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Source code for my personal website


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The personal website of Spencer Harston - an eternal WIP.

Powered by 11ty, Tailwind, and ADHD

Fork This Website

This site can be copied and modified for personal use by forking and modifying as needed.

While you are free to utilize the source code of this website, be aware that the site generation process is rather opinionated, not optimized, and may not fit your needs. And of course the content itself is of my own creation. See LICENSE below.


  • Node v20 or greater (using nvm is suggested)
  • Git

Fork and Install Dependencies

Fork this repository in GitHub, give it a new name, then run the following on your machine:

git clone NEW_REPO_GIT_URL
npm install

Running Locally

During development, the site can be ran "live", which will reload itself as changes are made. Run the following command:

npm run start

Open a browser to http://localhost:8080. This will watch for code changes and reload the page automatically.

To skip using a local server, you can also just build the website with

Building the Site

To build the website without starting a server or watching the input files, use the build script:

npm run build

Building the website will output all resulting files in the ./dist directory and is ready for deployment.


By setting a specific environment variable, the site can be built for production, which will do a couple of additional steps:

  • Skip any draft pages in ./src/posts/drafts
  • Generate the OG (OpenGraph) images for HTML meta tags. This will increase the build time
  • Set source code urls to GitHub as specified in the metadata
  • Minimize the resulting CSS and HTML files

Set the ELEVENTY_ENV environment variable to production in your deployment server and run the build command, or by prefixing to the command like so (useful for building locally):

ELEVENTY_ENV=production npm run build

Changing Fonts

Site fonts:

  1. Install the font package from Fontsource
  2. Update ./src/assets/css/site.css to import the needed Fontsource CSS files (at least the 400.css file)
  3. Update ./tailwind.config.js under theme.extend.fontFamily to set the font family
  4. Update ./eleventy.config.js's eleventy.addPassthroughCopy() object

OG images font:

  1. Copy the path to the .woff file in the @fontsource page

  2. Add the paths in the satoriOptions in eleventy.config.js and update the name:

    eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyPluginOgImage, {
      outputDir: "assets/img/og",
      previewDir: "assets/img/og-preview",
      async shortcodeOutput(ogImage) {
        return ogImage.outputUrl();
      satoriOptions: {
        fonts: [
            name: "IBM Plex Sans",
            data: fs.readFileSync("./node_modules/@fontsource/ibm-plex-sans/files/ibm-plex-sans-latin-400-normal.woff"),
            weight: 400,
            style: "normal"
  3. Repeat for each font-weight needed.

Favicon fonts:

  1. Go to to create the new favicons using your preferred font and copy the resulting files to ./src/assets/favicons
  2. You may need to add a new v= value to the link hrefs in ./src/_includes/partials/head.njk to bust caching when a new icon set is created



The source code to generate this website is licensed under the MIT license. Other licenses may be in use when installing the npm packages. The content of this site is licensed under CC BY 4.0.