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File metadata and controls

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Kafka flows


"com.softwaremill.ox" %% "kafka" % "@VERSION@"

Flows which read from a Kafka topic, mapping stages and drains which publish to Kafka topics are available through the KafkaFlow, KafkaStage and KafkaDrain objects. In all cases either a manually constructed instance of a KafkaProducer / KafkaConsumer is needed, or ProducerSettings / ConsumerSetttings need to be provided with the bootstrap servers, consumer group id, key / value serializers, etc.

To read from a Kafka topic, use:

import ox.kafka.{ConsumerSettings, KafkaFlow, ReceivedMessage}
import ox.kafka.ConsumerSettings.AutoOffsetReset

val settings = ConsumerSettings.default("my_group").bootstrapServers("localhost:9092")
val topic = "my_topic"
val source = KafkaFlow.subscribe(settings, topic)
  .runForeach { (msg: ReceivedMessage[String, String]) => ??? }

To publish data to a Kafka topic:

import ox.flow.Flow
import ox.kafka.{ProducerSettings, KafkaDrain}
import ox.pipe
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord

val settings = ProducerSettings.default.bootstrapServers("localhost:9092")
  .fromIterable(List("a", "b", "c"))
  .map(msg => ProducerRecord[String, String]("my_topic", msg))

Quite often data to be published to a topic (topic1) is computed basing on data received from another topic (topic2). In such a case, it's possible to commit messages from topic2, after the messages to topic1 are successfully published.

In order to do so, a Flow[SendPacket] needs to be created. The definition of SendPacket is:

import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import ox.kafka.ReceivedMessage

case class SendPacket[K, V](
  send: List[ProducerRecord[K, V]], 
  commit: List[ReceivedMessage[_, _]])

The send list contains the messages to be sent (each message is a Kafka ProducerRecord). The commit list contains the messages, basing on which the data to be sent was computed. These are the received messages, as produced by a KafkaFlow. When committing, for each topic-partition that appears in the received messages, the maximum offset is computed. For example:

import ox.kafka.{ConsumerSettings, KafkaDrain, KafkaFlow, ProducerSettings, SendPacket}
import ox.kafka.ConsumerSettings.AutoOffsetReset
import ox.pipe
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord

val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings.default("my_group")
val producerSettings = ProducerSettings.default.bootstrapServers("localhost:9092")
val sourceTopic = "source_topic"
val destTopic = "dest_topic"

  .subscribe(consumerSettings, sourceTopic)
  .map(in => (in.value.toLong * 2, in))
  .map((value, original) => 
    SendPacket(ProducerRecord[String, String](destTopic, value.toString), original))

The offsets are committed every second in a background process.

To publish data as a mapping stage:

import ox.flow.Flow
import ox.kafka.ProducerSettings
import ox.kafka.KafkaStage.*
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{ProducerRecord, RecordMetadata}

val settings = ProducerSettings.default.bootstrapServers("localhost:9092")
val metadatas: Flow[RecordMetadata] = Flow
  .fromIterable(List("a", "b", "c"))
  .map(msg => ProducerRecord[String, String]("my_topic", msg))

// process & run the metadatas flow further