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Acceptance Notification Sent
Acceptance Notification Sent
already on SPDX License List
already on SPDX License List
change to spec (also)
change to spec (also)
consolidated to other issue
consolidated to other issue
deprecate license id
deprecate license id
discuss on legal call
discuss on legal call
involves an error to a previously published license
general question
general question
good for new participants
good for new participants
easy minor update or fix
has self-referring numbering
has self-referring numbering
help wanted
help wanted
hold for more input
hold for more input
minor updates to file
minor updates to file
URL update, notes update, etc.
needs files made
needs files made
new license/exception: Accepted
new license/exception: Accepted
new license/exception: Not Accepted
new license/exception: Not Accepted
new license/exception request
new license/exception request
new license/exception: waiting for steward
new license/exception: waiting for steward
new license/exception: waiting for submitter
new license/exception: waiting for submitter
off-topic or spam
off-topic or spam
OSI related
OSI related
potential policy change
potential policy change
relates to LicenseList Publisher
relates to LicenseList Publisher
release blocker
release blocker
don't push next release until dealt with
requires acknowledgement
requires acknowledgement
technical issue
technical issue