diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0ab7dcd..b6828a7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,41 +13,279 @@ It's recommended that you use [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) to install
this library.
-$ composer require slim/http "^0.1"
+$ composer require slim/http "^0.5"
This will install the `slim/http` component and all required dependencies.
PHP 7.1, or newer, is required.
+## Tests
-## Usage
+To execute the test suite, you'll need to install all development dependencies.
-Coming soon.
+$ git clone https://github.com/slimphp/Slim-Http
+$ composer install
+$ composer test
-## Tests
+## Usage
-To execute the test suite, you'll need phpunit.
+The Decoration Repo Provides 3 Factories which instantiate the Decorators. They respectively return PSR-7 Compatible Interfaces.
+- `DecoratedResponseFactory`
+- `DecoratedServerRequestFactory`
+- `DecoratedUriFactory`
+## Example For Instantiating a Decorated Nyholm/Psr7 Response
+createResponse(200, 'OK');
+$response = $response->withJson(['data' => [1, 2, 3]]);
-$ phpunit
-## Contributing
+## Example For Instantiating a Decorated Zend Diactoros Response
+createResponse(200, 'OK');
+$response = $response->withJson(['data' => [1, 2, 3]]);
+## Decoratored Response Object Methods
+The decorated `ResponseInterface` provides the following additional methods:
+#### `ResponseDecorator::withJson($data, $status, $options, $depth)` ####
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$data** | `mixed` | The data to encode |
+| **$status** | `int` | The HTTP Status Code |
+| **$depth** | `int` | JSON encoding max depth |
+#### `ResponseDecorator::withRedirect($url, $status)` ####
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$url** | `string` | The redirect destination url |
+| **$status** | `int` | The HTTP Status Code |
+#### `ResponseDecorator::write($data)` ####
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$url** | `string` | The data to write to the `Response` body |
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isClientError()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is between **400** and **500**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isEmpty()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is **204, 205** or **304**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isForbidden()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is **403**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isInformational()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is between **100** and **200**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isOk()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is **200**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isNotFound()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is **404**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isRedirection()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is between **300** and **400**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isServerError()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is between **500** and **600**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::isSuccessful()` ####
+Assert the underlying response's status code is between **200** and **300**.
+#### `ResponseDecorator::__toString()` ####
+Will return a string formatted representation of the underlying response object.
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
+{"Hello": "World"}
+## Decoratored ServerRequest Object Methods
+The decorated `ServerRequestInterface` provides the following additional methods:
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::withAttributes($attributes)` ####
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$attributes** | `array` | Attributes to be appended to the request |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getContentCharset()` ####
+Returns the detected charset from the `Content-Type` header of the underlying server request object. Returns `null` if no value is present.
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getContentType()` ####
+Returns the value from the `Content-Type` header of the underlying server request object. Returns `null` if no value is present.
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getContentLength()` ####
+Returns the value from the `Content-Length` header of the underlying server request object. Returns `null` if no value is present.
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getCookieParam($key, $default)` ####
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$key** | `string` | The attribute name |
+| **$default** | `mixed` | Default value to return if the attribute does not exist |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getMediaType()` ####
+Returns the first detected value from the `Content-Type` header of the underlying server request object. Returns `null` if no value is present.
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getMediaTypeParams()` ####
+Returns an array of detected values from the `Content-Type` header of the underlying server request object. Returns an empty array if no values are present.
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getParam($key, $default)` ####
+Returns the value from key in `$_POST` or `$_GET`
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$key** | `string` | The attribute name |
+| **$default** | `mixed` | Default value to return if the attribute does not exist |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getParams()` ####
+Returns a merged associative array of the `$_POST` and `$_GET` parameters.
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getParsedBody()` ####
+Returns the parsed body from the underlying server request object if it already has been parsed by the underlying PSR-7 implementation. If the parsed body is empty, our decorator attempts to detect the content type and parse the body using one of the registered media type parsers.
+The default media type parsers support:
+- XML
+You can register your own media type parser using the `ServerRequestDecorator::registerMediaTypeParser()` method.
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getParsedBodyParam($key, $default)` ####
+Returns the value from key in the parsed body of the underlying server request object.
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$key** | `string` | The attribute name |
+| **$default** | `mixed` | Default value to return if the attribute does not exist |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getQueryParam($key, $default)` ####
+Returns the value from key in the parsed `ServerRequest` query string
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$key** | `string` | The attribute name |
+| **$default** | `mixed` | Default value to return if the attribute does not exist |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::getServerParam($key, $default)` ####
+Returns the value from key in parsed server parameters from the underlying underlying server request object.
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$key** | `string` | The attribute name |
+| **$default** | `mixed` | Default value to return if the attribute does not exist |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::registerMediaTypeParser($key, $default)` ####
+Returns the value from key in parsed server parameters from the underlying server request object.
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$mediaType** | `string` | A HTTP media type (excluding content-type params) |
+| **$callable** | `callable` | A callable that returns parsed contents for media type |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isMethod($method)` ####
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| **$method** | `string` | The method name |
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isDelete()` ####
+Asserts that the underlying server request's method is `DELETE`
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isGet()` ####
+Asserts that the underlying server request's method is `GET`
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isHead()` ####
+Asserts that the underlying server request's method is `HEAD`
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isOptions()` ####
+Asserts that the underlying server request's method is `OPTIONS`
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isPatch()` ####
+Asserts that the underlying server request's method is `PATCH`
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isPost()` ####
+Asserts that the underlying server request's method is `POST`
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isPut()` ####
+Asserts that the underlying server request's method is `PUT`
+#### `ServerRequestDecorator::isXhr()` ####
+Asserts that the header `X-Requested-With` from the underlying server request is `XMLHttpRequest`
+## Decoratored Uri Object Methods
+The decorated `UriInterface` provides the following additional methods:
+#### `UriDecorator::getBaseUrl()` ####
+Returns the fully qualified base URL of the underlying uri object.
+## Contributing
+Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
+## Security
If you discover security related issues, please email security@slimframework.com
instead of using the issue tracker.
## Credits
- [Josh Lockhart](https://github.com/codeguy)
- [Andrew Smith](https://github.com/silentworks)
- [Rob Allen](https://github.com/akrabat)
+- [Pierre Bérubé](https://github.com/l0gicgate)
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)
## License
This component is licensed under the MIT license. See [License File](LICENSE.md)
for more information.