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File metadata and controls

230 lines (156 loc) · 16.7 KB
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Description Field Structure
Proposal for standardized structure for Signums description fields in Account, Token/Assets, Smart Contract, Alias


This proposal suggests a JSON standard for description fields supported by various entities in Signum, namely accounts, assets, smart contracts. The standard is applicable to the application layer (layer 2) and does not require a protocol change. The structure can be used for primarily visual representative purposes, e.g. for Account Profiles. It also allows to define validation rules for senders, e.g. necessary memos for exchanges. Due to the extension possibility, additional application specific data can be attached to the profile.

With the referencing feature to aliases, it is even possible to link mutable data to usually immutable data like Smart Contracts or Asset/Token descriptions.


Signum Accounts can have mutable additional account information. At this stage, this is just unstructured text of up to 1000 bytes. For applications (centralized or decentralized) it would be advantageous if there were a unified structured format so that an account profile can be written and read consistently. Thus it is possible to display avatars in the wallets or the explorer instead of the generic (but cool) hashicons. With proposed structure it is possible to store both generic and application-specific public information, which can then be used as desired. Furthermore, it also allows to provide validation information for sending tokens to this account, such as sending memos to exchange accounts or similar.


In the following, a structured JSON description format is presented, which can be extended arbitrarily in addition to various basic information. The corresponding JSON schema is attached to the proposal.

Mind, that this format is entirely optional. It is just a recommendation and users

All data is encoded in UTF-8


An account description (stored using the setAccountInfo method) may look like this

  "vs": 1,
  "tp": "cex",
  "nm": "Bittrex",
  "ds": "World class exchange at your service",
  "av": { "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR": "image/gif" },
  "bg": { "QmUFc4dyX7TJn5dPxp8CrcDeedoV18owTBUWApYMuF6Koc": "image/jpeg" },
  "hp": "",
  "sr": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$",
  "al": "somealias:crypto",
  "xt": "QmUFc4dyX7TJn5dPxp8CrcDeedoV18owTBUWApYMuF6Koc",
  "sc": [""]
Field Name Required Full Name Value Format Example Rules Description
vs yes Version number 1 An integer number to determine the formats version number
nm no Name string Clownsk8ter_42 🥳 /^.{,24}$/ The accounts name, which can be arbitrary UTF-8 string with at max 24 chars
tp no Type string biz /^biz bot
ds no Description string Funny skater girl with 🤡 mask and ... /^.{,384}$/ A more extensive description , which can be arbitrary UTF-8 string with at max 384 chars
av no Avatar object { "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR": "image/gif" } A dynamic JSON object, which one and only fields key is an IPFS hash (CID0 or CID1), and a valid image Mime Type as value The profile image aka avatar, stored on IPFS. There is no technical limit applied, but it's a good practice to have small quadratic sized images, e.g. up to 128 KiB
bg no Background Image object { "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR": "image/gif" } A dynamic JSON object, which one and only fields key is an IPFS hash (CID0 or CID1), and a valid image Mime Type as value A background image stored on IPFS. There is no technical limit applied, but it's a good practice to have optimized banner like images, e.g. up to 512 KiB
hp no Homepage string URL/CID An (sanitized) URL of at maximum 128 characters pointing to a web presence of that account.
sr no Send Rule string /^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/ A valid Regex A regex that needs to be matched when sending to this account, i.e. a memo for bots or exchanges
sc no Social Network array ["",""] An array of URLs/CIDs A list of at max. three (sanitized) URLs or IPFS CIDs of at maximum 92 characters each
al no Signum Alias string myalias, my_alias and/or my_alias:stld /^\w{1,100}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,40})?$/ An related alias of the Signum chain
ac no Signum Account Id string /^\d{18,23}$/ 895212263565386113 Mostly useful in conjunction with Aliases: Used to resolve accounts by Aliases (Signum Name System - SNS)
id no Identifier string 97f17ecb-71c6-47e9-a87d-7a78a52f3197 Any arbitrary identifier or reference with maximum length of 48 bytes. It can be a Signum Id, i.e. Transaction, Account, Token, or any other
xt no Extension string QmUFc4dyX7TJn5dPxp8CrcDeedoV18owTBUWApYMuF6Koc A valid IPFS CID The CID for extended information. The resulting document does not follow any format restrictions, as it completely use case dependent. Good formats are JSON, but also private information in encrypted formats is possible.

Custom In-Object Extensions

The mentioned fields are almost all optional. To not overcomplicate minor custom extensions it is possible to add custom fields to this object, as long as the limit of 1000 bytes is not exceeded. As a recommendation a custom field SHOULD have as first character an x and SHOULD be only two characters, e.g. x1, or xa

Keep in mind, that custom fields can only be processed by applications, which support it.


  "vs": 1,
  "tp": "smc",
  "nm": "Contract A",
  "ds": "Bla bla",
  "av": { "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR": "image/gif" },
  "bg": { "QmUFc4dyX7TJn5dPxp8CrcDeedoV18owTBUWApYMuF6Koc": "image/jpeg" },
  "hp": "",
  "sr": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$",
  "al": "somealias",
  "x1": ""

Not recommended but still conformant objects:

No x as first char used

  "vs": 1,
  "tp": "hum",
  "nm": "SignumArt Creator",
  "ds": "Some nice artworks from wy side",
  "av": { "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR": "image/gif" },
  "bg": { "QmUFc4dyX7TJn5dPxp8CrcDeedoV18owTBUWApYMuF6Koc": "image/jpeg" },
  "tw": "mytwitter"

More than two characters

  "vs": 1,
  "tp": "tok",
  "nm": "My Super Token",
  "ds": "This is the most valuable token",
  "av": { "QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR": "image/gif" },
  "x-tw": "mytwitter"

Payload Size Limit

The JSON object SHOULD be minimized to reduce the payload. It should be noted that the total size of 1000 (one thousand) bytes MUST NOT be exceeded. It is the responsibility of the user to pay attention to the total size. By the fact that many fields are optional, a margin is created. Mind that Unicode characters can occupy more than a single byte.

Field tp - Type

An account CAN be categorized using a three-letter code. Following pre-defined codes are suggested:

  • Human Account: hum
  • Smart Contract Account: smc (as description field. The use of al is highly recommended)
  • Non Smart contract, but automated Account: bot
  • Token/Asset: tok
  • Business Account: biz
  • Centralized Exchange Account: cex
  • Decentralized Exchange Account: dex
  • Other: oth

Field - sr - Send Rule

The optional sr field is a regular expression that MUST be considered by applications, once it is present. The regular expression defines how the senders attached message MUST be formatted. If the rule is violated the sending application MUST NOT send the transaction to this account.

Field - al - Alias

This optional field relates the account with an alias. The Signum Alias system allows to be mutable, while still on-chain. This way it is possible to even make mutable descriptions for smart contracts, if using this SRC for Smart Contract description fields. As of support with Top Level Domains ("STLDs"), an alias can refer to its STLD using the : delimiter, i.e. johndoe:crypto

Field - ac - Account (ANS)

This optional field relates the content with an account. This is especially used for Signum Aliases, where the Alias can be used like an Account Name System (ANS in analogy to DNS) to resolve Aliases to accounts.

This standard substitutes the old pattern where acct:burst-...@burst was used as URI to resolve aliases to accounts.

Using the setAlias method it is possible to use this minimum possible JSON for account relation:

  "vs": 1,
  "ac": "8952122635653861124"

Applications supporting the Account Name System MUST be able to resolve this way, and allowing to set it accordingly.

Field - xt - Extension

The profile information can be extended by any data by means of the xt field. The only condition is that they are available via IPFS. In this way any application specific data - also in encrypted form - can be coupled to a profile. This SRC does not prescribe whether and how this data should be structured.

Image MIME-Types

For the av and bg field additional information of the images MIME-Type is required. At least supported image types SHOULD be:

  • image/jpeg
  • image/png
  • image/webp
  • image/gif
  • image/svg+xml


URIs SHOULD always be sanitized to avoid malicious URIs. In case of shorened URIs, the consuming application MUST run sanitization. This SRC does not prevent malicious URIs. If possible use CIDs instead.

IPFS Hashes (CIDs)

Images, and extended Metadata are storable on IPFS and can be addressed using CID. Depending on the version they consist of either 46 characters for CIDv0 or dynamic slighty larger sizes for CIDv1. As recommended by IPFS team, CID v1 should be preferred, as it will turn default soon.

- CID v0: QmbWqxBEKC3P8tqsKc98xmWNzrzDtRLMiMPL8wBuTGsMnR
- CID v1: bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi

Additional Consideration

Although, Smart Contracts do not have separated Account Information like common accounts have, this SRC can be applied as description for Smart Contracts also. This way, interaction with smart contracts could have upfront sending validation also.

Alias Forwarding

The combination of the al field, even allows Smart Contracts to have mutable information attached to it. It's entirely feasible, that the contract has its immutable description according to this specification and links further mutable information via an alias to it.

Backwards Compatibility

This proposal is backwards compatible. If a profile does not provide such information further processing of those is skipped and has no impact on either protocol or similar. This SRC is intended for Application Layer (Layer 2) only.

Security Considerations

It is implicit that all relevant profile metadata is unencrypted and publicly available. The use of profile information is optional (opt-in). Users have to be aware of this and MUST NOT store sensitive data in the metadata. Nevertheless, it is possible to store sensible information in the data referenced by xt.

As pointed out, this specification can be used in immutable descriptions of smart contracts, assets/tokens, mutable account info and mutable alias data. When resolving the al field, it MUST NOT resolve circular dependencies.

Reference Implementation

A JSON Schema is available and also a reference implementation for Data Creation/Validation at least for Javascript/Typescript is provided.


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