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2222 lines (2220 loc) · 99.1 KB

Simple Icons slugs

Brand name Brand slug Class name
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Bulma bulma BulmaIcon
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C c CIcon
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CloudCannon cloudcannon CloudcannonIcon
Cloudera cloudera ClouderaIcon
Cloudflare cloudflare CloudflareIcon
Cloudsmith cloudsmith CloudsmithIcon
Cloudways cloudways CloudwaysIcon
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Clyp clyp ClypIcon
Co-op coop CoopIcon
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CocoaPods cocoapods CocoapodsIcon
Cocos cocos CocosIcon
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Codacy codacy CodacyIcon
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Cognizant cognizant CognizantIcon
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Darty darty DartyIcon
Das Erste daserste DasersteIcon
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Dask dask DaskIcon
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Drooble drooble DroobleIcon
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ESLint eslint EslintIcon
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Eclipse Mosquitto eclipsemosquitto EclipsemosquittoIcon
Eclipse Vert.x eclipsevertdotx EclipsevertdotxIcon
EditorConfig editorconfig EditorconfigIcon
Egnyte egnyte EgnyteIcon
Eight Sleep eightsleep EightsleepIcon
El Jueves eljueves EljuevesIcon
Elastic elastic ElasticIcon
Elastic Cloud elasticcloud ElasticcloudIcon
Elastic Stack elasticstack ElasticstackIcon
Elasticsearch elasticsearch ElasticsearchIcon
Electron electron ElectronIcon
Element element ElementIcon
Eleventy eleventy EleventyIcon
Elixir elixir ElixirIcon
Ello ello ElloIcon
Elm elm ElmIcon
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Enpass enpass EnpassIcon
Envato envato EnvatoIcon
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Epson epson EpsonIcon
Equinix Metal equinixmetal EquinixmetalIcon
Erlang erlang ErlangIcon
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Etihad Airways etihadairways EtihadairwaysIcon
Etsy etsy EtsyIcon
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Exordo exordo ExordoIcon
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Express express ExpressIcon
ExpressVPN expressvpn ExpressvpnIcon
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FIRST first FirstIcon
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Fandom fandom FandomIcon
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Fastlane fastlane FastlaneIcon
Fastly fastly FastlyIcon
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Fedora fedora FedoraIcon
Feedly feedly FeedlyIcon
Ferrari ferrari FerrariIcon
Ferrari N.V. ferrarinv FerrarinvIcon
Fiat fiat FiatIcon
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Figma figma FigmaIcon
Fila fila FilaIcon
FileZilla filezilla FilezillaIcon
Files files FilesIcon
Fing fing FingIcon
Firebase firebase FirebaseIcon
Firefox firefox FirefoxIcon
Firefox Browser firefoxbrowser FirefoxbrowserIcon
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FiveM fivem FivemIcon
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Flask flask FlaskIcon
Flat flat FlatIcon
Flathub flathub FlathubIcon
Flattr flattr FlattrIcon
Flickr flickr FlickrIcon
Flipboard flipboard FlipboardIcon
Flipkart flipkart FlipkartIcon
Floatplane floatplane FloatplaneIcon
Flood flood FloodIcon
Fluent Bit fluentbit FluentbitIcon
Fluentd fluentd FluentdIcon
Flutter flutter FlutterIcon
Flyway flyway FlywayIcon
Fnac fnac FnacIcon
Folium folium FoliumIcon
Fonoma fonoma FonomaIcon
Font Awesome fontawesome FontawesomeIcon
FontBase fontbase FontbaseIcon
Ford ford FordIcon
Forestry forestry ForestryIcon
Formstack formstack FormstackIcon
Fortinet fortinet FortinetIcon
Fortran fortran FortranIcon
Fossa fossa FossaIcon
Fossil SCM fossilscm FossilscmIcon
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Foursquare City Guide foursquarecityguide FoursquarecityguideIcon
Foxtel foxtel FoxtelIcon
Fozzy fozzy FozzyIcon
Framer framer FramerIcon
Framework7 framework7 Framework7Icon
Franprix franprix FranprixIcon
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft fraunhofergesellschaft FraunhofergesellschaftIcon
FreeBSD freebsd FreebsdIcon
FreeNAS freenas FreenasIcon
Freelancer freelancer FreelancerIcon
Frontend Mentor frontendmentor FrontendmentorIcon
Fujifilm fujifilm FujifilmIcon
Fujitsu fujitsu FujitsuIcon
Funimation funimation FunimationIcon
Fur Affinity furaffinity FuraffinityIcon
Furry Network furrynetwork FurrynetworkIcon
FutureLearn futurelearn FuturelearnIcon
G2 g2 G2Icon
G2A g2a G2aIcon
GIMP gimp GimpIcon
GIPHY giphy GiphyIcon
GNOME gnome GnomeIcon
GNOME Terminal gnometerminal GnometerminalIcon
GNU gnu GnuIcon
GNU Bash gnubash GnubashIcon
GNU Emacs gnuemacs GnuemacsIcon
GNU IceCat gnuicecat GnuicecatIcon
GNU Privacy Guard gnuprivacyguard GnuprivacyguardIcon
GNU social gnusocial GnusocialIcon gogdotcom GogdotcomIcon
Game & Watch gameandwatch GameandwatchIcon
Game Jolt gamejolt GamejoltIcon
Garmin garmin GarminIcon
Gatling gatling GatlingIcon
Gatsby gatsby GatsbyIcon
GeeksforGeeks geeksforgeeks GeeksforgeeksIcon
General Electric generalelectric GeneralelectricIcon
General Motors generalmotors GeneralmotorsIcon
Genius genius GeniusIcon
Gentoo gentoo GentooIcon
Geocaching geocaching GeocachingIcon
Gerrit gerrit GerritIcon
Ghost ghost GhostIcon
Ghostery ghostery GhosteryIcon
Git git GitIcon
Git Extensions gitextensions GitextensionsIcon
Git LFS gitlfs GitlfsIcon
GitBook gitbook GitbookIcon
GitHub github GithubIcon
GitHub Actions githubactions GithubactionsIcon
GitHub Pages githubpages GithubpagesIcon
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GitKraken gitkraken GitkrakenIcon
GitLab gitlab GitlabIcon
Gitea gitea GiteaIcon
Gitee gitee GiteeIcon
Gitpod gitpod GitpodIcon
Gitter gitter GitterIcon
Glassdoor glassdoor GlassdoorIcon
Glitch glitch GlitchIcon
Globus globus GlobusIcon
Gmail gmail GmailIcon
Go go GoIcon
GoCD gocd GocdIcon
GoDaddy godaddy GodaddyIcon
GoFundMe gofundme GofundmeIcon
GoLand goland GolandIcon
GoToMeeting gotomeeting GotomeetingIcon
Godot Engine godotengine GodotengineIcon
GoldenLine goldenline GoldenlineIcon
Goodreads goodreads GoodreadsIcon
Google google GoogleIcon
Google AdSense googleadsense GoogleadsenseIcon
Google Ads googleads GoogleadsIcon
Google Analytics googleanalytics GoogleanalyticsIcon
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Google Cardboard googlecardboard GooglecardboardIcon
Google Chat googlechat GooglechatIcon
Google Chrome googlechrome GooglechromeIcon
Google Classroom googleclassroom GoogleclassroomIcon
Google Cloud googlecloud GooglecloudIcon
Google Colab googlecolab GooglecolabIcon
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Google Lens googlelens GooglelensIcon
Google Maps googlemaps GooglemapsIcon
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Google Messages googlemessages GooglemessagesIcon
Google My Business googlemybusiness GooglemybusinessIcon
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Google News googlenews GooglenewsIcon
Google Optimize googleoptimize GoogleoptimizeIcon
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Google Play googleplay GoogleplayIcon
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Google Street View googlestreetview GooglestreetviewIcon
Google Tag Manager googletagmanager GoogletagmanagerIcon
Google Translate googletranslate GoogletranslateIcon
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GraphQL graphql GraphqlIcon
Grav grav GravIcon
Gravatar gravatar GravatarIcon
Graylog graylog GraylogIcon
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Gridsome gridsome GridsomeIcon
GroupMe groupme GroupmeIcon
Groupon groupon GrouponIcon
Grubhub grubhub GrubhubIcon
Grunt grunt GruntIcon
Guangzhou Metro guangzhoumetro GuangzhoumetroIcon
Guilded guilded GuildedIcon
Gumroad gumroad GumroadIcon
Gumtree gumtree GumtreeIcon
Gunicorn gunicorn GunicornIcon
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Géant geant GeantIcon
HBO hbo HboIcon
HCL hcl HclIcon
HERE here HereIcon
HEY hey HeyIcon
HP hp HpIcon
HTML Academy htmlacademy HtmlacademyIcon
HTML5 html5 Html5Icon
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HackerOne hackerone HackeroneIcon
HackerRank hackerrank HackerrankIcon
Hackster hackster HacksterIcon
Handlebars.js handlebarsdotjs HandlebarsdotjsIcon
Handshake handshake_protocol Handshake_protocolIcon
HappyCow happycow HappycowIcon
Harbor harbor HarborIcon
Hashnode hashnode HashnodeIcon
Haskell haskell HaskellIcon
Hasura hasura HasuraIcon
Hatena Bookmark hatenabookmark HatenabookmarkIcon
Haxe haxe HaxeIcon
Headspace headspace HeadspaceIcon
HelloFresh hellofresh HellofreshIcon
Helly Hansen hellyhansen HellyhansenIcon
Helm helm HelmIcon
Help Scout helpscout HelpscoutIcon
HelpDesk helpdesk HelpdeskIcon
Heroku heroku HerokuIcon
Hetzner hetzner HetznerIcon
Hexo hexo HexoIcon
Hibernate hibernate HibernateIcon
Hilton hilton HiltonIcon
Hitachi hitachi HitachiIcon
Hive hive_blockchain Hive_blockchainIcon
Home Assistant homeassistant HomeassistantIcon
Home Assistant Community Store homeassistantcommunitystore HomeassistantcommunitystoreIcon
HomeAdvisor homeadvisor HomeadvisorIcon
Homebrew homebrew HomebrewIcon
Homebridge homebridge HomebridgeIcon
Honda honda HondaIcon
Hootsuite hootsuite HootsuiteIcon
Hoppscotch hoppscotch HoppscotchIcon hotelsdotcom HotelsdotcomIcon
Hotjar hotjar HotjarIcon
Houdini houdini HoudiniIcon
Houzz houzz HouzzIcon
Huawei huawei HuaweiIcon
HubSpot hubspot HubspotIcon
Hugo hugo HugoIcon
Hulu hulu HuluIcon
Humble Bundle humblebundle HumblebundleIcon
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Hurriyetemlak hurriyetemlak HurriyetemlakIcon
Husqvarna husqvarna HusqvarnaIcon
Hyper hyper HyperIcon
Hyperledger hyperledger HyperledgerIcon
Hypothesis hypothesis HypothesisIcon
Hyundai hyundai HyundaiIcon
IBM ibm IbmIcon
IBM Cloud ibmcloud IbmcloudIcon
IBM Watson ibmwatson IbmwatsonIcon
ICON icon IconIcon
ICQ icq IcqIcon
IEEE ieee IeeeIcon
IFTTT ifttt IftttIcon
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IPFS ipfs IpfsIcon
IVECO iveco IvecoIcon
Iata iata IataIcon
Iceland iceland IcelandIcon
Icinga icinga IcingaIcon
IcoMoon icomoon IcomoonIcon
IconJar iconjar IconjarIcon
Iconfinder iconfinder IconfinderIcon
Iconify iconify IconifyIcon
Icons8 icons8 Icons8Icon
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Immer immer ImmerIcon
Imou imou ImouIcon
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Indeed indeed IndeedIcon
Infiniti infiniti InfinitiIcon
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Infosys infosys InfosysIcon
Ingress ingress IngressIcon
Inkscape inkscape InkscapeIcon
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Intercom intercom IntercomIcon
Intermarche intermarche IntermarcheIcon
Internet Archive internetarchive InternetarchiveIcon
Internet Explorer internetexplorer InternetexplorerIcon
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Ionos ionos IonosIcon
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Istio istio IstioIcon itchdotio ItchdotioIcon
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JFrog Bintray jfrogbintray JfrogbintrayIcon
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JR Group jrgroup JrgroupIcon
JSFiddle jsfiddle JsfiddleIcon
JSON json JsonIcon
JSON Web Tokens jsonwebtokens JsonwebtokensIcon
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Jamboard jamboard JamboardIcon
Jameson jameson JamesonIcon
Jamstack jamstack JamstackIcon
Jasmine jasmine JasmineIcon
Java java JavaIcon
JavaScript javascript JavascriptIcon
Jeep jeep JeepIcon
Jekyll jekyll JekyllIcon
Jellyfin jellyfin JellyfinIcon
Jenkins jenkins JenkinsIcon
Jenkins X jenkinsx JenkinsxIcon
Jest jest JestIcon
JetBrains jetbrains JetbrainsIcon
Jetpack Compose jetpackcompose JetpackcomposeIcon
Jinja jinja JinjaIcon
Jira jira JiraIcon
Jira Software jirasoftware JirasoftwareIcon
Jitsi jitsi JitsiIcon
John Deere johndeere JohndeereIcon
Joomla joomla JoomlaIcon
Joplin joplin JoplinIcon
Jordan jordan JordanIcon
Julia julia JuliaIcon
Juniper Networks junipernetworks JunipernetworksIcon
Jupyter jupyter JupyterIcon
Just Eat justeat JusteatIcon
JustGiving justgiving JustgivingIcon
K3s k3s K3sIcon
KDE kde KdeIcon
KFC kfc KfcIcon
KLM klm KlmIcon
KTM ktm KtmIcon
Kaggle kaggle KaggleIcon
Kahoot! kahoot KahootIcon
KaiOS kaios KaiosIcon
Kakao kakao KakaoIcon
KakaoTalk kakaotalk KakaotalkIcon
Kali Linux kalilinux KalilinuxIcon
Kaniko kaniko KanikoIcon
Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund karlsruherverkehrsverbund KarlsruherverkehrsverbundIcon
Kasa Smart kasasmart KasasmartIcon
KashFlow kashflow KashflowIcon
Kaspersky kaspersky KasperskyIcon
Katacoda katacoda KatacodaIcon
Katana katana KatanaIcon
Kaufland kaufland KauflandIcon
Kdenlive kdenlive KdenliveIcon
KeePassXC keepassxc KeepassxcIcon
Kentico kentico KenticoIcon
Keras keras KerasIcon
KeyCDN keycdn KeycdnIcon
Keybase keybase KeybaseIcon
Khan Academy khanacademy KhanacademyIcon
Khronos Group khronosgroup KhronosgroupIcon
Kia kia KiaIcon
Kibana kibana KibanaIcon
Kickstarter kickstarter KickstarterIcon
Kik kik KikIcon
Kingston Technology kingstontechnology KingstontechnologyIcon
KinoPoisk kinopoisk KinopoiskIcon
Kirby kirby KirbyIcon
Kitsu kitsu KitsuIcon
Klarna klarna KlarnaIcon
Klook klook KlookIcon
KnowledgeBase knowledgebase KnowledgebaseIcon
Known known KnownIcon
Ko-fi kofi KofiIcon
Koa koa KoaIcon
Koc koc KocIcon
Kodi kodi KodiIcon
Kofax kofax KofaxIcon
Komoot komoot KomootIcon
Konami konami KonamiIcon
Kongregate kongregate KongregateIcon
Konva konva KonvaIcon
Kotlin kotlin KotlinIcon
Krita krita KritaIcon
Kuaishou kuaishou KuaishouIcon
Kubernetes kubernetes KubernetesIcon
Kubuntu kubuntu KubuntuIcon
Kuma kuma KumaIcon
Kyocera kyocera KyoceraIcon
LBRY lbry LbryIcon
LG lg LgIcon
LGTM lgtm LgtmIcon
LIFX lifx LifxIcon
LINE line LineIcon
LLVM llvm LlvmIcon
LMMS lmms LmmsIcon
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Lada lada LadaIcon
Lamborghini lamborghini LamborghiniIcon
Land Rover landrover LandroverIcon
Laragon laragon LaragonIcon
Laravel laravel LaravelIcon
Laravel Horizon laravelhorizon LaravelhorizonIcon
Laravel Nova laravelnova LaravelnovaIcon lastdotfm LastdotfmIcon
LastPass lastpass LastpassIcon
Launchpad launchpad LaunchpadIcon
Leader Price leaderprice LeaderpriceIcon
Leaflet leaflet LeafletIcon
Leanpub leanpub LeanpubIcon
LeetCode leetcode LeetcodeIcon
Lemmy lemmy LemmyIcon
Lenovo lenovo LenovoIcon
Lens lens LensIcon
Lerna lerna LernaIcon
Leroy Merlin leroymerlin LeroymerlinIcon
Less less LessIcon
Letterboxd letterboxd LetterboxdIcon
Let’s Encrypt letsencrypt LetsencryptIcon
Liberapay liberapay LiberapayIcon librariesdotio LibrariesdotioIcon
LibraryThing librarything LibrarythingIcon
LibreOffice libreoffice LibreofficeIcon
Lichess lichess LichessIcon
Lidl lidl LidlIcon
Lighthouse lighthouse LighthouseIcon
LineageOS lineageos LineageosIcon
LinkedIn linkedin LinkedinIcon
Linkerd linkerd LinkerdIcon
Linkfire linkfire LinkfireIcon
Linktree linktree LinktreeIcon
Linode linode LinodeIcon
Linux linux LinuxIcon
Linux Containers linuxcontainers LinuxcontainersIcon
Linux Foundation linuxfoundation LinuxfoundationIcon
Linux Mint linuxmint LinuxmintIcon
Lion Air lionair LionairIcon
Liquibase liquibase LiquibaseIcon
Lit lit LitIcon
Litecoin litecoin LitecoinIcon
LiveChat livechat LivechatIcon
LiveJournal livejournal LivejournalIcon
Livewire livewire LivewireIcon
Lodash lodash LodashIcon
LogMeIn logmein LogmeinIcon
Logitech logitech LogitechIcon
Logstash logstash LogstashIcon
Looker looker LookerIcon
Loom loom LoomIcon
Loop loop LoopIcon
Lospec lospec LospecIcon
Lua lua LuaIcon
Lubuntu lubuntu LubuntuIcon
Lufthansa lufthansa LufthansaIcon
Lumen lumen LumenIcon
Lunacy lunacy LunacyIcon
Lydia lydia LydiaIcon
Lyft lyft LyftIcon
MAAS maas MaasIcon
MAMP mamp MampIcon
MAN man ManIcon
MDN Web Docs mdnwebdocs MdnwebdocsIcon
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MLB mlb MlbIcon
MODX modx ModxIcon
MSI msi MsiIcon
MTA mta MtaIcon
MTR mtr MtrIcon
MUI mui MuiIcon
MX Linux mxlinux MxlinuxIcon
MYOB myob MyobIcon
Macy’s macys MacysIcon
Magasins U magasinsu MagasinsuIcon
Magento magento MagentoIcon
Magisk magisk MagiskIcon
Mail.Ru maildotru MaildotruIcon
MailChimp mailchimp MailchimpIcon
Major League Hacking majorleaguehacking MajorleaguehackingIcon
MakerBot makerbot MakerbotIcon
ManageIQ manageiq ManageiqIcon
Manjaro manjaro ManjaroIcon
Mapbox mapbox MapboxIcon
MariaDB mariadb MariadbIcon
MariaDB Foundation mariadbfoundation MariadbfoundationIcon
Markdown markdown MarkdownIcon
Marketo marketo MarketoIcon
Marriott marriott MarriottIcon
Maserati maserati MaseratiIcon
MasterCard mastercard MastercardIcon
Mastodon mastodon MastodonIcon
Material Design materialdesign MaterialdesignIcon
Material Design Icons materialdesignicons MaterialdesigniconsIcon
Matomo matomo MatomoIcon
Matrix matrix MatrixIcon
Matter.js matterdotjs MatterdotjsIcon
Mattermost mattermost MattermostIcon
Matternet matternet MatternetIcon
Max max MaxIcon
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft maxplanckgesellschaft MaxplanckgesellschaftIcon
Maytag maytag MaytagIcon
Mazda mazda MazdaIcon
McAfee mcafee McafeeIcon
McDonald's mcdonalds McdonaldsIcon
McLaren mclaren MclarenIcon
MeWe mewe MeweIcon
MediaFire mediafire MediafireIcon
MediaMarkt mediamarkt MediamarktIcon
MediaTek mediatek MediatekIcon
MediaTemple mediatemple MediatempleIcon
Medium medium MediumIcon
Meetup meetup MeetupIcon
Mendeley mendeley MendeleyIcon
Mercedes mercedes MercedesIcon
Merck merck MerckIcon
Mercurial mercurial MercurialIcon
Messenger messenger MessengerIcon
MetaFilter metafilter MetafilterIcon
Metabase metabase MetabaseIcon
Meteor meteor MeteorIcon
Metro metro MetroIcon
Metro de Madrid metrodemadrid MetrodemadridIcon
Metro de la Ciudad de México metrodelaciudaddemexico MetrodelaciudaddemexicoIcon microdotblog MicrodotblogIcon
MicroPython micropython MicropythonIcon
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Microgenetics microgenetics MicrogeneticsIcon
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Microsoft Azure microsoftazure MicrosoftazureIcon
Microsoft Bing microsoftbing MicrosoftbingIcon
Microsoft Edge microsoftedge MicrosoftedgeIcon
Microsoft Excel microsoftexcel MicrosoftexcelIcon
Microsoft Exchange microsoftexchange MicrosoftexchangeIcon
Microsoft Office microsoftoffice MicrosoftofficeIcon
Microsoft OneDrive microsoftonedrive MicrosoftonedriveIcon
Microsoft OneNote microsoftonenote MicrosoftonenoteIcon
Microsoft Outlook microsoftoutlook MicrosoftoutlookIcon
Microsoft PowerPoint microsoftpowerpoint MicrosoftpowerpointIcon
Microsoft SQL Server microsoftsqlserver MicrosoftsqlserverIcon
Microsoft SharePoint microsoftsharepoint MicrosoftsharepointIcon
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Microsoft Translator microsofttranslator MicrosofttranslatorIcon
Microsoft Visio microsoftvisio MicrosoftvisioIcon
Microsoft Word microsoftword MicrosoftwordIcon
Minds minds MindsIcon
Minecraft minecraft MinecraftIcon
Minetest minetest MinetestIcon
Mini mini MiniIcon
Minutemailer minutemailer MinutemailerIcon
Miro miro MiroIcon
Mitsubishi mitsubishi MitsubishiIcon
Mix mix MixIcon
Mixcloud mixcloud MixcloudIcon
MobX mobx MobxIcon
MobX-State-Tree mobxstatetree MobxstatetreeIcon
Mocha mocha MochaIcon
Mojang Studios mojangstudios MojangstudiosIcon
Moleculer moleculer MoleculerIcon
Momenteo momenteo MomenteoIcon
Monero monero MoneroIcon
MoneyGram moneygram MoneygramIcon
MongoDB mongodb MongodbIcon
Monoprix monoprix MonoprixIcon
Monster monster MonsterIcon
Monzo monzo MonzoIcon
Moo moo MooIcon
Morrisons morrisons MorrisonsIcon
Moscow Metro moscowmetro MoscowmetroIcon
Motorola motorola MotorolaIcon
Mozilla mozilla MozillaIcon
Mulesoft mulesoft MulesoftIcon
Mumble mumble MumbleIcon
MuseScore musescore MusescoreIcon
MusicBrainz musicbrainz MusicbrainzIcon
MyAnimeList myanimelist MyanimelistIcon
MySQL mysql MysqlIcon
Myspace myspace MyspaceIcon
Métro de Paris metrodeparis MetrodeparisIcon
Müller muller MullerIcon
N26 n26 N26Icon
NASA nasa NasaIcon
NBA nba NbaIcon
NBB nbb NbbIcon
NDR ndr NdrIcon
NEC nec NecIcon
NFC nfc NfcIcon
NGINX nginx NginxIcon
NOW now NowIcon
NVIDIA nvidia NvidiaIcon
NZXT nzxt NzxtIcon
Namebase namebase NamebaseIcon
Namecheap namecheap NamecheapIcon
Nano nano NanoIcon
National Grid nationalgrid NationalgridIcon
NativeScript nativescript NativescriptIcon
Naver naver NaverIcon
Neo4j neo4j Neo4jIcon
Neovim neovim NeovimIcon
NestJS nestjs NestjsIcon
NetApp netapp NetappIcon
NetBSD netbsd NetbsdIcon
Netflix netflix NetflixIcon
Netlify netlify NetlifyIcon
Nette nette NetteIcon
Netto netto NettoIcon
New Balance newbalance NewbalanceIcon
New Japan Pro-Wrestling newjapanprowrestling NewjapanprowrestlingIcon
New Relic newrelic NewrelicIcon
New York Times newyorktimes NewyorktimesIcon
Next.js nextdotjs NextdotjsIcon
Nextcloud nextcloud NextcloudIcon
Nextdoor nextdoor NextdoorIcon
Nike nike NikeIcon
Nim nim NimIcon
Nintendo nintendo NintendoIcon
Nintendo 3DS nintendo3ds Nintendo3dsIcon
Nintendo GameCube nintendogamecube NintendogamecubeIcon
Nintendo Network nintendonetwork NintendonetworkIcon
Nintendo Switch nintendoswitch NintendoswitchIcon
Nissan nissan NissanIcon
NixOS nixos NixosIcon
Node-RED nodered NoderedIcon
Node.js nodedotjs NodedotjsIcon
Nodemon nodemon NodemonIcon
Nokia nokia NokiaIcon
Norco norco NorcoIcon
NordVPN nordvpn NordvpnIcon
Norwegian norwegian NorwegianIcon
Notepad++ notepadplusplus NotepadplusplusIcon
Notion notion NotionIcon
Notist notist NotistIcon
Noun Project nounproject NounprojectIcon
Nrwl nrwl NrwlIcon
NuGet nuget NugetIcon
Nubank nubank NubankIcon
Nucleo nucleo NucleoIcon
Nuke nuke NukeIcon
NumPy numpy NumpyIcon
Numba numba NumbaIcon
Nutanix nutanix NutanixIcon
Nuxt.js nuxtdotjs NuxtdotjsIcon
Nx nx NxIcon
O'Reilly oreilly OreillyIcon
OBS Studio obsstudio ObsstudioIcon
OCaml ocaml OcamlIcon
ONLYOFFICE onlyoffice OnlyofficeIcon
ONNX onnx OnnxIcon
OPNSense opnsense OpnsenseIcon
ORCID orcid OrcidIcon
OSMC osmc OsmcIcon
OVH ovh OvhIcon
OWASP owasp OwaspIcon
OYO oyo OyoIcon
Observable observable ObservableIcon
Obsidian obsidian ObsidianIcon
Octane Render octanerender OctanerenderIcon
Octave octave OctaveIcon
Octopus Deploy octopusdeploy OctopusdeployIcon
Oculus oculus OculusIcon
Odnoklassniki odnoklassniki OdnoklassnikiIcon
Odysee odysee OdyseeIcon
Oh Dear ohdear OhdearIcon
Okta okta OktaIcon
OnStar onstar OnstarIcon
OnePlus oneplus OneplusIcon
OnlyFans onlyfans OnlyfansIcon
Opel opel OpelIcon
Open Access openaccess OpenaccessIcon
Open Badges openbadges OpenbadgesIcon
Open Bug Bounty openbugbounty OpenbugbountyIcon
Open Collective opencollective OpencollectiveIcon
Open Containers Initiative opencontainersinitiative OpencontainersinitiativeIcon
Open Source Initiative opensourceinitiative OpensourceinitiativeIcon
OpenAI openai OpenaiIcon
OpenAI Gym openaigym OpenaigymIcon
OpenAPI Initiative openapiinitiative OpenapiinitiativeIcon
OpenBSD openbsd OpenbsdIcon
OpenCV opencv OpencvIcon
OpenFaaS openfaas OpenfaasIcon
OpenGL opengl OpenglIcon
OpenID openid OpenidIcon
OpenMined openmined OpenminedIcon
OpenNebula opennebula OpennebulaIcon
OpenSSL openssl OpensslIcon
OpenSea opensea OpenseaIcon
OpenSearch opensearch OpensearchIcon
OpenStack openstack OpenstackIcon
OpenStreetMap openstreetmap OpenstreetmapIcon
OpenTelemetry opentelemetry OpentelemetryIcon
OpenVPN openvpn OpenvpnIcon
OpenWrt openwrt OpenwrtIcon
OpenZFS openzfs OpenzfsIcon
Openlayers openlayers OpenlayersIcon
Opera opera OperaIcon
OpsLevel opslevel OpslevelIcon
Opsgenie opsgenie OpsgenieIcon
Oracle oracle OracleIcon
Org org OrgIcon
Origin origin OriginIcon
Osano osano OsanoIcon
Oshkosh oshkosh OshkoshIcon
Otto otto OttoIcon
Overcast overcast OvercastIcon
Overleaf overleaf OverleafIcon
Oxygen oxygen OxygenIcon
PCGamingWiki pcgamingwiki PcgamingwikiIcon
PHP php PhpIcon
PM2 pm2 Pm2Icon
POWERS powers PowersIcon
PUBG pubg PubgIcon
PWA pwa PwaIcon
Packagist packagist PackagistIcon
Packer packer PackerIcon
Paddy Power paddypower PaddypowerIcon
PagSeguro pagseguro PagseguroIcon
PageSpeed Insights pagespeedinsights PagespeedinsightsIcon
Pagekit pagekit PagekitIcon
PagerDuty pagerduty PagerdutyIcon
Palantir palantir PalantirIcon
Palo Alto Software paloaltosoftware PaloaltosoftwareIcon
Pandora pandora PandoraIcon
Pantheon pantheon PantheonIcon
Parity Substrate paritysubstrate ParitysubstrateIcon parsedotly ParsedotlyIcon
Passport passport PassportIcon
Pastebin pastebin PastebinIcon
Patreon patreon PatreonIcon
PayPal paypal PaypalIcon
Payoneer payoneer PayoneerIcon
Paytm paytm PaytmIcon
Peak Design peakdesign PeakdesignIcon
PeerTube peertube PeertubeIcon
Pegasus Airlines pegasusairlines PegasusairlinesIcon
Pelican pelican PelicanIcon
Peloton peloton PelotonIcon
Penny penny PennyIcon
Pepsi pepsi PepsiIcon
Percy percy PercyIcon
Perforce perforce PerforceIcon
Perl perl PerlIcon
Personio personio PersonioIcon
Peugeot peugeot PeugeotIcon
Pexels pexels PexelsIcon
Phabricator phabricator PhabricatorIcon
Philips Hue philipshue PhilipshueIcon
PhonePe phonepe PhonepeIcon
Photobucket photobucket PhotobucketIcon
Photocrowd photocrowd PhotocrowdIcon
Photopea photopea PhotopeaIcon
PhpStorm phpstorm PhpstormIcon
Pi-hole pihole PiholeIcon
PicPay picpay PicpayIcon
Picard Surgelés picardsurgeles PicardsurgelesIcon
Picarto.TV picartodottv PicartodottvIcon
Picnic picnic PicnicIcon
Pimcore pimcore PimcoreIcon
Pinboard pinboard PinboardIcon
Pingdom pingdom PingdomIcon
Pinterest pinterest PinterestIcon
Pioneer DJ pioneerdj PioneerdjIcon
Pivotal Tracker pivotaltracker PivotaltrackerIcon
Piwigo piwigo PiwigoIcon
Pix pix PixIcon
Pixabay pixabay PixabayIcon
PlanGrid plangrid PlangridIcon
Planet planet PlanetIcon platformdotsh PlatformdotshIcon
Platzi platzi PlatziIcon
Plausible Analytics plausibleanalytics PlausibleanalyticsIcon
PlayCanvas playcanvas PlaycanvasIcon
PlayStation playstation PlaystationIcon
PlayStation 2 playstation2 Playstation2Icon
PlayStation 3 playstation3 Playstation3Icon
PlayStation 4 playstation4 Playstation4Icon
PlayStation 5 playstation5 Playstation5Icon
PlayStation Vita playstationvita PlaystationvitaIcon
Player FM playerfm PlayerfmIcon playerdotme PlayerdotmeIcon
Pleroma pleroma PleromaIcon
Plesk plesk PleskIcon
Plex plex PlexIcon
Plotly plotly PlotlyIcon
Pluralsight pluralsight PluralsightIcon
Plurk plurk PlurkIcon
Plus Codes pluscodes PluscodesIcon
Pocket pocket PocketIcon
Pocket Casts pocketcasts PocketcastsIcon
Podcast Addict podcastaddict PodcastaddictIcon
Podman podman PodmanIcon
Poetry poetry PoetryIcon
Pointy pointy PointyIcon
Pokémon pokemon PokemonIcon
Polkadot polkadot PolkadotIcon
Poly poly PolyIcon
Polymer Project polymerproject PolymerprojectIcon
Polywork polywork PolyworkIcon
Pop!_OS popos PoposIcon
Porsche porsche PorscheIcon
Portainer portainer PortainerIcon
PostCSS postcss PostcssIcon
PostgreSQL postgresql PostgresqlIcon
Postman postman PostmanIcon
Postmates postmates PostmatesIcon
Power Apps powerapps PowerappsIcon
Power Automate powerautomate PowerautomateIcon
Power BI powerbi PowerbiIcon
Power Virtual Agents powervirtualagents PowervirtualagentsIcon
PowerShell powershell PowershellIcon
Premier League premierleague PremierleagueIcon
PrestaShop prestashop PrestashopIcon
Presto presto PrestoIcon
Prettier prettier PrettierIcon
Prezi prezi PreziIcon
Prime prime PrimeIcon
Prime Video primevideo PrimevideoIcon
Prisma prisma PrismaIcon
Prismic prismic PrismicIcon
Private Internet Access privateinternetaccess PrivateinternetaccessIcon
Pro Tools protools ProtoolsIcon
ProSieben prosieben ProsiebenIcon
Probot probot ProbotIcon
ProcessWire processwire ProcesswireIcon
Processing Foundation processingfoundation ProcessingfoundationIcon
Product Hunt producthunt ProducthuntIcon
Progate progate ProgateIcon
Progress progress ProgressIcon
Prometheus prometheus PrometheusIcon protodotio ProtodotioIcon
ProtonDB protondb ProtondbIcon
ProtonMail protonmail ProtonmailIcon
ProtonVPN protonvpn ProtonvpnIcon
Protractor protractor ProtractorIcon
Proxmox proxmox ProxmoxIcon
PubMed pubmed PubmedIcon
Publons publons PublonsIcon
Pug pug PugIcon
Pulumi pulumi PulumiIcon
Puma puma PumaIcon
Puppet puppet PuppetIcon
Puppeteer puppeteer PuppeteerIcon
PureScript purescript PurescriptIcon
PurgeCSS purgecss PurgecssIcon
Purism purism PurismIcon
Pusher pusher PusherIcon
PyCharm pycharm PycharmIcon
PyPI pypi PypiIcon
PyPy pypy PypyIcon
PyScaffold pyscaffold PyscaffoldIcon
PyTorch pytorch PytorchIcon
PyTorch Lightning pytorchlightning PytorchlightningIcon
PyUp pyup PyupIcon
Pytest pytest PytestIcon
Python python PythonIcon
QEMU qemu QemuIcon
QIWI qiwi QiwiIcon
Qantas qantas QantasIcon
Qatar Airways qatarairways QatarairwaysIcon
Qgis qgis QgisIcon
Qi qi QiIcon
Qiita qiita QiitaIcon
Qiskit qiskit QiskitIcon
Qt qt QtIcon
Qualcomm qualcomm QualcommIcon
Qualtrics qualtrics QualtricsIcon
Qualys qualys QualysIcon
QuantConnect quantconnect QuantconnectIcon
Quantcast quantcast QuantcastIcon
Quarkus quarkus QuarkusIcon
Quasar quasar QuasarIcon
Qubes OS qubesos QubesosIcon
Quest quest QuestIcon
QuickBooks quickbooks QuickbooksIcon
QuickLook quicklook QuicklookIcon
QuickTime quicktime QuicktimeIcon
Quip quip QuipIcon
Quora quora QuoraIcon
Qwiklabs qwiklabs QwiklabsIcon
Qzone qzone QzoneIcon
R r RIcon
R3 r3 R3Icon
REWE rewe ReweIcon
ROS ros RosIcon
RSS rss RssIcon
RStudio rstudio RstudioIcon
RTL rtl RtlIcon
RTLZWEI rtlzwei RtlzweiIcon
RTÉ rte RteIcon
RabbitMQ rabbitmq RabbitmqIcon
Racket racket RacketIcon
Radar radar RadarIcon
RadioPublic radiopublic RadiopublicIcon
Railway railway RailwayIcon
Rainmeter rainmeter RainmeterIcon
Rakuten rakuten RakutenIcon
Ram ram RamIcon
Rancher rancher RancherIcon
Rarible rarible RaribleIcon
Raspberry Pi raspberrypi RaspberrypiIcon
Ray ray RayIcon
Razer razer RazerIcon
Razorpay razorpay RazorpayIcon
ReScript rescript RescriptIcon
React react ReactIcon
React Query reactquery ReactqueryIcon
React Router reactrouter ReactrouterIcon
React Table reacttable ReacttableIcon
ReactOS reactos ReactosIcon
ReactiveX reactivex ReactivexIcon
Read the Docs readthedocs ReadthedocsIcon
Realm realm RealmIcon
Reason reason ReasonIcon
Reason Studios reasonstudios ReasonstudiosIcon
Red Hat redhat RedhatIcon
Red Hat Open Shift redhatopenshift RedhatopenshiftIcon
Redbubble redbubble RedbubbleIcon
Reddit reddit RedditIcon
Redis redis RedisIcon
Redmine redmine RedmineIcon
Redux redux ReduxIcon
Redux-Saga reduxsaga ReduxsagaIcon
RedwoodJS redwoodjs RedwoodjsIcon
Reebok reebok ReebokIcon
Reliance Industries Limited relianceindustrieslimited RelianceindustrieslimitedIcon
Ren'Py renpy RenpyIcon
Renault renault RenaultIcon
RenovateBot renovatebot RenovatebotIcon
Renren renren RenrenIcon
Replit replit ReplitIcon
Republic of Gamers republicofgamers RepublicofgamersIcon
RescueTime rescuetime RescuetimeIcon
ResearchGate researchgate ResearchgateIcon
Resurrection Remix OS resurrectionremixos ResurrectionremixosIcon
RetroArch retroarch RetroarchIcon
RetroPie retropie RetropieIcon
ReverbNation reverbnation ReverbnationIcon
Revolut revolut RevolutIcon
Revue revue RevueIcon
Rezgo rezgo RezgoIcon
Rhinoceros rhinoceros RhinocerosIcon
Rider rider RiderIcon
Rimac Automobili rimacautomobili RimacautomobiliIcon
Ring ring RingIcon
Riot Games riotgames RiotgamesIcon
Ripple ripple RippleIcon
Riseup riseup RiseupIcon
Roam Research roamresearch RoamresearchIcon
Roblox roblox RobloxIcon
Robot Framework robotframework RobotframeworkIcon
Rocket.Chat rocketdotchat RocketdotchatIcon
RocksDB rocksdb RocksdbIcon
Rocky Linux rockylinux RockylinuxIcon
Roku roku RokuIcon
Rolls-Royce rollsroyce RollsroyceIcon
Rome rome RomeIcon
Roots roots RootsIcon
Roots Bedrock rootsbedrock RootsbedrockIcon
Roots Sage rootssage RootssageIcon
Rossmann rossmann RossmannIcon
Rotary International rotaryinternational RotaryinternationalIcon
Rotten Tomatoes rottentomatoes RottentomatoesIcon
Roundcube roundcube RoundcubeIcon
Ruby ruby RubyIcon
Ruby Sinatra rubysinatra RubysinatraIcon
Ruby on Rails rubyonrails RubyonrailsIcon
RubyGems rubygems RubygemsIcon
RunKit runkit RunkitIcon
Runkeeper runkeeper RunkeeperIcon
Rust rust RustIcon
RxDB rxdb RxdbIcon
Ryanair ryanair RyanairIcon
S7 Airlines s7airlines S7airlinesIcon
SAP sap SapIcon
SCP Foundation scpfoundation ScpfoundationIcon
SEAT seat SeatIcon
SEPA sepa SepaIcon
SFML sfml SfmlIcon
SMRT smrt SmrtIcon
SPDX spdx SpdxIcon
SQLite sqlite SqliteIcon
SSRN ssrn SsrnIcon
STARZ starz StarzIcon
STMicroelectronics stmicroelectronics StmicroelectronicsIcon
SUSE suse SuseIcon
SVG svg SvgIcon
SVGO svgo SvgoIcon
SWC swc SwcIcon
Sabanci sabanci SabanciIcon
Safari safari SafariIcon
Sahibinden sahibinden SahibindenIcon
Salesforce salesforce SalesforceIcon
Salt Project saltproject SaltprojectIcon
Samsung samsung SamsungIcon
Samsung Pay samsungpay SamsungpayIcon
San Francisco Municipal Railway sanfranciscomunicipalrailway SanfranciscomunicipalrailwayIcon
SanDisk sandisk SandiskIcon
Sass sass SassIcon
Sat.1 sat1 Sat1Icon
Saturn saturn SaturnIcon
Sauce Labs saucelabs SaucelabsIcon
Scala scala ScalaIcon
Scaleway scaleway ScalewayIcon
Scania scania ScaniaIcon
Schneider Electric schneiderelectric SchneiderelectricIcon
SciPy scipy ScipyIcon
Scopus scopus ScopusIcon
Scratch scratch ScratchIcon
Screencastify screencastify ScreencastifyIcon
Scribd scribd ScribdIcon
Scrimba scrimba ScrimbaIcon
ScrollReveal scrollreveal ScrollrevealIcon
Scrum Alliance scrumalliance ScrumallianceIcon
Scrutinizer CI scrutinizerci ScrutinizerciIcon
Seagate seagate SeagateIcon
Sefaria sefaria SefariaIcon
Sega sega SegaIcon
Selenium selenium SeleniumIcon
Sellfy sellfy SellfyIcon
SemVer semver SemverIcon
Semantic UI React semanticuireact SemanticuireactIcon
Semantic Web semanticweb SemanticwebIcon
Semaphore CI semaphoreci SemaphoreciIcon
Sencha sencha SenchaIcon
Sennheiser sennheiser SennheiserIcon
Sensu sensu SensuIcon
Sentry sentry SentryIcon
Sequelize sequelize SequelizeIcon
Server Fault serverfault ServerfaultIcon
Serverless serverless ServerlessIcon
Shadow shadow ShadowIcon
Shanghai Metro shanghaimetro ShanghaimetroIcon
Shazam shazam ShazamIcon
Shell shell ShellIcon
Shelly shelly ShellyIcon
Shenzhen Metro shenzhenmetro ShenzhenmetroIcon shieldsdotio ShieldsdotioIcon
Shikimori shikimori ShikimoriIcon
Shopify shopify ShopifyIcon
Shopware shopware ShopwareIcon
Shotcut shotcut ShotcutIcon
Showpad showpad ShowpadIcon
Showtime showtime ShowtimeIcon
Shutterstock shutterstock ShutterstockIcon
Siemens siemens SiemensIcon
Signal signal SignalIcon
Simkl simkl SimklIcon
Simple Analytics simpleanalytics SimpleanalyticsIcon
Simple Icons simpleicons SimpleiconsIcon
Simplenote simplenote SimplenoteIcon
Sina Weibo sinaweibo SinaweiboIcon
SingleStore singlestore SinglestoreIcon
SitePoint sitepoint SitepointIcon
Sketch sketch SketchIcon
SketchUp sketchup SketchupIcon
Sketchfab sketchfab SketchfabIcon
Skillshare skillshare SkillshareIcon
Sky sky SkyIcon
Skynet skynet SkynetIcon
Skypack skypack SkypackIcon
Skype skype SkypeIcon
Skype for Business skypeforbusiness SkypeforbusinessIcon
Slack slack SlackIcon
Slackware slackware SlackwareIcon
Slashdot slashdot SlashdotIcon
SlickPic slickpic SlickpicIcon
SlideShare slideshare SlideshareIcon
Slides slides SlidesIcon
SmartThings smartthings SmartthingsIcon
Smashing Magazine smashingmagazine SmashingmagazineIcon
SmugMug smugmug SmugmugIcon
Snapchat snapchat SnapchatIcon
Snapcraft snapcraft SnapcraftIcon
Snowflake snowflake SnowflakeIcon
Snowpack snowpack SnowpackIcon
Snyk snyk SnykIcon
Social Blade socialblade SocialbladeIcon
Society6 society6 Society6Icon socketdotio SocketdotioIcon
Sogou sogou SogouIcon
Solid solid SolidIcon
Solidity solidity SolidityIcon
Sololearn sololearn SololearnIcon
Solus solus SolusIcon
SonarCloud sonarcloud SonarcloudIcon
SonarLint sonarlint SonarlintIcon
SonarQube sonarqube SonarqubeIcon
SonarSource sonarsource SonarsourceIcon
Songkick songkick SongkickIcon
Songoda songoda SongodaIcon
SonicWall sonicwall SonicwallIcon
Sonos sonos SonosIcon
Sony sony SonyIcon
SoundCloud soundcloud SoundcloudIcon
Soundcharts soundcharts SoundchartsIcon
Source Engine sourceengine SourceengineIcon
SourceForge sourceforge SourceforgeIcon
Sourcegraph sourcegraph SourcegraphIcon
Sourcetree sourcetree SourcetreeIcon
Southwest Airlines southwestairlines SouthwestairlinesIcon
SpaceX spacex SpacexIcon
Spacemacs spacemacs SpacemacsIcon
Spark AR sparkar SparkarIcon
SparkFun sparkfun SparkfunIcon
SparkPost sparkpost SparkpostIcon
Sparkasse sparkasse SparkasseIcon
Speaker Deck speakerdeck SpeakerdeckIcon
Spectrum spectrum SpectrumIcon
Speedtest speedtest SpeedtestIcon
Spinnaker spinnaker SpinnakerIcon
Spinrilla spinrilla SpinrillaIcon
Splunk splunk SplunkIcon
Spond spond SpondIcon
Spotify spotify SpotifyIcon
Spotlight spotlight SpotlightIcon
Spreadshirt spreadshirt SpreadshirtIcon
Spreaker spreaker SpreakerIcon
Spring spring_creators Spring_creatorsIcon
Spring Boot springboot SpringbootIcon
Spring Security springsecurity SpringsecurityIcon
Spyder IDE spyderide SpyderideIcon
Square square SquareIcon
Square Enix squareenix SquareenixIcon
Squarespace squarespace SquarespaceIcon
Stack Exchange stackexchange StackexchangeIcon
Stack Overflow stackoverflow StackoverflowIcon
StackEdit stackedit StackeditIcon
StackPath stackpath StackpathIcon
StackShare stackshare StackshareIcon
Stackbit stackbit StackbitIcon
Stadia stadia StadiaIcon
Staffbase staffbase StaffbaseIcon
Star Trek startrek StartrekIcon
Starbucks starbucks StarbucksIcon
Stardock stardock StardockIcon
Starling Bank starlingbank StarlingbankIcon
Starship starship StarshipIcon
Statamic statamic StatamicIcon
Statuspage statuspage StatuspageIcon
Statuspal statuspal StatuspalIcon
Steam steam SteamIcon
SteamDB steamdb SteamdbIcon
Steamworks steamworks SteamworksIcon
Steelseries steelseries SteelseriesIcon
Steem steem SteemIcon
Steemit steemit SteemitIcon
Steinberg steinberg SteinbergIcon
Stellar stellar StellarIcon
Stencyl stencyl StencylIcon
Stimulus stimulus StimulusIcon
Stitcher stitcher StitcherIcon
StopStalk stopstalk StopstalkIcon
Storyblok storyblok StoryblokIcon
Storybook storybook StorybookIcon
Strapi strapi StrapiIcon
Strava strava StravaIcon
Streamlit streamlit StreamlitIcon
Stripe stripe StripeIcon
StubHub stubhub StubhubIcon
StyleShare styleshare StyleshareIcon
Stylus stylus StylusIcon
Subaru subaru SubaruIcon
Sublime Text sublimetext SublimetextIcon
Substack substack SubstackIcon
Subversion subversion SubversionIcon
Sumo Logic sumologic SumologicIcon
Supabase supabase SupabaseIcon
Super User superuser SuperuserIcon
Supermicro supermicro SupermicroIcon
SurveyMonkey surveymonkey SurveymonkeyIcon
Suzuki suzuki SuzukiIcon
Svelte svelte SvelteIcon
Swagger swagger SwaggerIcon
Swarm swarm SwarmIcon
Swift swift SwiftIcon
Swiggy swiggy SwiggyIcon
Swiper swiper SwiperIcon
SymPy sympy SympyIcon
Symantec symantec SymantecIcon
Symfony symfony SymfonyIcon
Symphony symphony SymphonyIcon
Synology synology SynologyIcon
São Paulo Metro saopaulometro SaopaulometroIcon
T-Mobile tmobile TmobileIcon
TED ted TedIcon
TELE5 tele5 Tele5Icon
TP-Link tplink TplinkIcon
TUI tui TuiIcon
TV Time tvtime TvtimeIcon
TYPO3 typo3 Typo3Icon
Tableau tableau TableauIcon
Tails tails TailsIcon
Tailwind CSS tailwindcss TailwindcssIcon
Talend talend TalendIcon
Talenthouse talenthouse TalenthouseIcon
Tampermonkey tampermonkey TampermonkeyIcon
Taobao taobao TaobaoIcon
Tapas tapas TapasIcon
Target target TargetIcon
Tasmota tasmota TasmotaIcon
Tata tata TataIcon
Tauri tauri TauriIcon
TaxBuzz taxbuzz TaxbuzzIcon
TeamCity teamcity TeamcityIcon
TeamSpeak teamspeak TeamspeakIcon
TeamViewer teamviewer TeamviewerIcon
Teespring teespring TeespringIcon
Tekton tekton TektonIcon
Telegram telegram TelegramIcon
Telegraph telegraph TelegraphIcon
Temporal temporal TemporalIcon
Tencent QQ tencentqq TencentqqIcon
TensorFlow tensorflow TensorflowIcon
Teradata teradata TeradataIcon
Terraform terraform TerraformIcon
Tesco tesco TescoIcon
Tesla tesla TeslaIcon
TestCafe testcafe TestcafeIcon
Testin testin TestinIcon
Testing Library testinglibrary TestinglibraryIcon
Tether tether TetherIcon
Textpattern textpattern TextpatternIcon
The Algorithms thealgorithms ThealgorithmsIcon
The Conversation theconversation TheconversationIcon
The Irish Times theirishtimes TheirishtimesIcon
The Mighty themighty ThemightyIcon
The Models Resource themodelsresource ThemodelsresourceIcon
The Movie Database themoviedatabase ThemoviedatabaseIcon
The North Face thenorthface ThenorthfaceIcon
The Register theregister TheregisterIcon
The Sounds Resource thesoundsresource ThesoundsresourceIcon
The Spriters Resource thespritersresource ThespritersresourceIcon
The Washington Post thewashingtonpost ThewashingtonpostIcon
Thingiverse thingiverse ThingiverseIcon
ThinkPad thinkpad ThinkpadIcon
Threadless threadless ThreadlessIcon
Three.js threedotjs ThreedotjsIcon
Threema threema ThreemaIcon
Thumbtack thumbtack ThumbtackIcon
Thunderbird thunderbird ThunderbirdIcon
Thymeleaf thymeleaf ThymeleafIcon
Ticketmaster ticketmaster TicketmasterIcon
Tidal tidal TidalIcon
Tide tide TideIcon
TietoEVRY tietoevry TietoevryIcon
TikTok tiktok TiktokIcon
Tile tile TileIcon
Timescale timescale TimescaleIcon
Tinder tinder TinderIcon
TinyLetter tinyletter TinyletterIcon
Todoist todoist TodoistIcon
Toggl toggl TogglIcon
Tokyo Metro tokyometro TokyometroIcon
Tomorrowland tomorrowland TomorrowlandIcon
Topcoder topcoder TopcoderIcon
Toptal toptal ToptalIcon
Tor Browser torbrowser TorbrowserIcon
Tor Project torproject TorprojectIcon
Toshiba toshiba ToshibaIcon
Toyota toyota ToyotaIcon
Traefik Mesh traefikmesh TraefikmeshIcon
TrainerRoad trainerroad TrainerroadIcon
Trakt trakt TraktIcon
TransferWise transferwise TransferwiseIcon
Transport for Ireland transportforireland TransportforirelandIcon
Transport for London transportforlondon TransportforlondonIcon
Travis CI travisci TravisciIcon
Treehouse treehouse TreehouseIcon
Trello trello TrelloIcon
Trend Micro trendmicro TrendmicroIcon
Treyarch treyarch TreyarchIcon
Triller triller TrillerIcon
Trino trino TrinoIcon tripdotcom TripdotcomIcon
Tripadvisor tripadvisor TripadvisorIcon
Trove trove TroveIcon
TrueNAS truenas TruenasIcon
Trusted Shops trustedshops TrustedshopsIcon
Trustpilot trustpilot TrustpilotIcon
Try It Online tryitonline TryitonlineIcon
TryHackMe tryhackme TryhackmeIcon
Tubi tubi TubiIcon
Tumblr tumblr TumblrIcon
TuneIn tunein TuneinIcon
TurboSquid turbosquid TurbosquidIcon
Turkish Airlines turkishairlines TurkishairlinesIcon
Tutanota tutanota TutanotaIcon
Twilio twilio TwilioIcon
Twitch twitch TwitchIcon
Twitter twitter TwitterIcon
Twoo twoo TwooIcon
TypeScript typescript TypescriptIcon
Typeform typeform TypeformIcon
UFC ufc UfcIcon
UIkit uikit UikitIcon
UPS ups UpsIcon
USPS usps UspsIcon
Uber uber UberIcon
Uber Eats ubereats UbereatsIcon
Ubiquiti ubiquiti UbiquitiIcon
Ubisoft ubisoft UbisoftIcon
Ubuntu ubuntu UbuntuIcon
Udacity udacity UdacityIcon
Udemy udemy UdemyIcon
Ulule ulule UluleIcon
Umbraco umbraco UmbracoIcon
Unacademy unacademy UnacademyIcon
Under Armour underarmour UnderarmourIcon
Underscore.js underscoredotjs UnderscoredotjsIcon
Undertale undertale UndertaleIcon
Unicode unicode UnicodeIcon
Unilever unilever UnileverIcon
United Airlines unitedairlines UnitedairlinesIcon
Unity unity UnityIcon
Unraid unraid UnraidIcon
Unreal Engine unrealengine UnrealengineIcon
Unsplash unsplash UnsplashIcon
Untangle untangle UntangleIcon
Untappd untappd UntappdIcon
UpCloud upcloud UpcloudIcon
UpLabs uplabs UplabsIcon
Uploaded uploaded UploadedIcon
Uptobox uptobox UptoboxIcon
Upwork upwork UpworkIcon
V v VIcon
V8 v8 V8Icon
VEXXHOST vexxhost VexxhostIcon
VK vk VkIcon
VLC media player vlcmediaplayer VlcmediaplayerIcon
VMware vmware VmwareIcon
VOX vox VoxIcon
VSCO vsco VscoIcon
VTEX vtex VtexIcon
Vaadin vaadin VaadinIcon
Vagrant vagrant VagrantIcon
Valve valve ValveIcon
Vapor vapor VaporIcon
Vault vault VaultIcon
Vauxhall vauxhall VauxhallIcon
Vector Logo Zone vectorlogozone VectorlogozoneIcon
Vectorworks vectorworks VectorworksIcon
Veeam veeam VeeamIcon
Veepee veepee VeepeeIcon
Velog velog VelogIcon
Venmo venmo VenmoIcon
Vercel vercel VercelIcon
Verdaccio verdaccio VerdaccioIcon
Veritas veritas VeritasIcon
Verizon verizon VerizonIcon
Viadeo viadeo ViadeoIcon
Viber viber ViberIcon
Vim vim VimIcon
Vimeo vimeo VimeoIcon
Vimeo Livestream vimeolivestream VimeolivestreamIcon
Virgin virgin VirginIcon
VirtualBox virtualbox VirtualboxIcon
VirusTotal virustotal VirustotalIcon
Visa visa VisaIcon
Visual Studio visualstudio VisualstudioIcon
Visual Studio Code visualstudiocode VisualstudiocodeIcon
Vite vite ViteIcon
Vivaldi vivaldi VivaldiIcon
Vivino vivino VivinoIcon
Vodafone vodafone VodafoneIcon
Volkswagen volkswagen VolkswagenIcon
Volvo volvo VolvoIcon
Vonage vonage VonageIcon
Vue.js vuedotjs VuedotjsIcon
Vuetify vuetify VuetifyIcon
Vulkan vulkan VulkanIcon
Vultr vultr VultrIcon
W3C w3c W3cIcon
WALKMAN walkman WalkmanIcon
WEBTOON webtoon WebtoonIcon
WEMO wemo WemoIcon
WP Engine wpengine WpengineIcon
WP Rocket wprocket WprocketIcon
WWE wwe WweIcon
Wagtail wagtail WagtailIcon
WakaTime wakatime WakatimeIcon
Wallabag wallabag WallabagIcon
Walmart walmart WalmartIcon
Wappalyzer wappalyzer WappalyzerIcon
Warner Bros. warnerbros WarnerbrosIcon
Wattpad wattpad WattpadIcon
Waze waze WazeIcon
WeChat wechat WechatIcon
WeGame wegame WegameIcon
WeTransfer wetransfer WetransferIcon
Wear OS wearos WearosIcon
Weasyl weasyl WeasylIcon
Web3.js web3dotjs Web3dotjsIcon
WebAssembly webassembly WebassemblyIcon
WebAuthn webauthn WebauthnIcon
WebGL webgl WebglIcon
WebMoney webmoney WebmoneyIcon
WebRTC webrtc WebrtcIcon
WebStorm webstorm WebstormIcon
WebdriverIO webdriverio WebdriverioIcon
Webflow webflow WebflowIcon
Weblate weblate WeblateIcon
Webmin webmin WebminIcon
Webpack webpack WebpackIcon
Weights & Biases weightsandbiases WeightsandbiasesIcon
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Wii wii WiiIcon
Wii U wiiu WiiuIcon
Wiki.js wikidotjs WikidotjsIcon
Wikidata wikidata WikidataIcon
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Windows windows WindowsIcon
Windows 95 windows95 Windows95Icon
Windows Terminal windowsterminal WindowsterminalIcon
Windows XP windowsxp WindowsxpIcon
Winmate winmate WinmateIcon
Wipro wipro WiproIcon
Wire wire WireIcon
WireGuard wireguard WireguardIcon
Wireshark wireshark WiresharkIcon
Wish wish WishIcon
Wistia wistia WistiaIcon
Wix wix WixIcon
Wizz Air wizzair WizzairIcon
Wolfram wolfram WolframIcon
Wolfram Language wolframlanguage WolframlanguageIcon
Wolfram Mathematica wolframmathematica WolframmathematicaIcon
Woo woo WooIcon
WooCommerce woocommerce WoocommerceIcon
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Wwise wwise WwiseIcon
X.Org xdotorg XdotorgIcon
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XAMPP xampp XamppIcon
XDA Developers xdadevelopers XdadevelopersIcon
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XMPP xmpp XmppIcon
XRP xrp XrpIcon
XSplit xsplit XsplitIcon
XState xstate XstateIcon
Xamarin xamarin XamarinIcon
Xbox xbox XboxIcon
Xcode xcode XcodeIcon
Xero xero XeroIcon
Xiaomi xiaomi XiaomiIcon
Xilinx xilinx XilinxIcon
Xing xing XingIcon
Y Combinator ycombinator YcombinatorIcon
YOLO yolo YoloIcon
Yahoo! yahoo YahooIcon
Yale yale YaleIcon
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Yamaha Motor Corporation yamahamotorcorporation YamahamotorcorporationIcon
Yammer yammer YammerIcon
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ZDF zdf ZdfIcon
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Zalo zalo ZaloIcon
Zapier zapier ZapierIcon
Zara zara ZaraIcon
Zazzle zazzle ZazzleIcon
Zcash zcash ZcashIcon
Zelle zelle ZelleIcon
Zend zend ZendIcon
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Zendesk zendesk ZendeskIcon
Zenn zenn ZennIcon
Zenodo zenodo ZenodoIcon
ZeroMQ zeromq ZeromqIcon
Zerodha zerodha ZerodhaIcon
Zerply zerply ZerplyIcon
Zhihu zhihu ZhihuIcon
Zig zig ZigIcon
Zigbee zigbee ZigbeeIcon
Zillow zillow ZillowIcon
Zingat zingat ZingatIcon
Zoho zoho ZohoIcon
Zoiper zoiper ZoiperIcon
Zomato zomato ZomatoIcon
Zoom zoom ZoomIcon
Zorin zorin ZorinIcon
Zotero zotero ZoteroIcon
Zulip zulip ZulipIcon
Zyte zyte ZyteIcon
arXiv arxiv ArxivIcon
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egghead egghead EggheadIcon
elementary elementary ElementaryIcon
esbuild esbuild EsbuildIcon
etcd etcd EtcdIcon
figshare figshare FigshareIcon
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osu! osu OsuIcon
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semantic-release semanticrelease SemanticreleaseIcon
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styled-components styledcomponents StyledcomponentsIcon
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tado° tado TadoIcon
teratail teratail TeratailIcon
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tqdm tqdm TqdmIcon
trulia trulia TruliaIcon
ts-node tsnode TsnodeIcon
uBlock Origin ublockorigin UblockoriginIcon
vBulletin vbulletin VbulletinIcon
vFairs vfairs VfairsIcon webcomponentsdotorg WebcomponentsdotorgIcon
webhint webhint WebhintIcon writedotas WritedotasIcon
ŠKODA skoda SkodaIcon
Żabka zabka ZabkaIcon