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Plume URL.js

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@sodiumlabs/plume-url is a module that allows you to easily use Plume URL.


npm install @sodiumlabs/plume-url



If you are developing a Discord bot using discord.js, here is how to use Plume URL:

const { Client } = require("discord.js");
const { PlumeURL } = require("@sodiumlabs/plume-url");

// Your discord.js client
const client = new Client({
    /* ... */

// Attach PlumeURL to your client
client.plumeURL = new PlumeURL({ apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY" });

You can now use Plume URL anywhere in your bot.
For example, in a slash command:

const userId = "619838036846575617";

// Create a new URL
const data = await client.plumeURL.createURL({
    url: "",
    customId: userId, // The custom ID allows your users to retrieve their URLs later

// Search for the URLs you created
// You can filter by custom ID if needed
const urls = await{ limit: 5, customId: userId });


PlumeURL class methods.
You can find the types definitions on the API documentation.

createURL(options: CreateURLOptions): Promise<URLData>;
search({ customId, limit, page, expired }: SearchURLOptions): Promise<SearchURLResults>;
getURL(id: string): Promise<URLData>;
editURL(id: string, options: EditURLOptions): Promise<void>;
deleteURL(id: string): Promise<void>;


If you don't understand something in the documentation, are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don't hesitate to join our official Discord Server.