 3.0.0-RC2
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.7
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.15.5
- #1912 - Upgrade spring-security-oauth2 to 2.5.2.RELEASE
- #1892 - springdoc.model-and-view-allowed enhanced
- #1901 - When @Get, using @Parameter over the method results in duplicate of the same parameter
- #1909 - ExceptionHandler in controller is not used by another controller
- #1904 - springdoc-openapi-webflux-ui 2.0.0-M7 + spring actuator + spring cloud crashes at startup
- #1911 - Wrong type for springdoc.swagger-ui.oauth.useBasicAuthenticationWithAccessCodeGrant configuration property
- #1931 - Spring Security form login only offers application/json req body type.
- #1284 - Additional hints for native support
- Upgrade to spring-boot 3.0.0-RC1
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.15.0
- #1901 - When @Get, using @Parameter over the method results in duplicate of the same parameter.
- #1892 - springdoc.model-and-view-allowed.
- #1888 - custom Summary for actuator
- #1881 - Support @Hidden annotation on REST repositories.
- #1878 - Sort request methods
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.2.4
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.14.3
- #1829 - Wrong schema generation on endpoint consuming multipart form data combined with JsonView
- #1842 - A HTTP header in multipart/form-data is handled as form item instead of header
- #1845 - Wrong "response" description with two controllers having its own ExceptionHandler.
- #1860 - Replace auto-configuration registration by @eikemeier in #1860
- #1814 - Allow requestBody creation for GET on openapi resource endpoint
- #1855 - Fixed a bug that duplicate field were get for record classes by @uc4w6c in #1855
- #1820 - Refresh the browser each time, the global header is added in duplicate.
- #523 - No documented way to handle Mono/Flux without Webflux
- #1816 - Parameters with same name but different locations can't render in UI properly
- #1805 - Default flat param object
- upgrade swagger-ui: 4.14.0
- #1801 - Duplicated header values when an endpoint can be called with different headers
- #1801 - NPE for request bodies with content that has media type MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE
- #1793 - Query parameter part of request body in controller with MultiPartFile
- #1791 - Override-with-generic-response not working from 1.6.8 onwards
- #1799 - Polymorphism - Support JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS
- #1700 - Support PageableDefault#value()
- #1706 - ßAdd RouterOperationCustomizer
- #1754 - Default value and description of the page parameter when enabled property
- #1755 - Adjust name of the parameters page and size when set property
- #1742 - Optimize the group order problem
- update to spring-boot 3.0.0-M4
- upgrade swagger-ui: 4.13.2
- upgrade classgraph: 4.8.149
- upgrade spring-native: 0.12.1
- upgrqde swagger-core: 2.2.2
- upgrage therapi-runtime-javadoc: 0.15.0
- #1753 - Upgrade Spring Cloud Function to 4.0.0-M3 by @JohnNiang in #1753
- #1684 - incorrect generic param for multi interfaces
- #1687, #1688 - kotlin ByteArray property incorrect
- #1692 - More specific bean name for objectMapperProvider
- #1684 - Incorrect generic param for multi interfaces
- #1707 - Concurrent problems when initializing multiple GroupedOpenApi parallelly
- #1690 - Expected file to be in alphabetical order.
- #1713 - ObjectMapperProvider to sort all properties.
- #1717, #1718 - javadoc of JsonUnwrapped fields not set
- #1748, #1712, Generated server url computation not cleared
- #1696 - incorrect generic param for multi interfaces
- #1749 - Update server out of cache
- #1734 - springdoc-openapi-kotlin and springdoc-openapi-common do not agree on conditions for auto configuration
- #1761- Exception documenting RestControllerEndpoint with PostMapping
- #1664 - Add Schema properties support in method-level @RequestBody
- #1181 - Initial OpenAPI 3.1 support
- #1651 - Ease group declaration through code or properties with actuators
- #1616 - Add global customizer and filters
- #1620 - Allow ComposedSchemas to replace non-composed so we can respect polymorphic links discovered in later methods
- #1579 - Updated class and method javadoc handling
- #1647 - Support for Webflux springdoc behind a proxy v2.x by @wiiitek in #1647
- upgrade classgraph: 4.8.147
- upgrade spring-native: 0.11.5
- upgrade spring-cloud-function: 3.2.4
- #1603 - Update swagger-ui path from /swaggerui to /swagger-ui when using management port (actuator) .
- Prefer ComposedSchemas over non-composed so that method name order doesn't prevent polymorphic links generating into the spec
- Update to spring-boot 3.0.0-M3
- #1663 - @Schema annotation with type String and allowableValues set doesn't generate enum drop-down in swagger-ui after upgrading from 1.6.6 (when Spring custom converter is used)
- #1655 - OpenAPIService is using ObjectMapper without configured modules since SpringDoc 1.6.7.
- #1648 - Tags with only name provided are being added to the openAPI.tags field.
- #1641 - ConcurrentModificationException when querying /v3/api-docs/{group} concurrently for different groups
- #1634 - Generating doc for entities with map attribute does not work
- #1633 - GroupedOpenApi.builder addOpenApiCustomiser execution order is reversed
- #1630 - Remove repeated HttpSession
- #1659 - fix oauth redirection when used in spring-native
- #1621 - Redirection to UI broken with query-config-enabled when any other boolean parameter is defined.
- #1617 - spring cloud stream crashes at startup.
- #1605 - spring-native NullPointerException due to missing TypeHint
- #1596 - Add title property to GroupedOpenApi class for displaying a Human readable group name.
- #1554 - Configurable caching of OpenAPI instances.
- #1544 - @Deprecated on controller to mark all its operations as deprecated.
- #1534 - Support custom Spring type converters.
- #1543 - Add method to retrieve server base URL and ability to 'customize' the generated server base URL.
- #1505 - Support swagger-ui.withCredentials property.
- #1481 - Include /oauth/token endpoint using OpenApi Swagger 1.6.5.
- #1501 - Added CSRF Session Storage config properties and html transformer.
- #1498 - Pick up exception handler in case there is no controller advice at all.
- update to spring-boot 3.0.0-M2
- upgrade to swagger-api 2.2.0 and swagger-ui 4.10.3
- spring-native upgrade to 0.11.4
- classgraph upgrade to 4.8.143
- Update webjars-locator-core to 0.50
- add owasp dependency-check-maven plugin
- #1586 - Typo in Pageable sort description.
- #1570 - Remove unused dependencies.
- #1565- Missing Request Body for Write Operation Actuator Endpoints.
- #1522 - parameter of type com.querydsl.core.types.Predicate ignored when unique.
- #1556 - oauth2RedirectUrl cached unexpectedly.
- #1546 - Custom Requestmapping consumes responses.
- #1552 - resolve-schema-properties is not replacing tokens from properties file.
- #1530 - Setting displayOperationId to false does not work.
- #1525 - Null vendor extensions are excluded from Json/Yaml.
- #1469 - #1036 - CSRF header should not be sent to cross domain sites
- #1480 - Fix the problem that the inconsistent newline characters of different platforms
- #1475 - Class level @Tag overwrites method level @Operation.tags.
- #1491 - Set containingClass at MethodParameter
- #1284 - Initial support for Jakarta EE
- #1430 - support custom login processing endpoints by @lipniak in #1430
- #1429 - Allow excluding individual methods from OpenApi output by @mc1arke in
- #1372 - Customize operation and parameters by the return value
- #1453 - Reverse proxy context path aware support for manually provided files
- update to spring-boot 3.0.0-M1
- #1424 - Upgrade to swagger-ui 4.5.0
- #1474 - Upgrade webjars-locator-core version to 0.48
- #1428 - Incorrect RequestBody type on schema/ui if class implements Map.
- #1455 - Post without @RequestBody not getting all fields
- #1442 - Springdoc-openapi-webmvc-core not enought for Springdoc-openapi-native
- #1446 - Upgrade from Springdoc 1.6.3 to 1.6.4 causes issues if springdoc-openapi-common is on the classpath but springdoc-openapi-ui is not
- #1458 - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.core.MethodParameter.getParameter() at /v3/api-docs request
- #1469 - #1036 - CSRF header should not be sent to cross domain sites
- #1480 - Fix the problem that the inconsistent newline characters of different platforms
- #1475 - Class level @Tag overwrites method level @Operation.tags.
- #1491 - Set containingClass at MethodParameter
- Add support out of the box for MultipartRequest
- #1418 - Support for therapi-runtime-javadoc 0.13.0.
- #1415 - Moving PageableDefault support to springdoc-openapi-common
- #1424 - Update classgraph dependency to 4.8.138
- #1407 - Fix issue number in 1.6.3 CHANGELOG
- #1421 - Actuator endpoints have 2 appended to operationId
- #1425 - Parameter 2 of method indexPageTransformer in org.springdoc.webmvc.ui.SwaggerConfig required a single bean, but 2 were found
- #1299 - Add support for Spring Cloud Function Web.
- Upgrade to swagger-core 2.1.12
- Upgrade to spring-boot 2.6.2
- Upgrade spring-native to 0.11.1
- bump classgraph version to 4.8.117
- #1405 - Enhance springdoc-openapi as BOM for Gradle
- #1386, #1385 - Disable validation by default
- #1384 - Enhance swagger-ui access
- #1392 - Consistent OperationId generation problem with Locale
- #1394 - Getting 404 when trying to access swagger-ui of a native spring-boot app
- #1383 - Add support for BasePathAwareController
- #1380 - Jhipster tests failing after upgrading from 1.5.13 to 1.6.0
- #1381 - Related to show-actuator=true with no groups
- #1356, #1360 - Add support for caching based on Locale
- #1355 - Add support for @Tag description using i18n
- #1376 - Add Support for Spring Native 0.11
- #1365 - Make MediaType for "loginRequestBody" as "application/json"
- #1375 - Support @JsonIgnore in @ParameterObject.
- #1379 - Enable support for queryConfigEnabled. Disable reading config params from URL search params by default
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.1.3
- Upgrade to spring-boot 2.6.1
- #1373 - Enhance Pageable config
- #1353 - Servers from cached OpenAPI are overwritten and customizer is skipped.
- #1364 - Incorrect configUrl due to null path prefix
- #1370 - NullPointerException on - Warning level
- #1317 - Add SpEL support for default values
- #1324 - springdoc-openapi-javadoc doesn't work with @ParameterObject
- #1334 - Allow customizing / disabling PolymorphicModelConverter
- #1328 - Add support for spring-native 0.11-RC1. (remove property springdoc.enable-native-image-support and introduce new springdoc module)
- #1348 - Treat java.nio.charset.Charset as string type by default
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 4.1.2
- Upgrade to spring-boot 2.6.0
- #1325 - Add tests for @ParameterObject on spring boot webflux
- #1320 - Fixed exception handler order
- #1331 - Endpoint parameters are translated even if they should not
- #1333 - NPEs when using @ParameterObject with custom Pageable and adding descriptions to fields
- #1339 - Comments are not picked up for fields in Typed data classes
- #1351 - @Tag name parameter not consistently performing lookup on properties file
- #1347 - Break circular references which disabled by default since spring boot 2.6
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.52.5
- #1282 - #1288 - #1292 - #1293 Use Optional List to inject RequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping.
- #1290 - Use Publisher as response wrapper to ignore instead of Mono.
- #1313 - Upgrading to io.github.classgraph:classgraph to v4.8.116
- #1296 - Update Demo URLs
- #1316 - Hidden controller exposes Operation annotated method
- #1289 - Fix server address customizing in case of enabled pre-loading mode
- #1274 - Objects properties order is not preserved with springdoc.api-docs.resolve-schema-properties = true.
- #1287 - Fix typo of PageableConverter Javadoc
- #1232 - Get CSRF token from local storage
- #1256 - Added parent pom.xml as BOM
- #1258 - Add support for HandlerTypePredicate in spring-web.
- #1265 - adding spring support with the official jetbrains compiler plugin
- #1268 - Added I18n support.
- #38 - Derive documentation from javadoc.
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.52.3
- Upgrade swagger-api to 2.1.11
- Upgrade spring-boot to 2.5.5
- #1233 - Operation ids for actuator endpoints.
- #1230 - Feign clients that uses SpringMVCContract appears in OpenApi like controllers exposed if spring-boot-starter-actuator is in classpath.
- #1215 - Bad Pageable description in Page description.
- #1215 - Change default behavior of pageable reoslution, outside of spring data rest.
- #1252 - Schemas for subclasses not rendered in GraalVM native image builds.
- #1261 - Removal of SpringdocRouterFunctionDsl.
- #1188 - Cannot override servers in api-docs.yaml using OpenApiCustomiser.
- #1208 - Response schema for overridden methods of ResponseEntityExceptionHandler is not generated.
- #1276 - Cannot referenced example in RequestBody.
- #1277 - Inconsistent casing of swagger-config causes fetch error.
- #1197 - Add default values for parameter references.
- #1188 - Ability to override servers in api-docs.yaml using OpenApiCustomiser.
- #1163 - Add a way for knowing the springdoc-openapi made the request or not.
- #1225 - Support for spring-native 0.10.1.
- Upgrade swagger-ui version to 3.51.1.
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.1.10.
- Upgrade spring-boot to 2.5.2.
- #1171 - NullPointerException loading Swagger UI with SpringDoc 1.5.6.
- #1182 - Parameter 3 of method swaggerWelcome in org.springdoc.webflux.ui.SwaggerConfig required a bean of type ' org.springframework.web.reactive.result.method.RequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping' that could not be found.
- #1185 - multpart/form-data single paramter cannot resolve in ui.
- #1196 - RequestPart Integer Param Is shown in the Parameters parameter.
- #1164 - Provide GraalVM native image support.
- #1155 - Add Kotlin DSL for functional routes.
- #1153 - Modify ResponseSupportConverter to resolve inner type.
- #1156 - Pick up ExceptionHandlers from any parent of a class marked as @ControllerAdvice
- #1159 - Added support for @JsonView on ExceptionHandlers methods
- #1146 - Expose @Id fields for entity with spring-data-rest/springdoc-openapi-data-rest
- Upgrade swagger-ui version to 3.49.0
- Upgrade spring-boot to 2.5.0
- #1142 - Prevent wrong usage of @ParameterObject for simpleTypes.
- #1142 - Enhance @RequestBody Management
- Upgrade swagger-ui version to 3.47.1
- Upgrade swagger-core to 2.1.9
- Upgrade spring-boot to 2.4.5
- #1031 - Incorrect generated Server URL (always returns cached url based on first incoming request after app startup)
- #1110 - Add configuration flag for tryItOutEnabled
- #1128 - Add support for Generic fields in ParameterObject are not resolved
- Upgrade swagger-ui version to 3.46.0
- #1109 - webflux: contextPath not used while behind a load balancer/reverse proxy.
- #1122 - StackOverflowError when using Kotlin companion object's field
- #1125 - Multiple @SecurityScheme inside a @SecuritySchemes are not present in the openapi spec
- #1134 - NoClassDefFoundError: WebFluxProperties$Format.
- #1107 - use HTTP 302 status for UI redirect
- #1104 - switch from 'redirect:' prefix to ResponseEntity for redirecting UI index
- #1085 - enable recalculating oauth2 redirect url while cache is disable
- Upgrade swagger-ui version to: 3.45.0
- Upgrade swagger-core to v2.1.7
- #1081 - Spring Data Rest: RequestBody for POST, PUT, PATCH should be required.
- #1082 - Spring Data Rest: Wrong schema for request body in association controllers.
- #1083 - Spring Data Rest: No model for Paged Collection.
- #1082 - Spring Data Rest: Wrong schema for request body in association controllers.
- #1084 - Spring Data Rest: Relations to exported Repositories are handled as if they were embedded.
- #1095 - Spring Data Rest: Exception while generating api doc with inheritance
- #1098 - NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.Map.forEach( java.util.function.BiConsumer)" because "properties" is null.
- #1097 - ConversionFailedException: When accessing v3/api-docs.
- #1105 - Collection methods are added to the supported entity methods.
- #1106 - Required
parameters not reflected in generated schema. - #1096 - Fix certain
calls by supplying contextual information
- #1050 - Add support for addPathPrefix with Webflux swagger-ui.
- #1059 - Support per method security requirement in RepositoryRestResource.
- Upgrade versions: spring-boot to 2.4.3 and swagger-ui to 3.44
- #1068 - Spring Data Rest: Wrong response schema after POST,PUT,PATCH operations.
- #1073 - Springdocs doesn't detect header declarations in class level
s. - #1069 - Spring Data Rest: Wrong response schema for collection relations.
- #1070 - Spring Data Rest: Collection models generated with non-HAL content.
- #1075 - QuerydslBinderCustomizer alias being removed when using excludeUnlistedProperties.
- #1053 - Add @RepositoryRestController documentation generation
- Upgrade versions: swagger-ui to 3.42.0
- #1051 - IllegalStateException in org.springdoc.core.SpringDocConfiguration$OpenApiResourceAdvice.handleNoHandlerFound
- #1047 - swaggerWelcome `WebFluxProperties' that could not be found
- Added Support for spring.webflux.base-path
- #965,#1034 - Improve compatibility with new PathMatcher / PathPatternParser
- #1012 - Forward queryParameters to swagger-ui when redirecting
- #1020 - Change handler methods scanning strategy
- #1026 - Support for @Operation in @RepositoryRestResource Spring Data Repositories.
- #1027 - Detect automatically @Controller with @Operation.
- Upgrade versions: spring-boot to 2.4.2 and swagger-ui to 3.40
- #996 - Fix NPE when using management port and is set
- #1004 - NPE in DataRestResponseService.findSearchReturnType
- #1015 - Default value for List/Array RequestParameter has wrong type.
- #1010 - Wrong Parameter Name with Default Sort.
- #1014 - HATOEAS Links produces a circular reference.
- #1035 - oauth2 redirect url calculated incorrectly when springdoc.swagger-ui.path=/
- #978 - Add explode support in combination with arrayShema annotation
- Update swagger-ui to 3.38.0
- #985 - StackOverflowError when using ObjectId with @ParameterObject
- #980, #968 - Functional DSL incorrect path mapping
- #923 - Exposing swagger-ui on the management port.
- #938 - Swagger-UI Property persistAuthorization.
- Update swagger-core to v2.1.6
- Update swagger-ui to 3.37.2
- #973 - Nullable meta annotations are ignored
- #971 - WebFlux functional DSL does not recognise query parameters.
- #962 - NPE within AbstractRequestService
- #948 - Swagger ui syntax highlighting configuration properties do not autocomplete.
- #891 - Provide a WebMvc.fn / WebFlux.fn functional DSL
- #904 - Add support for placeholders for default value in @RequestParam Annotation.
- Added property for deterministic and alphabetical orderding: springdoc.writer-with-order-by-keys
- Removal of deprecated method: GroupedOpenApi.setGroup
- Upgrade to Swagger-core 2.1.5
- Upgrade swagger-ui version to 3.36.2
- Upgrade to spring-boot v2.4.0
- #889 - fix for flaky operationIds
- #893 - Generate empty
object - #925 - Always add all properties to include if excludeUnlistedProperties=true
- #920 - Define explicitly metadata for springdoc.swagger-ui.enabled
- #907 - Hidden controller showing up in swagger UI when is enabled
- #885 - Flaky operationIds for controller-methods with same name
- #688, #349, #545 - swagger-config not being loaded twice out of the box, thanks to the swagger-ui v3.36.0.
- #878, #449 - Add options to filter on the GroupedOpenApi by consumes/produces mediaTypes or by header
- #866 - QuerydslPredicateOperationCustomizer exclude static fields and support QuerydslBindings.excludeUnlistedProperties
- #877 - Add support for disabling Syntax highlighting in Swagger-ui
- #876 - @ParameterObject causes NPE when combined with spring-data-rest
- #879 - Empty API docs with nested routes
- #854 - Add pre-loading setting to load OpenAPI early
- #852 - API component schema description incorrectly overwritten by API parameter description
- Upgrade supported spring-boot version to 2.3.4.RELEASE
- Upgrade swagger-ui version to v3.34.0
- #864 - NPE with QueryDSL configuration - SpringBoot < 2.3.2
- #861 - Wrong @ManyToOne relationship naming
- #870 - HAL representation (_embedded and _links) in definitions when application returning plain json
- #869 - Incorrect schema addition on header if used in Spring mapping
- #847 - spring-rest-docs api-docs endpoint 500 error using Spring Boot: 2.4.0-M2
- #872 - Javascript error occurs when I set springdoc.swagger-ui.csrf.enabled=true
- #873 - lazy initialization bug
- #844 - Cannot disable Try it out button
- #845 - ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.Filter when using springdoc-openapi-security module in webflux application
- Improve compatibility with native images.
- #826 - Support for @Hidden on response class
- #831 - Add support for @PageableDefault
- #814 - Support of denyList, allowList, instead of black and whitelist, for Spring Data Commons. Change since SpringBoot 2.3.2
- #837 - Add support of swagger annotations @SecurityRequirement and @Tag on @Repository interface
- #827 - Make Spring Security login-endpoint automatically visible in SwaggerUI
- #798 - Support for Extending EntityModel - Spring Hateoas
- Support for properties and properties
- upgrade swagger-ui version v3.32.5
- #829 - Improve management of abstract generic types
- #822 - Operation having method for each accept header generate does not always generate the same api-docs
- #836 - Springdoc is unable to redirect to swagger-ui/index.html with Spring Boot 2.4.0-M2
- #792 - issues with spring data rest and @ManyToOne relationships
- #815 - Allow swagger-ui property filter to be an empty string
- #804 - Add Support for DeferredResult
- #800 - Add support oauth2 pre-selected scope
- #786 - Generate api-docs for Custom Actuator Endpoint
- #776 - Enable CSRF support for swagger-ui: Introduce new properties under springdoc.swagger-ui.csrf
- Added the ability to use fully qualified name with new property: springdoc.use-fqn
- upgrade swagger-ui version v3.31.1
- upgrade swagger-api to v2.1.4
- upgrade spring-boot version to 2.3.2.RELEASE
- #802 - Fix comment on api-docs.enabled in README.MD
- #791 - Unable to generate correct definition for request parameter containing JSON
- #775 - Fix spring-boot actuator endpoint parameters
- #774 - Fix Weird YAML tag in section OpenAPI spec file
- #771 - MultipleOpenApiResource issue
- #747 - Added property to override @Deprecated Model converter
- #748 - Add support for @ExceptionHandler inside @RestController
- upgrade swagger-ui version 3.28.0
- upgrade swagger-api to v2.1.3
- #745 - Change SwaggerIndexTransformer and SwaggerConfig design to ease customization
- #758 - APIResponses constructed programmatically are not correctly analyzed
- #725 - Unexpected fields in request body definition for RepresentationModel DTO
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.27.0
- Migration from maven to gradle
- #729 - ClassNotFoundException: DefaultedPageable
- #736 - Failed load UI behind reverse proxy (Failed to load API definition)
- #728 - Maven enforcer error
- #744 - Impossible to configure swaggerurl programmatically
- #714 - Ability to disable swagger-ui default petstore url
- #713 - Add Support of Actuator endpoints using webflux
- #703 - Pretty print OpenApi spec
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.26.0
- #678 - Multiple file upload Flux error on the swagger-ui
- #711 - Wrong ApiResponse Schema picked up in ExceptionHandlers returning void
- #688, #349, #545 - Prevent swagger-config from being loaded twice in case of no groups
- #644 - Support for @RepositoryRestResource
- #668 - Process @Parameter annotations in method parameters as MergedAnnotations
- #674 - Support @Parameter annotation attached to @RequestPart, for several @RequestParts
- #658 - Added support for GroupedOpenApi OperationCustomizer
- #654 - Use oneOf schema for polymorphic types
- #693 - Add support for @ParameterObject with POST endpoints
- Added separate module for spring-hateoas
- Added SpringDocUtils.addHiddenRestControllers(String ...)
- Added support for wrapper types on request
- Mark GroupedOpenApi.setGroup as deprecated. Use instead.
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.25.4
- Upgrade to spring-boot 2.3.0.RELEASE
- #267 - @RequestAttribute parameter appears in the UI
- #695 - Servers OpenAPI block resets after customizing with GroupedOpenApi
- #689 - Spring-boot 1, warning about bean creation when cache disabled
- #566 - Wrong hateoas relation
- #671 - Demo URL link fixed
- Improved support of spring-boot-1 and older spring versions
- #647 - Register model converters only if they are not registered already
- #646 - Handle NPE on SpringDocAnnotationsUtils.mergeSchema
- Introduce support of Webflux and Webmvc.fn with Functional Endpoints
- #624 - Revert changes on MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
- #630, #641, #643, #637 - JsonMappingException on UI render
- Make use of @Deprecated annotations for parameters and model fields
- #624 - Revert changes on MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
- #568 - Improve visibility of configuration classes
- #626 - Springdoc with Actuator server in different port that embedded tomcat server
- #625 - Add access to ApiResponses for OperationCustomizer.
- Revert @ParameterObject annotation from Pageable
- Get fields of superclass for parameter objects
- #606 - Added MonetaryAmount support, out of the box.
- #605 - Support nested parameter objects.
- #603 - Request Body can be configured as optional.
- #588 - Support of assignableTypes attribute in @ControllerAdvice.
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.25.1
- Improve Pageable support
- #608 - Improve override OpenApiResource
- #591 - Changing oauth2RedirectUrl to respect relaxed binding.
- #624 - Change Return type of api-docs to
- #622 - Missing extension to schema property.
- #609 - ( self ref) for HAL hypermedia types.
- #610, #611 - ApiResponse DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION Improvement.
- #601 - components schema not generated.
- #592 - springdoc.cache is not part of additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json.
- #597 - Request Body for Maps not available in Swagger-UI.
- #583 - Crash on startup with 1.3.3 for kotlin app not using kotlinx-coroutines-reactor.
- #322 - Make default type of Resource as binary.
- #560 - Add support kotlin Flow as response type.
- #572 - Add support for swagger-ui-property 'urls.primaryName'.
- #561 - remove pageable required.
- #567 - springdoc.swagger-ui.oauth.additionalQueryStringParams as map instead of list.
- #570 - Spring HATEOAS fixing _embedded.
- #563 - Spring 4 incompatibility using springdoc-openapi 1.2.30+. Fixes.
- #562 - Lazy Initialisation breaks WebFlux support.
- #541 - Add support for none required fields on @ParameterObject
- Support headers without value (headers = "X-API-VERSION")
- #544 - Improve @Parameter annotation support for header
- #156 - Added test for required param object is not marked as required
- #553 - Ignore Map type with @RequestParam(required = false) in method
- #549 - Imrpove Spring HATEOAS support
- #543 - Description for Pageable parameters is not displayed in swagger-ui using @ParameterObject.
- #555 - The response scheme is erased with the generic void type
- #545 - Random null pointer exception in 1.3.1
- #344 - Support for dynamic groups from application.yml
- #509 - Support for Groovy metaclass/metadata
- #120 #268 #162 #119 - Support to extract parameters from parameter object using Springdoc annotation @ParameterObject
- #502 - Support for Subtypes to be also ignored from Controller class
- #461 - Rename some packages to improve Java 9 Modules support
- #536 #424 - Workaround for swagger-ui, to enable layout and filter properties
- #531 - Added encoding section iswagger-apin multipart request
- Upgrade to spring-boot to 2.2.6
- Upgrade swagger-api to 2.1.2
- #489 - Schema mapping with inheritance
- #537 - Improve support of Generics inheritance on complex return types
- #517 - Kotlin Coroutines support corrected
- Feature to support for property resolver on @Schema (name, title and description)
- #501 - Introduced new property springdoc.api-docs.resolve-schema-properties for property resolver on @Schema
- #453 - Being able to see the class within an EntityModel as a Schema.
- Introduce new property springdoc.remove-broken-reference-definitions
- #498 - Property resolver on @ApiResponse.description
- Support of @QuerydslPredicate in Rest controllers
- Change the interface of ParameterCustomizer
- Improve isAnnotationToIgnore and isParamToIgnore
- Use MethodParameter#isOptional() instead of checking for Optional type
- #496 - Improve the support of Pageable.
- Improve compatibility with spring-boot 1, even there is EOL announced:
- Property resolver on @operation.summary, @parameter.description and
- #468 - Use required attribute from spring RequestBody annotation
- #481 - Review configuration via springdoc.swagger-ui.urls
- #333 - Support for auto fill clientId and clientSecret for webflux
- Support to ignore annotations on parameter level
- #469 - Update spring-boot-starter-parent to 2.2.5.RELEASE
- #477 - Improve compatibility of springdoc-openapi-data-rest with Spring Webflux
- #480 - Improve support of Swagger UI to use provided spec.yml
- Delegate primitive type generation to swagger-core
- #489 - Wrong schema mapping with inheritance. Fixes
- #451 - Support for OpenApiBuilderCustomiser to allow users to customize the OpenApiBuilder
- Support for generic controller types parameters
- #454 - Support to handle prefix for webflux-ui
- #459 - Allow @Schema annotation to set an attribute as not required even if it's annotated with @NotNull
- #458 - Make SpringDocAnnotationsUtils public
- #455 - Make GenericResponseBuilder.calculateSchema method public
- #429 - Support to override generic responses from controller advice with ApiResponses
- #443 - Support for non-nullable types in Kotlin
- #442 - Support for setting default produces/consumes mediaTypes
- #447 - Force classgraph version
- #444 - Payload/Request Examples no longer generated
- #441 - Return value of PropertyCustomizer is ignored
- Allow Request paremeters types to be ignored programatically using SpringDocUtils
- #420 - Support to disable autotagging of @RestController Classes
- #404 - Support for properties to exclude packages and paths from documentation.
- #414 - Support for kotlin Deprecated
- #423 - Support for Hiding on ServerHttpResponse
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.25.0
- #428 - Allow ModelAndView to be detected
- #435 - Improve Reverse proxy compatibily for webflux
- #418 - Adjusting the output for Links
- #426 - Discovery of MediaType producers inconsistent with Spring MVC behaviour
- #408 - Multiple Parameter Refs throws IllegalStateException (Duplicate key)
- #401 - Solves Hateoas fields names mismatch
- #419 - @CookieValue parameter indents request body
- #378- Support REST Controllers with default empty @RequestMapping
- #398 - Support for Sort GroupedOpenApi by name
- #396 - Improve support of @Parameter Schema, in case of @RequestBody
- #393 - Prevent swagger-ui default validation
- #384 - @SecurityScheme
not accounted for thename
- #437 - Warning on referenced example
- #399 - Same operationId for overloaded methods using Groups, breaks swagger-ui collapsibles
- #436 - Duplicate tags if they are defined on @Operation annotation on swagger-ui.
- #440 - When using RestControllerAdvice, one of the responses description is missing and replaced with a default
- #368 - Support for extensions on @ApiResponse
- #370 - Support for CompletionStage as endpoint return type
- #368 - Support for extensions on @ApiResponse
- #375 - Support for java 8 Optional for @RequestParam
- #377 - Support for @RequestParam for file upload
- #259 - Added ability to disable security for one operation using @SecurityRequirements
- #376 - Support to configure packages-to-scan as list using YAML Syntax
- Upgrade to spring-boot to 2.2.4.RELEASE
- Upgrade swagger-api to 2.1.1
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.24.3
- #359 - Make spring-security-oauth2 as optional for springdoc-openapi-security
- #354 - Improve support of response of responses overloading
- #338 - Support for pathsToMatch and packagesToScan to work in spinal-case as well
- #327 - Support support for spring-security-oauth2 authorization server
- #333 - Support for custom OAuth 2.0 configuration, of the swagger-ui
- #280 - Support of HttpEntity on webflux
- #352 - Support: Example value can be specified without having to specify the schema
- #346 - Support for serving the swagger-ui from outside of the spring-boot application / exploed jar
- #353 - Support spring property resolver in all @Info
- Improve actuator documentation
- #349 - Make oauth2RedirectUrl dynamically calculated
- #339 - Fixes springdoc.swagger-ui.url property
- #351 - Allow webFlux handlers using kotlin coroutines to produce response documentation
- #331 - Make springdoc cache configurable
- #334 - Multiple paths in controller and DeleteMapping generates incorrect Request Body
- #324 - Fix double registration of model converters when grouped api is used
- #329 - Added support for multiple OpenAPI definitions in spring webflux
- #321 - Improve beans loading, if projects uses the UI only
- #292 - Added migration guide from springfox
- #315 - Added support for @JsonViews with spring @requestbody annotation
- #320 - Provide oauth2RedirectUrl, if not declared
- #312 - Wrong server url with when grouped api name contains special charater
- New annotation @PageableAsQueryParam for better Pageable support
- #309 - Feature to serve from the same swagger-ui both, REST APIs that are deployed within the same application and external REST APIs
- #293 - Customizing operations, parameters and properties available through an SPI
- #299 - Autoconfigurations will not be loaded if classpath does not contain mvc/reactive dependencies or application is not web application
- #311 - Corrected the support of oauth2-redirect.html and oauth2RedirectUrl
- #297 - Springdoc, Callable support
- #296 - Property
removed, as not needed any more for enabling multiple OpenAPI definitions support
- #290 #294 - Improve springdoc-openapi beans loading
- #289 - Preserve order of @Parameters for spring-boot 2.2
- #236 #150 - Remove @EnableWebMvc from SwaggerConfig (not needed for Spring Boot)
- #213 - Support for Multiple OpenAPI definitions in one Spring Boot
- #262 - Support for spring-context-indexer
- #231 - Added support using properties from application.yml for description field in swagger-annotations
- #281 - Make validatorUrl configurable and fix overwrites
- #280 - Improve support of HttpEntity
- #270 - Ignore ServerHttpRequest and ServerHttpResponse Webflux
- #274 - Preserve order of parameters in @Parameters annotation
- #275 - Changed the default value if consumes is missing, to MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
- #286 - Renamed actuator property to
- #246 - Static content no longer delivered
- #228 - Globally exclude params for webflux
- #255 - Added ability to ignore param with @hidden annotation at class level
- #238 - Support of spring.mvc.servlet.path
- #245 - ignore Authentication in controller params
- #240 - Support for oauth2RedirectUrl
- #260 - Support of @Hidden at class level.
- #231 - Ability for using properties from application.yml to declare security urls: ( openIdConnectUrl - authorizationUrl - refreshUrl - tokenUrl)
- #241 - Added support of annotation @Parameters (without @Operation)
- #239 - Downgrade swagger-ui to 3.24.0
- #248 - Fixes error with JDK 11 + Kotlin
- #219 - Handle multiple endpoints on @GetParam
- Upgrade Springboot to 2.2.1
- Upgrade Swagger UI to 3.24.3
- Upgrade webjars locator to 0.38
- #208 - Add Spring Boot metadata for config properties.
- #210 - Explicitly set which packages/ paths to scan
- #214 - Disable the try it out button
- #209 - Changed getOpenApi in AbstractOpenApiResource to synchronized
- #212 - Missing Response Content
- #198 - Ignore @AuthenticationPrincipal from spring-security
- Add operationsSorter and tagsSorter configuration.
- #195 - Flux<> implies array structure
- #202 - Improve support of ArraySchema in @Parameter
- #207 - Removed default description on RequestBody annotation
- #206 - Duplicated mapping key. Random ConcurrentModificationException error
- #192 - Add Ability to Configure Swagger UI - The support of the swagger official properties
- #185 - Support of @Parameters on controller or interface level
- #191 - Disable/enable Swagger-UI generation based on env variable
- #189 - Update
- #180 - Use
annotation to mark API operation as deprecated - #177 - Support for mappring Pageable of spring-data to correct URL-Parameter in Swagger UI
- Make webjars prefix configurable
- Generate a default tag name if no tag specified
- #172 - Support for Kotlin Coroutines added
- #167 - update swagger api version to 2.0.10
- project refactoring
- #160 - Support custom annotations of @RequestMapping
- #161 - Add @NotEmpty @NotBlank @PositiveOrZero @NegativeOrZero support
- #163 - Improve handling of @RequestBody Mono
- #148 - Support @Schema(hidden = true) on @Parameter
- project refactoring
- #145 - Support of RequestMapping with Regex
- Open base classes for subclassing outside of package
- #147 - Improve handling interface methods
- #144 - Improve Media Type management, on ControllerAdvice method with explicit ApiResponse annotation
- #143 - Using @Content on @ApiResponse, will ensure that no content will be generated on the OpenAPI yml/json description.
- #142 - Error on calling GET /v3/api-docs
- #138 - Support for @Controller class with @ResponseBody annotation
- project refactoring
- upgrade to spring-boot 2.2.0.RELEASE
- #136 - Open up for customisation: Change signatures on some methods in AbstractParameterBuilder
- #107 - Add support for @JsonView annotations in Spring MVC APIs
- rename module springdoc-openapi-core to springdoc-openapi-webmvc-core
- #127 - Missing Header parameters from @Operation annotation
- #55 - Ui with multiple file @RequestPart only shows last part
- Upgrade swagger-api from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
- Upgrade swagger-ui from 3.23.5 to 3.24.0
- #115- Enable strict JSON output checking in tests
- Make ignoring parameters in AbstractRequestBuilder easier to extend
- Do not ignore PathVariable parameters, they are all time mandatory
- Extend search for @ApiResponse annotations
- #114 - Ability to generate operation responses that reference a global reusable response component
- #106 - Imporove support of
Response schemas: merge will be based on content element inside @ApiResponse annotation only
- @SecurityRequirement at Operation and class level
- Project refactoring
- #99 - Added sample tests for Swagger UI
- #95 - Support of Kotlin List of MultipartFile
- #96 - Imporive inconsistency of generated operationId in /v3/api-docs
- #98 - Change behaviour to not overwrite an existing common schema.
- New Feature: OpenAPICustomiser
- #92 - Added Custom converter to handle IllegalArgumentException at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.POJOPropertyBuilder.getSetter() #94
- #90 - Error in AbstractResponseBuilder.Schema calculateSchema(Components components, ParameterizedType parameterizedType)
- Project refactoring
- Imporove support of overloaded methods in the same Rest Controller
- Added specefic tag for spring-boot-actuator endpoints
- #88 - Support of spring-boot-actuator endpoints to swagger-ui
- Update
- #84 - Regression between 1.1.33 and 1.1.34
- #81 - Make @Hidden work on classlevel of @RestControllerAdvice
- #76 - ClassCastException in org.springdoc.core.AbstractResponseBuilder#calculateSchema
- Project refactoring
- #72 - Query parameter with defaultValue specified will not be marked as required
- #74 - Added Support for callbacks
- WebFlux Multipart File Upload
- #75 - Support for FilePart
- #79 - Error in version 1.1.27
- #80 - requestBody content is empty when using @RequestMapping annotation but is populated for @PostMapping
- Project refactoring
- #70 - Regression between 1.1.25 and 1.1.26
- Added more tests
- #68 - Spring ResponseEntity shoudl not return empty MediaType for no-body responses
- #62 - Operation.requestBody.content[0].mediaType is ignored
- #61 - Support of schema.example for string/date-time
- project refactoring
- #55 - View on the Swagger-ui multiple file @RequestPart
- #12 - Support beans as parameter in @GetMapping / components empty
- #53 - Improve Generic (error) responses built from
- #59 - Parameter documentation overwritten by schema calculation based on type
- #57 - Ignore HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse params
- #46 - HTTP status codes in responses not according to spec
- better support for global parameters
- Support of @Hidden annotation for ControllerAdvice exception handlers
- #51 - Do not override parameter.schema
- project refactoring
- project refactoring
- #40 - A Controller method that does not return a response body will not document a schema
- Make sure the swagger-ui.path of the initial html page is the same for other swagger-ui requests
- #35 - Allow to overwrite default API response
- #34 - Exception in case of parametrized types inside ReponseEntity
- project refactoring
- #36 - Attempting to add @SecurityScheme to annotation results in a NPE.
- #33 - Support the annotation
- #32 - Support the io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Hidden annotation to exclude from swagger docs
- update README
- project refactoring
- #16 - Support hiding of Schema and Example Value
- Add property that helps disable springdoc-openapi endpoints.
- project refactoring
- Add server url on webflux
- project refactoring
- project refactoring
- project refactoring
- #28 - Load components from OpenAPI bean config
- Support handling @requestbody annotation directly at parameter level
- #20 - Detect context-path on standalone webservers
- #23 - Parameter will not be missing, if @parameter is used without name.
- #21 - Support of @javax.validation.Size specs with (maximum instead of maxLength)
- Any @GetMapping parameters should be marked as required, even if @RequestParam missing #14
- #17 - Handling @parameter in @operation with proper schema
- project refactoring
- #1 - Support MultipartFile schema in UI
- project refactoring
- #8 - Support Annotations from interfaces
- #10 - oneOf response implementation
- #3 - Support Spring Boot WebFlux Netty
- #9 - Complete parameter types list to be excluded
- #4 - Allow to customize OpenAPI object programmatically
- #2 - context-path is not respected when using Swagger UI
- update
- Added demo applications, sample code
- First release of springdoc-openapi, that supports OpenAPI 3
- Experimental release