.. module:: sphinxcontrib.autoprogram
:mod:`sphinxcontrib.autoprogram` --- Documenting CLI programs
This contrib extension, :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autoprogram`, provides an automated way to document CLI programs. It scans :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object, and then expands it into a set of :rst:dir:`.. program::` and :rst:dir:`.. option::` directives.
In order to use it, add :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autoprogram` into :data:`extensions` list of your Sphinx configuration file (:file:`conf.py`):
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.autoprogram']
.. seealso:: Module :mod:`argparse` This extension assumes a program to document is made using :mod:`argparse` module which is a part of the Python standard library.
:rst:dir:`.. autoprogram::` directive
Its only and simple way to use is :rst:dir:`.. autoprogram::` directive. It's similar to :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` extension's :rst:dir:`.. automodule::` and other directives.
For example, given the following Python CLI program (say it's :file:`cli.py`):
In order to document the above program:
.. autoprogram:: cli:parser
:prog: cli.py
That's it. It will be rendered as:
.. autoprogram:: cli:parser :prog: cli.py
If there are subcommands (subparsers), they are rendered to subsections. For example, given the following Python CLI program (say it's :file:`subcmds.py`):
.. autoprogram:: subcmds:parser
:prog: subcmds.py
The above reStructuredText will render:
.. autoprogram:: subcmds:parser :prog: subcmds.py
If there are argument groups, they can optionally be rendered as subsections, just like subcommands. For example:
.. autoprogram:: cli_with_groups:parser
:prog: cli_with_groups.py
The above reStructuredText Text will render:
.. autoprogram:: cli_with_groups:parser :prog: cli_with_groups.py :groups:
.. rst:directive:: .. autoprogram:: module:parser It takes an import name of the parser object. For example, if ``xyz`` variable in ``abcd.efgh`` module refers an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object: .. code-block:: rst .. autoprogram:: abcd.efgh:xyz The import name also can evaluate other any Python expressions. For example, if ``get_parser()`` function in ``abcd.efgh`` module creates an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` and returns it: .. code-block:: rst .. autoprogram:: abcd.efgh:get_parser() It also optionally takes an option named ``prog``. If it's not present ``prog`` option uses :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` object's prog_ value.
Additional Options for :rst:dir:`.. autoprogram::`
Render argument groups as subsections.
.. versionadded:: 0.1.5
:maxdepth: ##
Only show subcommands to a depth of
... versionadded:: 0.1.3
Don't put the usage text in a :rst:dir:`.. codeblock:: console` directive.
.. versionadded:: 0.1.3
:start_command: subcommand
Render document for the given subcommand.
can be a space separated list to render a sub-sub-...-command... versionadded:: 0.1.3
Removes all but the last word in the usage string before the first option, replaces it with '...', and removes an amount of whitespace to realign subsequent lines.
.. versionadded:: 0.1.3
The :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autoprogram` is written by Hong Minhee and distributed under BSD license.
The source code is maintained under the GitHub repository:
$ git clone git://github.com/sphinx-contrib/autoprogram.git