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feat: Validate Accept* headers while parsing
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joachimvh committed Jul 8, 2020
1 parent 9d9f7df commit 64a3f90
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Showing 2 changed files with 154 additions and 16 deletions.
111 changes: 98 additions & 13 deletions src/util/AcceptParser.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import { UnsupportedHttpError } from './errors/UnsupportedHttpError';

// BNF based on
// Accept = #( media-range [ accept-params ] )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +85,9 @@ export interface AcceptEncoding extends AcceptHeader { }
export interface AcceptLanguage extends AcceptHeader { }

const token = /^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~]+$/u;

* Replaces all double quoted strings in the input string with `"0"`, `"1"`, etc.
Expand All @@ -94,6 +99,10 @@ const transformQuotedStrings = (input: string): { result: string; replacements:
let idx = 0;
const replacements: { [id: string]: string } = {};
const result = input.replace(/"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/gu, (match): string => {
// Not all characters allowed in quoted strings, see BNF above
if (!/^"(?:[\t !\u0023-\u005b\u005d-\u007e\u0080-\u00ff]|(?:\\[\t\u0020-\u007e\u0080-\u00ff]))*"$/u.test(match)) {
throw new UnsupportedHttpError(`Invalid quoted string in Accept header: ${match}. Check which characters are allowed`);
const replacement = `"${idx}"`;
replacements[replacement] = match;
idx += 1;
Expand All @@ -102,40 +111,79 @@ const transformQuotedStrings = (input: string): { result: string; replacements:
return { result, replacements };

* Splits the input string on commas, trims all parts and filters out empty ones.
* @param input - Input header string.
const splitAndClean = (input: string): string[] =>
.map((part): string => part.trim())
.filter((part): boolean => part.length > 0);

* Checks if the input string matches the qvalue regex.
* @param qvalue - Input qvalue string (so "q=....").
* @throws {@link UnsupportedHttpError}
* Thrown on invalid syntax.
const testQValue = (qvalue: string): void => {
if (!/^q=(?:(?:0(?:\.\d{0,3})?)|(?:1(?:\.0{0,3})?))$/u.test(qvalue)) {
throw new UnsupportedHttpError(`Invalid q value: ${qvalue} does not match ("q=" ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] ) / ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )).`);

* Parses a single media range with corresponding parameters from an Accept header.
* For every parameter value that is a double quoted string,
* we check if it is a key in the replacements map.
* If yes the value from the map gets inserted instead.
* @param part - A string corresponding to a media range and its corresponding parameters.
* @param replacements - The double quoted strings that need to be replaced.
* @throws {@link UnsupportedHttpError}
* Thrown on invalid type, qvalue or parameter syntax.
* @returns {@link Accept} object corresponding to the header string.
const parseAcceptPart = (part: string, replacements: { [id: string]: string }): Accept => {
const [ range, ...parameters ] = part.split(';').map((param): string => param.trim());

// No reason to test differently for * since we don't check if the type exists
const [ type, subtype ] = range.split('/');
if (!type || !subtype || !token.test(type) || !token.test(subtype)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid Accept range: ${range} does not match ( "*/*" / ( token "/" "*" ) / ( token "/" token ) )`);

let weight = 1;
const mediaTypeParams: { [key: string]: string } = {};
const extensionParams: { [key: string]: string } = {};
let map = mediaTypeParams;
parameters.forEach((param): void => {
const [ name, value ] = param.split('=');
let actualValue = value;

if (value && value.length > 0 && value.startsWith('"') && replacements[value]) {
actualValue = replacements[value];

if (name === 'q') {
// Extension parameters appear after the q value
map = extensionParams;
weight = parseFloat(actualValue);
weight = parseFloat(value);
} else {
// Test replaced string for easier check
// parameter = token "=" ( token / quoted-string )
// second part is optional for extension parameters
if (!token.test(name) || !((map === extensionParams && !value) || (value && (/^"\d+"$/u.test(value) || token.test(value))))) {
throw new UnsupportedHttpError(`Invalid Accept parameter: ${param} does not match (token "=" ( token / quoted-string )). ` +
'Second part optional for extension parameters.');

let actualValue = value;
if (value && value.length > 0 && value.startsWith('"') && replacements[value]) {
actualValue = replacements[value];

// Value is optional for extension parameters
map[name] = actualValue || '';
Expand All @@ -155,6 +203,9 @@ const parseAcceptPart = (part: string, replacements: { [id: string]: string }):
* Parses an Accept-* header where each part is only a value and a weight, so roughly /.*(q=.*)?/ separated by commas.
* @param input - Input header string.
* @throws {@link UnsupportedHttpError}
* Thrown on invalid qvalue syntax.
* @returns An array of ranges and weights.
const parseNoParameters = (input: string): { range: string; weight: number }[] => {
Expand All @@ -164,6 +215,7 @@ const parseNoParameters = (input: string): { range: string; weight: number }[] =
const [ range, qvalue ] = part.split(';').map((param): string => param.trim());
const result = { range, weight: 1 };
if (qvalue) {
result.weight = parseFloat(qvalue.split('=')[1]);
return result;
Expand All @@ -174,10 +226,12 @@ const parseNoParameters = (input: string): { range: string; weight: number }[] =

* Parses an Accept header string.
* No validation is done so this assumes a valid input string.
* @param input - The Accept header string.
* @throws {@link UnsupportedHttpError}
* Thrown on invalid header syntax.
* @returns An array of {@link Accept} objects, sorted by weight.
export const parseAccept = (input: string): Accept[] => {
Expand All @@ -190,30 +244,61 @@ export const parseAccept = (input: string): Accept[] => {

* Parses an Accept-Charset header string.
* No validation is done so this assumes a valid input string.
* @param input - The Accept-Charset header string.
* @throws {@link UnsupportedHttpError}
* Thrown on invalid header syntax.
* @returns An array of {@link AcceptCharset} objects, sorted by weight.
export const parseAcceptCharset = (input: string): AcceptCharset[] => parseNoParameters(input);
export const parseAcceptCharset = (input: string): AcceptCharset[] => {
const results = parseNoParameters(input);
results.forEach((result): void => {
if (!token.test(result.range)) {
throw new UnsupportedHttpError(`Invalid Accept-Charset range: ${result.range} does not match (content-coding / "identity" / "*")`);
return results;

* Parses an Accept-Encoding header string.
* No validation is done so this assumes a valid input string.
* @param input - The Accept-Encoding header string.
* @throws {@link UnsupportedHttpError}
* Thrown on invalid header syntax.
* @returns An array of {@link AcceptEncoding} objects, sorted by weight.
export const parseAcceptEncoding = (input: string): AcceptEncoding[] => parseNoParameters(input);
export const parseAcceptEncoding = (input: string): AcceptEncoding[] => {
const results = parseNoParameters(input);
results.forEach((result): void => {
if (!token.test(result.range)) {
throw new UnsupportedHttpError(`Invalid Accept-Encoding range: ${result.range} does not match (charset / "*")`);
return results;

* Parses an Accept-Language header string.
* No validation is done so this assumes a valid input string.
* @param input - The Accept-Language header string.
* @throws {@link UnsupportedHttpError}
* Thrown on invalid header syntax.
* @returns An array of {@link AcceptLanguage} objects, sorted by weight.
export const parseAcceptLanguage = (input: string): AcceptLanguage[] => parseNoParameters(input);
export const parseAcceptLanguage = (input: string): AcceptLanguage[] => {
const results = parseNoParameters(input);
results.forEach((result): void => {
// (1*8ALPHA *("-" 1*8alphanum)) / "*"
if (result.range !== '*' && !/^[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*$/u.test(result.range)) {
throw new UnsupportedHttpError(`Invalid Accept-Language range: ${result.range} does not match ((1*8ALPHA *("-" 1*8alphanum)) / "*")`);
return results;
59 changes: 56 additions & 3 deletions test/unit/util/AcceptParser.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
import { parseAccept, parseAcceptCharset, parseAcceptLanguage } from '../../../src/util/AcceptParser';
import {
} from '../../../src/util/AcceptParser';

describe('AcceptParser', (): void => {
describe('parseAccept function', (): void => {
Expand All @@ -20,7 +25,7 @@ describe('AcceptParser', (): void => {

it('parses complex Accept headers.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect(parseAccept('text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4,text/x-dvi; q=.8; mxb=100000; mxt')).toEqual([
expect(parseAccept('text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4,text/x-dvi; q=0.8; mxb=100000; mxt')).toEqual([
{ range: 'text/html', weight: 1, parameters: { mediaType: { level: '1' }, extension: {}}},
{ range: 'text/x-dvi', weight: 0.8, parameters: { mediaType: {}, extension: { mxb: '100000', mxt: '' }}},
{ range: 'text/html', weight: 0.7, parameters: { mediaType: {}, extension: {}}},
Expand All @@ -33,6 +38,33 @@ describe('AcceptParser', (): void => {
{ range: 'audio/basic', weight: 0.5, parameters: { mediaType: { param1: '"val"' }, extension: { param2: '"\\\\\\"valid"' }}},

it('rejects Accept Headers with invalid types.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect((): any => parseAccept('*')).toThrow('Invalid Accept range:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('"bad"/text')).toThrow('Invalid Accept range:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('*/\\bad')).toThrow('Invalid Accept range:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('*/*')).not.toThrow('Invalid Accept range:');

it('rejects Accept Headers with invalid q values.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; q=text')).toThrow('Invalid q value:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; q=0.1234')).toThrow('Invalid q value:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; q=1.1')).toThrow('Invalid q value:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; q=1.000')).not.toThrow();
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; q=0.123')).not.toThrow();

it('rejects Accept Headers with invalid parameters.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; a')).toThrow('Invalid Accept parameter:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; a=\\')).toThrow('Invalid Accept parameter:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; q=1 ; a=\\')).toThrow('Invalid Accept parameter:');
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; q=1 ; a')).not.toThrow('Invalid Accept parameter:');

it('rejects Accept Headers with quoted parameters.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; a="\\""')).not.toThrow();
expect((): any => parseAccept('a/b; a="\\\u007F"')).toThrow('Invalid quoted string in Accept header:');

describe('parseCharset function', (): void => {
Expand All @@ -42,6 +74,11 @@ describe('AcceptParser', (): void => {
{ range: 'unicode-1-1', weight: 0.8 },

it('rejects invalid Accept-Charset Headers.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect((): any => parseAcceptCharset('a/b')).toThrow('Invalid Accept-Charset range:');
expect((): any => parseAcceptCharset('a; q=text')).toThrow('Invalid q value:');

describe('parseEncoding function', (): void => {
Expand All @@ -50,12 +87,17 @@ describe('AcceptParser', (): void => {

it('parses Accept-Encoding headers.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect(parseAcceptCharset('gzip;q=1.0, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0')).toEqual([
expect(parseAcceptEncoding('gzip;q=1.000, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0')).toEqual([
{ range: 'gzip', weight: 1 },
{ range: 'identity', weight: 0.5 },
{ range: '*', weight: 0 },

it('rejects invalid Accept-Encoding Headers.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect((): any => parseAcceptEncoding('a/b')).toThrow('Invalid Accept-Encoding range:');
expect((): any => parseAcceptEncoding('a; q=text')).toThrow('Invalid q value:');

describe('parseLanguage function', (): void => {
Expand All @@ -66,5 +108,16 @@ describe('AcceptParser', (): void => {
{ range: 'en', weight: 0.7 },

it('rejects invalid Accept-Language Headers.', async(): Promise<void> => {
expect((): any => parseAcceptLanguage('a/b')).toThrow('Invalid Accept-Language range:');
expect((): any => parseAcceptLanguage('05-a')).toThrow('Invalid Accept-Language range:');
expect((): any => parseAcceptLanguage('a--05')).toThrow('Invalid Accept-Language range:');
expect((): any => parseAcceptLanguage('a-"a"')).toThrow('Invalid Accept-Language range:');
expect((): any => parseAcceptLanguage('a-05')).not.toThrow('Invalid Accept-Language range:');
expect((): any => parseAcceptLanguage('a-b-c-d')).not.toThrow('Invalid Accept-Language range:');

expect((): any => parseAcceptLanguage('a; q=text')).toThrow('Invalid q value:');

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