Install Docker
Ensure the following repositories are forked to your GitHub account
Open an Anaconda Prompt
Build a Docker image with the conda base environment configured and repositories initialized.
change GH_USERNAME to your Github username
docker build -t pandas-release --build-arg GH_USERNAME=simonjayhawkins -f docker-files/windows/Dockerfile .
Next we will prepare a Docker container for interactive use during the release process and copy the repositories from the Docker image into a Docker volume for building the distribution and testing.
To start with a clean volume. (after a previous release)
docker volume rm pandas-release
change TAG to the release version
docker run -it --env TAG=v1.0.5 --name=pandas-release -v pandas-release:/pandas-release pandas-release /bin/bash
The Docker release container should be now be running.
Make sure the repos are up-to-date
make update-repos
Tag the release. (This doesn't push the tag)
make tag
Stop the container.
Create the Docker image for the sdist build, pip test and conda test containers
docker build -t pandas-build .
docker run -it --rm -v pandas-release:/pandas-release pandas-build /bin/bash
ln -s pandas-release/pandas pandas
cd pandas-release/
change filename to the release version
docker run -it --rm -v pandas-release:/pandas-release pandas-build /bin/bash
ln -s pandas-release/pandas pandas
cd pandas-release/
./scripts/ /pandas/dist/pandas-1.0.5.tar.gz
change PANDAS_VERSION to the release version
docker run -it --rm --env PANDAS_VERSION=1.0.5 -v pandas-release:/pandas-release pandas-build /bin/bash
ln -s pandas-release/pandas pandas
cd pandas-release/
conda build --numpy=1.17.3 --python=3.8 ./recipe --output-folder=/pandas/dist
change filename to the release version
docker run -t --rm -v %cd%:/local -v pandas-release:/pandas-release pandas-release /bin/bash -c "cp /pandas-release/pandas/dist/pandas-1.0.5.tar.gz /local/"
No going back now.
Restart the release container.
docker start pandas-release -i
make push-tag
(not needed for Patch release)
On pandas you should also now create and tag a new branch, so
Now manually create a release
Make sure to upload the sdist as the "binary". Conda-forge uses it.
Restart the release container.
docker start pandas-release -i
make conda-forge
make wheels
Open PRs for each of those.
Note that make wheels
actually pushes a job to MacPython to produce wheels which we will download later.
You can cheat and re-tag / rebuild these if needed.
docker run -it --name=pandas-docs -v pandas-release:/pandas-release pandas-docs /bin/bash
rm -r pandas
ln -s pandas-release/pandas pandas
cd pandas-release/
# following maybe necessary to prevent segfaults
conda update -n base -c defaults conda
conda env create --file=/pandas/environment.yml --name=pandas
Copy the built doc files to host and manually inspect html and pdf docs.
first remove the local pandas-docs directory (just manually use file manager for now)
docker run -t --rm -v %cd%:/local -v pandas-release:/pandas-release pandas-release /bin/bash -c "cp -r /pandas-release/pandas/doc/build/ /local/pandas-docs"
Copy ssh key and config into release container and restart container.
docker cp %userprofile%/.ssh pandas-release:/root/.ssh
docker start pandas-release -i
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
make upload-doc
Once the binaries finish, you'll need to manually upload the wheels to PyPI.
Assuming the job which make wheels
triggered on MacPython completed successfully (you may want to double check this you can download a copy of the wheels locally.
docker start pandas-release -i
make download-wheels
make upload-pypi
Do this once the wheels are available on PyPI.
docker start pandas-release -i
make link-stable
make link-version
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