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Simple library for generate Delaunay triangulation written in Kotlin



DelaunatorKotlin is an incredibly fast Kotlin library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points. The library is a port from the original DelaunatorJavaScript library. To learn more about how exactly the library work you can check the official guid page HERE.

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Add the jitpack maven repository

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Add the dependency

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.slaviboy:DelaunatorKotlin:v0.2.0'

How to use

Create Delaunator object by passing your points coordinates in a form of DoubleArray that holds the x,y coordinate pair for each point. After that you can get the half-edges indices using the halfEdges array, or get the hull indices using the hull array. Below is an example how to generate the delaunay triangulation:

// make sure you add at least 3 pairs of x,y coordinates
val coordinates: DoubleArray = doubleArrayOf(
    19.0, 93.0,   // first point 
    1.0, 64.0,    // second point 
    23.0, 93.0,   // third point
    192.0, 43.0,  // fourth point
    14.0, 2.0     // fifth point

// create delaunator
val delaunator: Delaunator = Delaunator(*coordinates)

// get hull, halfEdges and triangles indices
val halfEdges: IntArray = delaunator.halfEdges
val hull: IntArray = delaunator.hull
var triangles: IntArray = delaunator.triangles

If you want to draw the delaunay triangulation in a View, you can check the available example on creating custom view that draws the hull, halfEdges and point coordinates for particular amount of points HERE.