export ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_BOXNAME=centos/7        # name of the vagrant box to use for testing
export ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_PROVIDER=virtualbox     # name of the vagrant provider to use for testing
#export ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_ANSIBLE_TAGS=          # Multiple tags can be specified comma seperated
unset ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_ANSIBLE_TAGS             # An empty tags variable leads to an error
#export ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_ANSIBLE_SKIP_TAGS=     # Multiple tags can be specified comma seperated
unset ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_ANSIBLE_SKIP_TAGS        # An empty skip_tags variable leads to an error
export ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_ANSIBLE_VERBOSE=        # May contain one to four 'v's
export ANSIBLE_ETCKEEPER_VAGRANT_ANSIBLE_CHECKMODE=      # 1 to enable, any other value to disable