Become a sponsor to ServingLynk, Inc., makers of HSLynk
We are a distributed team of developers and human services interoperability practitioners, building We are located in the US cities of St. Petersburg, Tampa, Irvine, and Raleigh. ServingLynk is a North Carolina registered corporation.
Over the past five years, we have built HSLynk, and open source human services platform. HSLynk needs many more features, but it is a feature complete general human services API platform, as well as a HUD Homeless Management Information System. It enables real-time interoperability between human services organizations.
Your data stays put within our open source virtual private cloud. This is a "data-centric" approach, as opposed to an "app-centric" approach. Apps that access the data come and go as you wish. No more migrating and losing data, to switch to better apps. Private clouds containing HSLynk microservices clusters, per organization/region are also possible.
We will use sponsorship funds to improve the open source platform. We will add new features to the open source code base at . ServingLynk, Inc. has contributed millions of dollars to this code base, over the past five years, but that support is becoming exhausted, so we need support to continue to maintain and improve the roll-out of the code base.
Meet the team
Sandeep Dolia logicsandeepSystem Architect
suryayadavalliSystem Architect