diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index 346585cf..6e981506 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ jobs:
       fail-fast: false
+          - 22
           - 20
           - 18
diff --git a/browser.d.ts b/browser.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 83c015f9..00000000
--- a/browser.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import type {FileTypeResult} from './core.js';
-Detect the file type of a [`ReadableStream`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream).
-import {fileTypeFromStream} from 'file-type';
-const url = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a9/Example.jpg';
-const response = await fetch(url);
-const fileType = await fileTypeFromStream(response.body);
-//=> {ext: 'jpg', mime: 'image/jpeg'}
-export declare function fileTypeFromStream(stream: ReadableStream): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
-export {
-	fileTypeFromBuffer,
-	fileTypeFromBlob,
-	supportedExtensions,
-	supportedMimeTypes,
-	type FileTypeResult,
-	type FileExtension,
-	type MimeType,
-} from './core.js';
diff --git a/browser.js b/browser.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 54cdb06e..00000000
--- a/browser.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import {ReadableWebToNodeStream} from 'readable-web-to-node-stream';
-import {fileTypeFromStream as coreFileTypeFromStream} from './core.js';
-export async function fileTypeFromStream(stream) {
-	const readableWebToNodeStream = new ReadableWebToNodeStream(stream);
-	const fileType = await coreFileTypeFromStream(readableWebToNodeStream);
-	await readableWebToNodeStream.close();
-	return fileType;
-export {
-	fileTypeFromTokenizer,
-	fileTypeFromBuffer,
-	fileTypeStream,
-} from './core.js';
diff --git a/core.d.ts b/core.d.ts
index 9247a843..2c6a7180 100644
--- a/core.d.ts
+++ b/core.d.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
-import type {Readable as ReadableStream} from 'node:stream';
+Typings for primary entry point, Node.js specific typings can be found in index.d.ts
+import type {ReadableStream as WebReadableStream} from 'node:stream/web';
 import type {ITokenizer} from 'strtok3';
+Either the Node.js ReadableStream or the `lib.dom.d.ts` ReadableStream.
+Related issue: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/pull/60377
+export type AnyWebReadableStream<G> = WebReadableStream<G> | ReadableStream<G>;
 export type FileExtension =
 	| 'jpg'
 	| 'png'
@@ -318,10 +328,6 @@ export type FileTypeResult = {
 	readonly mime: MimeType;
-export type ReadableStreamWithFileType = ReadableStream & {
-	readonly fileType?: FileTypeResult;
 Detect the file type of a `Uint8Array`, or `ArrayBuffer`.
@@ -339,10 +345,10 @@ Detect the file type of a Node.js [readable stream](https://nodejs.org/api/strea
 The file type is detected by checking the [magic number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#Magic_numbers_in_files) of the buffer.
-@param stream - A readable stream representing file data.
+@param stream - A Node.js Readable stream or Web API Readable Stream representing file data. The Web Readable stream **must be a byte stream**.
 @returns The detected file type, or `undefined` when there is no match.
-export function fileTypeFromStream(stream: ReadableStream): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
+export function fileTypeFromStream(stream: AnyWebReadableStream<Uint8Array>): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
 Detect the file type from an [`ITokenizer`](https://github.com/Borewit/strtok3#tokenizer) source.
@@ -391,37 +397,6 @@ export type StreamOptions = {
 	readonly sampleSize?: number;
-Returns a `Promise` which resolves to the original readable stream argument, but with an added `fileType` property, which is an object like the one returned from `fileTypeFromFile()`.
-This method can be handy to put in between a stream, but it comes with a price.
-Internally `stream()` builds up a buffer of `sampleSize` bytes, used as a sample, to determine the file type.
-The sample size impacts the file detection resolution.
-A smaller sample size will result in lower probability of the best file type detection.
-**Note:** This method is only available when using Node.js.
-**Note:** Requires Node.js 14 or later.
-@param readableStream - A [readable stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_readable) containing a file to examine.
-@returns A `Promise` which resolves to the original readable stream argument, but with an added `fileType` property, which is an object like the one returned from `fileTypeFromFile()`.
-import got from 'got';
-import {fileTypeStream} from 'file-type';
-const url = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a9/Example.jpg';
-const stream1 = got.stream(url);
-const stream2 = await fileTypeStream(stream1, {sampleSize: 1024});
-if (stream2.fileType?.mime === 'image/jpeg') {
-	// stream2 can be used to stream the JPEG image (from the very beginning of the stream)
-export function fileTypeStream(readableStream: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): Promise<ReadableStreamWithFileType>;
 Detect the file type of a [`Blob`](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#class-blob) or [`File`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File).
@@ -508,11 +483,6 @@ export declare class FileTypeParser {
 	fromBuffer(buffer: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
-	/**
-	Works the same way as {@link fileTypeFromStream}, additionally taking into account custom detectors (if any were provided to the constructor).
-	*/
-	fromStream(stream: ReadableStream): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
 	Works the same way as {@link fileTypeFromTokenizer}, additionally taking into account custom detectors (if any were provided to the constructor).
@@ -522,9 +492,4 @@ export declare class FileTypeParser {
 	Works the same way as {@link fileTypeFromBlob}, additionally taking into account custom detectors (if any were provided to the constructor).
 	fromBlob(blob: Blob): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
-	/**
-	Works the same way as {@link fileTypeStream}, additionally taking into account custom detectors (if any were provided to the constructor).
-	*/
-	toDetectionStream(readableStream: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
diff --git a/core.js b/core.js
index 5f92e5f9..bf9ee61b 100644
--- a/core.js
+++ b/core.js
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+Primary entry point, Node.js specific entry point is index.js
 import * as Token from 'token-types';
 import * as strtok3 from 'strtok3/core';
 import {includes, indexOf, getUintBE} from 'uint8array-extras';
@@ -8,7 +12,7 @@ import {
 } from './util.js';
 import {extensions, mimeTypes} from './supported.js';
-const minimumBytes = 4100; // A fair amount of file-types are detectable within this range.
+export const reasonableDetectionSizeInBytes = 4100; // A fair amount of file-types are detectable within this range.
 export async function fileTypeFromStream(stream) {
 	return new FileTypeParser().fromStream(stream);
@@ -88,12 +92,11 @@ export class FileTypeParser {
 	async fromBlob(blob) {
-		const buffer = await blob.arrayBuffer();
-		return this.fromBuffer(new Uint8Array(buffer));
+		return this.fromStream(blob.stream());
 	async fromStream(stream) {
-		const tokenizer = await strtok3.fromStream(stream);
+		const tokenizer = await strtok3.fromWebStream(stream);
 		try {
 			return await this.fromTokenizer(tokenizer);
 		} finally {
@@ -101,41 +104,6 @@ export class FileTypeParser {
-	async toDetectionStream(readableStream, options = {}) {
-		const {default: stream} = await import('node:stream');
-		const {sampleSize = minimumBytes} = options;
-		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-			readableStream.on('error', reject);
-			readableStream.once('readable', () => {
-				(async () => {
-					try {
-						// Set up output stream
-						const pass = new stream.PassThrough();
-						const outputStream = stream.pipeline ? stream.pipeline(readableStream, pass, () => {}) : readableStream.pipe(pass);
-						// Read the input stream and detect the filetype
-						const chunk = readableStream.read(sampleSize) ?? readableStream.read() ?? new Uint8Array(0);
-						try {
-							pass.fileType = await this.fromBuffer(chunk);
-						} catch (error) {
-							if (error instanceof strtok3.EndOfStreamError) {
-								pass.fileType = undefined;
-							} else {
-								reject(error);
-							}
-						}
-						resolve(outputStream);
-					} catch (error) {
-						reject(error);
-					}
-				})();
-			});
-		});
-	}
 	check(header, options) {
 		return _check(this.buffer, header, options);
@@ -145,7 +113,7 @@ export class FileTypeParser {
 	async parse(tokenizer) {
-		this.buffer = new Uint8Array(minimumBytes);
+		this.buffer = new Uint8Array(reasonableDetectionSizeInBytes);
 		// Keep reading until EOF if the file size is unknown.
 		if (tokenizer.fileInfo.size === undefined) {
@@ -1690,9 +1658,5 @@ export class FileTypeParser {
-export async function fileTypeStream(readableStream, options = {}) {
-	return new FileTypeParser().toDetectionStream(readableStream, options);
 export const supportedExtensions = new Set(extensions);
 export const supportedMimeTypes = new Set(mimeTypes);
diff --git a/index.d.ts b/index.d.ts
index e2b91ad4..06405516 100644
--- a/index.d.ts
+++ b/index.d.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,69 @@
-import type {FileTypeResult} from './core.js';
+Typings for Node.js specific entry point.
+import type {Readable as NodeReadableStream} from 'node:stream';
+import type {FileTypeResult, StreamOptions, AnyWebReadableStream} from './core.js';
+import {FileTypeParser} from './core.js';
+export type ReadableStreamWithFileType = NodeReadableStream & {
+	readonly fileType?: FileTypeResult;
+export declare class NodeFileTypeParser extends FileTypeParser {
+	/**
+	@param stream - Node.js `stream.Readable` or Web API `ReadableStream`.
+	*/
+	fromStream(stream: AnyWebReadableStream<Uint8Array> | NodeReadableStream): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
+	/**
+	Works the same way as {@link fileTypeStream}, additionally taking into account custom detectors (if any were provided to the constructor).
+	*/
+	toDetectionStream(readableStream: NodeReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): Promise<ReadableStreamWithFileType>;
 Detect the file type of a file path.
 The file type is detected by checking the [magic number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#Magic_numbers_in_files) of the buffer.
-@param path - The file path to parse.
+@param path
 @returns The detected file type and MIME type or `undefined` when there is no match.
 export function fileTypeFromFile(path: string): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
+export function fileTypeFromStream(stream: AnyWebReadableStream<Uint8Array> | NodeReadableStream): Promise<FileTypeResult | undefined>;
+Returns a `Promise` which resolves to the original readable stream argument, but with an added `fileType` property, which is an object like the one returned from `fileTypeFromFile()`.
+This method can be handy to put in between a stream, but it comes with a price.
+Internally `stream()` builds up a buffer of `sampleSize` bytes, used as a sample, to determine the file type.
+The sample size impacts the file detection resolution.
+A smaller sample size will result in lower probability of the best file type detection.
+**Note:** This method is only available when using Node.js.
+**Note:** Requires Node.js 14 or later.
+@param readableStream - A [readable stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_readable) containing a file to examine.
+@param options - Maybe used to override the default sample-size.
+@returns A `Promise` which resolves to the original readable stream argument, but with an added `fileType` property, which is an object like the one returned from `fileTypeFromFile()`.
+import got from 'got';
+import {fileTypeStream} from 'file-type';
+const url = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a9/Example.jpg';
+const stream1 = got.stream(url);
+const stream2 = await fileTypeStream(stream1, {sampleSize: 1024});
+if (stream2.fileType?.mime === 'image/jpeg') {
+	// stream2 can be used to stream the JPEG image (from the very beginning of the stream)
+ */
+export function fileTypeStream(readableStream: NodeReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): Promise<ReadableStreamWithFileType>;
 export * from './core.js';
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 24bacf9d..47670fa5 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,56 @@
+Node.js specific entry point.
+import {ReadableStream as WebReadableStream} from 'node:stream/web';
 import * as strtok3 from 'strtok3';
-import {FileTypeParser} from './core.js';
+import {FileTypeParser, reasonableDetectionSizeInBytes} from './core.js';
+export class NodeFileTypeParser extends FileTypeParser {
+	async fromStream(stream) {
+		const tokenizer = await (stream instanceof WebReadableStream ? strtok3.fromWebStream(stream) : strtok3.fromStream(stream));
+		try {
+			return super.fromTokenizer(tokenizer);
+		} finally {
+			await tokenizer.close();
+		}
+	}
+	async toDetectionStream(readableStream, options = {}) {
+		const {default: stream} = await import('node:stream');
+		const {sampleSize = reasonableDetectionSizeInBytes} = options;
+		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+			readableStream.on('error', reject);
+			readableStream.once('readable', () => {
+				(async () => {
+					try {
+						// Set up output stream
+						const pass = new stream.PassThrough();
+						const outputStream = stream.pipeline ? stream.pipeline(readableStream, pass, () => {}) : readableStream.pipe(pass);
+						// Read the input stream and detect the filetype
+						const chunk = readableStream.read(sampleSize) ?? readableStream.read() ?? new Uint8Array(0);
+						try {
+							pass.fileType = await this.fromBuffer(chunk);
+						} catch (error) {
+							if (error instanceof strtok3.EndOfStreamError) {
+								pass.fileType = undefined;
+							} else {
+								reject(error);
+							}
+						}
+						resolve(outputStream);
+					} catch (error) {
+						reject(error);
+					}
+				})();
+			});
+		});
+	}
 export async function fileTypeFromFile(path, fileTypeOptions) {
 	const tokenizer = await strtok3.fromFile(path);
@@ -11,4 +62,12 @@ export async function fileTypeFromFile(path, fileTypeOptions) {
-export * from './core.js';
+export async function fileTypeFromStream(stream, fileTypeOptions) {
+	return (new NodeFileTypeParser(fileTypeOptions)).fromStream(stream);
+export async function fileTypeStream(readableStream, options = {}) {
+	return new NodeFileTypeParser().toDetectionStream(readableStream, options);
+export {fileTypeFromBuffer, fileTypeFromBlob, FileTypeParser, supportedMimeTypes, supportedExtensions} from './core.js';
diff --git a/index.test-d.ts b/index.test-d.ts
index d37b2ccb..72804263 100644
--- a/index.test-d.ts
+++ b/index.test-d.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import {createReadStream} from 'node:fs';
 import {expectType} from 'tsd';
 import {
 	type FileTypeResult as FileTypeResultBrowser,
-} from './browser.js';
+} from './core.js';
 import {
@@ -63,4 +63,4 @@ expectType<Promise<ReadableStreamWithFileType>>(streamWithFileType);
 // Browser
-expectType<Promise<FileTypeResultBrowser | undefined>>(fileTypeFromBlob(new Blob()));
+expectType<Promise<FileTypeResultBrowser | undefined>>(fileTypeFromBlob(new Blob([])));
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index a7c6eccf..057c444c 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	"exports": {
 		".": {
 			"node": "./index.js",
-			"default": "./browser.js"
+			"default": "./core.js"
 		"./core": "./core.js"
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
 	"files": [
-		"browser.js",
-		"browser.d.ts",
@@ -210,7 +208,6 @@
 	"dependencies": {
-		"readable-web-to-node-stream": "^3.0.2",
 		"strtok3": "^7.1.0",
 		"token-types": "^6.0.0",
 		"uint8array-extras": "^1.3.0"
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index bc1cc465..332d263c 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ The file path to parse.
 ### fileTypeFromStream(stream)
-Detect the file type of a Node.js [readable stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_readable).
+Detect the file type of a [Node.js readable stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_readable) or a [Web API ReadableStream](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStream).
 The file type is detected by checking the [magic number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#Magic_numbers_in_files) of the buffer.
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ A readable stream representing file data.
 Detect the file type of a [`Blob`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob).
+It will **stream** the underlying Blob, and required a [ReadableStreamBYOBReader](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableStreamBYOBReader) which **require Node.js ≥ 20**.
 The file type is detected by checking the [magic number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#Magic_numbers_in_files) of the buffer.
 Returns a `Promise` for an object with the detected file type:
diff --git a/test.js b/test.js
index 8d937afe..fab062a7 100644
--- a/test.js
+++ b/test.js
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import * as strtok3 from 'strtok3/core';
 import {areUint8ArraysEqual} from 'uint8array-extras';
 import {
-	fileTypeFromStream,
+	fileTypeFromStream as fileTypeNodeFromStream,
-	FileTypeParser,
+	NodeFileTypeParser,
 } from './index.js';
 const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ const missingTests = new Set([
+const [nodeMajorVersion] = process.versions.node.split('.').map(Number);
+const nodeVersionSupportingByeBlobStream = 20;
 const types = [...supportedExtensions].filter(ext => !missingTests.has(ext));
 // Define an entry here only if the fixture has a different
@@ -320,10 +323,10 @@ async function testFalsePositive(t, ext, name) {
 	t.is(await fileTypeFromBuffer(chunk.buffer), undefined);
-async function testFileFromStream(t, ext, name) {
+async function testFileNodeFromStream(t, ext, name) {
 	const filename = `${(name ?? 'fixture')}.${ext}`;
 	const file = path.join(__dirname, 'fixture', filename);
-	const fileType = await fileTypeFromStream(fs.createReadStream(file));
+	const fileType = await fileTypeNodeFromStream(fs.createReadStream(file));
 	t.truthy(fileType, `identify ${filename}`);
 	t.is(fileType.ext, ext, 'fileType.ext');
@@ -362,6 +365,10 @@ async function testStream(t, ext, name) {
 	t.true(areUint8ArraysEqual(bufferA, bufferB));
+test('Test suite must be able to detect Node.js major version', t => {
+	t.is(typeof nodeMajorVersion, 'number', 'Detected Node.js major version should be a number');
 let i = 0;
 for (const type of types) {
 	if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(names, type)) {
@@ -371,8 +378,12 @@ for (const type of types) {
 			_test(`${name}.${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromFile() method - same fileType`, testFromFile, type, name);
 			_test(`${name}.${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromBuffer() method - same fileType`, testFromBuffer, type, name);
-			_test(`${name}.${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromBlob() method - same fileType`, testFromBlob, type, name);
-			_test(`${name}.${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromStream() method - same fileType`, testFileFromStream, type, name);
+			if (nodeMajorVersion >= nodeVersionSupportingByeBlobStream) {
+				// Blob requires to stream to BYOB ReadableStream, requiring Node.js ≥ 20
+				_test(`${name}.${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromBlob() method - same fileType`, testFromBlob, type, name);
+			}
+			_test(`${name}.${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromStream() Node.js method - same fileType`, testFileNodeFromStream, type, name);
 			test(`${name}.${type} ${i++} .fileTypeStream() - identical streams`, testStream, type, name);
 	} else {
@@ -381,7 +392,7 @@ for (const type of types) {
 		_test(`${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromFile()`, testFromFile, type);
 		_test(`${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromBuffer()`, testFromBuffer, type);
-		_test(`${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromStream()`, testFileFromStream, type);
+		_test(`${type} ${i++} .fileTypeFromStream() Node.js`, testFileNodeFromStream, type);
 		test(`${type} ${i++} .fileTypeStream() - identical streams`, testStream, type);
@@ -636,7 +647,7 @@ test('odd file sizes', async t => {
 	for (const size of oddFileSizes) {
 		const buffer = new Uint8Array(size);
 		const stream = new BufferedStream(buffer);
-		await t.notThrowsAsync(fileTypeFromStream(stream), `fromStream: File size: ${size} bytes`);
+		await t.notThrowsAsync(fileTypeNodeFromStream(stream), `fromStream: File size: ${size} bytes`);
@@ -693,48 +704,52 @@ const tokenizerPositionChanger = tokenizer => {
 	tokenizer.readBuffer(buffer, {length: 1, mayBeLess: true});
-test('fileTypeFromBlob should detect custom file type "unicorn" using custom detectors', async t => {
-	// Set up the "unicorn" file content
-	const header = 'UNICORN FILE\n';
-	const blob = new Blob([header]);
+if (nodeMajorVersion >= nodeVersionSupportingByeBlobStream) {
+	// Blob requires to stream to BYOB ReadableStream, requiring Node.js ≥ 20
-	const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	test('fileTypeFromBlob should detect custom file type "unicorn" using custom detectors', async t => {
+		// Set up the "unicorn" file content
+		const header = 'UNICORN FILE\n';
+		const blob = new Blob([header]);
-	const result = await parser.fromBlob(blob);
-	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'unicorn', mime: 'application/unicorn'});
+		const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
+		const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
-test('fileTypeFromBlob should keep detecting default file types when no custom detector matches', async t => {
-	const file = path.join(__dirname, 'fixture', 'fixture.png');
-	const chunk = fs.readFileSync(file);
-	const blob = new Blob([chunk]);
+		const result = await parser.fromBlob(blob);
+		t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'unicorn', mime: 'application/unicorn'});
+	});
-	const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	test('fileTypeFromBlob should keep detecting default file types when no custom detector matches', async t => {
+		const file = path.join(__dirname, 'fixture', 'fixture.png');
+		const chunk = fs.readFileSync(file);
+		const blob = new Blob([chunk]);
-	const result = await parser.fromBlob(blob);
-	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'png', mime: 'image/png'});
+		const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
+		const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
-test('fileTypeFromBlob should allow overriding default file type detectors', async t => {
-	const file = path.join(__dirname, 'fixture', 'fixture.png');
-	const chunk = fs.readFileSync(file);
-	const blob = new Blob([chunk]);
+		const result = await parser.fromBlob(blob);
+		t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'png', mime: 'image/png'});
+	});
-	const customDetectors = [mockPngDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	test('fileTypeFromBlob should allow overriding default file type detectors', async t => {
+		const file = path.join(__dirname, 'fixture', 'fixture.png');
+		const chunk = fs.readFileSync(file);
+		const blob = new Blob([chunk]);
-	const result = await parser.fromBlob(blob);
-	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'mockPng', mime: 'image/mockPng'});
+		const customDetectors = [mockPngDetector];
+		const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+		const result = await parser.fromBlob(blob);
+		t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'mockPng', mime: 'image/mockPng'});
+	});
 test('fileTypeFromBuffer should detect custom file type "unicorn" using custom detectors', async t => {
 	const header = 'UNICORN FILE\n';
 	const uint8ArrayContent = new TextEncoder().encode(header);
 	const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
 	const result = await parser.fromBuffer(uint8ArrayContent);
 	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'unicorn', mime: 'application/unicorn'});
@@ -745,7 +760,7 @@ test('fileTypeFromBuffer should keep detecting default file types when no custom
 	const uint8ArrayContent = fs.readFileSync(file);
 	const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
 	const result = await parser.fromBuffer(uint8ArrayContent);
 	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'png', mime: 'image/png'});
@@ -756,7 +771,7 @@ test('fileTypeFromBuffer should allow overriding default file type detectors', a
 	const uint8ArrayContent = fs.readFileSync(file);
 	const customDetectors = [mockPngDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
 	const result = await parser.fromBuffer(uint8ArrayContent);
 	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'mockPng', mime: 'image/mockPng'});
@@ -771,7 +786,7 @@ test('fileTypeFromStream should detect custom file type "unicorn" using custom d
 	const readableStream = new CustomReadableStream();
 	const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
 	const result = await parser.fromStream(readableStream);
 	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'unicorn', mime: 'application/unicorn'});
@@ -782,7 +797,7 @@ test('fileTypeFromStream should keep detecting default file types when no custom
 	const readableStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
 	const customDetectors = [unicornDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
 	const result = await parser.fromStream(readableStream);
 	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'png', mime: 'image/png'});
@@ -793,7 +808,7 @@ test('fileTypeFromStream should allow overriding default file type detectors', a
 	const readableStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
 	const customDetectors = [mockPngDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
 	const result = await parser.fromStream(readableStream);
 	t.deepEqual(result, {ext: 'mockPng', mime: 'image/mockPng'});
@@ -832,7 +847,7 @@ test('fileTypeFromTokenizer should return undefined when a custom detector chang
 	// Include the unicormDetector here to verify it's not used after the tokenizer.position changed
 	const customDetectors = [tokenizerPositionChanger, unicornDetector];
-	const parser = new FileTypeParser({customDetectors});
+	const parser = new NodeFileTypeParser({customDetectors});
 	const result = await parser.fromTokenizer(strtok3.fromBuffer(uint8ArrayContent));
 	t.is(result, undefined);